\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \title{\File{src/interp/incl.boot} Pamphlet} \author{The Axiom Team} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{License} <>= -- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <> )package "BOOT" incStringStream s== incRenumber incLude(0,incRgen s,0,['"strings"] ,[Top]) incFile fn== incRenumber incLude(0,incRgen OPEN fn,0,[fn],[Top]) incStream(st, fn) == incRenumber incLude(0,incRgen st,0,[fn],[Top]) incFileInput fn == incRgen MAKE_-INSTREAM fn incConsoleInput () == incRgen MAKE_-INSTREAM 0 incLine(eb, str, gno, lno, ufo) == ln := lnCreate(eb,str,gno,lno,ufo) CONS(CONS(ln,1), str) incPos f == CAR f incRenumberItem(f, i) == l := CAAR f lnSetGlobalNum(l, i) f incRenumberLine(xl, gno) == l := incRenumberItem(xl.0, gno) incHandleMessage xl l incRenumber ssx == incZip (function incRenumberLine, ssx, incIgen 0) incPrefix?(prefix, start, whole) == #prefix > #whole-start => false good:=true for i in 0..#prefix-1 for j in start.. while good repeat good:= prefix.i = whole.j good incCommand?(s) == #s > 0 and s.0 = char ")" incCommands := ['"say" , _ '"include", _ '"console", _ '"fin" , _ '"assert" , _ '"if" , _ '"elseif" , _ '"else" , _ '"endif" ] incClassify(s) == not incCommand? s => [false,0, '""] i := 1; n := #s while i < n and s.i = char " " repeat i := i + 1 i >= n => [true,0,'"other"] eb := (i = 1 => 0; i) bad:=true for p in incCommands while bad repeat incPrefix?(p, i, s) => bad:=false p1 :=p if bad then [true,0,'"other"] else [true,eb,p1] incCommandTail(s, info) == start := (info.1 = 0 => 1; info.1) incDrop(start+#info.2+1, s) incDrop(n, b) == n >= #b => "" SUBSTRING(b,n,nil) inclFname(s, info) == incFileName incCommandTail(s, info) incBiteOff x == n:=STRPOSL('" ",x,0,true)-- first nonspace if null n then false -- all spaces else n1:=STRPOSL ('" ",x,n,nil) if null n1 -- all nonspaces then [SUBSTRING(x,n,nil),'""] else [SUBSTRING(x,n,n1-n),SUBSTRING(x,n1,nil)] incTrunc (n,x)== if #x>n then SUBSTRING(x,0,n) else x incFileName x == first incBiteOff x fileNameStrings fn==[PNAME(fn.0),PNAME(fn.1),PNAME(fn.2)] ifCond(s, info) == word := MakeSymbol StringTrim(incCommandTail(s, info), WhiteSpaceCset) ListMemberQ?(word, $inclAssertions) assertCond(s, info) == word := MakeSymbol StringTrim(incCommandTail(s, info), WhiteSpaceCset) if not ListMemberQ?(word, $inclAssertions) then $inclAssertions := [word, :$inclAssertions] incActive?(fn,ufos)==member(fn,ufos) incNConsoles ufos== a:=member('"console",ufos) if a then 1+incNConsoles CDR a else 0 Top := 01 IfSkipToEnd := 10 IfKeepPart := 11 IfSkipPart := 12 ElseifSkipToEnd:= 20 ElseifKeepPart := 21 ElseifSkipPart := 22 ElseSkipToEnd := 30 ElseKeepPart := 31 Top? (st) == QUOTIENT(st,10) = 0 If? (st) == QUOTIENT(st,10) = 1 Elseif? (st) == QUOTIENT(st,10) = 2 Else? (st) == QUOTIENT(st,10) = 3 SkipEnd? (st) == REMAINDER(st,10) = 0 KeepPart?(st) == REMAINDER(st,10) = 1 SkipPart?(st) == REMAINDER(st,10) = 2 Skipping?(st) == not KeepPart? st --% Message Handling incHandleMessage(xl) == xl.1.1 = "none" => 0 xl.1.1 = "error" => inclHandleError(incPos xl.0, xl.1.0) xl.1.1 = "warning" => inclHandleWarning(incPos xl.0, xl.1.0) xl.1.1 = "say" => inclHandleSay(incPos xl.0, xl.1.0) inclHandleBug(incPos xl.0, xl.1.0) xlOK(eb, str, lno, ufo) == [incLine(eb, str, -1, lno, ufo), [NIL, "none"]] xlOK1(eb, str,str1, lno, ufo) == [incLine1(eb, str,str1, -1, lno, ufo), [NIL, "none"]] incLine1(eb, str,str1, gno, lno, ufo) == ln := lnCreate(eb,str,gno,lno,ufo) CONS(CONS(ln,1), str1) xlSkip(eb, str, lno, ufo) == str := CONCAT('"-- Omitting:", str) [incLine(eb, str, -1, lno, ufo), [NIL, "none"]] xlMsg(eb, str, lno, ufo, mess) == [incLine(eb, str, -1, lno, ufo), mess] xlPrematureEOF(eb, str, lno, ufos) == xlMsg(eb, str, lno,ufos.0, [inclmsgPrematureEOF(ufos.0),"error"]) xlPrematureFin(eb, str, lno, ufos) == xlMsg(eb, str, lno,ufos.0, [inclmsgPrematureFin(ufos.0),"error"]) xlFileCycle(eb, str, lno, ufos, fn) == xlMsg(eb, str, lno,ufos.0, [inclmsgFileCycle(ufos,fn),"error"]) xlNoSuchFile(eb, str, lno, ufos, fn) == xlMsg(eb, str, lno,ufos.0, [inclmsgNoSuchFile(fn), "error"]) xlCannotRead(eb, str, lno, ufos, fn) == xlMsg(eb, str, lno,ufos.0, [inclmsgCannotRead(fn), "error"]) xlConsole(eb, str, lno, ufos) == xlMsg(eb, str, lno,ufos.0, [inclmsgConsole(),"say"]) xlConActive(eb, str, lno, ufos, n) == xlMsg(eb, str, lno,ufos.0, [inclmsgConActive(n),"warning"]) xlConStill(eb, str, lno, ufos, n) == xlMsg(eb, str, lno,ufos.0, [inclmsgConStill(n), "say"]) xlSkippingFin(eb, str, lno, ufos) == xlMsg(eb, str, lno,ufos.0, [inclmsgFinSkipped(),"warning"]) xlIfBug(eb, str, lno, ufos) == xlMsg(eb, str, lno,ufos.0, [inclmsgIfBug(), "bug"]) xlCmdBug(eb, str, lno, ufos) == xlMsg(eb, str, lno,ufos.0, [inclmsgCmdBug(), "bug"]) xlSay(eb, str, lno, ufos, x) == xlMsg(eb, str, lno,ufos.0, [inclmsgSay(x), "say"]) xlIfSyntax(eb, str, lno,ufos,info,sts) == st := sts.0 found := info.2 context := Top? st => "not in an )if...)endif" Else? st => "after an )else" "but can't figure out where" xlMsg(eb, str, lno, ufos.0, [inclmsgIfSyntax(ufos.0,found,context), "error"]) --% This is it incLude(eb, ss, ln, ufos, states) == Delay(function incLude1,[eb, ss, ln, ufos, states]) Rest s==>incLude (eb,CDR ss,lno,ufos,states) incLude1 (:z) == [eb, ss, ln, ufos, states]:=z lno := ln+1 state := states.0 StreamNull ss => not Top? state => cons(xlPrematureEOF(eb, '")--premature end", lno,ufos), StreamNil) StreamNil str := EXPAND_-TABS CAR ss info := incClassify str not info.0 => Skipping? state => cons(xlSkip(eb,str,lno,ufos.0), Rest s) cons(xlOK(eb, str, lno, ufos.0),Rest s) info.2 = '"other" => Skipping? state => cons(xlSkip(eb,str,lno,ufos.0), Rest s) cons(xlOK1(eb, str,CONCAT('")command",str), lno, ufos.0), Rest s) info.2 = '"say" => Skipping? state => cons(xlSkip(eb,str,lno,ufos.0), Rest s) str := incCommandTail(str, info) cons(xlSay(eb, str, lno, ufos, str), cons(xlOK(eb,str,lno,ufos.0), Rest s)) info.2 = '"include" => Skipping? state => cons(xlSkip(eb,str,lno,ufos.0), Rest s) fn1 := inclFname(str, info) not fn1 => cons(xlNoSuchFile(eb, str, lno,ufos,fn),Rest s) not PROBE_-FILE fn1 => cons(xlCannotRead(eb, str, lno,ufos,fn1),Rest s) incActive?(fn1,ufos) => cons(xlFileCycle (eb, str, lno,ufos,fn1),Rest s) Includee := incLude(eb+info.1,incFileInput fn1,0, cons(fn1,ufos), cons(Top,states)) cons( xlOK(eb,str,lno,ufos.0), incAppend(Includee, Rest s)) info.2 = '"console" => Skipping? state => cons(xlSkip(eb,str,lno,ufos.0), Rest s) Head := incLude(eb+info.1,incConsoleInput(),0, cons('"console",ufos),cons(Top,states) ) Tail := Rest s n := incNConsoles ufos if n > 0 then Head := cons(xlConActive(eb, str, lno,ufos,n),Head) Tail := cons(xlConStill (eb, str, lno,ufos,n),Tail) Head := cons (xlConsole(eb, str, lno,ufos), Head) cons(xlOK(eb,str,lno,ufos.0),incAppend(Head,Tail)) info.2 = '"fin" => Skipping? state => cons(xlSkippingFin(eb, str, lno,ufos), Rest s) not Top? state => cons(xlPrematureFin(eb, str, lno,ufos), StreamNil) cons(xlOK(eb,str,lno,ufos.0), StreamNil) info.2 = '"assert" => Skipping? state => cons(xlSkippingFin(eb, str, lno,ufos), Rest s) assertCond(str, info) cons(xlOK(eb,str,lno,ufos.0), incAppend(Includee, Rest s)) info.2 = '"if" => s1 := Skipping? state => IfSkipToEnd if ifCond(str,info) then IfKeepPart else IfSkipPart cons(xlOK(eb,str,lno,ufos.0), incLude(eb,CDR ss,lno,ufos,cons(s1,states))) info.2 = '"elseif" => not If? state and not Elseif? state => cons(xlIfSyntax(eb, str,lno,ufos,info,states), StreamNil) if SkipEnd? state or KeepPart? state or SkipPart? state then s1:=if SkipPart? state then pred := ifCond(str,info) if pred then ElseifKeepPart else ElseifSkipPart else ElseifSkipToEnd cons(xlOK(eb,str,lno,ufos.0), incLude(eb,CDR ss,lno,ufos,cons(s1,rest states))) else cons(xlIfBug(eb, str, lno,ufos), StreamNil) info.2 = '"else" => not If? state and not Elseif? state => cons(xlIfSyntax(eb, str,lno,ufos,info,states), StreamNil) if SkipEnd? state or KeepPart? state or SkipPart? state then s1 :=if SkipPart? state then ElseKeepPart else ElseSkipToEnd cons(xlOK(eb,str,lno,ufos.0), incLude(eb,CDR ss,lno,ufos,cons(s1,rest states))) else cons(xlIfBug(eb, str, lno,ufos), StreamNil) info.2 = '"endif" => Top? state => cons(xlIfSyntax(eb, str,lno,ufos,info,states), StreamNil) cons(xlOK(eb,str,lno,ufos.0), incLude(eb,CDR ss,lno,ufos,rest states)) cons(xlCmdBug(eb, str, lno,ufos), StreamNil) --% Message handling for the source includer -- SMW June 88 inclHandleError(pos, [key, args]) == ncSoftError(pos, key, args) inclHandleWarning(pos, [key, args]) == ncSoftError(pos, key,args) inclHandleBug(pos, [key, args]) == ncBug(key, args) inclHandleSay(pos, [key, args]) == ncSoftError(pos, key, args) inclmsgSay str == ['S2CI0001, [%id str]] inclmsgPrematureEOF ufo == ['S2CI0002, [%origin ufo]] inclmsgPrematureFin ufo == ['S2CI0003, [%origin ufo]] inclmsgFileCycle(ufos,fn) == flist := [porigin n for n in reverse ufos] f1 := porigin fn cycle := [:[:[n,'"==>"] for n in flist], f1] ['S2CI0004, [%id cycle, %id f1]] inclmsgConsole () == ['S2CI0005, []] inclmsgConActive n == ['S2CI0006, [%id n]] inclmsgConStill n == ['S2CI0007, [%id n]] inclmsgFinSkipped() == ['S2CI0008, []] inclmsgIfSyntax(ufo,found,context) == found := CONCAT('")", found) ['S2CI0009, [%id found, %id context, %origin ufo]] inclmsgNoSuchFile fn == ['S2CI0010, [%fname fn]] inclmsgCannotRead fn == ['S2CI0011, [%fname fn]] inclmsgIfBug() == ['S2CB0002, []] inclmsgCmdBug() == ['S2CB0003, []] @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}