-- Copyright (C) 2012, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of OpenAxiom. nor the names of its contributors -- may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this -- software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import sys_-constants namespace BOOT module io where blankChar? : %Char -> %Boolean firstNonblankCharPosition: %String -> %Maybe %Short trimTrailingBlank: %String -> %String --% --% Individual character routines --% ++ Return true if character `c' is a space character. macro spaceChar? c == c = char " " ++ Return true if character `c' is a horizontal tab character macro tabChar? c == c = abstractChar 9 ++ Return true if character `c' is either a space or a horitonal tab. blankChar? c == spaceChar? c or tabChar? c carriageRetChar? c == c = abstractChar 13 --% --% String manipulation routines. --% ++ Replace all characters in `s' with space characters. storeBlank!(s,n) == for i in 0..maxIndex s repeat s.i := char " " s ++ Return the position of the first nonblank character in line, if any. firstNonblankCharPosition line == or/[i for i in 0..maxIndex line | not blankChar? line.i] trimTrailingBlank line == n := sz := #line for i in (sz-1)..0 by -1 while blankChar? line.i repeat n := n - 1 n = sz => line subString(line,0,n) trimCarriageReturn line == carriageRetChar? line.maxIndex(line) => subString(line,0,maxIndex line) line expandLeadingTabs line == not string? line or #line = 0 => line line := trimCarriageReturn line nbLoc := firstNonblankCharPosition line indLoc := indentationLocation line nbLoc = indLoc => line strconc(makeString(indLoc,char " "), subString(line,nbLoc)) ++ Find the position at which `s1' matches a substring of `s2', ++ starting from `k'. Return nil on failure. findString(s1,s2,k == 0) == n1 := #s1 or/[i for i in k..(#s2 - n1) | and/[stringChar(s1,j) = stringChar(s2,i+j) for j in 0..(n1-1)]] --% --% Line abstract datatype --% structure %Line == Record(buf: %String, cchar: %Char, cidx: %Short, lidx: %Short, no: %Short) with lineBuffer == (.buf) -- input string buffer lineCurrentChar == (.cchar) -- current character lineCurrentIndex == (.cidx) -- current index lineLastIndex == (.lidx) -- last valid index lineNumber == (.no) -- line number makeLine(buf == makeString 0, ch == charByName "Return", curIdx == 1, lstIdx == 0, no == 0) == mk%Line(buf,ch,curIdx,lstIdx,no) lineClear! l == lineBuffer(l) := makeString 0 lineCurrentChar(l) := charByName "Return" lineCurrentIndex(l) := 1 lineLastIndex(l) := 0 lineNumber(l) := 0 ++ Sets string to be the next line stored in line lineNewLine!(s,l,no == nil) == sz := #s lineLastIndex(l) := sz - 1 lineCurrentIndex(l) := 0 lineCurrentChar(l) := sz > 0 and s.0 or charByName '"Return" lineBuffer(l) := s lineNumber(l) := no or (lineNumber l + 1) ++ Tests if line is empty or positioned past the last character lineAtEnd? l == lineCurrentIndex l >= lineLastIndex l ++ Tests if line is empty or positioned past the last character linePastEnd? l == lineCurrentIndex l > lineLastIndex l ++ Buffer from current index to last index lineCurrentSegment l == lineAtEnd? l => makeString 0 subSequence(lineBuffer l,lineCurrentIndex l,lineLastIndex l) lineNextChar l == lineBuffer(l).(1 + lineCurrentIndex l) lineAdvanceChar! l == n := lineCurrentIndex l + 1 lineCurrentIndex(l) := n lineCurrentChar(l) := lineBuffer(l).n --% --% Reader --% structure %Reader == Record(ins: %InputStream,est: %OutputStream, lines: %List %String,sline: %Line,idx: %Short) with readerInput == (.ins) readerError == (.est) -- error output stream readerPendingLines == (.lines) readerSourceLine == (.sline) -- current input line readerLineNumber == (.idx) -- current line number makeReader(ist,ost == 'T) == mk%Reader(ist,ost,nil,makeLine(),0) ++ Add line `l' to the stack of pending lines. readerDeferLine(rd,l) == readerPendingLines(rd) := [l,:readerPendingLines rd] ++ Print current line into to the reader's error stream. readerPrintCurrentLine rd == l := readerSourceLine rd if linePastEnd? l then formatToStream(readerError rd,'"~&The current line is empty.~%") else formatToStream(readerError rd,'"~&The current line is:~%~%") formatToStream(readerError rd,'"~&~5D> ~A~%",lineNumber l,lineBuffer l) formatToStream(readerError rd,'"~v@T^~%",lineCurrentIndex l + 7)