-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import '"macros" import '"sys-utility" )package "BOOT" ++ $interpOnly := false --% Utility Functions of General Use ELEMN(x, n, d) == null x => d n = 1 => car x ELEMN(cdr x, SUB1 n, d) PPtoFile(x, fname) == stream := DEFIOSTREAM([['MODE, :'OUTPUT], ['FILE, :fname]], 80, 0) PRETTYPRINT(x, stream) SHUT stream x ++ Query properties for an entity in a given environment. get: (%Thing,%Symbol,%List) -> %Thing get0: (%Thing,%Symbol,%List) -> %Thing get1: (%Thing,%Symbol,%List) -> %Thing get2: (%Thing,%Symbol,%List) -> %Thing get(x,prop,e) == $InteractiveMode => get0(x,prop,e) get1(x,prop,e) get0(x,prop,e) == null atom x => get(QCAR x,prop,e) u:= QLASSQ(x,CAR QCAR e) => QLASSQ(prop,u) (tail:= CDR QCAR e) and (u:= fastSearchCurrentEnv(x,tail)) => QLASSQ(prop,u) nil get1(x,prop,e) == --this is the old get null atom x => get(QCAR x,prop,e) prop="modemap" and $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue=true => LASSOC("modemap",getProplist(x,$CapsuleModemapFrame)) or get2(x,prop,e) LASSOC(prop,getProplist(x,e)) or get2(x,prop,e) get2(x,prop,e) == prop="modemap" and constructor? x => (u := getConstructorModemap(x)) => [u] nil nil ++ Update properties of an entity in an environment. put: (%Thing,%Symbol,%Thing,%List) -> %List addBinding: (%Thing,%List,%List) -> %List augProplistOf: (%Thing,%Symbol,%Thing,%List) -> %List augProplist: (%List,%Thing,%Thing) -> %List put(x,prop,val,e) == $InteractiveMode and not EQ(e,$CategoryFrame) => putIntSymTab(x,prop,val,e) --e must never be $CapsuleModemapFrame null atom x => put(first x,prop,val,e) newProplist:= augProplistOf(x,prop,val,e) prop="modemap" and $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue=true => SAY ["**** modemap PUT on CapsuleModemapFrame: ",val] $CapsuleModemapFrame:= addBinding(x,augProplistOf(x,"modemap",val,$CapsuleModemapFrame), $CapsuleModemapFrame) e addBinding(x,newProplist,e) ++ Build a quasiquotation form for `x'. quasiquote x == ["[||]",x] ++ Extract the quoted form, otherwise return nil isQuasiquote m == m is ["[||]",y] => y -- Convert an arbitrary lisp object to canonical boolean. bool: %Thing -> %Boolean bool x == NULL NULL x TruthP x == --True if x is a predicate that's always true x is nil => nil x=true => true x is ['QUOTE,:.] => true nil --% Record and Union utils. stripUnionTags doms == [if dom is [":",.,dom'] then dom' else dom for dom in doms] isTaggedUnion u == u is ['Union,:tl] and tl and first tl is [":",.,.] and true getUnionOrRecordTags u == tags := nil if u is ['Union, :tl] or u is ['Record, :tl] then for t in tl repeat if t is [":",tag,.] then tags := cons(tag, tags) tags --% Various lispy things Identity x == x length1? l == PAIRP l and not PAIRP QCDR l length2? l == PAIRP l and PAIRP (l := QCDR l) and not PAIRP QCDR l pairList(u,v) == [[x,:y] for x in u for y in v] -- GETALIST(alist,prop) == IFCDR assoc(prop,alist) GETALIST(alist,prop) == CDR assoc(prop,alist) PUTALIST(alist,prop,val) == null alist => [[prop,:val]] pair := assoc(prop,alist) => CDR pair = val => alist -- else we fall over Lucid's read-only storage feature again QRPLACD(pair,val) alist QRPLACD(LASTPAIR alist,[[prop,:val]]) alist REMALIST(alist,prop) == null alist => alist alist is [[ =prop,:.],:r] => null r => NIL QRPLACA(alist,CAR r) QRPLACD(alist,CDR r) alist null rest alist => alist l := alist ok := true while ok repeat [.,[p,:.],:r] := l p = prop => ok := NIL QRPLACD(l,r) if null (l := QCDR l) or null rest l then ok := NIL alist deleteLassoc(x,y) == y is [[a,:.],:y'] => EQ(x,a) => y' [first y,:deleteLassoc(x,y')] y --% association list functions deleteAssoc(x,y) == y is [[a,:.],:y'] => a=x => deleteAssoc(x,y') [first y,:deleteAssoc(x,y')] y deleteAssocWOC(x,y) == null y => y [[a,:.],:t]:= y x=a => t (fn(x,y);y) where fn(x,y is [h,:t]) == t is [[a,:.],:t1] => x=a => RPLACD(y,t1) fn(x,t) nil insertWOC(x,y) == null y => [x] (fn(x,y); y) where fn(x,y is [h,:t]) == x=h => nil null t => RPLACD(y,[h,:t]) RPLACA(y,x) fn(x,t) --% Miscellaneous Functions for Working with Strings fillerSpaces(n,:charPart) == n <= 0 => '"" MAKE_-FULL_-CVEC(n,IFCAR charPart or '" ") centerString(text,width,fillchar) == wid := entryWidth text wid >= width => text f := DIVIDE(width - wid,2) fill1 := "" for i in 1..(f.0) repeat fill1 := STRCONC(fillchar,fill1) fill2:= fill1 if f.1 ^= 0 then fill1 := STRCONC(fillchar,fill1) [fill1,text,fill2] stringPrefix?(pref,str) == -- sees if the first #pref letters of str are pref -- replaces STRINGPREFIXP null (STRINGP(pref) and STRINGP(str)) => NIL (lp := QCSIZE pref) = 0 => true lp > QCSIZE str => NIL ok := true i := 0 while ok and (i < lp) repeat not EQ(SCHAR(pref,i),SCHAR(str,i)) => ok := NIL i := i + 1 ok stringChar2Integer(str,pos) == -- replaces GETSTRINGDIGIT in UT LISP -- returns small integer represented by character in position pos -- in string str. Returns NIL if not a digit or other error. if IDENTP str then str := PNAME str null (STRINGP(str) and INTEGERP(pos) and (pos >= 0) and (pos < QCSIZE(str))) => NIL not DIGITP(d := SCHAR(str,pos)) => NIL DIG2FIX d dropLeadingBlanks str == str := object2String str l := QCSIZE str nb := NIL i := 0 while (i < l) and not nb repeat if SCHAR(str,i) ^= " " then nb := i else i := i + 1 nb = 0 => str nb => SUBSTRING(str,nb,NIL) '"" concat(:l) == concatList l concatList [x,:y] == null y => x null x => concatList y concat1(x,concatList y) concat1(x,y) == null x => y atom x => (null y => x; atom y => [x,y]; [x,:y]) null y => x atom y => [:x,y] [:x,:y] --% BOOT ravel and reshape ravel a == a reshape(a,b) == a --% Some functions for algebra code boolODDP x == ODDP x --% Miscellaneous freeOfSharpVars x == atom x => not isSharpVarWithNum x freeOfSharpVars first x and freeOfSharpVars rest x listOfSharpVars x == atom x => (isSharpVarWithNum x => LIST x; nil) union(listOfSharpVars first x,listOfSharpVars rest x) listOfPatternIds x == isPatternVar x => [x] atom x => nil x is ['QUOTE,:.] => nil UNIONQ(listOfPatternIds first x,listOfPatternIds rest x) isPatternVar v == -- a pattern variable consists of a star followed by a star or digit(s) IDENTP(v) and MEMQ(v,'(_*_* _*1 _*2 _*3 _*4 _*5 _*6 _*7 _*8 _*9 _*10 _*11 _*12 _*13 _*14 _*15 _*16 _*17 _*18 _*19 _*20)) and true removeZeroOne x == -- replace all occurrences of (Zero) and (One) with -- 0 and 1 x = $Zero => 0 x = $One => 1 atom x => x [removeZeroOne first x,:removeZeroOne rest x] removeZeroOneDestructively t == -- replace all occurrences of (Zero) and (One) with -- 0 and 1 destructively t = $Zero => 0 t = $One => 1 atom t => t RPLNODE(t,removeZeroOneDestructively first t, removeZeroOneDestructively rest t) flattenSexpr s == null s => s ATOM s => s [f,:r] := s ATOM f => [f,:flattenSexpr r] [:flattenSexpr f,:flattenSexpr r] isLowerCaseLetter c == charRangeTest CHAR2NUM c isUpperCaseLetter c == charRangeTest QSDIFFERENCE(CHAR2NUM c,64) isLetter c == n:= CHAR2NUM c charRangeTest n or charRangeTest QSDIFFERENCE(CHAR2NUM c,64) charRangeTest n == QSLESSP(153,n) => QSLESSP(169,n) => false QSLESSP(161,n) => true false QSLESSP(128,n) => QSLESSP(144,n) => true QSLESSP(138,n) => false true false update() == OBEY STRCONC('"SPADEDIT ",STRINGIMAGE _/VERSION,'" ",STRINGIMAGE _/WSNAME,'" A") _/UPDATE() --% Inplace Merge Sort for Lists -- MBM April/88 -- listSort(pred,list) or listSort(pred,list,key) -- the pred function is a boolean valued function defining the ordering -- the key function extracts the key from an item for comparison by pred listSort(pred,list,:optional) == NOT functionp pred => error "listSort: first arg must be a function" NOT LISTP list => error "listSort: second argument must be a list" NULL optional => mergeSort(pred,function Identity,list,LENGTH list) key := CAR optional NOT functionp key => error "listSort: last arg must be a function" mergeSort(pred,key,list,LENGTH list) -- non-destructive merge sort using NOT GGREATERP as predicate MSORT list == listSort(function GLESSEQP, COPY_-LIST list) -- destructive merge sort using NOT GGREATERP as predicate NMSORT list == listSort(function GLESSEQP, list) -- non-destructive merge sort using ?ORDER as predicate orderList l == listSort(function _?ORDER, COPY_-LIST l) -- dummy defn until clean-up -- order l == orderList l mergeInPlace(f,g,p,q) == -- merge the two sorted lists p and q if NULL p then return p if NULL q then return q if FUNCALL(f,FUNCALL(g, QCAR p),FUNCALL(g, QCAR q)) then (r := t := p; p := QCDR p) else (r := t := q; q := QCDR q) while not NULL p and not NULL q repeat if FUNCALL(f,FUNCALL(g,QCAR p),FUNCALL(g,QCAR q)) then (QRPLACD(t,p); t := p; p := QCDR p) else (QRPLACD(t,q); t := q; q := QCDR q) if NULL p then QRPLACD(t,q) else QRPLACD(t,p) r mergeSort(f,g,p,n) == if EQ(n,2) and FUNCALL(f,FUNCALL(g,QCADR p),FUNCALL(g,QCAR p)) then t := p p := QCDR p QRPLACD(p,t) QRPLACD(t,NIL) if QSLESSP(n,3) then return p -- split the list p into p and q of equal length l := QSQUOTIENT(n,2) t := p for i in 1..l-1 repeat t := QCDR t q := rest t QRPLACD(t,NIL) p := mergeSort(f,g,p,l) q := mergeSort(f,g,q,QSDIFFERENCE(n,l)) mergeInPlace(f,g,p,q) --% Throwing with glorious highlighting (maybe) spadThrow() == if $interpOnly and $mapName then putHist($mapName,'localModemap, nil, $e) THROW("SPAD__READER",nil) spadThrowBrightly x == sayBrightly x spadThrow() --% Type Formatting Without Abbreviation formatUnabbreviatedSig sig == null sig => ['"() -> ()"] [target,:args] := dollarPercentTran sig target := formatUnabbreviated target null args => ['"() -> ",:target] null rest args => [:formatUnabbreviated QCAR args,'" -> ",:target] args := formatUnabbreviatedTuple args ['"(",:args,'") -> ",:target] formatUnabbreviatedTuple t == -- t is a list of types null t => t atom t => [t] t0 := formatUnabbreviated QCAR t null rest t => t0 [:t0,'",",:formatUnabbreviatedTuple QCDR t] formatUnabbreviated t == atom t => [t] null t => ['"()"] t is [p,sel,arg] and p in '(_: ":") => [sel,'": ",:formatUnabbreviated arg] t is ['Union,:args] => ['Union,'"(",:formatUnabbreviatedTuple args,'")"] t is ['Mapping,:args] => formatUnabbreviatedSig args t is ['Record,:args] => ['Record,'"(",:formatUnabbreviatedTuple args,'")"] t is [arg] => t t is [arg,arg1] => [arg,'" ",:formatUnabbreviated arg1] t is [arg,:args] => [arg,'"(",:formatUnabbreviatedTuple args,'")"] t sublisNQ(al,e) == atom al => e fn(al,e) where fn(al,e) == atom e => for x in al repeat EQ(first x,e) => return (e := rest x) e EQ(a := first e,'QUOTE) => e u := fn(al,a) v := fn(al,rest e) EQ(a,u) and EQ(rest e,v) => e [u,:v] -- function for turning strings in tex format str2Outform s == parse := ncParseFromString s or systemError '"String for TeX will not parse" parse2Outform parse parse2Outform x == x is [op,:argl] => nargl := [parse2Outform y for y in argl] op = 'construct => ['BRACKET,['ARGLST,:[parse2Outform y for y in argl]]] op = 'brace and nargl is [[BRACKET,:r]] => ['BRACE,:r] [op,:nargl] x str2Tex s == outf := str2Outform s val := coerceInt(objNew(wrap outf, '(OutputForm)), '(TexFormat)) val := objValUnwrap val CAR val.1 opOf: %Thing -> %Thing opOf x == atom x => x first x getProplist: (%Thing,%List) -> %List search: (%Thing,%List) -> %List searchCurrentEnv: (%Thing,%List) -> %List searchTailEnv: (%Thing,%List) -> %List getProplist(x,E) == not atom x => getProplist(first x,E) u:= search(x,E) => u --$InteractiveMode => nil --$InteractiveMode and (u:= search(x,$InteractiveFrame)) => u (pl:=search(x,$CategoryFrame)) => pl -- (pl:=PROPLIST x) => pl -- Above line commented out JHD/BMT 2.Aug.90 search(x,e is [curEnv,:tailEnv]) == searchCurrentEnv(x,curEnv) or searchTailEnv(x,tailEnv) searchCurrentEnv(x,currentEnv) == for contour in currentEnv repeat if u:= ASSQ(x,contour) then return (signal:= u) KDR signal searchTailEnv(x,e) == for env in e repeat signal:= for contour in env repeat if (u:= ASSQ(x,contour)) and ASSQ("FLUID",u) then return (signal:= u) if signal then return signal KDR signal augProplist(proplist,prop,val) == $InteractiveMode => augProplistInteractive(proplist,prop,val) while (proplist is [[ =prop,:.],:proplist']) repeat proplist:= proplist' val=(u:= LASSOC(prop,proplist)) => proplist null val => null u => proplist DELLASOS(prop,proplist) [[prop,:val],:proplist] augProplistOf(var,prop,val,e) == proplist:= getProplist(var,e) semchkProplist(var,proplist,prop,val) augProplist(proplist,prop,val) semchkProplist(x,proplist,prop,val) == prop="isLiteral" => LASSOC("value",proplist) or LASSOC("mode",proplist) => warnLiteral x MEMQ(prop,'(mode value)) => LASSOC("isLiteral",proplist) => warnLiteral x addBinding(var,proplist,e is [[curContour,:tailContour],:tailEnv]) == EQ(proplist,getProplist(var,e)) => e $InteractiveMode => addBindingInteractive(var,proplist,e) if curContour is [[ =var,:.],:.] then curContour:= rest curContour --Previous line should save some space [[[lx,:curContour],:tailContour],:tailEnv] where lx:= [var,:proplist] position(x,l) == posn(x,l,0) where posn(x,l,n) == null l => -1 x=first l => n posn(x,rest l,n+1) insert(x,y) == member(x,y) => y [x,:y] after(u,v) == r:= u for x in u for y in v repeat r:= rest r r $blank := char ('_ ) trimString s == leftTrim rightTrim s leftTrim s == k := MAXINDEX s k < 0 => s s.0 = $blank => for i in 0..k while s.i = $blank repeat (j := i) SUBSTRING(s,j + 1,nil) s rightTrim s == -- assumed a non-empty string k := MAXINDEX s k < 0 => s s.k = $blank => for i in k..0 by -1 while s.i = $blank repeat (j := i) SUBSTRING(s,0,j) s pp x == PRETTYPRINT x x pr x == F_,PRINT_-ONE x nil quickAnd(a,b) == a = true => b b = true => a a = false or b = false => false simpBool ['AND,a,b] quickOr(a,b) == a = true or b = true => true b = false => a a = false => b simpCatPredicate simpBool ['OR,a,b] intern x == STRINGP x => DIGITP x.0 => string2Integer x INTERN x x isDomain a == PAIRP a and VECP(CAR a) and member(CAR(a).0, $domainTypeTokens) -- variables used by browser $htHash := MAKE_-HASH_-TABLE() $glossHash := MAKE_-HASH_-TABLE() $lispHash := MAKE_-HASH_-TABLE() $sysHash := MAKE_-HASH_-TABLE() $htSystemCommands := '( (boot . development) clear display (fin . development) edit help frame history load quit read set show synonym system trace what ) $currentSysList := [opOf x for x in $htSystemCommands] --see ht-root $outStream := nil $recheckingFlag := false --see transformAndRecheckComments $exposeFlag := false --if true, messages go to $outStream $exposeFlagHeading := false --see htcheck.boot $checkingXmptex? := false --see htcheck.boot $exposeDocHeading:= nil --see htcheck.boot $charPlus := char '_+ $charBlank:= (char '_ ) $charLbrace:= char '_{ $charRbrace:= char '_} $charBack := char '_\ $charDash := char '_- $charTab := CODE_-CHAR(9) $charNewline := CODE_-CHAR(10) $charFauxNewline := CODE_-CHAR(25) $stringNewline := PNAME CODE_-CHAR(10) $stringFauxNewline := PNAME CODE_-CHAR(25) $charExclusions := [char 'a, char 'A] $charQuote := char '_' $charSemiColon := char '_; $charComma := char '_, $charPeriod := char '_. $checkPrenAlist := [[char '_(,:char '_)],[char '_{,:char '_}],[char '_[,:char '_]]] $charEscapeList:= [char '_%,char '_#,$charBack] $charIdentifierEndings := [char '__, char '_!, char '_?] $charSplitList := [$charComma,$charPeriod,char '_[, char '_],$charLbrace, $charRbrace, char '_(, char '_), char '_$, char '_%] $charDelimiters := [$charBlank, char '_(, char '_), $charBack] $HTspadmacros := '("\spadtype" "\spadcommand" "\spadop" "\spadfun" "\spadatt" "\spadsyscom" "\spad" "\s") $HTmacs := [ ['"\beginmenu",$charRbrace,'"menu",$charLbrace,'"\begin"], ['"\endmenu",$charRbrace,'"menu",$charLbrace,'"\end"], ['"\beginitems",$charRbrace,'"items",$charLbrace,'"\begin"], ['"\enditems",$charRbrace,'"items",$charLbrace,'"\end"], ['"\beginscroll",$charRbrace,'"scroll",$charLbrace,'"\begin"], ['"\endscroll",$charRbrace,'"scroll",$charLbrace,'"\end"]] $HTlinks := '( "\downlink" "\menulink" "\menudownlink" "\menuwindowlink" "\menumemolink") $HTlisplinks := '( "\lispdownlink" "\menulispdownlink" "\menulispwindowlink" "\menulispmemolink" "\lispwindowlink" "\lispmemolink") $beginEndList := '( "page" "items" "menu" "scroll" "verbatim" "detail") isDefaultPackageName x == (s := PNAME x).(MAXINDEX s) = char '_& -- gensym utils charDigitVal c == digits := '"0123456789" n := -1 for i in 0..#digits-1 while n < 0 repeat if c = digits.i then n := i n < 0 => error '"Character is not a digit" n gensymInt g == not GENSYMP g => error '"Need a GENSYM" p := PNAME g n := 0 for i in 2..#p-1 repeat n := 10 * n + charDigitVal p.i n -- Push into the BOOT package when invoked in batch mode. AxiomCore::$sysScope := '"BOOT"