-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import sys_-macros namespace BOOT --% $nagMessages := nil makeVector(elts, t) == MAKE_-ARRAY(#elts, KEYWORD::ELEMENT_-TYPE, t or true, KEYWORD::INITIAL_-CONTENTS, elts) makeList(n, e) == MAKE_-LIST(n, KEYWORD::INITIAL_-ELEMENT, e) makeFort(name,args,decls,results,returnType,aspInfo) == -- Create an executable Fortran file to call a given library function, -- and a stub Axiom function to process its arguments. -- the following is a list of objects for which values need not be -- passed by the user. dummies := [second(u) for u in args | first u = 0] args := [untangle2(u) for u in args] -- lose spad Union representation where untangle2 u == atom (v := rest(u)) => v first(v) userArgs := [u for u in args | not member(u,dummies)] -- Temporary decls := [untangle(u) for u in decls] -- lose spad Union representation where untangle u == [if atom(rest(v)) then rest(v) else _ [if atom(w) then w else rest(w) for w in rest(v)] for v in u] makeFort1(name,args,userArgs,dummies,decls,results,returnType,aspInfo) makeFort1(name,args,userArgs,dummies,decls,results,returnType,aspInfo) == asps := [first(u) for u in aspInfo] -- Now reorder the arguments so that all the scalars come first, so -- that when we come to deal with arrays we know all the dimensions. scalarArgs := [u for u in args | atom getFortranType(u,decls)] arrayArgs := [u for u in args | not member(u,scalarArgs)] orderedArgs := [:scalarArgs,:arrayArgs] file := if $fortranDirectory then strconc($fortranDirectory,"/",STRINGIMAGE name) else STRINGIMAGE name makeFortranFun(name,orderedArgs,args,dummies,decls,results,file, $fortranDirectory,returnType,asps) makeSpadFun(name,userArgs,orderedArgs,dummies,decls,results,returnType,asps, aspInfo,file) name makeFortranFun(name,args,fortranArgs,dummies,decls,results,file,dir, returnType,asps) == -- Create a C file to call the library function, and compile it. fp := MAKE_-OUTSTREAM(strconc(file,".c")) writeCFile(name,args,fortranArgs,dummies,decls,results,returnType,asps,fp) if null dir then dir := '"." asps => SYSTEM strconc("cc -c ",file,".c ; mv ",file,".o ",dir) SYSTEM strconc("cc ",file,".c -o ",file,".spadexe ",$fortranLibraries) writeCFile(name,args,fortranArgs,dummies,decls,results,returnType,asps,fp) == writeLine('"#include ",fp) writeLine('"#include ",fp) writeLine('"#include ",fp) writeLine('"#ifndef NULL",fp) writeLine('"#define NULL 0",fp) writeLine('"#endif NULL",fp) writeLine('"#define MAX__ARRAY(x) (x ? x : 20000)",fp) writeLine('"#define CHECK(x) if (!x) {fprintf(stderr,_"xdr failed_"); exit(1);}",fp) writeLine('"void main()",fp) writeLine('"{",fp) writeLine('" XDR xdrs;",fp) writeLine('" {",fp) if $addUnderscoreToFortranNames then routineName := strconc(name,STRING CODE_-CHAR 95) else routineName := name -- If it is a function then give it somewhere to stick its result: if returnType then returnName := INTERN strconc(name,"__result") wl(['" ",getCType returnType,'" ",returnName,'",",routineName,'"();"],fp) -- print out type declarations for the Fortran parameters, and build an -- ordered list of pairs [ , ] argList := nil for a in args repeat argList := [[a, getCType getFortranType(a,decls)], :argList] printDec(second first argList,a,asps,fp) argList := nreverse argList; -- read in the data writeLine('" xdrstdio__create(&xdrs, stdin, XDR__DECODE);",fp) for a in argList repeat if LISTP second a then writeMalloc(first a,first second a,rest second a,fp) not MEMQ(first a,[:dummies,:asps]) => writeXDR(a,'"&xdrs",fp) -- now call the Library routine. FORTRAN names may have an underscore -- appended. if returnType then wt(['" ",returnName,'"="],fp) else wt(['" "],fp) wt([routineName,'"("],fp) if first fortranArgs then printCName(first fortranArgs,isPointer?(first fortranArgs,decls),asps,fp) for a in rest fortranArgs repeat PRINC('",",fp) printCName(a,isPointer?(a,decls),asps,fp) writeStringLengths(fortranArgs,decls,fp) writeLine('");",fp) -- now export the results. writeLine('" xdrstdio__create(&xdrs, stdout, XDR__ENCODE);",fp) if returnType then writeXDR([returnName,getCType returnType],'"&xdrs",fp) for r in results repeat writeXDR([r,getCType getFortranType(r,decls)],'"&xdrs",fp) writeLine('" exit(0);",fp) writeLine('" }",fp) writeLine('"}",fp) writeStringLengths(fortranArgs,decls,fp) == for a in fortranArgs repeat if isString?(a,decls) then wt(['",&",a,'"__length"],fp) isString?(u,decls) == (ty := getFortranType(u,decls)) = "character" or LISTP(ty) and first ty = "character" isPointer?(u,decls) == ty := getFortranType(u,decls) LISTP(ty) or ty in ["character","complex","double complex"] printCName(u,ispointer,asps,fp) == member(u,asps) => PRINC(u,fp) if $addUnderscoreToFortranNames then PRINC(STRING CODE_-CHAR 95,fp) if not ispointer then PRINC('"&",fp) PRINC(u,fp) getFortranType(u,decls) == -- find u in decls, return the given (Fortran) type. result := nil for d in decls repeat for dec in rest d repeat atom(dec) and dec=u => return( result := first d ) LISTP(dec) and first(dec)=u => return( result := [first d,:rest dec] ) result => result error ['"Undeclared Fortran parameter: ",u] getCType t == -- Return the equivalent C type. LISTP(t) => --[if first(t)="character" then '"char" else getCType first t,:rest t] first(t)="character" => ['"char",:rest t] first(t)="complex" => ['"float",2,:rest t] first(t)="double complex" => ['"double",2,:rest t] [getCType first t,:rest t] t="double" => '"double" t="double precision" => '"double" t="integer" => '"int" t="real" => '"float" t="logical" => '"int" t="character" => ['"char",1] t="complex" => ['"float",2] --'"Complex" -- we use our own typedef t="double complex" => ['"double",2] --'"DComplex" -- we use our own typedef error ['"Unrecognised Fortran type: ",t] XDRFun t == LISTP(ty := second t) => if first(ty)='"char" then '"wrapstring" else '"array" ty printDec(type,dec,asps,fp) == wt(['" ",if LISTP(type) then first(type) else type,'" "],fp) member(dec,asps) => if $addUnderscoreToFortranNames then wl([dec,STRING CODE_-CHAR 95,'"();"],fp) else wl([dec,'"();"],fp) LISTP(type) => wl(['"*",dec,'" = NULL;"],fp) wl(['" u__int ",dec, '"__length = 0;"],fp) type = '"char" => wl(['"*",dec,'" = NULL;"],fp) wl([dec, '";"],fp) writeXDR(v,str,fp) == -- Generate the calls to the filters which will read from the temp -- file. The CHECK macro ensures that the translation worked. underscore := STRING CHAR('"__:",0) -- to avoid a compiler bug which won't -- parse " ... __" properly. wt(['" CHECK(xdr",underscore, XDRFun(v), '"(", str, '",&", first(v)],fp) if (LISTP (ty :=second v)) and first ty ~= '"char" then wt(['",&",first(v),'"__length,MAX__ARRAY(",first(v),'"__length),"],fp) wt(['"sizeof(",first(ty),'"),xdr",underscore,first ty],fp) wl(['"));"],fp) prefix2Infix(l) == atom(l) => [l] #l=2 => [first l,"(",:prefix2Infix second l,")"] #l=3 => ["(",:prefix2Infix second l,first l,:prefix2Infix third l,")"] error '"Function in array dimensions with more than two arguments" writeMalloc(name,type,dims,fp) == -- Write out a malloc for array arguments -- Need the size as well wl(['" ",name,'"__length=",prefix2Infix first dims,:[:["*",:prefix2Infix u] for u in rest dims],'";"], fp) type = '"char" => wl(['" ",name,'"=(",type," *)malloc((1+",name, '"__length)*sizeof(",type,'"));"],fp) wl(['" ",name,'"=(",type," *)malloc(",name, '"__length*sizeof(",type,'"));"],fp) wl (l,fp) == for u in l repeat PRINC(u,fp) TERPRI(fp) wt (l,fp) == for u in l repeat PRINC(u,fp) -- spadRecordType(v,decs) == -- -- Build a lisp representation of the declaration of a spad record. -- -- This will be the returned type of the spad function which calls the -- -- Fortran code. -- ["Record",:[spadRecordType1(u,decs) for u in v]] -- -- spadRecordType1(u,decls) == -- -- Create a list of the form '( |:| u ) -- [":",u,spadTypeTTT getFortranType(u,decls)] spadTypeTTT u == -- Return the spad domain equivalent to the given Fortran type. -- Changed by MCD 8/4/94 to reflect correct format for domains in -- current system. LISTP u => first(u)="character" => ["String"] first(u)="logical" and #u=2 => ["List",["Boolean"]] first(u)="logical" => ["List",["List",["Boolean"]]] #u=2 => ["Matrix",spadTypeTTT first u] #u=3 => ["Matrix",spadTypeTTT first u] #u=4 => ["ThreeDimensionalMatrix",spadTypeTTT first u] error '"Can only handle one-, two- and three-dimensional matrices" u = "double" => ["DoubleFloat"] u = "double precision" => ["DoubleFloat"] u = "real" => ["DoubleFloat"] u = "integer" => ["Integer"] u = "logical" => ["Boolean"] u = "character" => ["String"] u = "complex" => ["Complex",["DoubleFloat"]] u = "double complex" => ["Complex",["DoubleFloat"]] error ['"Unrecognised Fortran type: ",u] mkQuote l == [addQuote(u)for u in l] where addQuote u == atom u => ['QUOTE,u] ["construct",:[addQuote(v) for v in u]] makeLispList(l) == outputList := [] for u in l repeat outputList := [:outputList, _ if atom(u) then ['QUOTE,u] else [["$elt","Lisp","construct"],_ :makeLispList(u)]] outputList makeSpadFun(name,userArgs,args,dummies,decls,results,returnType,asps,aspInfo, file) == -- Create an interpreter function for the user to call. fType := ["List", ["Record" , [":","key","Symbol"], [":","entry","Any"]]] -- To make sure the spad interpreter isn't confused: if returnType then returnName := INTERN strconc(name,"Result") decls := [[returnType,returnName], :decls] results := [returnName, :results] argNames := [INTERN strconc(STRINGIMAGE(u),'"__arg") for u in userArgs] aType := [axiomType(a,decls,asps,aspInfo) for a in userArgs] aspTypes := [second NTH(POSITION(u,userArgs),aType) for u in asps] nilLst := MAKE_-LIST(#args+1) decPar := [["$elt","Lisp","construct"],:makeLispList decls] fargNames := [INTERN strconc(STRINGIMAGE(u),'"__arg") for u in args | not (MEMQ(u,dummies) or MEMQ(u,asps)) ] for u in asps repeat fargNames := delete(INTERN strconc(STRINGIMAGE(u),'"__arg"),fargNames) resPar := ["construct",["@",["construct",:fargNames],_ ["List",["Any"]]]] call := [["$elt","Lisp","invokeFortran"],strconc(file,".spadexe"),_ [["$elt","Lisp","construct"],:mkQuote args],_ [["$elt","Lisp","construct"],:mkQuote union(asps,dummies)], decPar,_ [["$elt","Lisp","construct"],:mkQuote results],resPar] if asps then -- Make a unique(ish) id for asp files aspId := strconc(getEnv('"SPADNUM"), gensym('"NAG")) body := ["SEQ",:makeAspGenerators(asps,aspTypes,aspId),_ makeCompilation(asps,file,aspId),_ ["pretend",call,fType] ] else body := ["pretend",call,fType] interpret ["DEF",[name,:argNames],["Result",:aType],nilLst,_ [["$elt","Result","construct"],body]] stripNil u == [first(u), ["construct",:second(u)], if third(u) then "true" else "false"] makeUnion aspType == -- The argument is the type of the asp to be generated. We would like to -- allow the user to be able to provide a fileName as an alternative -- argument, so this builds the Union of aspType and FileName. ["Union",[":","fp",aspType],[":","fn","FileName"]] axiomType(a,decls,asps,aspInfo) == member(a, asps) => entry := first [u for u in aspInfo | first(u) = a] ftc := ["$elt","FortranType","construct"] rc := ["$elt", _ ["Record",[":","key","Symbol"],[":","entry","FortranType"]], _ "construct"] makeUnion ["FortranProgram",_ a,_ second(entry),_ ["construct",:mkQuote third entry], _ [ ["$elt", "SymbolTable","symbolTable"],_ ["construct",_ :[[rc,first(v),[ftc,:stripNil rest(v)]] for v in fourth entry]]_ ] ] spadTypeTTT(getFortranType(a,decls)) makeAspGenerators(asps,types,aspId) == -- The code generated here will manipulate the Fortran output stack and write -- the asps out as Fortran. [:makeAspGenerators1(u,v,aspId) for u in asps for v in types] makeAspGenerators1(asp,type,aspId) == [[["$elt","FOP","pushFortranOutputStack"] ,_ ["filename",'"",strconc(STRINGIMAGE asp,aspId),'"f"]] , _ makeOutputAsFortran INTERN strconc(STRINGIMAGE(asp),'"__arg"), _ [["$elt","FOP","popFortranOutputStack"]] _ ] makeOutputAsFortran arg == ["IF",["case",arg,"fn"],["outputAsFortran",[arg,"fn"]],_ ["outputAsFortran",[arg,"fp"]] ] makeCompilation(asps,file,aspId) == [["$elt","Lisp","compileAndLink"],_ ["construct",:[strconc(STRINGIMAGE a,aspId,'".f") for a in asps]], _ $fortranCompilerName,_ strconc(file,'".o"),_ strconc(file,'".spadexe"),_ $fortranLibraries] compileAndLink(fortFileList,fortCompiler,cFile,outFile,linkerArgs) == SYSTEM strconc (fortCompiler, addSpaces fortFileList,_ cFile, " -o ",outFile," ",linkerArgs) addSpaces(stringList) == l := " " for s in stringList repeat l := strconc(l,s," ") l complexRows z == -- Take a list of lists of complexes (i.e. pairs of floats) and -- make them look like a Fortran vector! [:[:pair2list(u.i) for u in z] for i in 0..#(z.0)-1] pair2list u == [first u,rest u] vec2Lists1 u == [u.i for i in 0..#u-1] vec2Lists u == [vec2Lists1 u.i for i in 0..#u-1] spad2lisp(u) == -- Turn complexes into arrays of floats first first(u)="Complex" => makeVector([makeVector([second u,CDDR u],"%DoubleFloat")],NIL) -- Turn arrays of complexes into arrays of floats so that tarnsposing -- them puts them in the correct fortran order first first(u)="Matrix" and first second first(u) = "Complex" => makeVector([makeVector(complexRows vec2Lists rest u,"%DoubleFloat")],NIL) rest(u) invokeFortran(objFile,args,dummies,decls,results,actual) == actual := [spad2lisp(u) for u in first actual] returnedValues := spadify( _ fortCall(objFile,prepareData(args,dummies,actual,decls),_ prepareResults(results,args,dummies,actual,decls)),_ results,decls,inFirstNotSecond(args,dummies),actual) -- -- If there are one or two elements in returnedValues we must return a -- -- cons cell, otherwise a vector. This is to match the internal -- -- representation of an Axiom Record. -- #returnedValues = 1 => returnedValues -- #returnedValues = 2 => [first returnedValues,:second returnedValues] -- makeVector(returnedValues,nil) int2Bool u == -- Return something which looks like an axiom boolean u=1 => "TRUE" NIL makeResultRecord(name,type,value) == -- Take an object returned by the NAG routine and make it into an AXIOM -- object of type Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any) for use by Result. [name,:[spadTypeTTT type,:value]] spadify(l,results,decls,names,actual) == -- The elements of list l are the output forms returned from the Fortran -- code: integers, floats and vectors. Return spad forms of these, of -- type Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any) (for use with the Result domain). -- SETQ(RESULTS,l) spadForms := nil for i in 0..(#l -1) repeat fort := NTH(i,l) name := NTH(i,results) ty := getFortranType(name,decls) -- Result is a string string? fort => spadForms := [makeResultRecord(name,ty,fort), :spadForms] -- Result is a Complex Scalar ty in ["double complex" , "complex"] => spadForms := [makeResultRecord(name,ty, _ [fort.0,:fort.1]),:spadForms] -- Result is a Complex vector or array LISTP(ty) and first(ty) in ["double complex" , "complex"] => dims := [getVal(u,names,actual) for u in rest ty] els := nil if #dims=1 then els := [makeVector([[fort.(2*i),:fort.(2*i+1)] _ for i in 0..(first(dims)-1)],nil)] else if #dims=2 then for r in 0..(first(dims) - 1) repeat innerEls := nil for c in 0..(second(dims) - 1) repeat offset := 2*(c*first(dims)+r) innerEls := [[fort.offset,:fort.(offset+1)],:innerEls] els := [makeVector(nreverse innerEls,nil),:els] else error ['"Can't cope with complex output dimensions higher than 2"] spadForms := [makeResultRecord(name,ty,makeVector(nreverse els,nil)), :spadForms] -- Result is a Boolean vector or array LISTP(ty) and first(ty)="logical" and #ty=2 => dim := getVal(second ty,names,actual) spadForms := [makeResultRecord(name,ty,_ [int2Bool fort.i for i in 0..dim-1]), :spadForms] LISTP(ty) and first(ty)="logical" => dims := [getVal(u,names,actual) for u in rest ty] els := nil if #dims=2 then for r in 0..(first(dims) - 1) repeat innerEls := nil for c in 0..(second(dims) - 1) repeat innerEls := [int2Bool fort.(c*first(dims)+r),:innerEls] els := [nreverse innerEls,:els] else error ['"Can't cope with logical output dimensions higher than 2"] spadForms := [makeResultRecord(name,ty,nreverse els), :spadForms] -- Result is a vector or array VECTORP fort => dims := [getVal(u,names,actual) for u in rest ty] els := nil -- Check to see whether we are dealing with a dummy (0-dimensional) array. if MEMQ(0,dims) then els := [[]] else if #dims=1 then els := [makeVector([fort.i for i in 0..(first(dims)-1)],nil)] else if #dims=2 then for r in 0..(first(dims) - 1) repeat innerEls := nil for c in 0..(second(dims) - 1) repeat innerEls := [fort.(c*first(dims)+r),:innerEls] els := [makeVector(nreverse innerEls,nil),:els] else if #dims=3 then iDim := first(dims) jDim := second dims kDim := third dims for r in 0..(iDim - 1) repeat middleEls := nil for c in 0..(jDim - 1) repeat innerEls := nil for p in 0..(kDim - 1) repeat offset := p*jDim + c*kDim + r innerEls := [fort.offset,:innerEls] middleEls := [makeVector(nreverse innerEls,nil),:middleEls] els := [makeVector(nreverse middleEls,nil),:els] else error ['"Can't cope with output dimensions higher than 3"] if not MEMQ(0,dims) then els := makeVector(nreverse els,nil) spadForms := [makeResultRecord(name,ty,els), :spadForms] -- Result is a Boolean Scalar atom fort and ty="logical" => spadForms := [makeResultRecord(name,ty,int2Bool fort), :spadForms] -- Result is a Scalar atom fort => spadForms := [makeResultRecord(name,ty,fort),:spadForms] error ['"Unrecognised output format: ",fort] nreverse spadForms lispType u == -- Return the lisp type equivalent to the given Fortran type. LISTP u => lispType first u u = "real" => "%SingleFloat" u = "double" => "%DoubleFloat" u = "double precision" => "DoubleFloat" u = "integer" => "FIXNUM" u = "logical" => "BOOLEAN" u = "character" => "CHARACTER" u = "complex" => "%SingleFloat" u = "double complex" => "%DoubleFloat" error ['"Unrecognised Fortran type: ",u] getVal(u,names,values) == -- if u is the i'th element of names, return the i'th element of values, -- otherwise if it is an arithmetic expression evaluate it. integer?(u) => u LISTP(u) => eval [first(u), :[getVal(v,names,values) for v in rest u]] (place := POSITION(u,names)) => NTH(place,values) error ['"No value found for parameter: ",u] prepareData(args,dummies,values,decls) == -- TTT: we don't -- writeData handles all the mess [args,dummies,values,decls] checkForBoolean u == u = "BOOLEAN" => "%Short" u shortZero == COERCE(0,"%SingleFloat") longZero == COERCE(0,"%DoubleFloat") prepareResults(results,args,dummies,values,decls) == -- Create the floating point zeros (boot doesn't like 0.0d0, 0.0D0 etc) data := nil for u in results repeat type := getFortranType(u,decls) data := [defaultValue(type,inFirstNotSecond(args,dummies),values),:data] where defaultValue(type,argNames,actual) == LISTP(type) and first(type)="character" => MAKE_-STRING(1) LISTP(type) and first(type) in ["complex","double complex"] => makeVector( makeList( 2*apply('_*,[getVal(tt,argNames,actual) for tt in rest(type)]),_ if first(type)="complex" then shortZero else longZero),_ if first(type)="complex" then "%SingleFloat" else "%DoubleFloat" ) LISTP type => makeVector(_ makeList( apply('_*,[getVal(tt,argNames,actual) for tt in rest(type)]),_ defaultValue(first type,argNames,actual)),_ checkForBoolean lispType first(type) ) type = "integer" => 0 type = "real" => shortZero type = "double" => longZero type = "double precision" => longZero type = "logical" => 0 type = "character" => MAKE_-STRING(1) type = "complex" => makeVector([shortZero,shortZero],"%SingleFloat") type = "double complex" => makeVector([longZero,longZero],"%DoubleFloat") error ['"Unrecognised Fortran type: ",type] nreverse data -- TTT this is dead code now -- transposeVector(u,type) == -- -- Take a vector of vectors and return a single vector which is in column -- -- order (i.e. swap from C to Fortran order). -- els := nil -- rows := first ARRAY_-DIMENSIONS(u)-1 -- cols := first ARRAY_-DIMENSIONS(u.0)-1 -- -- Could be a 3D Matrix -- if VECTORP u.0.0 then -- planes := first ARRAY_-DIMENSIONS(u.0.0)-1 -- for k in 0..planes repeat for j in 0..cols repeat for i in 0..rows repeat -- els := [u.i.j.k,:els] -- else -- for j in 0..cols repeat for i in 0..rows repeat -- els := [u.i.j,:els] -- makeVector(nreverse els,type) writeData(tmpFile,indata) == -- Write the elements of the list data to a temporary file. Return the -- name of that file. -- str := MAKE_-OUTSTREAM(tmpFile) xstr := xdrOpen(str,true) [args,dummies,values,decls] := indata for v in values repeat -- the two Boolean values v = "T" => xdrWrite(xstr,1) null v => xdrWrite(xstr,0) -- characters string? v => xdrWrite(xstr,v) -- some array VECTORP v => rows := first ARRAY_-DIMENSIONS(v) -- is it 2d or more (most likely) ? VECTORP v.0 => cols := first ARRAY_-DIMENSIONS(v.0) -- is it 3d ? VECTORP v.0.0 => planes := first ARRAY_-DIMENSIONS(v.0.0) -- write 3d array xdrWrite(xstr,rows*cols*planes) for k in 0..planes-1 repeat for j in 0..cols-1 repeat for i in 0..rows-1 repeat xdrWrite(xstr,v.i.j.k) -- write 2d array xdrWrite(xstr,rows*cols) for j in 0..cols-1 repeat for i in 0..rows-1 repeat xdrWrite(xstr,v.i.j) -- write 1d array xdrWrite(xstr,rows) for i in 0..rows-1 repeat xdrWrite(xstr,v.i) -- this is used for lists of booleans apparently in f01 LISTP v => xdrWrite(xstr,# v) for el in v repeat if el then xdrWrite(xstr,1) else xdrWrite(xstr,0) -- integers integer? v => xdrWrite(xstr,v) -- floats FLOATP v => xdrWrite(xstr,v) SHUT(str) tmpFile readData(tmpFile,results) == -- read in the results from tmpFile. The list results is a list of -- dummy objects of the correct type which will receive the data. str := MAKE_-INSTREAM(tmpFile) xstr := xdrOpen(str,false) results := [xdrRead1(xstr,r) for r in results] where xdrRead1(x,dummy) == VECTORP(dummy) and ZEROP(# dummy) => dummy xdrRead(x,dummy) SHUT(str) results generateDataName()==strconc($fortranTmpDir,getEnv('"HOST"), getEnv('"SPADNUM"), gensym('"NAG"),'"data") generateResultsName()==strconc($fortranTmpDir,getEnv('"HOST"), getEnv('"SPADNUM"), gensym('"NAG"),'"results") fortCall(objFile,data,results) == tmpFile1 := writeData(generateDataName(),data) tmpFile2 := generateResultsName() SYSTEM strconc(objFile," < ",tmpFile1," > ",tmpFile2) results := readData(tmpFile2,results) removeFile tmpFile1 removeFile tmpFile2 results invokeNagman(objFiles,nfile,args,dummies,decls,results,actual) == actual := [spad2lisp(u) for u in first actual] result := spadify(protectedNagCall(objFiles,nfile, _ prepareData(args,dummies,actual,decls),_ prepareResults(results,args,dummies,actual,decls)),_ results,decls,inFirstNotSecond(args,dummies),actual) -- Tidy up asps -- if objFiles then SYSTEM strconc("rm -f ",addSpaces objFiles) for fn in objFiles repeat removeFile fn result nagCall(objFiles,nfile,data,results,tmpFiled,tmpFiler) == nagMessagesString := $nagMessages => '"on" '"off" writeData(tmpFiled,data) toSend:=strconc($nagHost," ",nfile," ",tmpFiler," ",tmpFiled," ",_ STRINGIMAGE($fortPersistence)," ", nagMessagesString," ",addSpaces objFiles) sockSendString(8,toSend) if sockGetInt(8)=1 then results := readData(tmpFiler,results) else error ['"An error was detected while reading data: ", _ '"perhaps an incorrect array index was given ?"] results protectedNagCall(objFiles,nfile,data,results) == errors :=true val:=NIL td:=generateDataName() tr:=generateResultsName() UNWIND_-PROTECT( (val:=nagCall(objFiles,nfile,data,results,td,tr) ;errors :=NIL), errors =>( resetStackLimits(); sendNagmanErrorSignal();cleanUpAfterNagman(td,tr,objFiles))) val cleanUpAfterNagman(f1,f2,listf)== PROBE_-FILE(f1) and DELETE_-FILE(f1) PROBE_-FILE(f2) and DELETE_-FILE(f2) for fn in listf repeat PROBE_-FILE(fn) and DELETE_-FILE(fn) sendNagmanErrorSignal()== -- excite nagman's signal handler! sockSendSignal(8,15) -- Globals -- $fortranDirectory := nil -- $fortranLibraries := '"-L/usr/local/lib/f90 -lf90 -L/usr/local/lib -lnag -lm" -- $fortranTmpDir := '"/tmp/" -- $addUnderscoreToFortranNames := true -- $fortranCompilerName := '"f90" inFirstNotSecond(f,s)== [i for i in f | not member(i,s)] -- Code for use in the Windows version of the AXIOM/NAG interface. multiToUnivariate f == -- Take an AnonymousFunction, replace the bound variables by references to -- elements of a vector, and compile it. (first f) ~= "+->" => error "in multiToUnivariate: not an AnonymousFunction" if cons? second f then vars := CDADR f -- throw away '%Comma at start of variable list else vars := [second f] body := COPY_-TREE third f newVariable := gensym() for index in 0..#vars-1 repeat -- Remember that AXIOM lists, vectors etc are indexed from 1 body := NSUBST(["elt",newVariable,index+1],vars.(index),body) -- We want a Vector DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat target := [["DoubleFloat"],["Vector",["DoubleFloat"]]] rest interpret ["ADEF",[newVariable],target,[[],[]],body] functionAndJacobian f == -- Take a mapping into n functions of n variables, produce code which will -- evaluate function and jacobian values. (first f) ~= "+->" => error "in functionAndJacobian: not an AnonymousFunction" if cons? second f then vars := CDADR f -- throw away '%Comma at start of variable list else vars := [second f] #(vars) ~= #(CDADDR f) => error "number of variables should equal number of functions" funBodies := COPY_-TREE CDADDR f jacBodies := [:[DF(f,v) for v in vars] for f in funBodies] where DF(fn,var) == ["@",["convert",["differentiate",fn,var]],"InputForm"] jacBodies := CDDR interpret [["$elt",["List",["InputForm"]],"construct"],:jacBodies] newVariable := gensym() for index in 0..#vars-1 repeat -- Remember that AXIOM lists, vectors etc are indexed from 1 funBodies := NSUBST(["elt",newVariable,index+1],vars.(index),funBodies) jacBodies := NSUBST(["elt",newVariable,index+1],vars.(index),jacBodies) target := [["Vector",["DoubleFloat"]],["Vector",["DoubleFloat"]],["Integer"]] rest interpret ["ADEF",[newVariable,"flag"],target,[[],[],[]],_ ["IF", ["=","flag",1],_ ["vector",["construct",:funBodies]],_ ["vector",["construct",:jacBodies]]]] vectorOfFunctions f == -- Take a mapping into n functions of m variables, produce code which will -- evaluate function values. (first f) ~= "+->" => error "in vectorOfFunctions: not an AnonymousFunction" if cons? second f then vars := CDADR f -- throw away '%Comma at start of variable list else vars := [second f] funBodies := COPY_-TREE CDADDR f newVariable := gensym() for index in 0..#vars-1 repeat -- Remember that AXIOM lists, vectors etc are indexed from 1 funBodies := NSUBST(["elt",newVariable,index+1],vars.(index),funBodies) target := [["Vector",["DoubleFloat"]],["Vector",["DoubleFloat"]]] rest interpret ["ADEF",[newVariable],target,[[],[]],["vector",["construct",:funBodies]]]