;; Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. ;; All rights reserved. ;; Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Gabriel Dos Reis. ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ;; met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ;; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ;; distribution. ;; ;; - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the ;; names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS ;; IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ;; TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ;; PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER ;; OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, ;; EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ;; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ;; PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;; PURPOSE: Provide generally useful macros and functions for MetaLanguage ;; and Boot code. Contents are organized along Common Lisp datatype ;; lines, with sections numbered to match the section headings of the ;; Common Lisp Reference Manual, by Guy Steele, Digital Press, 1984, ;; Digital Press Order Number EY-00031-DP. This way you can ;; look up the corresponding section in the manual and see if ;; there isn't a cleaner and non-VM-specific way of doing things. ;; Camm has identified a performace problem during compiles. There is ;; a loop that continually adds one element to a vector. This causes ;; the vector to get extended by 1 and copied. These patches fix the ;; problem since vectors with fill pointers don't need to be copied. ;; ;; These cut out the lion's share of the gc problem ;; on this compile. 30min {\tt ->} 7 min on my box. There is still some gc ;; churning in cons pages due to many calls to 'list' with small n. One ;; can likely improve things further with an appropriate (declare ;; (:dynamic-extent ...)) in the right place -- gcl will allocate such ;; lists on the C stack (very fast). (import-module "sys-macros") (import-module "sys-utility") (in-package "BOOT") ; 5 PROGRAM STRUCTURE ; 5.3 Top-Level Forms (defun SETANDFILE (x y) (LAM\,EVALANDFILEACTQ `(defparameter ,x ',y))) ; 6 PREDICATES ; 6.3 Equality Predicates (defun COMPARE (X Y) "True if X is an atom or X and Y are lists and X and Y are equal up to X." (COND ((ATOM X) T) ((ATOM Y) NIL) ((EQUAL (CAR X) (CAR Y)) (COMPARE (CDR X) (CDR Y))))) (DEFUN ?ORDER (U V) "Multiple-type ordering relation." (COND ((NULL U)) ((NULL V) NIL) ((ATOM U) (if (ATOM V) (COND ((NUMBERP U) (if (NUMBERP V) (> V U) T)) ((NUMBERP V) NIL) ((IDENTP U) (AND (IDENTP V) (string> (SYMBOL-NAME V) (SYMBOL-NAME U)))) ((IDENTP V) NIL) ((STRINGP U) (AND (STRINGP V) (string> V U))) ((STRINGP V) NIL) ((AND (simple-vector-p U) (simple-vector-p V)) (AND (> (SIZE V) (SIZE U)) (DO ((I 0 (1+ I))) ((GT I (MAXINDEX U)) 'T) (COND ((NOT (EQUAL (ELT U I) (ELT V I))) (RETURN (?ORDER (ELT U I) (ELT V I)))))))) ((croak "Do not understand"))) T)) ((ATOM V) NIL) ((EQUAL U V)) ((NOT (string> (write-to-string U) (write-to-string V)))))) ; 7 CONTROL STRUCTURE ; 7.8 Iteration ; 7.8.2 General Iteration (defmacro |Zero| (&rest L) (declare (ignore l)) "Needed by spadCompileOrSetq" 0) (defmacro |One| (&rest L) (declare (ignore l)) "Needed by spadCompileOrSetq" 1) ; 10.1 The Property List (defun PROPERTY (X IND N) "Returns the Nth element of X's IND property, if it exists." (let (Y) (if (AND (INTEGERP N) (SETQ Y (GET X IND)) (>= (LENGTH Y) N)) (ELEM Y N)))) ; 10.3 Creating Symbols (defvar $GENNO 0) (DEFUN GENVAR () (INTERNL "$" (STRINGIMAGE (SETQ $GENNO (1+ $GENNO))))) (DEFUN IS_GENVAR (X) (AND (IDENTP X) (let ((y (symbol-name x))) (and (char= #\$ (elt y 0)) (> (size y) 1) (digitp (elt y 1)))))) (DEFUN IS_\#GENVAR (X) (AND (IDENTP X) (let ((y (symbol-name x))) (and (char= #\# (ELT y 0)) (> (SIZE Y) 1) (DIGITP (ELT Y 1)))))) ; 10.7 CATCH and THROW ; 12 NUMBERS ; 12.6 Small Finite Field ops with vector trimming (defun TRIMLZ (vec) (declare (simple-vector vec)) (let ((n (position 0 vec :from-end t :test-not #'eql))) (cond ((null n) (vector)) ((eql n (qvmaxindex vec)) vec) (t (subseq vec 0 (+ n 1)))))) ; 14 SEQUENCES ; 14.1 Simple Sequence Functions (defun GETCHARN (A M) "Return the code of the Mth character of A" (let ((a (if (identp a) (symbol-name a) a))) (char-code (elt A M)))) ; 14.2 Concatenating, Mapping, and Reducing Sequences (DEFUN STRINGPAD (STR N) (let ((M (length STR))) (if (>= M N) STR (concatenate 'string str (make-string (- N M) :initial-element #\Space))))) (DEFUN STRINGSUFFIX (TARGET SOURCE) "Suffix source to target if enough room else nil." (concatenate 'string target source)) (defun THETACHECK (VAL VAR OP) (if (EQL VAL VAR) (THETA_ERROR OP) val)) ; 15 LISTS ; 15.2 Lists (defmacro TL (&rest L) `(tail . ,L)) (DEFUN LASTELEM (X) (car (|lastNode| X))) (defun LISTOFATOMS (X) (COND ((NULL X) NIL) ((ATOM X) (LIST X)) ((|append!| (LISTOFATOMS (CAR X)) (LISTOFATOMS (CDR X)))))) (DEFUN LASTATOM (L) (if (ATOM L) L (LASTATOM (CDR L)))) (defun DROP (N X &aux m) "Return a pointer to the Nth cons of X, counting 0 as the first cons." (COND ((EQL N 0) X) ((> N 0) (DROP (1- N) (CDR X))) ((>= (setq m (+ (length x) N)) 0) (take m x)) ((CROAK (list "Bad args to DROP" N X))))) (DEFUN TAKE (N X &aux m) "Returns a list of the first N elements of list X." (COND ((EQL N 0) NIL) ((> N 0) (CONS (CAR X) (TAKE (1- N) (CDR X)))) ((>= (setq m (+ (length x) N)) 0) (drop m x)) ((CROAK (list "Bad args to DROP" N X))))) (DEFUN NUMOFNODES (X) (if (ATOM X) 0 (+ 1 (NUMOFNODES (CAR X)) (NUMOFNODES (CDR X))))) (DEFUN TRUNCLIST (L TL) "Truncate list L at the point marked by TL." (let ((U L)) (TRUNCLIST-1 L TL) U)) (DEFUN TRUNCLIST-1 (L TL) (COND ((ATOM L) L) ((EQL (CDR L) TL) (RPLACD L NIL)) ((TRUNCLIST-1 (CDR L) TL)))) ; 15.4 Substitution of Expressions (DEFUN SUBLISNQ (KEY E) (declare (special KEY)) (if (NULL KEY) E (SUBANQ E))) (DEFUN SUBANQ (E) (declare (special key)) (COND ((ATOM E) (SUBB KEY E)) ((EQCAR E (QUOTE QUOTE)) E) ((MAPCAR #'(LAMBDA (J) (SUBANQ J)) E)))) (DEFUN SUBB (X E) (COND ((ATOM X) E) ((EQ (CAAR X) E) (CDAR X)) ((SUBB (CDR X) E)))) ; 15.5 Using Lists as Sets (DEFUN PREDECESSOR (TL L) "Returns the sublist of L whose CDR is EQ to TL." (COND ((ATOM L) NIL) ((EQ TL (CDR L)) L) ((PREDECESSOR TL (CDR L))))) (defun remdup (l) (remove-duplicates l :test #'equalp)) ; 15.6 Association Lists (defun QLASSQ (p a-list) (cdr (assq p a-list))) (define-function 'LASSQ #'QLASSQ) ;;; Operations on Association Sets (AS) (defun AS-INSERT (A B L) ;; PF(item) x PF(item) x LIST(of pairs) -> LIST(of pairs with (A . B) added) ;; destructive on L; if (A . C) appears already, C is replaced by B (cond ((null l) (list (cons a b))) ((equal a (caar l)) (rplac (cdar l) b) l) ((?order a (caar l)) (cons (cons a b) l)) (t (as-insert1 a b l) l))) (defun as-insert1 (a b l) (cond ((null (cdr l)) (rplac (cdr l) (list (cons a b)))) ((equal a (caadr l)) (rplac (cdadr l) b)) ((?order a (caadr l)) (rplac (cdr l) (cons (cons a b) (cdr l)))) (t (as-insert1 a b (cdr l))))) ; 17 ARRAYS ; 17.6 Changing the Dimensions of an Array (defun lengthenvec (v n) (if (and (array-has-fill-pointer-p v) (adjustable-array-p v)) (if (>= n (array-total-size v)) (adjust-array v (* n 2) :fill-pointer n) (progn (setf (fill-pointer v) n) v)) (replace (make-array n :fill-pointer t) v))) (defun make-init-vector (n val) (make-array n :initial-element val :fill-pointer t)) ; 22 INPUT/OUTPUT ; 22.2 Input Functions ; 22.2.1 Input from Character Streams (DEFUN STREAM-EOF (&optional (STRM |$InputStream|)) "T if input stream STRM is at the end or saw a ~." (not (peek-char nil STRM nil nil nil)) ) (DEFUN CONSOLEINPUTP (STRM) (IS-CONSOLE STRM)) (defvar $filelinenumber 0) (defvar $prompt "--->") (defvar stream-buffer nil) (DEFUN NEXTSTRMLINE (STRM) "Returns the next input line from stream STRM." (let ((v (read-line strm nil -1 nil))) (if (equal v -1) (throw 'spad_reader nil) (progn (setq stream-buffer v) v)))) (DEFUN CURSTRMLINE (STRM) "Returns the current input line from the stream buffer of STRM (VM-specific!)." (cond (stream-buffer) ((stream-eof strm) (fail)) ((nextstrmline strm)))) (defvar *EOF* NIL) (DEFUN CURMAXINDEX (STRM) "Something bizarre and VM-specific with respect to streams." (if *EOF* (FAIL) (ELT (ELT (LASTATOM STRM) 1) 3))) (DEFUN ADJCURMAXINDEX (STRM) "Something unearthly and VM-specific with respect to streams." (let (v) (if *eof* (fail) (progn (SETQ V (ELT (LASTATOM STRM) 1)) (SETF (ELT V 3) (SIZE (ELT V 0))))))) (DEFUN STRMBLANKLINE (STRM) "Something diabolical and VM-specific with respect to streams." (if *EOF* (FAIL) (AND (EQ '\ (CAR STRM)) (EQL 1 (CURMAXINDEX STRM))))) (DEFUN STRMSKIPTOBLANK (STRM) "Munch away on the stream until you get to a blank line." (COND (*EOF* (FAIL)) ((PROGN (NEXTSTRMLINE STRM) (STRMBLANKLINE STRM)) STRM) ((STRMSKIPTOBLANK STRM)))) (DEFUN CURINPUTLINE () (CURSTRMLINE |$InputStream|)) (DEFUN NEXTINPUTLINE () (NEXTSTRMLINE |$InputStream|)) ; 22.3 Output Functions ; 22.3.1 Output to Character Streams (DEFUN ATOM2STRING (X) "Give me the string which would be printed out to denote an atom." (cond ((atom x) (symbol-name x)) ((stringp x) x) ((write-to-string x)))) (defun |sayTeX| (x) (if (null x) nil (sayBrightly1 x |$texOutputStream|))) (defvar |$sayBrightlyStream| nil "if not nil, gives stream for sayBrightly output") (defun |sayBrightly| (x &optional (out-stream |$OutputStream|)) (COND ((NULL X) NIL) (|$sayBrightlyStream| (sayBrightly1 X |$sayBrightlyStream|)) ((IS-CONSOLE out-stream) (sayBrightly1 X out-stream)) ((sayBrightly1 X out-stream) (sayBrightly1 X |$OutputStream|)))) (defun |sayBrightlyI| (x &optional (s |$OutputStream|)) "Prints at console or output stream." (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightly1 X S))) (defun |sayBrightlyNT| (x &optional (S |$OutputStream|)) (COND ((NULL X) NIL) (|$sayBrightlyStream| (sayBrightlyNT1 X |$sayBrightlyStream|)) ((IS-CONSOLE S) (sayBrightlyNT1 X S)) ((sayBrightly1 X S) (sayBrightlyNT1 X |$OutputStream|)))) (defun sayBrightlyNT1 (X out) (if (ATOM X) (|brightPrint0| X out) (|brightPrint| X out))) (defun sayBrightly1 (X out) (if (ATOM X) (progn (|brightPrint0| X out) (TERPRI out) (force-output out)) (progn (|brightPrint| X out) (TERPRI out) (force-output out)))) (defun |sayALGEBRA| (X) "Prints on Algebra output stream." (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightly1 X |$algebraOutputStream|))) (defun |sayMSG| (X) (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightly1 X |$algebraOutputStream|))) (defun |sayMSGNT| (X) (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightlyNT1 X |$algebraOutputStream|))) (defun |sayMSG2File| (msg) (PROG (file str) (SETQ file (|makePathname| '|spadmsg| '|listing| |$listingDirectory|)) (SETQ str (DEFIOSTREAM (CONS '(MODE . OUTPUT) (CONS (CONS 'FILE file) NIL)) 255 0)) (sayBrightly1 msg str) (SHUT str) ) ) (defvar |$fortranOutputStream|) (defun |sayFORTRAN| (x) "Prints on Fortran output stream." (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightly1 X |$fortranOutputStream|))) (defvar |$formulaOutputStream|) (defun |sayFORMULA| (X) "Prints on formula output stream." (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightly1 X |$formulaOutputStream|))) ;; the following are redefined in MSGDB BOOT (DEFUN BLANKS (N &optional (stream |$OutputStream|)) "Print N blanks." (declare (fixnum N)) (do ((i 1 (the fixnum(1+ i)))) ((> i N)) (declare (fixnum i)) (princ " " stream))) ; 23 FILE SYSTEM INTERFACE ; 23.2 Opening and Closing Files (DEFUN DEFSTREAM (file MODE) (if (member mode '(i input)) (MAKE-INSTREAM file) (MAKE-OUTSTREAM file))) ; 23.3 Renaming, Deleting and Other File Operations (DEFUN NOTE (STRM) "Attempts to return the current record number of a file stream. This is 0 for terminals and empty or at-end files. In Common Lisp, we must assume record sizes of 1!" (COND ((STREAM-EOF STRM) 0) ((IS-CONSOLE STRM) 0) ((file-position STRM)))) (DEFUN IS-CONSOLE-NOT-XEDIT (S) (not (OR (NULL (IS-CONSOLE S))))) (DEFUN POINTW (RECNO STRM) "Does something obscure and VM-specific with respect to streams." (let (V) (if (STREAM-EOF STRM) (FAIL)) (SETQ V (LASTATOM STRM)) (SETF (ELT V 4) RECNO) (SETQ *EOF* (STREAM-EOF STRM)) strm)) (DEFUN POINT (RECNO STRM) (file-position strm recno)) (DEFUN STRM (RECNO STRM) "Does something obscure and VM-specific with respect to streams." (let (V) (if (STREAM-EOF STRM) (FAIL)) (SETQ V (LASTATOM STRM)) (SETF (ELT V 4) RECNO) (read-char STRM) (SETQ *EOF* (STREAM-EOF STRM)) strm)) ; 25 MISCELLANEOUS FEATURES ;; range tests and assertions (defmacro |assert| (x y) `(IF (NULL ,x) (|error| ,y))) (defun coerce-failure-msg (val mode) (STRCONC (MAKE-REASONABLE (STRINGIMAGE val)) " cannot be coerced to mode " (STRINGIMAGE (|devaluate| mode)))) (defmacro |check-subtype| (pred submode val) `(progn (|assert| ,pred (coerce-failure-msg ,val ,submode)) ,val)) (defmacro |check-union| (pred branch val) `(progn (|assert| ,pred (coerce-failure-msg ,val ,branch)) ,val)) (defun MAKE-REASONABLE (Z) (if (> (length Z) 30) (CONCAT "expression beginning " (subseq Z 0 20)) Z)) (defmacro |elapsedUserTime| () '(get-internal-run-time)) #+IBCL (defmacro |elapsedGcTime| () '(system:gbc-time-report)) #+AKCL (defmacro |elapsedGcTime| () '(system:gbc-time)) #-(OR IBCL AKCL) (defmacro |elapsedGcTime| () '0) (defmacro |do| (&rest args) (CONS 'PROGN args)) (defun DROPTRAILINGBLANKS (LINE) (string-right-trim " " LINE)) ; This function was modified by Greg Vanuxem on March 31, 2005 ; to handle the special case of #'(lambda ..... which expands ; into (function (lambda ..... ; ; The extra if clause fixes bugs #196 and #114 ; ; an example that used to cause the failure was: ; )set func comp off ; f(xl:LIST FRAC INT): LIST FRAC INT == map(x +-> x, xl) ; f [1,2,3] ; ; which expanded into ; ; (defun |xl;f;1;initial| (|#1| |envArg|) ; (prog (#:G1420) ; (return ; (progn ; (lett #:G1420 'uninitialized_variable |f| |#1;f;1:initial|) ; (spadcall ; (cons (|function| (lambda (#:G1420 |envArg|) #:G1420)) (vector)) ; |#1| ; (svref |*1;f;1;initial;MV| 0)))))) ; ; the (|function| (lambda form used to cause an infinite expansion loop ; (defun macroexpandall (sexpr) (cond ((atom sexpr) sexpr) ((eq (car sexpr) 'quote) sexpr) ((eq (car sexpr) 'defun) (cons (car sexpr) (cons (cadr sexpr) (mapcar #'macroexpandall (cddr sexpr))))) ((and (symbolp (car sexpr)) (macro-function (car sexpr))) (do () ((not (and (consp sexpr) (symbolp (car sexpr)) (macro-function (car sexpr))))) (setq sexpr (macroexpand sexpr))) (if (consp sexpr) (let ((a (car sexpr)) (b (caadr sexpr))) (if (and (eq a 'function) (eq b 'lambda)) (cons a (list (cons b (mapcar #'macroexpandall (cdadr sexpr))))) (mapcar #'macroexpandall sexpr))) sexpr)) ('else (mapcar #'macroexpandall sexpr)))) (defun |deleteWOC| (item list) (delete item list :test #'equal)) ;;---- Added by WFS. (proclaim '(ftype (function (t t) t) |subWord|)) ;hack for bug in akcl-478 (DEFUN |subWord| (|str| N ) (declare (fixnum n ) (string |str|)) (PROG (|word| (|n| 0) |inWord|(|l| 0) ) (declare (fixnum |n| |l|)) (RETURN (SEQ (COND ((> 1 N) NIL) ('T (SPADLET |l| (SPADDIFFERENCE (|#| |str|) 1)) (COND ((EQL |l| 0) NIL) ('T (SPADLET |n| 0) (SPADLET |word| '||) (SPADLET |inWord| NIL) (DO ((|i| 0 (QSADD1 |i|))) ((QSGREATERP |i| |l|) NIL) (declare (fixnum |i|)) (SEQ (EXIT (COND ((eql (aref |str| |i|) #\space) (COND ((NULL |inWord|) NIL) ((eql |n| N) (RETURN |word|)) ('T (SPADLET |inWord| NIL)))) ('T (COND ((NULL |inWord|) (SPADLET |inWord| 'T) (SPADLET |n| (PLUS |n| 1)))) (COND ((eql |n| N) (cond ((eq |word| '||) (setq |word| (make-array 10 :adjustable t :element-type 'standard-char :fill-pointer 0)))) (or |word| (error "bad")) (vector-push-extend (aref |str| |i|) (the string |word|) ) ) ('T NIL))))))) (COND ((> N |n|) NIL) ('T |word|)))))))))) (defun print-full (expr &optional (stream |$OutputStream|)) (let ((*print-circle* t) (*print-array* t) *print-level* *print-length*) (print expr stream) (terpri stream) (finish-output stream))) ;; moved here from preparse.lisp (defun NEXT-TAB-LOC (i) (* (1+ (truncate i 8)) 8)) (defun INDENT-POS (STR) (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (pos 0)) ((>= i (length str)) nil) (case (char str i) (#\space (incf pos)) (#\tab (setq pos (next-tab-loc pos))) (otherwise (return pos))))) ;;(defun expand-tabs (str) ;; (let ((bpos (nonblankloc str)) ;; (tpos (indent-pos str))) ;; (if (eql bpos tpos) str ;; (concatenate 'string (make-string tpos :initial-element #\space) ;; (subseq str bpos))))) (defun expand-tabs (str) (if (and (stringp str) (> (length str) 0)) (let ((bpos (nonblankloc str)) (tpos (indent-pos str))) (setq str (if (eql bpos tpos) str (concatenate 'string (make-string tpos :initial-element #\space) (subseq str bpos)))) ;; remove dos CR (let ((lpos (maxindex str))) (if (eq (char str lpos) #\Return) (subseq str 0 lpos) str))) str)) (defun blankp (char) (or (eq char #\Space) (eq char #\tab))) (defun nonblankloc (str) (position-if-not #'blankp str)) ;; stream handling for paste-in generation (defun |applyWithOutputToString| (func args) ;; returns the cons of applying func to args and a string produced ;; from standard-output while executing. (let* ((out-stream (make-string-output-stream)) (curoutstream out-stream) (|$algebraOutputStream| out-stream) (|$OutputStream| out-stream) val) (declare (special curoutstream |$algebraOutputStream|)) (setq val (catch 'spad_reader (catch 'TOP_LEVEL (apply (symbol-function func) args)))) (cons val (get-output-stream-string |$OutputStream|)))) (defun |breakIntoLines| (str) (let ((bol 0) (eol) (line-list nil)) (loop (setq eol (position #\Newline str :start bol)) (if (null eol) (return)) (if (> eol bol) (setq line-list (cons (subseq str bol eol) line-list))) (setq bol (+ eol 1))) (|reverse!| line-list))) ; part of the old spad to new spad translator ; these are here because they need to be in depsys ; they were in nspadaux.lisp (defmacro wi (a b) b) (defmacro |tryLine| (X) `(LET ((|$autoLine|)) (declare (special |$autoLine|)) (|tryToFit| (|saveState|) ,X))) (defmacro |embrace| (X) `(|wrapBraces| (|saveC|) ,X (|restoreC|))) (defmacro |indentNB| (X) `(|wrapBraces| (|saveD|) ,X (|restoreD|))) (defmacro |tryBreak| (a b c d) ; Try to format by: ; (1) with no line breaking ($autoLine = nil) ; (2) with possible line breaks within a; ; (3) otherwise use a brace `(LET ((state)) (setq state (|saveState| 't)) (or (LET ((|$autoLine|)) (declare (special |$autoLine|)) (and ,a (|formatRight| '|formatPreferPile| ,b ,c ,d))) (|restoreState| state) (and (eqcar ,b (quote seq)) (|embrace| (and ,a (|formatLB|) (|formatRight| '|formatPreferPile| ,b ,c ,d)))) (|restoreState| state) (|embrace| (and ,a (|formatLB|) (|formatRight| '|formatPreferPile| ,b ,c ,d)))))) (defmacro |tryBreakNB| (a b c d) ; Try to format by: ; (1) with no line breaking ($autoLine = nil) ; (2) with possible line breaks within a; ; (3) otherwise display without a brace `(LET ((state)) (setq state (|saveState| 't)) (or (markhash ,b 0) (LET ((|$autoLine|)) (declare (special |$autoLine|)) (and ,a (|formatRight| '|formatPreferPile| ,b ,c ,d))) (|restoreState| state) (markhash ,b 1) (and (eqcar ,b (quote seq)) (|embrace| (and ,a (|formatLB|) (|formatRight| '|formatPreferPile| ,b ,c ,d)))) (markhash ,b 2) (|restoreState| state) (|indentNB| (and ,a (|formatRight| '|formatPreferPile| ,b ,c ,d))) (markhash ,b 3) ))) (defvar HT nil) (defun markhash (key n) (progn (cond ((equal n 3) (remhash key ht)) ('t (hput ht key n)) ) nil)) ;; ;; -*- Record Structures -*- ;; (defmacro |:| (tag expr) `(LIST '|:| ,(MKQ tag) ,expr))