-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import macros namespace BOOT --% Functions for display formatting system objects -- some of these are redundant and should be compacted $formatSigAsTeX := 1 $permitWhere := false ++ $abbreviateJoin := false --% Formatting modemaps sayModemap m == -- sayMSG formatModemap displayTranModemap m sayMSG formatModemap old2NewModemaps displayTranModemap m sayModemapWithNumber(m,n) == msg := reverse cleanUpSegmentedMsg reverse ["%i","%i",'" ", strconc(lbrkSch(),object2String n,rbrkSch()), :formatModemap displayTranModemap m,"%u","%u"] sayMSG flowSegmentedMsg(reverse msg,$LINELENGTH,3) displayOpModemaps(op,modemaps) == TERPRI() count:= #modemaps phrase:= (count=1 => 'modemap;'modemaps) sayMSG ['"%b",count,'"%d",phrase,'" for",'"%b",op,'"%d",'":"] for modemap in modemaps repeat sayModemap modemap displayTranModemap (mm is [[x,:sig],[pred,:y],:z]) == -- The next 8 lines are a HACK to deal with the "partial" definition -- JHD/RSS if pred is ['partial,:pred'] then [b,:c]:=sig sig:=[['Union,b,'"failed"],:c] mm:=[[x,:sig],[pred',:y],:z] else if pred = 'partial then [b,:c]:=sig sig:=[['Union,b,'"failed"],:c] mm:=[[x,:sig],y,:z] mm' := applySubst(pairList(MSORT listOfPredOfTypePatternIds pred, '(m n p q r s t i j k l)), mm) applySubst(pairList(MSORT listOfPatternIds [sig,[pred,:y]], '(D D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14)),mm') listOfPredOfTypePatternIds p == p is ['AND,:lp] or p is ['OR,:lp] => setUnion([:listOfPredOfTypePatternIds p1 for p1 in lp],nil) p is [op,a,.] and op = 'ofType => isPatternVar a => [a] nil nil removeIsDomains pred == pred is ['isDomain,a,b] => true pred is ['AND,:predl] => MKPF([x for x in predl | x isnt ['isDomain,:.]],'AND) pred canRemoveIsDomain? pred == -- returns nil OR an alist for substitutions of domains ordered so that -- after substituting for each pair in turn, no left-hand names remain alist := pred is ['isDomain,a,b] => [[a,:b],:alist] pred is ['AND,:predl] => [[a,:b] for pred in predl | pred is ['isDomain,a,b]] findSubstitutionOrder? alist findSubstitutionOrder? alist == fn(alist,nil) where -- returns nil or an appropriate substituion order fn(alist,res) == null alist => reverse! res choice := or/[x for (x:=[a,:b]) in alist | null containedRight(a,alist)] => fn(remove(alist,choice),[choice,:res]) nil containedRight(x,alist)== or/[CONTAINED(x,y) for [.,:y] in alist] removeIsDomainD pred == pred is ['isDomain,'D,D] => [D,nil] pred is ['AND,:preds] => D := nil for p in preds while not D repeat p is ['isDomain,'D,D1] => D := D1 npreds := remove(preds,['isDomain,'D,D1]) D => 1 = #npreds => [D,first npreds] [D,['AND,:npreds]] nil nil formatModemap modemap == [[dc,target,:sl],pred,:.]:= modemap if alist := canRemoveIsDomain? pred then dc:= substInOrder(alist,dc) pred:= substInOrder(alist,removeIsDomains pred) target:= substInOrder(alist,target) sl:= substInOrder(alist,sl) else if removeIsDomainD pred is [D,npred] then pred := substitute(D,'D,npred) target := substitute(D,'D,target) sl := substitute(D,'D,sl) predPart:= formatIf pred targetPart:= prefix2String target argTypeList:= null sl => nil concat(prefix2String first sl,fn(rest sl)) where fn l == null l => nil concat('",",prefix2String first l,fn rest l) argPart:= #sl<2 => argTypeList ['"(",:argTypeList,'")"] fromPart:= if dc = 'D and D then concat('"%b",'"from",'"%d",prefix2String D) else concat('"%b",'"from",'"%d",prefix2String dc) firstPart:= concat('" ",argPart,'" -> ",targetPart) sayWidth firstPart + sayWidth fromPart > 74 => --allow 5 spaces for " [n]" fromPart:= concat('" ",fromPart) secondPart := sayWidth fromPart + sayWidth predPart < 75 => concat(fromPart,predPart) concat(fromPart,'"%l",predPart) concat(firstPart,'"%l",secondPart) firstPart:= concat(firstPart,fromPart) sayWidth firstPart + sayWidth predPart < 80 => concat(firstPart,predPart) concat(firstPart,'"%l",predPart) substInOrder(alist,x) == alist is [[a,:b],:y] => substInOrder(y,substitute(b,a,x)) x reportOpSymbol op1 == -- Don't forget that "^" is another name for "**" if op1 = "^" then sayMessage ['" ",op1, '" is another name for", :bright '"**"] op1 := "**" op := (string? op1 => makeSymbol op1; op1) modemaps := getAllModemapsFromDatabase(op,nil) null modemaps => ok := true sayKeyedMsg("S2IF0010",[op1]) if # PNAME op1 < 3 then x := UPCASE queryUserKeyedMsg("S2IZ0060",[op1]) null (STRING2ID_-N(x,1) in '(Y YES)) => ok := nil sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0061",[op1]) ok => apropos [op1] sayNewLine() -- filter modemaps on whether they are exposed mmsE := mmsU := nil for mm in modemaps repeat isFreeFunctionFromMm(mm) or isExposedConstructor getDomainFromMm(mm) => mmsE := [mm,:mmsE] mmsU := [mm,:mmsU] if mmsE then sayMms(op,mmsE,'"exposed") if mmsU then if mmsE then sayNewLine() sayMms(op,mmsU,'"unexposed") nil where sayMms(op,mms,label) == m := # mms sayMSG m = 1 => ['"There is one",:bright label,'"function called", :bright op,'":"] ['"There are ",m,:bright label,'"functions called", :bright op,'":"] for mm in mms for i in 1.. repeat sayModemapWithNumber(mm,i) formatOpType (form:=[op,:argl]) == null argl => unabbrev op form2String [unabbrev op, :argl] formatOperationAlistEntry (entry:= [op,:modemaps]) == ans := nil for [sig,slot,pred,kind] in modemaps repeat ans := [concat(formatOpSignature(op,sig,kind),formatIf pred),:ans] ans formatOperation([[op,sig],.,[fn,.,n]],domain) == opSigString := formatOpSignature(op,sig,fn) integer? n and function Undef = KAR domain.n => if integer? $commentedOps then $commentedOps := $commentedOps + 1 concat(" --",opSigString) opSigString formatOpSignature(op,sig,kind == 'ELT) == concat('"%b",formatOpSymbol(op,sig),'"%d",'": ",formatSignature(sig,kind)) formatOpConstant op == concat('"%b",formatOpSymbol(op,'($)),'"%d",'": constant") formatOpSymbol(op,sig) == if op is 'Zero then op := "0" else if op is 'One then op := "1" null sig => op quad := specialChar 'quad n := #sig (op = 'elt) and (n = 3) => (second(sig) = '_$) => string? (sel := third(sig)) => [quad,".",sel] [quad,".",quad] op string? op or GETL(op,"Led") or GETL(op,"Nud") => n = 3 => if op = 'SEGMENT then op := '".." op = 'in => [quad,'" ",op,'" ",quad] -- stop exquo from being displayed as infix (since it is not accepted -- as such by the interpreter) op = 'exquo => op [quad,op,quad] n = 2 => not GETL(op,"Nud") => [quad,op] [op,quad] op op formatAttribute x == x isnt [.,:.] => [" ",x] x is [op,:argl] => for x in argl repeat argPart:= append!(argPart,concat('",",formatAttributeArg x)) argPart => concat('" ",op,'"(",rest argPart,'")") [" ",op] formatAttributeArg x == x is '"*" => "_"*_"" x isnt [.,:.] => formatOpSymbol (x,nil) x is [":",op,["Mapping",:sig]] => concat('"%b",formatOpSymbol(op,sig),": ",'"%d",formatMapping sig) prefix2String0 x formatMapping sig == strconc/concat('"Mapping(",formatSignature sig,'")") dollarPercentTran x == -- Translate $ to %. We actually return %% so that the message -- printer will display a single % x is [y,:z] => y1 := dollarPercentTran y z1 := dollarPercentTran z sameObject?(y, y1) and sameObject?(z, z1) => x [y1, :z1] x is "$" or x is '"$" => "%%" x is "T$" or x is '"T$" => "T" x formatSignatureAsTeX sig == $formatSigAsTeX: local := 2 formatSignature0(sig,'ELT) formatSignature(sig,kind == 'ELT) == $formatSigAsTeX: local := 1 formatSignature0(sig,kind) formatSignatureArgs sml == $formatSigAsTeX: local := 1 formatSignatureArgs0 sml formatSignature0(sig,kind) == null sig => "() -> ()" integer? sig => '"hashcode" [tm,:sml] := sig sourcePart:= formatSignatureArgs0 sml targetPart:= prefix2String0 tm dollarPercentTran kind is 'CONST => targetPart concat(sourcePart,concat(" -> ",targetPart)) formatSignatureArgs0 sml == -- formats the arguments of a signature null sml => ['"()"] null rest sml => prefix2String0 first sml argList:= prefix2String0 first sml for m in rest sml repeat argList:= concat(argList,concat('",",prefix2String0 m)) concat('"(",concat(argList,'")")) --% Conversions to string form expr2String x == (u:= prefix2String0 x) isnt [.,:.] => u strconc/[atom2String y for y in u] -- exports (this is a badly named bit of sillyness) prefix2StringAsTeX form == form2StringAsTeX form prefix2String form == form2String form -- local version prefix2String0 form == form2StringLocal form -- SUBRP form => formWrapId BPINAME form -- form isnt [.,:.] => -- form=$EmptyMode or form=$quadSymbol => formWrapId specialChar 'quad -- string? form => formWrapId form -- ident? form => -- constructor? form => app2StringWrap(formWrapId form, [form]) -- formWrapId form -- formWrapId STRINGIMAGE form form2StringWithWhere u == $permitWhere : local := true $whereList: local := nil s:= form2String u $whereList => concat(s,'"%b",'"where",'"%d","%i",$whereList,'"%u") s form2StringWithPrens form == null (argl := rest form) => [first form] null rest argl => [first form,'"(",first argl,'")"] form2String form formString u == x := form2String u x isnt [.,:.] => STRINGIMAGE x strconc/[STRINGIMAGE y for y in x] form2String u == $formatSigAsTeX: local := 1 form2StringLocal u form2StringAsTeX u == $formatSigAsTeX: local := 2 form2StringLocal u form2StringLocal u == --+ $NRTmonitorIfTrue : local := nil $fortInts2Floats : local := nil form2String1 u constructorName con == $abbreviateTypes => abbreviate con con form2String1 u == u isnt [.,:.] => u=$EmptyMode or u=$quadSymbol => formWrapId specialChar 'quad ident? u => constructor? u => app2StringWrap(formWrapId u, [u]) formWrapId u SUBRP u => formWrapId BPINAME u stringImage u u1 := u [op,:argl] := u string? op and argl = nil => -- string literals (e.g. "failed") masquerading as constructors stringImage op op='Join or op= 'mkCategory => formJoin1(op,argl) $InteractiveMode and ident? op and (u:= getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB op) => null argl => app2StringWrap(formWrapId constructorName op, u1) op = "NTuple" => [ form2String1 first argl, '"*"] op = "Map" => ['"(",:formatSignature0([argl.1,argl.0],'ELT),'")"] op = "Record" => record2String(argl) null (conSig := getConstructorSignature op) => application2String(constructorName op,[form2String1(a) for a in argl], u1) ml := rest conSig if not freeOfSharpVars ml then ml := applySubst([[pvar,:val] for pvar in $FormalMapVariableList for val in argl], ml) argl:= formArguments2String(argl,ml) -- extra null check to handle mutable domain hack. null argl => constructorName op application2String(constructorName op,argl, u1) op = "Mapping" => ['"(",:formatSignature argl,'")"] op = "Record" => record2String(argl) op = "Union" => application2String(op,[form2String1 x for x in argl], u1) op = ":" => null argl => [ '":" ] null rest argl => [ '":", form2String1 first argl ] formDecl2String(argl.0,argl.1) op = "#" and cons? argl and LISTP first argl => -- FIXME: is the argument list always a simple atom? toString #first argl op = 'Join => formJoin2String argl op = "ATTRIBUTE" => form2String1 first argl op='Zero => '"0" op='One => '"1" op = 'AGGLST => tuple2String argl op = 'BRACKET => argl' := form2String1 first argl ['"[",:(argl' isnt [.,:.] => [argl']; argl'),'"]"] op = 'PAREN => argl' := form2String1 first argl ['"(",:(argl' isnt [.,:.] => [argl']; argl'),'")"] op = "SIGNATURE" => [operation,sig,:q] := argl concat(operation,'": ",formatSignature sig) op = 'COLLECT => formCollect2String argl op = 'construct => concat(lbrkSch(), tuple2String [form2String1 x for x in argl],rbrkSch()) op = "SEGMENT" => null argl => '".." lo := form2String1 first argl argl := rest argl (null argl) or null (first argl) => [lo, '".."] [lo, '"..", form2String1 first argl] isBinaryInfix op => formatAsFortranExpression [op,:argl] -- COMPILED_-FUNCTION_-P(op) => form2String1 coerceMap2E(u1,nil) application2String(op,[form2String1 x for x in argl], u1) formWrapId id == $formatSigAsTeX = 1 => PNAME id $formatSigAsTeX = 2 => sep := '"`" FORMAT(nil,'"\verb~a~a~a",sep, id, sep) error '"Bad formatSigValue" formArguments2String(argl,ml) == [fn(x,m) for x in argl for m in ml] where fn(x,m) == x=$EmptyMode or x=$quadSymbol => specialChar 'quad string?(x) or ident?(x) => x x is ['_:,:.] => form2String1 x isValidType(m) and cons?(m) and (getConstructorKindFromDB first(m) = "domain") => (x' := coerceInteractive(objNewWrap(x,m),$OutputForm)) => form2String1 objValUnwrap x' form2String1 x form2String1 x formDecl2String(left,right) == $declVar: local := left whereBefore := $whereList ls:= form2StringLocal left rs:= form2StringLocal right not sameObject?($whereList,whereBefore) and $permitWhere => ls concat(ls,'": ",rs) formJoin1(op,u) == if op = 'Join then [:argl,last] := u else (argl := nil; last := [op,:u]) last is [id,.,:r] and id in '(mkCategory CATEGORY) => $abbreviateJoin => concat(formJoin2 argl,'"%b",'"with",'"%d",'"...") $permitWhere => opList:= formatJoinKey(r,id) $whereList:= concat($whereList,"%l",$declVar,": ", formJoin2 argl,'"%b",'"with",'"%d","%i",opList,"%u") formJoin2 argl opList:= formatJoinKey(r,id) suffix := concat('"%b",'"with",'"%d","%i",opList,"%u") concat(formJoin2 argl,suffix) formJoin2 u sigMarker x == x is ['constant] => 'CONST 'ELT formatJoinKey(r,key) == key is 'mkCategory => r is [opPart,catPart,:.] => opString := opPart is ['%list,:u] => "append"/[concat("%l",formatOpSignature(op,sig,kind),formatIf pred) for ['QUOTE,[[op,sig,:x],pred]] in u | kind := sigMarker x] nil catString := catPart is ['%list,:u] => "append"/[concat("%l",'" ",form2StringLocal con,formatIf pred) for ['QUOTE,[con,pred]] in u] nil concat(opString,catString) '"?? unknown mkCategory format ??" -- otherwise we have the CATEGORY form "append"/[fn for x in r] where fn() == x is ['SIGNATURE,op,sig,:.] => concat("%l",formatOpSignature(op,sig)) x is ['ATTRIBUTE,a] => concat("%l",formatAttribute a) x formJoin2 argl == -- argl is a list of categories NOT containing a "with" null argl => '"" 1=#argl => form2StringLocal argl.0 application2String('Join,[form2StringLocal x for x in argl],nil) formJoin2String (u:=[:argl,last]) == last is ["CATEGORY",.,:atsigList] => postString:= concat('"(",formTuple2String atsigList,'")") #argl=1 => concat(first argl,'" with ",postString) concat(application2String('Join,argl, nil)," with ",postString) application2String('Join,u, nil) formCollect2String [:itl,body] == ['"(",body,:"append"/[formIterator2String x for x in itl],'")"] formIterator2String x == x is ["STEP",y,s,.,:l] => tail:= (l is [f] => form2StringLocal f; nil) concat('"for ",y,'" in ",s,'"..",tail) x is ["tails",y] => concat('"tails ",formatIterator y) x is ["reverse",y] => concat('"reverse ",formatIterator y) x is ["|",y,p] => concat(formatIterator y,'" | ",form2StringLocal p) x is ["until",p] => concat('"until ",form2StringLocal p) x is ["while",p] => concat('"while ",form2StringLocal p) systemErrorHere ["formatIterator",x] tuple2String argl == null argl => nil string := first argl if member(string, '("failed" "nil" "prime" "sqfr" "irred")) then string := strconc('"_"",string,'"_"") else string := string isnt [.,:.] => object2String string [f x for x in string] for x in rest argl repeat if member(x,'("failed" "nil" "prime" "sqfr" "irred")) then x := strconc('"_"",x,'"_"") string:= concat(string,concat('",",f x)) string where f x == x isnt [.,:.] => object2String x -- [f first x,:f rest x] [f y for y in x] script2String s == null s => '"" -- just to be safe if s isnt [.,:.] then s := [s] linearFormatForm(first s, rest s) linearFormatName x == x isnt [.,:.] => x linearFormat x linearFormat x == x isnt [.,:.] => x x is [op,:argl] and op isnt [.,:.] => argPart:= argl is [a,:l] => [a,:"append"/[['",",x] for x in l]] nil [op,'"(",:argPart,'")"] [linearFormat y for y in x] numOfSpadArguments id == char "*" = stringChar(s:= PNAME id,0) => +/[n for i in 1.. while integer? (n:=readInteger PNAME s.i)] keyedSystemError("S2IF0012",[id]) linearFormatForm(op,argl) == s:= PNAME op indexList:= [readInteger PNAME d for i in 1.. while (digit? (d:= s.(idxmax:= i)))] cleanOp:= makeSymbol (strconc/[PNAME s.i for i in idxmax..maxIndex s]) fnArgs:= indexList.0 > 0 => concat('"(",formatArgList take(-indexList.0,argl),'")") nil if #indexList > 1 then scriptArgs:= formatArgList take(indexList.1,argl) argl := drop(indexList.1,argl) for i in rest rest indexList repeat subArglist:= take(i,argl) argl:= drop(i,argl) scriptArgs:= concat(scriptArgs,";",formatArgList subArglist) scriptArgs:= scriptArgs => concat(specialChar 'lbrk,scriptArgs, specialChar 'rbrk) nil l := [(string? f => f; STRINGIMAGE f) for f in concat(cleanOp,scriptArgs,fnArgs)] strconc/l formatArgList l == null l => nil acc:= linearFormat first l for x in rest l repeat acc:= concat(acc,'",",linearFormat x) acc formTuple2String argl == null argl => nil string:= form2StringLocal first argl for x in rest argl repeat string:= concat(string,concat('",",form2StringLocal x)) string isInternalFunctionName(op) == (not ident?(op)) or (op = "*") or (op = "**") => nil op' := symbolName op 1 = #op' or char "*" ~= stringChar(op',0) => nil -- if there is a semicolon in the name then it is the name of -- a compiled spad function null (e := STRPOS('"_;",op',1,nil)) => nil char " " = stringChar(op',1) or char "*" = stringChar(op',1) => nil table := MAKETRTTABLE('"0123456789",nil) s := STRPOSL(table,op',1,true) null(s) or s > e => nil subString(op',s,e-s) application2String(op,argl, linkInfo) == null argl => (op' := isInternalFunctionName(op)) => op' app2StringWrap(formWrapId op, linkInfo) op = "[||]" => concat('"[|",concat(prefix2String0 argl,'"|]")) 1=#argl => arg := first argl arg is ["<",:.] or arg is ["(",:.] => concat(op,arg) concat(app2StringWrap(formWrapId op, linkInfo),'" ",arg) --op in '(UP SM) => -- newop:= (op = "UP" => "P";"M") -- concat(newop,concat(lbrkSch(),argl.0,rbrkSch(),argl.1)) --op='RM =>concat("M",concat(lbrkSch(), -- argl.0,'",",argl.1,rbrkSch(),argl.2)) --op='MP =>concat("P",concat(argl.0,argl.1)) op='SEGMENT => null argl => '".." (null rest argl) or (null second argl) => concat(first argl, '"..") concat(first argl, concat('"..", second argl)) concat(app2StringWrap(formWrapId op, linkInfo) , concat('"(",concat(tuple2String argl,'")"))) app2StringConcat0(x,y) == FORMAT(nil, '"~a ~a", x, y) app2StringWrap(string, linkInfo) == not linkInfo => string $formatSigAsTeX = 1 => string $formatSigAsTeX = 2 => str2 := "app2StringConcat0"/form2Fence linkInfo sep := '"`" FORMAT(nil, '"\lispLink{\verb!(|conPage| '~a)!}{~a}", str2, string) error "Bad value for $formatSigAsTeX" record2String x == argPart := nil for [":",a,b] in x repeat argPart:= concat(argPart,'",",a,'": ",form2StringLocal b) null argPart => '"Record()" concat('"Record(",rest argPart,'")") plural(n,string) == suffix:= n = 1 => '"" '"s" [:bright n,string,suffix] formatIf pred == not pred => nil member(pred,'(T %true (QUOTE T))) => nil concat('"%b",'"if",'"%d",pred2English pred) formatPredParts s == s is ['QUOTE,s1] => formatPredParts s1 s is ['%list,:s1] => [formatPredParts s2 for s2 in s1] s is ['devaluate,s1] => formatPredParts s1 s is ['getDomainView,s1,.] => formatPredParts s1 s is ['SUBST,a,b,c] => -- this is a signature s1 := formatPredParts substitute(formatPredParts a,b,c) s1 isnt [fun,sig] => s1 ['SIGNATURE,fun,[formatPredParts(r) for r in sig]] s pred2English x == x is ['IF,cond,thenClause,elseClause] => c := concat('"if ",pred2English cond) t := concat('" then ",pred2English thenClause) e := concat('" else ",pred2English elseClause) concat(c,t,e) x is ['AND,:l] => tail:="append"/[concat(bright '"and",pred2English x) for x in rest l] concat(pred2English first l,tail) x is ['OR,:l] => tail:= "append"/[concat(bright '"or",pred2English x) for x in rest l] concat(pred2English first l,tail) x is ['NOT,l] => concat('"not ",pred2English l) x is [op,a,b] and op in '(_has ofCategory) => concat(pred2English a,'"%b",'"has",'"%d",form2String abbreviate b) x is [op,a,b] and op in '(HasSignature HasAttribute HasCategory) => concat(prefix2String0 formatPredParts a,'"%b",'"has",'"%d", prefix2String0 formatPredParts b) x is [op,a,b] and op in '(ofType getDomainView) => if b is ['QUOTE,b'] then b := b' concat(pred2English a,'": ",form2String abbreviate b) x is [op,a,b] and op in '(isDomain domainEqual) => concat(pred2English a,'" = ",form2String abbreviate b) x is [op,:.] and (translation := symbolTarget(op,'( (_< . " < ") (_<_= . " <= ") (_> . " > ") (_>_= . " >= ") (_= . " = ") (_~_= . " _~_= ")))) => concat(pred2English a,translation,pred2English b) x is ['ATTRIBUTE,form] => concat("attribute: ",form2String form) form2String x mathObject2String x == char? x => COERCE([x],'STRING) object2String x object2String x == cons? x => strconc(object2String first x, object2String rest x) string? x => x null x => '"" symbol? x => symbolName x char? x => charString x toString x object2Identifier x == ident? x => x makeSymbol object2String x blankList x == "append"/[[BLANK,y] for y in x] pkey keyStuff == if keyStuff isnt [.,:.] then keyStuff := [keyStuff] allMsgs := ['" "] while not null keyStuff repeat dbN := nil argL := nil key := first keyStuff keyStuff := IFCDR keyStuff next := IFCAR keyStuff while cons? next repeat if first next = 'dbN then dbN := second next else argL := next keyStuff := IFCDR keyStuff next := IFCAR keyStuff oneMsg := returnStLFromKey(key,argL,dbN) allMsgs := ['" ", :append! (oneMsg,allMsgs)] allMsgs string2Float s == -- takes a string, calls the parser on it and returns a float object p := ncParseFromString s p isnt [["$elt", FloatDomain, "float"], x, y, z] => systemError '"string2Float: did not get a float expression" flt := getFunctionFromDomain("float", FloatDomain, [$Integer, $Integer, $PositiveInteger]) SPADCALL(x, y, z, flt) form2Fence form == -- body of dbMkEvalable [op, :.] := form kind := getConstructorKindFromDB op kind = 'category => form2Fence1 form form2Fence1 mkEvalable form form2Fence1 x == x is [op,:argl] => op = 'QUOTE => ['"(QUOTE ",:form2FenceQuote first argl,'")"] ['"(", FORMAT(nil, '"|~a|", op),:"append"/[form2Fence1 y for y in argl],'")"] null x => '"" ident? x => FORMAT(nil, '"|~a|", x) ['" ", x] form2FenceQuote x == integer? x => [STRINGIMAGE x] symbol? x => [FORMAT(nil, '"|~a|", x)] string? x => ['"_"",x,'"_""] x isnt [.,:.] => systemErrorHere ["form2FenceQuote",x] ['"(",:form2FenceQuote first x,:form2FenceQuoteTail rest x] form2FenceQuoteTail x == null x => ['")"] x isnt [.,:.] => ['" . ",:form2FenceQuote x,'")"] ['" ",:form2FenceQuote first x,:form2FenceQuoteTail rest x] form2StringList u == (r := form2String u) => [r] isnt [.,:.] r --% Type Formatting Without Abbreviation formatUnabbreviatedSig sig == null sig => ['"() -> ()"] [target,:args] := dollarPercentTran sig target := formatUnabbreviated target null args => ['"() -> ",:target] null rest args => [:formatUnabbreviated first args,'" -> ",:target] args := formatUnabbreviatedTuple args ['"(",:args,'") -> ",:target] formatUnabbreviatedTuple t == -- t is a list of types null t => t t isnt [.,:.] => [t] t0 := formatUnabbreviated t.op null rest t => t0 [:t0,'",",:formatUnabbreviatedTuple rest t] formatUnabbreviated t == null t => ['"()"] t isnt [.,:.] => [t] t is [p,sel,arg] and p = ":" => [sel,'": ",:formatUnabbreviated arg] t is ['Union,:args] => ['Union,'"(",:formatUnabbreviatedTuple args,'")"] t is ['Mapping,:args] => formatUnabbreviatedSig args t is ['Record,:args] => ['Record,'"(",:formatUnabbreviatedTuple args,'")"] t is [arg] => t t is [arg,arg1] => [arg,'" ",:formatUnabbreviated arg1] t is [arg,:args] => [arg,'"(",:formatUnabbreviatedTuple args,'")"] t