-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import macros namespace BOOT $fortranArrayStartingIndex := 0 --% Translation of Expression to FORTRAN assignment2Fortran1(name,e) == $fortError : fluid := nil checkLines fortran2Lines statement2Fortran ["=",name,e] integerAssignment2Fortran1(name,e) == $fortError : fluid := nil $fortInts2Floats : fluid := nil checkLines fortran2Lines statement2Fortran ["=",name,e] statement2Fortran e == -- takes an object of type Expression and returns a list of -- strings. Any part of the expression which is a list starting -- with 'FORTRAN is merely passed on in the list of strings. The -- list of strings may contain '"%l". -- This is used when formatting e.g. a DO loop from Lisp $exp2FortTempVarIndex : local := 0 $fortName : fluid := "DUMMY" $fortInts2Floats : fluid := nil fortranCleanUp exp2Fort1 segment fortPre exp2FortOptimize outputTran e expression2Fortran e == -- takes an object of type Expression and returns a list of -- strings. Any part of the expression which is a list starting -- with 'FORTRAN is merely passed on in the list of strings. The -- list of strings may contain '"%l". $exp2FortTempVarIndex : local := 0 $fortName : fluid := newFortranTempVar() $fortInts2Floats : fluid := nil fortranCleanUp exp2Fort1 segment fortPre exp2FortOptimize outputTran e expression2Fortran1(name,e) == -- takes an object of type Expression and returns a list of -- strings. Any part of the expression which is a list starting -- with 'FORTRAN is merely passed on in the list of strings. The -- list of strings may contain '"%l". $exp2FortTempVarIndex : local := 0 $fortName : fluid := name fortranCleanUp exp2Fort1 segment fortPre exp2FortOptimize outputTran e newFortranTempVar() == $exp2FortTempVarIndex := 1 + $exp2FortTempVarIndex newVar := makeSymbol strconc('"T",STRINGIMAGE $exp2FortTempVarIndex) updateSymbolTable(newVar,$defaultFortranType) newVar fortranCleanUp l == -- takes reversed list and cleans up a bit, putting it in -- correct order oldTok := nil m := nil for e in l repeat if not (oldTok = '"-" and e = '"+") then m := [e,:m] oldTok := e m exp2Fort1 l == s := nil for e in l repeat s := [:exp2Fort2(e,0,nil),:s] s exp2Fort2(e,prec,oldOp) == null e => nil atom e => [object2String e] e is [ "=",lhs,rhs] or e is [ '"=",lhs,rhs] => ['"%l",:exp2Fort2(rhs,prec,'"="),'"=",:exp2Fort2(lhs,prec,'"=")] unaryOps := ['"-",'"^",'"~"] unaryPrecs := [700,260,50] binaryOps := ['"|",'"**",'"/",'".LT.",'".GT.",'".EQ.",'".LE.",'".GE.", _ '"OVER",'".AND.",'".OR."] binaryPrecs := [0, 900, 800, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 800, 70, 90] naryOps := ['"-",'"+",'"*",'",",'" ",'"ROW",'""] naryPrecs := [700, 700, 800, 110, 0, 0, 0] nonUnaryOps := append(binaryOps,naryOps) [op,:args] := e op := object2String op nargs := #args nargs = 0 => exp2FortFn(op,args,0) nargs = 1 => (p := position(op,unaryOps)) > -1 => nprec := unaryPrecs.p s := [:exp2Fort2(first args,nprec,op),op] op = '"-" and atom first args => s op = oldOp and member(op,['"*",'"+"]) => s nprec <= prec => ['")",:s,'"("] s exp2FortFn(op,args,nargs) op = '"CMPLX" => ['")",:exp2Fort2(second args, prec, op),'",",:exp2Fort2(first args,prec,op),'"("] member(op,nonUnaryOps) => if nargs > 0 then arg1 := first args nargs = 1 and member(op, '("+" "*")) => exp2Fort2(arg1,prec,op) if nargs > 1 then arg2 := second args p := position(op,binaryOps) if p = -1 then p := position(op,naryOps) nprec := naryPrecs.p else nprec := binaryPrecs.p s := nil for arg in args repeat op = '"+" and (arg is [m,a]) and member(m,'(_- "=")) => if not s then s := ['junk] s:= [op,:exp2Fort2(a,nprec,op),'"-",:rest s] s := [op,:exp2Fort2(arg,nprec,op),:s] s := rest s op = oldOp and member(op,['"*",'"+"]) => s nprec <= prec => ['")",:s,'"("] s exp2FortFn(op,args,nargs) exp2FortFn(op,args,nargs) == s := ['"(",op] while args repeat s := ['",",:exp2Fort2(first args,0,op),:s] args := rest args if nargs > 0 then ['")",:rest s] else ['")",:s] --% Optimization of Expression exp2FortOptimize e == -- $fortranOptimizationLevel means: -- 0 just extract arrays -- 1 extract common subexpressions -- 2 try to optimize computing of powers $exprStack : local := nil atom e => [e] $fortranOptimizationLevel = 0 => e1 := exp2FortOptimizeArray e reverse! [e1,:$exprStack] e := minimalise e for e1 in exp2FortOptimizeCS e repeat e2 := exp2FortOptimizeArray e1 $exprStack := [e2,:$exprStack] reverse! $exprStack exp2FortOptimizeCS e == $fortCsList : local := nil $fortCsHash : local := hashTable 'EQ $fortCsExprStack : local := nil $fortCsFuncStack : local := nil f := exp2FortOptimizeCS1 e reverse! [f,:$fortCsList] -- bug fix to beenHere -- Thu Nov 05 12:01:46 CUT 1992 , Author: TTT -- Used in exp2FortOprtimizeCS -- Original file : newfort.boot beenHere(e,n) == n.0 := n.0 + 1 -- increase count (initially 1) n.0 = 2 => -- first time back again var := n.1 := newFortranTempVar() -- stuff n.1 with new var exprStk := n.2 -- get expression if exprStk then -- using COPY-TREE : RPLAC does not smash $fortCsList -- which led to inconsistencies in assignment of temp. vars. $fortCsList := COPY_-TREE [['"=",var,e],:$fortCsList] loc := first exprStk fun := first n.3 fun = 'CAR => loc.first := var fun = 'CDR => if cons? rest loc then loc.rest := [var] else loc.rest := var SAY '"whoops" var n.1 -- been here before, so just get variable exp2FortOptimizeCS1 e == -- we do nothing with atoms or simple lists containing atoms atom(e) or (atom first e and null rest e) => e e is [op,arg] and object2Identifier op = "-" and atom arg => e -- see if we have been here before not (object2Identifier first e in '(ROW AGGLST)) and (n := tableValue($fortCsHash,e)) => beenHere(e,n) -- where -- descend sucessive CARs of CDRs of e f := e while f repeat pushCsStacks(f,'CAR) where pushCsStacks(x,y) == $fortCsExprStack := [x,:$fortCsExprStack] $fortCsFuncStack := [y,:$fortCsFuncStack] f.first := exp2FortOptimizeCS1 first f popCsStacks(0) where popCsStacks(x) == $fortCsFuncStack := rest $fortCsFuncStack $fortCsExprStack := rest $fortCsExprStack g := rest f -- check to see of we have an non-nil atomic CDR g and atom g => pushCsStacks(f,'CDR) f.rest := exp2FortOptimizeCS1 g popCsStacks(0) f := nil f := g object2Identifier first e in '(ROW AGGLST) => e -- see if we have already seen this expression n := tableValue($fortCsHash,e) null n => n := VECTOR(1,nil,$fortCsExprStack,$fortCsFuncStack) tableValue($fortCsHash,e) := n e beenHere(e,n) exp2FortOptimizeArray e == -- this handles arrays atom e => e [op,:args] := e op1 := object2Identifier op op1 in '(BRACE BRACKET) => args is [['AGGLST,:elts]] => LISTP first elts and first first elts in '(BRACE BRACKET) => fortError1 e -- var := newFortranTempVar() var := $fortName $exprStack := [[op,var,['AGGLST,:exp2FortOptimizeArray elts]], :$exprStack] var op1 = 'MATRIX => -- var := newFortranTempVar() var := $fortName -- args looks like [nil,[ROW,...],[ROW,...]] $exprStack := [[op,var,:exp2FortOptimizeArray args],:$exprStack] var [exp2FortOptimizeArray op,:exp2FortOptimizeArray args] --% FORTRAN Line Breaking fortran2Lines f == -- f is a list of strings -- returns: a list of strings where each string is a valid -- FORTRAN line in fixed form -- collect strings up to first %l or end of list. Then feed to -- fortran2Lines1. fs := nil lines := nil while f repeat while f and (ff := first(f)) ~= '"%l" repeat fs := [ff,:fs] f := rest f if f and first(f) = '"%l" then f := rest f lines := append(fortran2Lines1 reverse! fs,lines) fs := nil reverse! lines fortran2Lines1 f == -- f is a list of strings making up 1 FORTRAN statement -- return: a reverse list of FORTRAN lines normPref := makeString $fortIndent contPref := strconc(" &",makeString($fortIndent-6)) lines := nil ll := $fortIndent while f repeat ok := true line := normPref ff := first f while ok repeat (ll + (sff := # ff)) <= $fortLength => ll := ll + sff line := strconc(line,ff) f := rest f if f then ff := first f else ok := nil -- fill the line out to exactly $fortLength spaces if possible by splitting -- up symbols. This is helpful when doing the segmentation -- calculations, and also means that very long strings (e.g. numbers -- with more than $fortLength-$fortIndent digits) are printed in a -- legal format. MCD if (ll < $fortLength) and (ll + sff) > $fortLength then spaceLeft := $fortLength - ll line := strconc(line,subSequence(ff,0,spaceLeft)) ff := subSequence(ff,spaceLeft) lines := [line,:lines] ll := $fortIndent line := contPref if ll > $fortIndent then lines := [line,:lines] lines -- The Fortran error functions fortError1 u == $fortError := "t" sayErrorly("Fortran translation error", " No corresponding Fortran structure for:") mathPrint u fortError(u,v) == $fortError := "t" msg := strconc('" ",STRINGIMAGE u); sayErrorly("Fortran translation error",msg) mathPrint v --% Top Level Things to Call -- The names are the same as those used in the old fortran code dispStatement x == $fortError : fluid := nil displayLines fortran2Lines statement2Fortran x getStatement(x,ints2Floats?) == $fortInts2Floats : fluid := ints2Floats? $fortError : fluid := nil checkLines fortran2Lines statement2Fortran x fortexp0 x == f := expression2Fortran x p := position('"%l",f) p < 0 => f l := nil while p < 0 repeat [t,:f] := f l := [t,:l] reverse! ['"...",:l] ++ This formatting routine is essentially used to print ++ values/expressions used to instantiate constructors. formatAsFortranExpression x == $fortInts2Floats: local := false fortranCleanUp exp2Fort1 segment fortPre outputTran x dispfortexp x == if atom(x) or x is [op,:.] and not (object2Identifier op in '(_= MATRIX construct )) then var := makeSymbol strconc('"R",object2String $IOindex) x := ['"=",var,x] dispfortexp1 x dispfortexpf (xf, fortranName) == $fortError : fluid := nil linef := fortran2Lines BUTLAST(expression2Fortran1(fortranName,xf),2) displayLines linef dispfortexpj (xj, fortranName) == $fortName : fluid := fortranName $fortError : fluid := nil linej := fortran2Lines BUTLAST(expression2Fortran1(fortranName,xj),2) displayLines linej dispfortexp1 x == $fortError : fluid := nil displayLines fortran2Lines expression2Fortran x getfortexp1 x == $fortError : fluid := nil checkLines fortran2Lines expression2Fortran x displayLines1 lines == for l in lines repeat PRINTEXP(l,$fortranOutputStream) TERPRI($fortranOutputStream) displayLines lines == if not $fortError then displayLines1 lines checkLines lines == $fortError => [] lines dispfortarrayexp (fortranName,m) == $fortError : fluid := nil displayLines fortran2Lines BUTLAST(expression2Fortran1(fortranName,m),2) getfortarrayexp(fortranName,m,ints2floats?) == $fortInts2Floats : fluid := ints2floats? $fortError : fluid := nil checkLines fortran2Lines BUTLAST(expression2Fortran1(fortranName,m),2) -- Globals $currentSubprogram := nil $symbolTable := nil --fix [x,exp x] ------------ exp2FortSpecial.boot -------------------- exp2FortSpecial(op,args,nargs) == op = "CONCAT" and first args in ["<",">","<=",">=","~","and","or"] => mkFortFn(first args,CDADAR rest args,#(CDADAR rest args)) op = "CONCAT" and second(args)="EQ" => mkFortFn("EQ",[first args, third args],2) --the next line is NEVER used by FORTRAN code but is needed when -- called to get a linearized form for the browser op = "QUOTE" => atom (arg := first args) => STRINGIMAGE arg tailPart := strconc/[strconc('",",x) for x in rest arg] strconc('"[",first arg,tailPart,'"]") op = "PAREN" => args := first args not(first(args)="CONCATB") => fortError1 [op,:args] -- Have a matrix element mkMat(args) op = "SUB" => $fortInts2Floats : fluid := nil mkFortFn(first args,rest args,#(rest args)) op in ["BRACE","BRACKET"] => args is [var,['AGGLST,:elts]] => var := object2String var si := $fortranArrayStartingIndex hidim := #elts - 1 + si if LISTP first elts and #elts=1 and first elts is [sOp,:sArgs] then member(sOp, ['"SEGMENT","SEGMENT"]) => #sArgs=1 => fortError1 first elts not(integer?(first sArgs) and integer?(second sArgs)) => fortError("Cannot expand segment: ",first elts) first sArgs > second sArgs => fortError1 '"Lower bound of segment exceeds upper bound." for e in first sArgs .. second sArgs for i in si.. repeat $exprStack := [["=",[var,object2String i],fortPre1(e)],:$exprStack] for e in elts for i in si.. repeat $exprStack := [["=",[var,object2String i],fortPre1(e)],:$exprStack] fortError1 [op,:args] op in ["CONCAT","CONCATB"] => nargs = 0 => nil nargs = 1 => fortPre1 first args nargs = 2 and member(second args, ["!",'"!"]) => mkFortFn("FACTORIAL",[first args],1) fortError1 [op,:args] member(op, ['"MATRIX","MATRIX"]) => args is [var, =nil,:rows] => var := object2String var nrows := #rows - 1 ncols := #(rest first rows) - 1 si := $fortranArrayStartingIndex for r in rows for rx in si.. repeat for c in rest r for cx in si.. repeat $exprStack := [["=",[var,object2String rx,object2String cx], fortPre1(c)],:$exprStack] fortError1 [op,:args] fortError1 [op,:args] mkMat(args) == $fortInts2Floats : fluid := nil mkFortFn(second args,rest rest args,#(rest rest args)) mkFortFn(op,args,nargs) == [fortranifyFunctionName(STRINGIMAGE op,nargs), :[fortPre1 x for x in args]] fortranifyFunctionName(op,nargs) == op = '"<" => '".LT." op = '">" => '".GT." op = '"<=" => '".LE." op = '">=" => '".GE." op = '"EQ" => '".EQ." op = '"and" => '".AND." op = '"or" => '".OR." op = '"~" => '".NOT." fortranifyIntrinsicFunctionName(op,nargs) fortranifyIntrinsicFunctionName(op,nargs) == $useIntrinsicFunctions => intrinsic := if op = '"acos" then '"ACOS" else if op = '"asin" then '"ASIN" else if op = '"atan" then nargs = 2 => '"ATAN2" '"ATAN" else if op = '"cos" then '"COS" else if op = '"cosh" then '"COSH" else if op = '"cot" then '"COTAN" else if op = '"erf" then '"ERF" else if op = '"exp" then '"EXP" else if op = '"log" then '"LOG" else if op = '"log10" then '"LOG10" else if op = '"sin" then '"SIN" else if op = '"sinh" then '"SINH" else if op = '"sqrt" then '"SQRT" else if op = '"tan" then '"TAN" else if op = '"tanh" then '"TANH" intrinsic => $intrinsics := ADJOIN(intrinsic,$intrinsics) intrinsic op $fortranPrecision = 'double => op = '"acos" => '"DACOS" op = '"asin" => '"DASIN" op = '"atan" => nargs = 2 => '"DATAN2" '"DATAN" op = '"cos" => '"DCOS" op = '"cosh" => '"DCOSH" op = '"cot" => '"DCOTAN" op = '"erf" => '"DERF" op = '"exp" => '"DEXP" op = '"log" => '"DLOG" op = '"log10" => '"DLOG10" op = '"sin" => '"DSIN" op = '"sinh" => '"DSINH" op = '"sqrt" => '"DSQRT" op = '"tan" => '"DTAN" op = '"tanh" => '"DTANH" op = '"abs" => '"DABS" op op = '"acos" => '"ACOS" op = '"asin" => '"ASIN" op = '"atan" => nargs = 2 => '"ATAN2" '"ATAN" op = '"cos" => '"COS" op = '"cosh" => '"COSH" op = '"cot" => '"COTAN" op = '"erf" => '"ERF" op = '"exp" => '"EXP" op = '"log" => '"ALOG" op = '"log10" => '"ALOG10" op = '"sin" => '"SIN" op = '"sinh" => '"SINH" op = '"sqrt" => '"SQRT" op = '"tan" => '"TAN" op = '"tanh" => '"TANH" op = '"abs" => '"ABS" op --------------------------format.boot------------------------------------------ -- These functions are all used by FortranCode and FortranProgram. -- Those used by FortranCode have been changed to return a list of -- lines rather than print them directly, thus allowing us to catch -- and display type declarations for temporary variables. -- MCD 25/3/93 indentFortLevel(i) == $maximumFortranExpressionLength := $maximumFortranExpressionLength -2*i $fortIndent := $fortIndent + 2*i changeExprLength(i) == $maximumFortranExpressionLength := $maximumFortranExpressionLength + i fortFormatDo(var,lo,hi,incr,lab) == $fortError : fluid := nil $fortInts2Floats : fluid := nil incr=1 => checkLines fortran2Lines ['"DO ",STRINGIMAGE lab,'" ",STRINGIMAGE var,'"=",:statement2Fortran lo,_ '",", :statement2Fortran hi] checkLines fortran2Lines ['"DO ",STRINGIMAGE lab,'" ",STRINGIMAGE var,'"=",:statement2Fortran lo,_ '",", :statement2Fortran hi,'",",:statement2Fortran incr] fortFormatIfGoto(switch,label) == changeExprLength(-8) -- Leave room for IF( ... )GOTO $fortError : fluid := nil if first(switch) = "NULL" then switch := second switch r := reverse! statement2Fortran switch changeExprLength(8) l := ['")GOTO ",STRINGIMAGE label] while r and not(first(r) = '"%l") repeat l := [first(r),:l] r := rest(r) checkLines fortran2Lines reverse! [:reverse! l,'"IF(",:r] fortFormatLabelledIfGoto(switch,label1,label2) == changeExprLength(-8) -- Leave room for IF( ... )GOTO $fortError : fluid := nil if LISTP(switch) and first(switch) = "NULL" then switch := second switch r := reverse! statement2Fortran switch changeExprLength(8) l := ['")GOTO ",STRINGIMAGE label2] while r and not(first(r) = '"%l") repeat l := [first(r),:l] r := rest(r) labString := STRINGIMAGE label1 for i in #(labString)..5 repeat labString := strconc(labString,'" ") lines := fortran2Lines reverse! [:reverse! l,'"IF(",:r] lines := [strconc(labString,subSequence(first lines,6)),:rest lines] checkLines lines fortFormatIf(switch) == changeExprLength(-8) -- Leave room for IF( ... )THEN $fortError : fluid := nil if LISTP(switch) and first(switch) = "NULL" then switch := second switch r := reverse! statement2Fortran switch changeExprLength(8) l := ['")THEN"] while r and not(first(r) = '"%l") repeat l := [first(r),:l] r := rest(r) checkLines fortran2Lines reverse! [:reverse! l,'"IF(",:r] fortFormatElseIf(switch) == -- Leave room for IF( ... )THEN changeExprLength(-12) $fortError : fluid := nil if LISTP(switch) and first(switch) = "NULL" then switch := second switch r := reverse! statement2Fortran switch changeExprLength(12) l := ['")THEN"] while r and not(first(r) = '"%l") repeat l := [first(r),:l] r := rest(r) checkLines fortran2Lines reverse! [:reverse! l,'"ELSEIF(",:r] fortFormatHead(returnType,name,args) == $fortError : fluid := nil $fortranSegment : fluid := nil -- if returnType = '"_"_(_)_"" then if returnType = '"void" then asp := ['"SUBROUTINE "] changeExprLength(l := -11) else asp := [s := checkType STRINGIMAGE returnType,'" FUNCTION "] changeExprLength(l := -10-#(s)) displayLines fortran2Lines [:asp,:statement2Fortran [name,:CDADR args] ] changeExprLength(-l) checkType ty == ty := stringUpcase STRINGIMAGE ty $fortranPrecision = "double" => ty = '"REAL" => '"DOUBLE PRECISION" ty = '"COMPLEX" => '"DOUBLE COMPLEX" ty ty mkParameterList l == [par2string(u) for u in l] where par2string u == atom(u) => STRINGIMAGE u u := rest second u apply(function strconc,[STRINGIMAGE(first u),'"(",_ :rest [:['",",:statement2Fortran(v)] for v in rest u],'")"]) macro nameLen n == +/[1+#(u) for u in n] fortFormatTypes(typeName,names) == null names => return nil $fortError : fluid := nil $fortranSegment : fluid := nil $fortInts2Floats : fluid := nil typeName := checkType typeName typeName = '"CHARACTER" => fortFormatCharacterTypes([unravel(u) for u in names]) where unravel u == atom u => u CDADR u fortFormatTypes1(typeName,mkParameterList names) fortFormatTypes1(typeName,names) == l := $maximumFortranExpressionLength-1-#(typeName) while nameLen(names) > l repeat n := [] ln := 0 while (ln := ln + #(first names) + 1) < l repeat n := [first names,:n] names := rest names displayLines fortran2Lines [typeName,'" ",:addCommas n] displayLines fortran2Lines [typeName,'" ",:addCommas names] insertEntry(size,el,aList) == entry := assoc(size,aList) null entry => [[size,:[el]],:aList] entry.rest := [el,:rest entry] aList fortFormatCharacterTypes(names) == sortedByLength := [] genuineArrays := [] for u in names repeat atom u => sortedByLength := insertEntry(0,u,sortedByLength) #u=2 => sortedByLength := insertEntry(second u,first u,sortedByLength) genuineArrays := [u,:genuineArrays] for u in sortedByLength repeat fortFormatTypes1(mkCharName first u, [STRINGIMAGE(s) for s in rest(u)]) where mkCharName v == strconc("CHARACTER*(",STRINGIMAGE v,")") if (not null genuineArrays) then fortFormatTypes1('"CHARACTER",mkParameterList2 genuineArrays) where mkParameterList2 l == [par2string(u) for u in l] where par2string u == apply(function strconc,[STRINGIMAGE(first u),'"(",_ :rest [:['",",:statement2Fortran(v)] for v in rest u],'")"]) fortFormatIntrinsics(l) == $fortError : fluid := nil null l => return nil displayLines fortran2Lines ['"INTRINSIC ",:addCommas(l)] ------------------ fortDec.boot -------------------- -- This file contains the stuff for creating and updating the Fortran symbol -- table. currentSP () == -- Return the name of the current subprogram being generated $currentSubprogram or "MAIN" updateSymbolTable(name,type) == fun := ['$elt,'SYMS,'declare!] coercion := ['_:_:,STRING type,'FST] $insideCompileBodyIfTrue: local := false interpret([fun,["QUOTE",name],coercion]) addCommas l == not l => nil r := [STRINGIMAGE first l] for e in rest l repeat r := [STRINGIMAGE e,'",",:r] reverse r $intrinsics := [] initialiseIntrinsicList() == $intrinsics := [] getIntrinsicList() == $intrinsics -------------------- fortPre.boot ------------------ fortPre l == -- Essentially, the idea is to fix things so that we know what size of -- expression we will generate, which helps segment large expressions -- and do transformations to double precision output etc.. $exprStack : fluid := nil -- sometimes we will add elements to this in -- other functions, for example when extracing -- lists etc. for e in l repeat if new := fortPre1 e then $exprStack := [new,:$exprStack] reverse $exprStack fortPre1 e == -- replace spad function names by Fortran equivalents -- where appropriate, replace integers by floats -- extract complex numbers -- replace powers of %e by calls to EXP -- replace x**2 by x*x etc. -- replace ROOT by either SQRT or **(1./ ... ) -- replace N-ary by binary functions -- strip the '%' character off objects like %pi etc.. null e => nil integer?(e) => $fortInts2Floats = true => e >= 0 => fix2FortranFloat(e) ['"-", fix2FortranFloat(-e)] e isFloat(e) => checkPrecision(e) -- Keep strings as strings: -- string?(e) => strconc(STRING(34),e,STRING(34)) string?(e) => e e = "%e" => fortPre1 ["exp" , 1] imags := ['"%i","%i"] member(e, imags) => ['"CMPLX",fortPre1(0),fortPre1(1)] -- other special objects STRINGIMAGE(e).0 = char "%" => subSequence(STRINGIMAGE e,1) atom e => e [op, :args] := e member(op,["**" , '"**"]) => [rand,exponent] := args rand = "%e" => fortPre1 ["exp", exponent] (IDENTP rand or string? rand) and exponent=2 => ["*", rand, rand] (integer? exponent and abs(exponent) < 32768) => ["**",fortPre1 rand,exponent] ["**", fortPre1 rand,fortPre1 exponent] op = "ROOT" => #args = 1 => fortPreRoot ["sqrt", first args] [ "**" , fortPreRoot first args , [ "/" , fortPreRoot(1), fortPreRoot second args] ] if member(op,['"OVER", "OVER"]) then op := '"/" specialOps := '(BRACKET BRACE SUB AGGLST SUPERSUB MATRIX SEGMENT ALTSUPERSUB PAREN CONCAT CONCATB QUOTE STRING SIGMA STEP IN SIGMA2 INTSIGN PI PI2 INDEFINTEGRAL) symbolMember?(op,specialOps) => exp2FortSpecial(op,args,#args) member(op,['"*", "*", '"+", "+", '"-", "-"]) and (#args > 2) => binaryExpr := fortPre1 [op,first args, second args] for i in 3..#args repeat binaryExpr := [op,binaryExpr,fortPre1 NTH(i-1,args)] binaryExpr -- Now look for any complex objects #args = 2 => [arg1,arg2] := args member(op, ["*",'"*"]) and member(arg2, imags) => ['"CMPLX",fortPre1(0),fortPre1(arg1)] member(op,["+",'"+"]) and member(arg2,imags) => ['"CMPLX",fortPre1(arg1),fortPre1(1)] member(op,["+",'"+"]) and arg2 is [mop,m1,m2] and member(mop,["*",'"*"]) => member(m2,imags) => ['"CMPLX",fortPre1(arg1),fortPre1(m1)] member(m1,imags) => ['"CMPLX",fortPre1(arg1),fortPre1(m2)] ["+",fortPre1 arg1,fortPre1 arg2] member(op,["+",'"+"]) and arg1 is [mop,m1,m2] and member(mop,["*",'"*"]) => member(m2,imags) => ['"CMPLX",fortPre1(arg2),fortPre1(m1)] member(m1,imags) => ['"CMPLX",fortPre1(arg2),fortPre1(m2)] ["+",fortPre1 arg1,fortPre1 arg2] mkFortFn(op,args,2) mkFortFn(op,args,#args) fortPreRoot e == -- To set $fortInts2Floats $fortInts2Floats : fluid := true fortPre1 e fix2FortranFloat e == -- Return a Fortran float for a given integer. $fortranPrecision = "double" => strconc(STRINGIMAGE(e),".0D0") strconc(STRINGIMAGE(e),'".") isFloat e == FLOATP(e) or string?(e) and FIND(char ".",e) removeCharFromString(c,s) == -- find c's position in s. k := nil for i in 0..maxIndex s while k = nil repeat stringChar(s,i) = c => k := i k = nil => s -- make a copy without c. s' := makeString(#s - 1) for i in 0..(k-1) repeat stringChar(s',i) := stringChar(s,i) for i in k..maxIndex s' repeat stringChar(s',i) := stringChar(s,i+1) s' checkPrecision e == -- Do we have a string? string? e and codePoint stringChar(e,0) = 34 => e e := removeCharFromString(char " ",STRINGIMAGE e) $fortranPrecision = "double" => iPart := subSequence(e,0,(period:=POSITION(char ".",e))+1) expt := if ePos := POSITION(char "E",e) then subSequence(e,ePos+1) else "0" rPart := ePos => subSequence(e,period+1,ePos) period+1 < # e => subSequence(e,period+1) "0" strconc(iPart,rPart,'"D",expt) e ----------------- segment.boot ----------------------- fortExpSize e == -- computes a tree reflecting the number of characters of the printed -- expression. -- The first element of a list is the "total so far", while subsequent -- elements are the sizes of the components. -- -- This function overestimates the size because it assumes that e.g. -- (+ x (+ y z)) will be printed as "x+(y+z)" rather than "x+y+z" -- which is the actual case. atom e => # STRINGIMAGE e #e > 3 => 2+fortSize [fortExpSize x for x in e] #e < 3 => 2+fortSize [fortExpSize x for x in e] [op,arg1,arg2] := e op := STRINGIMAGE op op = '"CMPLX" => 3+fortSize [fortExpSize arg1,fortExpSize arg2] narys := ['"+",'"*"] -- those nary ops we changed to binary member(op,narys) => LISTP arg1 and not(op=STRINGIMAGE first arg1) => 2+fortSize [fortExpSize x for x in e] LISTP arg2 and not(op=STRINGIMAGE first arg2) => 2+fortSize [fortExpSize x for x in e] 1+fortSize [fortExpSize arg1,fortExpSize arg2] 2+fortSize [fortExpSize x for x in e] fortSize e == +/[elen u for u in e] where elen z == atom z => z first z tempLen () == 1 + # STRINGIMAGE $exp2FortTempVarIndex segment l == not $fortranSegment => l s := nil for e in l repeat if LISTP(e) and first member(e,["=",'"="]) then var := NTH(1,e) exprs := segment1(third e, $maximumFortranExpressionLength-1-fortExpSize var) s:= [:[['"=",var,first exprs],:rest exprs],:s] else if LISTP(e) and first e = '"RETURN" then exprs := segment1(second e, $maximumFortranExpressionLength-2-fortExpSize first e) s := [:[[first e,first exprs],:rest exprs],:s] else s:= [e,:s] reverse s segment1(e,maxSize) == (size := fortExpSize e) < maxSize => [e] expressions := nil; newE := [first e] -- Assume we have to replace each argument with a temporary variable, and -- that the temporary variable may be larger than we expect. safeSize := maxSize - (#e-1)*(tempLen()+1) - fortExpSize newE for i in 2..#e repeat subSize := fortExpSize NTH(i-1,e) -- We could have a check here for symbols which are simply too big -- for Fortran (i.e. more than the maximum practical expression length) subSize <= safeSize => safeSize := safeSize - subSize newE := [:newE,NTH(i-1,e)] -- this ones too big. exprs := segment2(NTH(i-1,e),safeSize) expressions := [:(rest exprs),:expressions] newE := [:newE,(first exprs)] safeSize := safeSize - fortExpSize first exprs [newE,:expressions] segment2(e,topSize) == maxSize := $maximumFortranExpressionLength -tempLen()-1 atom(e) => [e] exprs := nil newE := [first e] topSize := topSize - fortExpSize newE for i in 2..#e repeat subE := NTH(i-1,e) (subSize := fortExpSize subE) > maxSize => subE := segment2(subE,maxSize) exprs := [:(rest subE),:exprs] if (subSize := fortExpSize first subE) <= topSize then newE := [:newE,first subE] topSize := topSize - subSize else newVar := newFortranTempVar() newE := [:newE,newVar] exprs:=[['"=",newVar,first subE],:exprs] topSize := topSize - fortExpSize newVar newE := [:newE,subE] topSize := topSize - subSize topSize > 0 => [newE,:exprs] newVar := newFortranTempVar() [newVar,['"=",newVar,newE],:exprs]