-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import nruncomp import g_-error import c_-util import database namespace BOOT module define where compDefine: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compSubDomain: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compCapsule: (%Form, %Mode, %Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compJoin: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compAdd: (%Form, %Mode, %Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compCategory: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple --% $newCompCompare := false ++ when non nil, holds the declaration number of a function in a capsule. $suffix := nil $doNotCompileJustPrint := false ++ stack of pending capsule function definitions. $capsuleFunctionStack := [] --% $forceAdd := false $functionStats := nil $functorStats := nil $CheckVectorList := [] $functorTarget := nil $condAlist := [] $uncondAlist := [] $NRTslot1PredicateList := [] $NRTattributeAlist := [] $NRTdeltaListComp := [] $signature := nil $lookupFunction := nil $byteAddress := nil $byteVec := nil $sigAlist := [] $predAlist := [] $argumentConditionList := [] $finalEnv := nil $initCapsuleErrorCount := nil $CapsuleModemapFrame := nil $CapsuleDomainsInScope := nil $signatureOfForm := nil $addFormLhs := nil ++ True if the current functor definition refines a domain. $subdomain := false --% compDefineAddSignature: (%Form,%Sig,%Env) -> %Env --% ADDINFORMATION CODE --% This code adds various items to the special value of $Information, --% in order to keep track of all the compiler's information about --% various categories and similar objects --% An actual piece of (unconditional) information can have one of 3 forms: --% (ATTRIBUTE domainname attribute) --% --These are only stored here --% (SIGNATURE domainname operator signature) --% --These are also stored as 'modemap' properties --% (has domainname categoryexpression) --% --These are also stored as 'value' properties --% Conditional attributes are of the form --% (%when --% (condition info info ...) --% ... ) --% where the condition looks like a 'has' clause, or the 'and' of several --% 'has' clauses: --% (has name categoryexpression) --% (has name (ATTRIBUTE attribute)) --% (has name (SIGNATURE operator signature)) --% The use of two representations is admitted to be clumsy liftCond (clause is [ante,conseq]) == conseq is ['%when,:l] => [[lcAnd(ante,a),:b] for [a,:b] in l] where lcAnd(pred,conj) == conj is ["and",:ll] => ["and",pred,:ll] ["and",pred,conj] [clause] formatPred(u,e) == u is ["has",a,b] => b isnt [.,:.] and isCategoryForm([b],e) => ["has",a,[b]] b isnt [.,:.] => ["has",a,["ATTRIBUTE",b]] isCategoryForm(b,e) => u b is ["ATTRIBUTE",.] => u b is ["SIGNATURE",:.] => u ["has",a,["ATTRIBUTE",b]] u isnt [.,:.] => u u is ["and",:v] => ["and",:[formatPred(w,e) for w in v]] systemError ['"formatPred",u] formatInfo(u,e) == u isnt [.,:.] => u u is ["SIGNATURE",:v] => ["SIGNATURE","$",:v] u is ["PROGN",:l] => ["PROGN",:[formatInfo(v,e) for v in l]] u is ["ATTRIBUTE",v] => -- The parser can't tell between those attributes that really -- are attributes, and those that are category names v isnt [.,:.] and isCategoryForm([v],e) => ["has","$",[v]] v isnt [.,:.] => ["ATTRIBUTE","$",v] isCategoryForm(v,e) => ["has","$",v] ["ATTRIBUTE","$",v] u is ["IF",a,b,c] => c is "%noBranch" => ['%when,:liftCond [formatPred(a,e),formatInfo(b,e)]] b is "%noBranch" => ['%when,:liftCond [["not",formatPred(a,e)],formatInfo(c,e)]] ['%when,:liftCond [formatPred(a,e),formatInfo(b,e)],: liftCond [["not",formatPred(a,e)],formatInfo(c,e)]] systemError ['"formatInfo",u] addInfo(u,e) == $Information:= [formatInfo(u,e),:$Information] addInformation(m,e) == $Information: local := nil info(m,e) where info(m,e) == --Processes information from a mode declaration in compCapsule m isnt [.,:.] => nil m is ["CATEGORY",.,:stuff] => for u in stuff repeat addInfo(u,e) m is ["Join",:stuff] => for u in stuff repeat info(u,e) nil put("$Information","special", [:$Information,:get("$Information","special",e)],e) hasToInfo (pred is ["has",a,b]) == b is ["SIGNATURE",:data] => ["SIGNATURE",a,:data] b is ["ATTRIBUTE",c] => ["ATTRIBUTE",a,c] pred ++ Return true if we are certain that the information ++ denotated by `pred' is derivable from the current environment. knownInfo(pred,env) == pred=true => true listMember?(pred,get("$Information","special",env)) => true pred is ["OR",:l] => or/[knownInfo(u,env) for u in l] pred is ["AND",:l] => and/[knownInfo(u,env) for u in l] pred is ["or",:l] => or/[knownInfo(u,env) for u in l] pred is ["and",:l] => and/[knownInfo(u,env) for u in l] pred is ["ATTRIBUTE",name,attr] => v := compForMode(name,$EmptyMode,env) or return stackAndThrow('"can't find category of %1pb",[name]) [vv,.,.] := compMakeCategoryObject(v.mode,env) or return stackAndThrow('"can't make category of %1pb",[name]) listMember?(attr,categoryAttributes vv) => true x := assoc(attr,categoryAttributes vv) => knownInfo(second x,env) --format is a list of two elements: information, predicate false pred is ["has",name,cat] => cat is ["ATTRIBUTE",:a] => knownInfo(["ATTRIBUTE",name,:a],env) cat is ["SIGNATURE",:a] => knownInfo(["SIGNATURE",name,:a],env) -- unnamed category expressions imply structural checks. cat is ["Join",:.] => and/[knownInfo(["has",name,c],env) for c in cat.args] cat is ["CATEGORY",.,:atts] => and/[knownInfo(hasToInfo ["has",name,att],env) for att in atts] name is ['Union,:.] => false -- we have a named category expression v:= compForMode(name,$EmptyMode,env) or return stackAndThrow('"can't find category of %1pb",[name]) vmode := v.mode cat = vmode => true vmode is ["Join",:l] and listMember?(cat,l) => true [vv,.,.]:= compMakeCategoryObject(vmode,env) or return stackAndThrow('"cannot find category %1pb",[vmode]) listMember?(cat,categoryPrincipals vv) => true --checks princ. ancestors (u:=assoc(cat,categoryAncestors vv)) and knownInfo(second u,env) => true -- previous line checks fundamental anscestors, we should check their -- principal anscestors but this requires instantiating categories or/[AncestorP(cat,[first u],env) for u in categoryAncestors vv | knownInfo(second u,env)] => true false pred is ["SIGNATURE",name,op,sig,:.] => v:= get(op,"modemap",env) for w in v repeat ww := w.mmSignature --the actual signature part ww = sig => w.mmCondition = true => return true false --error '"knownInfo" false mkJoin(cat,mode) == mode is ['Join,:cats] => ['Join,cat,:cats] ['Join,cat,mode] GetValue name == u:= get(name,"value",$e) => u u:= comp(name,$EmptyMode,$e) => u --name may be a form systemError [name,'" is not bound in the current environment"] actOnInfo(u,$e) == null u => $e u is ["PROGN",:l] => (for v in l repeat $e:= actOnInfo(v,$e); $e) $e:= put("$Information","special",Info:= [u,:get("$Information","special",$e)],$e ) u is ['%when,:l] => --there is nowhere %else that this sort of thing exists for [ante,:conseq] in l repeat if listMember?(hasToInfo ante,Info) then for v in conseq repeat $e:= actOnInfo(v,$e) $e u is ["ATTRIBUTE",name,att] => [vval,vmode,.]:= GetValue name compilerMessage('"augmenting %1: %2p", [name,["ATTRIBUTE",att]]) key := -- FIXME: there should be a better to tell whether name -- designates a domain, as opposed to a package CONTAINED("$",vmode) => 'domain 'package cat := ["CATEGORY",key,["ATTRIBUTE",att]] $e:= put(name,"value",[vval,mkJoin(cat,vmode),nil],$e) --there is nowhere %else that this sort of thing exists u is ["SIGNATURE",name,operator,modemap,:q] => kind := q is ["constant"] => "CONST" "ELT" implem:= (implem:=ASSOC([name,:modemap],get(operator,'modemap,$e))) => CADADR implem name = "$" => [kind,name,-1] [kind,name,substitute('$,name,modemap)] $e:= addModemap(operator,name,modemap,true,implem,$e) [vval,vmode,.]:= GetValue name compilerMessage('"augmenting %1: %2p", [name,["SIGNATURE",operator,modemap,:q]]) key := -- FIXME: there should be a better to tell whether name -- designates a domain, as opposed to a package CONTAINED("$",vmode) => 'domain 'package cat:= ["CATEGORY",key,["SIGNATURE",operator,modemap,:q]] $e:= put(name,"value",[vval,mkJoin(cat,vmode),nil],$e) u is ["has",name,cat] => [vval,vmode,.]:= GetValue name cat=vmode => $e --stating the already known u:= compMakeCategoryObject(cat,$e) => --we are adding information about a category [catvec,.,$e]:= u [ocatvec,.,$e]:= compMakeCategoryObject(vmode,$e) --we are adding a principal descendant of what was already known listMember?(cat,categoryPrincipals ocatvec) or assoc(cat,categoryAncestors ocatvec) is [.,"T",.] => $e --what was being asserted is an ancestor of what was known if name="$" then $e:= augModemapsFromCategory(name,name,cat,$e) else genDomainView(name,cat,"HasCategory") -- a domain upgrade at function level is local to that function. if not $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue and not symbolMember?(name,$functorLocalParameters) then $functorLocalParameters:=[:$functorLocalParameters,name] compilerMessage('"augmenting %1: %2p", [name,cat]) $e:= put(name,"value",[vval,mkJoin(cat,vmode),nil],$e) SAY("extension of ",vval," to ",cat," ignored") $e systemError ['"actOnInfo",u] infoToHas a == a is ["SIGNATURE",b,:data] => ["has",b,["SIGNATURE",:data]] a is ["ATTRIBUTE",b,c] => ["has",b,["ATTRIBUTE",c]] a chaseInferences(pred,$e) == foo hasToInfo pred where foo pred == knownInfo(pred,$e) => nil $e:= actOnInfo(pred,$e) pred:= infoToHas pred for u in get("$Information","special",$e) repeat u is ['%when,:l] => for [ante,:conseq] in l repeat ante=pred => [foo w for w in conseq] ante is ["and",:ante'] and listMember?(pred,ante') => ante':= remove(ante',pred) v':= # ante'=1 => first ante' ["and",:ante'] v':= ['%when,[v',:conseq]] listMember?(v',get("$Information","special",$e)) => nil $e:= put("$Information","special",[v',: get("$Information","special",$e)],$e) nil $e --% --======================================================================= -- Generate Code to Create Infovec --======================================================================= getInfovecCode(db,e) == --Function called by compDefineFunctor1 to create infovec at compile time ['LIST, MKQ makeDomainTemplate db, MKQ makeCompactDirect(db,NRTmakeSlot1Info db), MKQ NRTgenFinalAttributeAlist(db,e), NRTmakeCategoryAlist(db,e), MKQ $lookupFunction] --======================================================================= -- Generation of Domain Vector Template (Compile Time) --======================================================================= makeDomainTemplate db == --NOTES: This function is called at compile time to create the template -- (slot 0 of the infovec); called by getInfovecCode from compDefineFunctor1 vec := dbTemplate db for index in 0..maxIndex vec repeat item := domainRef(vec,index) item = nil => nil domainRef(vec,index) := item isnt [.,:.] => item cons? first item => makeGoGetSlot(item,index) item $byteVec := "append"/reverse! $byteVec vec makeGoGetSlot(item,index) == --NOTES: creates byte vec strings for LATCH slots --these parts of the $byteVec are created first; see also makeCompactDirect [sig,whereToGo,op,:flag] := item n := #sig - 1 newcode := [n,whereToGo,:makeCompactSigCode sig,index] $byteVec := [newcode,:$byteVec] curAddress := $byteAddress $byteAddress := $byteAddress + n + 4 [curAddress,:op] --======================================================================= -- Generate OpTable at Compile Time --======================================================================= --> called by getInfovecCode (see top of this file) from compDefineFunctor1 makeCompactDirect(db,u) == $predListLength :local := # $NRTslot1PredicateList $byteVecAcc: local := nil [nam,[addForm,:opList]] := u --pp opList d := [[op,y] for [op,:items] in opList | y := makeCompactDirect1(db,op,items)] $byteVec := [:$byteVec,:"append"/reverse! $byteVecAcc] vector("append"/d) makeCompactDirect1(db,op,items) == --NOTES: creates byte codes for ops implemented by the domain curAddress := $byteAddress $op: local := op --temp hack by RDJ 8/90 (see orderBySubsumption) newcodes := "append"/[u for y in orderBySubsumption items | u := fn(db,y)] or return nil $byteVecAcc := [newcodes,:$byteVecAcc] curAddress where fn(db,y) == [sig,:r] := y r = ['Subsumed] => n := #sig - 1 $byteAddress := $byteAddress + n + 4 [n,0,:makeCompactSigCode sig,0] --always followed by subsuming signature --identified by a 0 in slot position if r is [n,:s] then slot := n is [p,:.] => p --the rest is linenumber of function definition n predCode := s is [pred,:.] => predicateBitIndex(pred,$e) 0 --> drop items which are not present (predCode = -1) predCode = -1 => return nil --> drop items with nil slots if lookup function is incomplete if null slot then $lookupFunction is 'lookupIncomplete => return nil slot := 1 --signals that operation is not present n := #sig - 1 $byteAddress := $byteAddress + n + 4 res := [n,predCode,:makeCompactSigCode sig,slot] res orderBySubsumption items == acc := subacc := nil for x in items repeat not ($op in '(Zero One)) and x is [.,.,.,'Subsumed] => subacc := [x,:subacc] acc := [x,:acc] y := z := nil for [a,b,:.] in subacc | b repeat --NOTE: b = nil means that the signature a will appear in acc, that this -- entry is be ignored (e.g. init: -> $ in ULS) while (u := assoc(b,subacc)) repeat b := second u u := assoc(b,acc) or systemError nil if null second u then u := [first u,1] --mark as missing operation y := [[a,'Subsumed],u,:y] --makes subsuming signature follow one subsumed z := insert(b,z) --mark a signature as already present [:y,:[w for (w := [c,:.]) in acc | not listMember?(c,z)]] --add those not subsuming makeCompactSigCode sig == [fn for x in sig] where fn() == x is "$$" => 2 x is "$" => 0 not integer? x => systemError ['"code vector slot is ",x,'"; must be number"] x --======================================================================= -- Generate Slot 4 Constructor Vectors --======================================================================= depthAssocList u == u := removeSymbol(u,'DomainSubstitutionMacro) --hack by RDJ 8/90 removeDuplicates ("append"/[depthAssoc(y) for y in u]) depthAssoc x == y := tableValue($depthAssocCache,x) => y x is ['Join,:u] or (u := getCatAncestors x) => v := depthAssocList u tableValue($depthAssocCache,x) := [[x,:n],:v] where n() == 1 + "MAX"/[rest y for y in v] tableValue($depthAssocCache,x) := [[x,:0]] getCatAncestors x == [CAAR y for y in parentsOf opOf x] NRTmakeCategoryAlist(db,e) == $depthAssocCache: local := hashTable 'EQ $catAncestorAlist: local := nil pcAlist := [:[[x,:"T"] for x in $uncondAlist],:$condAlist] $levelAlist: local := depthAssocList [CAAR x for x in pcAlist] opcAlist := reverse! SORTBY(function NRTcatCompare,pcAlist) newPairlis := [[5 + i,:b] for [.,:b] in dbFormalSubst db for i in 1..] slot1 := [[a,:k] for [a,:b] in dbSubstituteAllQuantified(db,opcAlist) | (k := predicateBitIndex(b,e)) ~= -1] slot0 := [hasDefaultPackage opOf a for [a,:b] in slot1] sixEtc := [5 + i for i in 1..dbArity db] formals := ASSOCRIGHT dbFormalSubst db for x in slot1 repeat x.first := applySubst(pairList(['$,:formals],["$$",:sixEtc]),first x) -----------code to make a new style slot4 ----------------- predList := ASSOCRIGHT slot1 --is list of predicate indices maxPredList := "MAX"/predList catformvec := ASSOCLEFT slot1 maxElement := "MAX"/$byteVec ['CONS, ['makeByteWordVec2,MAX(maxPredList,1),MKQ predList], ['CONS, MKQ vector slot0, ['CONS, MKQ vector [encodeCatform x for x in catformvec], ['makeByteWordVec2,maxElement,MKQ $byteVec]]]] --NOTE: this is new form: old form satisfies vector? CDDR form encodeCatform x == k := NRTassocIndex x => k x isnt [.,:.] or rest x isnt [.,:.] => x [first x,:[encodeCatform y for y in rest x]] NRTcatCompare [catform,:pred] == LASSOC(first catform,$levelAlist) hasDefaultPackage catname == defname := makeDefaultPackageName symbolName catname constructor? defname => defname nil ++ Like getmode, except that if the mode is local variable with ++ defined value, we want that value instead. getXmode(x,e) == m := getmode(x,e) or return nil ident? m and get(m,'%macro,e) or m --======================================================================= -- Compute the lookup function (complete or incomplete) --======================================================================= NRTgetLookupFunction(db,addForm,env) == $why: local := nil domform := dbSubstituteFormals(db,dbConstructorForm db) exCategory := dbCategory db addForm isnt [.,:.] => ident? addForm and (m := getmode(addForm,env)) ~= nil and isCategoryForm(m,env) and extendsCategory(db,domform,exCategory,dbSubstituteFormals(db,m),env) => 'lookupIncomplete 'lookupComplete addForm := dbSubstituteFormals(db,addForm) NRTextendsCategory1(db,domform,exCategory,getExportCategory addForm,env) => 'lookupIncomplete [u,msg,:v] := $why SAY '"--------------non extending category----------------------" sayPatternMsg('"%1p of category %2p", [domform,u]) if v ~= nil then sayPatternMsg('"%1b %2p",[msg,first v]) else sayPatternMsg('"%1b",[msg]) SAY '"----------------------------------------------------------" 'lookupComplete getExportCategory form == [op,:argl] := form op is 'Record => ['RecordCategory,:argl] op is 'Union => ['UnionCategory,:argl] op is 'Enumeration => ['EnumerationCategory,:argl] op is 'Mapping => ['MappingCategory,:argl] [[.,target,:tl],:.] := getConstructorModemap op applySubst(pairList($FormalMapVariableList,argl),target) NRTextendsCategory1(db,domform,exCategory,addForm,env) == addForm is ["%Comma",:r] => and/[extendsCategory(db,domform,exCategory,x,env) for x in r] extendsCategory(db,domform,exCategory,addForm,env) --======================================================================= -- Compute if a domain constructor is forgetful functor --======================================================================= extendsCategory(db,dom,u,v,env) == --does category u extend category v (yes iff u contains everything in v) --is dom of category u also of category v? u=v => true v is ["Join",:l] => and/[extendsCategory(db,dom,u,x,env) for x in l] v is ["CATEGORY",.,:l] => and/[extendsCategory(db,dom,u,x,env) for x in l] v is ["SubsetCategory",cat,d] => extendsCategory(db,dom,u,cat,env) and isSubset(dom,d,env) v := substSlotNumbers(v,dbTemplate db,$functorForm) extendsCategoryBasic(dom,u,v,env) => true $why := v is ['SIGNATURE,op,sig,:.] => [u,['" has no ",:formatOpSignature(op,sig)]] [u,'" has no",v] nil extendsCategoryBasic(dom,u,v,env) == v is ['IF,p,['ATTRIBUTE,c],.] => uVec := compMakeCategoryObject(u,env).expr or return false cons? c and isCategoryForm(c,env) => LASSOC(c,categoryAncestors uVec) is [=p,:.] LASSOC(c,categoryAttributes uVec) is [=p,:.] u is ["Join",:l] => or/[extendsCategoryBasic(dom,x,v,env) for x in l] u = v => true v is ['ATTRIBUTE,c] => cons? c and isCategoryForm(c,env) => extendsCategoryBasic(dom,u,c,env) u is ['CATEGORY,.,:l] => or/[extendsCategoryBasic(dom,x,v,env) for x in l] uVec := compMakeCategoryObject(u,env).expr or return false LASSOC(c,categoryAttributes uVec) is [=true] isCategoryForm(v,env) => catExtendsCat?(u,v,env) v is ['SIGNATURE,op,sig,:.] => uVec := compMakeCategoryObject(u,env).expr or return false or/[categoryRef(uVec,i) is [[=op,=sig],:.] for i in 6..maxIndex uVec] u is ['CATEGORY,.,:l] => v is ['IF,:.] => listMember?(v,l) false false catExtendsCat?(u,v,env) == u = v => true uvec := compMakeCategoryObject(u,env).expr prinAncestorList := categoryPrincipals uvec listMember?(v,prinAncestorList) => true vOp := KAR v if similarForm := assoc(vOp,prinAncestorList) then PRINT u sayBrightlyNT '" extends " PRINT similarForm sayBrightlyNT '" but not " PRINT v or/[catExtendsCat?(x,v,env) for x in ASSOCLEFT categoryAncestors uvec] substSlotNumbers(form,template,domain) == form is [op,:.] and symbolMember?(op,allConstructors()) => expandType(form,template,domain) form is ['SIGNATURE,op,sig,:q] => ['SIGNATURE,op,[substSlotNumbers(x,template,domain) for x in sig],:q] form is ['CATEGORY,k,:u] => ['CATEGORY,k,:[substSlotNumbers(x,template,domain) for x in u]] expandType(form,template,domain) expandType(lazyt,template,domform) == lazyt isnt [.,:.] => expandTypeArgs(lazyt,template,domform) [functorName,:argl] := lazyt functorName is ":" => [functorName,first argl,expandTypeArgs(second argl,template,domform)] lazyt is ['local,x] => n := symbolPosition(x,$FormalMapVariableList) domform.(1 + n) [functorName,:[expandTypeArgs(a,template,domform) for a in argl]] expandTypeArgs(u,template,domform) == u is '$ => u integer? u => expandType(vectorRef(template,u),template,domform) u is [.,y] and u.op in '(NRTEVAL QUOTE) => y u isnt [.,:.] => u expandType(u,template,domform) --% Subdomains ++ We are defining a functor with head given by `form', as a subdomain ++ of the domain designated by the domain form `super', and predicate ++ `pred' (a VM instruction form). Emit appropriate info into the ++ databases. emitSubdomainInfo(form,super,pred) == pred := applySubst!(pairList(form.args,$AtVariables),pred) super := applySubst!(pairList(form.args,$AtVariables),super) dbSuperDomain(constructorDB form.op) := [super,pred] ++ List of operations defined in a given capsule ++ Each item on this list is of the form ++ (op sig pred) ++ where ++ op: name of the operation ++ sig: signature of the operation ++ pred: scope predicate of the operation. $capsuleFunctions := nil ++ record that the operation `op' with signature `sig' and predicate ++ `pred' is defined in the current capsule of the current domain ++ being compiled. noteCapsuleFunctionDefinition(op,sig,pred) == listMember?([op,sig,pred],$capsuleFunctions) => stackAndThrow('"redefinition of %1b: %2 %3", [op,formatUnabbreviated ["Mapping",:sig],formatIf pred]) $capsuleFunctions := [[op,sig,pred],:$capsuleFunctions] ++ Clear the list of functions defined in the last domain capsule. clearCapsuleFunctionTable() == $capsuleFunctions := nil ++ List of exports (paireed with scope predicate) declared in ++ the category of the currend domain or package. ++ Note: for category packages, this list is nil. $exports := nil noteExport(form,pred) == -- don't recheck category package exports; we just check -- them when defining the category. Plus, we might actually -- get indirect duplicates, which is OK. $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue => nil listMember?([form,pred],$exports) => stackAndThrow('"redeclaration of %1 %2", [form,formatIf pred]) $exports := [[form,pred],:$exports] clearExportsTable() == $exports := nil makePredicate l == null l => true MKPF(l,"and") --% FUNCTIONS WHICH MUNCH ON == STATEMENTS ++ List of reserved identifiers for which the compiler has special ++ meanings and that shall not be redefined. $reservedNames == '(per rep _$) ++ Check that `var' (a variable of parameter name) is not a reversed name. checkVariableName var == symbolMember?(var,$reservedNames) => stackAndThrow('"You cannot use reserved name %1b as variable",[var]) var checkParameterNames parms == for p in parms repeat checkVariableName p compDefine(form,m,e) == $macroIfTrue: local := false compDefine1(form,m,e) ++ We are about to process the body of a capsule. Check the form of ++ `Rep' definition, and whether it is appropriate to activate the ++ implicitly generated morphisms ++ per: Rep -> % ++ rep: % -> Rep ++ as local inline functions. checkRepresentation: (%Thing, %Form,%List %Form,%Env) -> %Env checkRepresentation(db,addForm,body,env) == domainRep := nil hasAssignRep := false -- assume code does not assign to Rep. viewFuns := nil null body => env -- Don't be too hard on nothing. -- Locate possible Rep definition for [stmt,:.] in tails body repeat stmt is [":=","Rep",val] => domainRep ~= nil => stackAndThrow('"You cannot assign to constant domain %1b",["Rep"]) if addForm = val then stackWarning('"OpenAxiom suggests removing assignment to %1b",["Rep"]) else if addForm ~= nil then stackWarning('"%1b differs from the base domain",["Rep"]) return hasAssignRep := true stmt is ["MDEF","Rep",:.] => stackWarning('"Consider using == definition for %1b",["Rep"]) return hasAssignRep := true stmt is ["IF",.,:l] or stmt is ["SEQ",:l] or stmt is ["exit",:l] => checkRepresentation(db,nil,l,env) stmt isnt ["DEF",lhs,sig,val] => nil -- skip for now. op := opOf lhs op in '(rep per) => domainRep ~= nil => stackAndThrow('"You cannot define implicitly generated %1b",[op]) viewFuns := [op,:viewFuns] op ~= "Rep" => nil -- we are only interested in Rep definition domainRep := val viewFuns ~= nil => stackAndThrow('"You cannot define both %1b and %2b",["Rep",:viewFuns]) -- A package has no "%". dbConstructorKind db = "package" => stackAndThrow('"You cannot define %1b in a package",["Rep"]) -- It is a mistake to define Rep in category defaults $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue => stackAndThrow('"You cannot define %1b in category defaults",["Rep"]) if lhs is [.,.,:.] then --FIXME: ideally should be 'lhs is [.,:.]' stackAndThrow('"%1b does take arguments",["Rep"]) if sig.target ~= nil then stackAndThrow('"You cannot specify type for %1b",["Rep"]) -- Now, trick the rest of the compiler into believing that -- `Rep' was defined the Old Way, for lookup purpose. stmt.op := ":=" stmt.args := ["Rep",domainRep] $useRepresentationHack := false -- Don't confuse `Rep' and `%'. -- Shall we perform the dirty tricks? if hasAssignRep then $useRepresentationHack := true -- Domain extensions with no explicit Rep definition have the -- the base domain as representation (at least operationally). else if null domainRep and addForm ~= nil then if dbConstructorKind db = "domain" and addForm isnt ["%Comma",:.] then domainRep := addForm is ["SubDomain",dom,.] => $subdomain := true dom addForm $useRepresentationHack := false env := putMacro('Rep,domainRep,env) env compDefine1: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compDefine1(form,m,e) == $insideExpressionIfTrue: local:= false --1. decompose after macro-expanding form ['DEF,lhs,signature,rhs] := form := macroExpand(form,e) $insideWhereIfTrue and isMacro(form,e) and (m=$EmptyMode or m=$NoValueMode) => [lhs,m,putMacro(lhs.op,rhs,e)] if lhs is [.,:.] then checkParameterNames lhs.args null signature.target and symbol? KAR rhs and not builtinConstructor? KAR rhs and (sig := getSignatureFromMode(lhs,e)) => -- here signature of lhs is determined by a previous declaration compDefine1(['DEF,lhs,[sig.target,:signature.source],rhs],m,e) if signature.target=$Category then $insideCategoryIfTrue:= true -- RDJ (11/83): when argument and return types are all declared, -- or arguments have types declared in the environment, -- and there is no existing modemap for this signature, add -- the modemap by a declaration, then strip off declarations and recurse if lhs is [.,:.] then e := compDefineAddSignature(lhs,signature,e) -- 2. if signature list for arguments is not empty, replace ('DEF,..) by -- ('where,('DEF,..),..) with an empty signature list; -- otherwise, fill in all NILs in the signature lhs is [.,:.] and (or/[x ~= nil for x in signature.source]) => compDefWhereClause(form,m,e) signature.target=$Category => compDefineCategory(form,m,e,nil,$formalArgList) isDomainForm(rhs,e) and not $insideFunctorIfTrue => if lhs is [.,:.] then e := giveFormalParametersValues(lhs.args,e) if null signature.target then signature := [getTargetFromRhs(lhs,rhs,e),:signature.source] rhs := addEmptyCapsuleIfNecessary(signature.target,rhs) compDefineFunctor(['DEF,lhs,signature,rhs],m,e,nil,$formalArgList) $form = nil => stackAndThrow ['"bad == form ",form] newPrefix:= $prefix => makeSymbol strconc(encodeItem $prefix,'",",encodeItem $op) dbAbbreviation constructorDB $op compDefineCapsuleFunction(form,m,e,newPrefix,$formalArgList) compDefineAddSignature([op,:argl],signature,e) == (sig:= hasFullSignature(argl,signature,e)) and null assoc(['$,:sig],symbolTarget('modemap,getProplist(op,e))) => declForm:= [":",[op,:[[":",x,m] for x in argl for m in sig.source]],signature.target] [.,.,e]:= comp(declForm,$EmptyMode,e) e e hasFullSignature(argl,[target,:ml],e) == target => u := [m or get(x,"mode",e) or return 'failed for x in argl for m in ml] u is 'failed => nil [target,:u] nil addEmptyCapsuleIfNecessary: (%Form,%Form) -> %Form addEmptyCapsuleIfNecessary(target,rhs) == symbolMember?(KAR rhs,$SpecialDomainNames) => rhs ['add,rhs,['CAPSULE]] getTargetFromRhs: (%Form, %Form, %Env) -> %Form getTargetFromRhs(lhs,rhs,e) == --undeclared target mode obtained from rhs expression rhs is ['CAPSULE,:.] => stackSemanticError(['"target category of ",lhs, '" cannot be determined from definition"],nil) rhs is ['SubDomain,D,:.] => getTargetFromRhs(lhs,D,e) rhs is ['add,D,['CAPSULE,:.]] => getTargetFromRhs(lhs,D,e) rhs is ['Record,:l] => ['RecordCategory,:l] rhs is ['Union,:l] => ['UnionCategory,:l] (compOrCroak(rhs,$EmptyMode,e)).mode giveFormalParametersValues(argl,e) == for x in argl | ident? x repeat e := giveVariableSomeValue(x,get(x,'mode,e),e) e macroExpandInPlace: (%Form,%Env) -> %Form macroExpandInPlace(x,e) == y:= macroExpand(x,e) x isnt [.,:.] or y isnt [.,:.] => y x.first := first y x.rest := rest y x macroExpand: (%Form,%Env) -> %Form macroExpand(x,e) == --not worked out yet x isnt [.,:.] => not ident? x or (u := get(x,"macro",e)) = nil => x -- Don't expand a functional macro name by itself. u is ['%mlambda,:.] => x macroExpand(u,e) x is ['DEF,lhs,sig,rhs] => ['DEF,macroExpand(lhs,e),macroExpandList(sig,e),macroExpand(rhs,e)] -- macros should override niladic props [op,:args] := x ident? op and args = nil and niladicConstructor? op and (u := get(op,"macro", e)) => macroExpand(u,e) ident? op and (get(op,"macro",e) is ['%mlambda,parms,body]) => nargs := #args nparms := #parms msg := nargs < nparms => '"Too few arguments" nargs > nparms => '"Too many arguments" nil msg => (stackMessage(strconc(msg,'" to macro %1bp"),[op]); x) args' := macroExpandList(args,e) applySubst(pairList(parms,args'),body) macroExpandList(x,e) macroExpandList(l,e) == [macroExpand(x,e) for x in l] --% constructor evaluation mkEvalableCategoryForm c == c is [op,:argl] => op="Join" => ["Join",:[mkEvalableCategoryForm x for x in argl]] op is "DomainSubstitutionMacro" => mkEvalableCategoryForm second argl op is "mkCategory" => c builtinCategoryName? op => ([x,m,$e]:= compOrCroak(c,$EmptyMode,$e); m=$Category => x) --loadIfNecessary op getConstructorKindFromDB op = 'category or get(op,"isCategory",$CategoryFrame) => [op,:[MKQ x for x in argl]] [x,m,$e]:= compOrCroak(c,$EmptyMode,$e) m=$Category => x MKQ c ++ Return true if we should skip compilation of category package. ++ This situation happens either when there is no default, of we are in ++ bootstrap mode. skipCategoryPackage? capsule == null capsule or $bootStrapMode compDefineCategory1(df is ['DEF,form,sig,body],m,e,prefix,fal) == categoryCapsule := body is ['add,cat,capsule] => body := cat capsule nil if form isnt [.,:.] then form := [form] [d,m,e]:= compDefineCategory2(form,sig,body,m,e,prefix,fal) if not skipCategoryPackage? categoryCapsule then [.,.,e] := $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue: local := true $categoryPredicateList: local := makeCategoryPredicates(form,dbCategory constructorDB form.op) T := compDefine1(mkCategoryPackage(form,cat,categoryCapsule),$EmptyMode,e) or return stackSemanticError( ['"cannot compile defaults of",:bright opOf form],nil) if $compileDefaultsOnly then [d,m,e] := T [d,m,e] makeCategoryPredicates(form,u) == $tvl: local := TAKE(#rest form,$TriangleVariableList) $mvl: local := TAKE(#rest form,rest $FormalMapVariableList) fn(u,nil) where fn(u,pl) == u is ['Join,:.,a] => fn(a,pl) u is ["IF",p,:x] => fnl(x,insert(applySubst(pairList($tvl,$mvl),p),pl)) u is ["has",:.] => insert(applySubst(pairList($tvl,$mvl),u),pl) u is [op,:.] and op in '(SIGNATURE ATTRIBUTE) => pl u isnt [.,:.] => pl fnl(u,pl) fnl(u,pl) == for x in u repeat pl := fn(x,pl) pl ++ Subroutine of mkCategoryPackage. ++ Return a category-level declaration of an operation described by `desc'. mkExportFromDescription desc == t := desc.mapKind = 'CONST => ['constant] nil ['SIGNATURE,desc.mapOperation,desc.mapSignature,:t] mkCategoryPackage(form is [op,:argl],cat,def) == catdb := constructorDB op packageName:= makeDefaultPackageName symbolName op packageAbb := makeSymbol strconc(symbolName dbAbbreviation catdb,'"-") $options:local := [] -- This stops the next line from becoming confused abbreviationsSpad2Cmd ['package,packageAbb,packageName] -- This is a little odd, but the parser insists on calling -- domains, rather than packages nameForDollar := first setDifference('(S A B C D E F G H I),argl) packageArgl := [nameForDollar,:argl] capsuleDefAlist := fn(def,nil) where fn(x,oplist) == x isnt [.,:.] => oplist x is ['DEF,y,:.] => [opOf y,:oplist] fn(x.args,fn(x.op,oplist)) catvec := eval mkEvalableCategoryForm form fullCatOpList := categoryExports JoinInner([catvec],$e) catOpList := [mkExportFromDescription desc for desc in fullCatOpList | symbolMember?(desc.mapOperation,capsuleDefAlist)] null catOpList => nil packageCategory := ['CATEGORY,'package, :applySubst(pairList($FormalMapVariableList,argl),catOpList)] nils:= [nil for x in argl] packageSig := [packageCategory,form,:nils] $categoryPredicateList := substitute(nameForDollar,'$,$categoryPredicateList) substitute(nameForDollar,'$,['DEF,[packageName,:packageArgl],packageSig,def]) ++ Return the typing constraint operator for `t' in the environment `e'. typingKind(t,e) == isCategoryForm(t,e) => 'ofCategory 'ofType ++ Subroutine of compDefineFunctor1 and compDefineCategory2. ++ Given a constructor definition defining `db', compute implicit ++ parameters and store that list in `db'. deduceImplicitParameters(db,e) == parms := dbParameters db nonparms := [x for [x,:.] in get('%compilerData,'%whereDecls,e) | not symbolMember?(x,parms)] nonparms = nil => true -- Collect all first-order dependencies. preds := nil qvars := $QueryVariables subst := nil for p in parms for i in 1.. repeat m := getXmode(p,e) ident? m and symbolMember?(m,nonparms) => stackAndThrow('"Parameter %1b cannot be of type implicit parameter %2pb", [p,m]) m isnt [.,:.] => nil preds := [[typingKind(m,e),dbSubstituteFormals(db,p),m],:preds] st := [qpair for a in m.args for [v,:qvars] in tails qvars | ident? a and symbolMember?(a,nonparms)] where qpair() == t := getXmode(a,e) preds := [[typingKind(t,e),a,t],:preds] [a,:v] subst := [:st,:subst] -- Now, build the predicate for implicit parameters. for s in nonparms repeat x := [rest y for y in subst | symbolEq?(s,first y)] x = nil => stackAndThrow('"Implicit parameter %1b has no visible constraint",[s]) x is [.] => nil -- OK. stackAndThrow("Too many constraints for implicit parameter %1b",[s]) dbImplicitData(db) := [subst,preds] buildConstructorCondition db == dbImplicitData db is [subst,cond] => ['%exist,ASSOCRIGHT subst,mkpf(applySubst(subst,cond),'AND)] true compDefineCategory2(form,signature,body,m,e,$prefix,$formalArgList) == --1. bind global variables $insideCategoryIfTrue: local := true $definition: local := form --used by DomainSubstitutionFunction $form: local := nil $op: local := nil $extraParms: local := nil -- Remember the body for checking the current instantiation. $currentCategoryBody : local := body --Set in DomainSubstitutionFunction, used further down -- 1.1 augment e to add declaration $:
[$op,:argl] := $definition db := constructorDB $op dbCompilerData(db) := makeCompilationData() dbFormalSubst(db) := pairList(form.args,$TriangleVariableList) dbInstanceCache(db) := true deduceImplicitParameters(db,e) e:= addBinding("$",[['mode,:$definition]],e) -- 2. obtain signature signature':= [signature.target, :[getArgumentModeOrMoan(a,$definition,e) for a in argl]] e := giveFormalParametersValues(argl,e) dbDualSignature(db) := [true,:[isCategoryForm(t,e) for t in signature'.source]] -- 3. replace arguments by $1,..., substitute into body, -- and introduce declarations into environment sargl:= TAKE(# argl, $TriangleVariableList) $functorForm:= $form:= [$op,:sargl] $formalArgList:= [:sargl,:$formalArgList] formalBody := dbSubstituteFormals(db,body) signature' := dbSubstituteFormals(db,signature') --Begin lines for category default definitions $functionStats: local:= [0,0] $functorStats: local:= [0,0] $getDomainCode: local := nil $addForm: local:= nil for x in sargl for t in signature'.source repeat [.,.,e]:= compMakeDeclaration(x,t,e) -- 4. compile body in environment of %type declarations for arguments op':= $op -- following line causes cats with no with or Join to be fresh copies if opOf(formalBody)~='Join and opOf(formalBody)~='mkCategory then formalBody := ['Join, formalBody] dbCategory(db) := formalBody body := optFunctorBody compOrCroak(formalBody,signature'.target,e).expr if $extraParms ~= nil then formals := nil actuals := nil for [u,:v] in $extraParms repeat formals := [u,:formals] actuals := [MKQ v,:actuals] body := ['sublisV,['pairList,quote formals,['%list,:actuals]],body] if argl then body:= -- always subst for args after extraparms ['sublisV,['pairList,quote sargl,['%list,: [['devaluate,u] for u in sargl]]],body] body:= ["%bind",[[g:= gensym(),body]], ['%store,['%tref,g,0],mkConstructor $form],g] fun := compile [op',["LAM",sargl,body]] -- 5. give operator a 'modemap property pairlis := pairList(argl,$FormalMapVariableList) parSignature := applySubst(pairlis,dbSubstituteQueries(db,signature')) parForm := applySubst(pairlis,form) -- 6. put modemaps into InteractiveModemapFrame $domainShell := eval [op',:[MKQ f for f in sargl]] dbConstructorModemap(db) := [[parForm,:parSignature],[buildConstructorCondition db,$op]] dbPrincipals(db) := getParentsFor(db,$FormalMapVariableList) dbAncestors(db) := computeAncestorsOf($form,nil) dbModemaps(db) := modemapsFromCategory(db,[op',:sargl],formalBody,signature') dbCompilerData(db) := nil [fun,$Category,e] mkConstructor: %Form -> %Form mkConstructor form == form isnt [.,:.] => ['devaluate,form] null form.args => quote [form.op] ['%list,MKQ form.op,:[mkConstructor x for x in form.args]] compDefineCategory(df,m,e,prefix,fal) == $domainShell: local := nil -- holds the category of the object being compiled -- since we have so many ways to say state the kind of a constructor, -- make sure we do have some minimal internal coherence. lhs := second df ctor := opOf lhs db := constructorDB ctor kind := dbConstructorKind db kind ~= "category" => throwKeyedMsg("S2IC0016",[ctor,"category",kind]) dbConstructorForm(db) := lhs $insideFunctorIfTrue or $compileDefaultsOnly => compDefineCategory1(df,m,e,prefix,fal) compDefineLisplib(df,m,e,prefix,fal,'compDefineCategory1) %CatObjRes -- result of compiling a category <=> [%Shell,:[%Mode,:[%Env,:null]]] compMakeCategoryObject: (%Form,%Env) -> %Maybe %CatObjRes compMakeCategoryObject(c,$e) == not isCategoryForm(c,$e) => nil u:= mkEvalableCategoryForm c => [eval u,$Category,$e] nil predicatesFromAttributes: %List %Form -> %List %Form predicatesFromAttributes attrList == removeDuplicates [second x for x in attrList] getModemap(x is [op,:.],e) == for modemap in get(op,'modemap,e) repeat if u:= compApplyModemap(x,modemap,e) then return ([.,.,sl]:= u; applySubst(sl,modemap)) addModemap(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,$e) == $InteractiveMode => $e if knownInfo(pred,$e) then pred:=true $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue => $CapsuleModemapFrame := addModemap0(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,$CapsuleModemapFrame) $e addModemap0(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,$e) addModemapKnown(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,$e) == $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue => $CapsuleModemapFrame := addModemap0(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,$CapsuleModemapFrame) $e addModemap0(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,$e) addModemap0(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,e) == --mc is the "mode of computation"; fn the "implementation" --fn is ['Subsumed,:.] => e -- don't skip subsumed modemaps -- breaks -:($,$)->U($,failed) in DP op='elt or op='setelt => addEltModemap(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,e) addModemap1(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,e) addEltModemap(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,e) == --hack to change selectors from strings to identifiers; and to --add flag identifiers as literals in the envir op='elt and sig is [:lt,sel] => string? sel => id:= makeSymbol sel if $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue then $e:= makeLiteral(id,$e) else e:= makeLiteral(id,e) addModemap1(op,mc,[:lt,id],pred,fn,e) -- sel isnt [.,:.] => systemErrorHere '"addEltModemap" addModemap1(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,e) op='setelt and sig is [:lt,sel,v] => string? sel => id:= makeSymbol sel if $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue then $e:= makeLiteral(id,$e) else e:= makeLiteral(id,e) addModemap1(op,mc,[:lt,id,v],pred,fn,e) -- sel isnt [.,:.] => systemError '"addEltModemap" addModemap1(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,e) systemErrorHere '"addEltModemap" mergeModemap(entry is [[mc,:sig],[pred,:.],:.],modemapList,e) == for (mmtail:= [[[mc',:sig'],[pred',:.],:.],:.]) in tails modemapList repeat mc=mc' or isSubset(mc,mc',e) => newmm:= nil mm:= modemapList while (not sameObject?(mm,mmtail)) repeat (newmm:= [first mm,:newmm]; mm:= rest mm) if (mc=mc') and (sig=sig') then --We only need one of these, unless the conditions are hairy not $forceAdd and TruthP pred' => entry:=nil --the new predicate buys us nothing return modemapList TruthP pred => mmtail:=rest mmtail --the thing we matched against is useless, by comparison modemapList:= append!(reverse! newmm,[entry,:mmtail]) entry:= nil return modemapList if entry then [:modemapList,entry] else modemapList insertModemap(new,mmList) == null mmList => [new] --isMoreSpecific(new,old:= first mmList) => [new,:mmList] --[old,:insertModemap(new,rest mmList)] [new,:mmList] mkNewModemapList(mc,sig,pred,fn,curModemapList,e,filenameOrNil) == entry:= [map:= [mc,:sig],[pred,fn],:filenameOrNil] listMember?(entry,curModemapList) => curModemapList (oldMap:= assoc(map,curModemapList)) and oldMap is [.,[opred, =fn],:.] => $forceAdd => mergeModemap(entry,curModemapList,e) opred=true => curModemapList if pred ~= true and pred ~= opred then pred:= ["OR",pred,opred] [if x=oldMap then [map,[pred,fn],:filenameOrNil] else x --if new modemap less general, put at end; otherwise, at front for x in curModemapList] $InteractiveMode => insertModemap(entry,curModemapList) mergeModemap(entry,curModemapList,e) addModemap1(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,e) == --mc is the "mode of computation"; fn the "implementation" if mc="Rep" then sig := substituteDollarIfRepHack sig currentProplist:= getProplist(op,e) or nil newModemapList:= mkNewModemapList(mc,sig,pred,fn,symbolTarget('modemap,currentProplist),e,nil) newProplist:= augProplist(currentProplist,'modemap,newModemapList) newProplist':= augProplist(newProplist,"FLUID",true) unErrorRef op --There may have been a warning about op having no value addBinding(op,newProplist',e) getDomainsInScope e == $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue => $CapsuleDomainsInScope get("$DomainsInScope","special",e) putDomainsInScope(x,e) == l:= getDomainsInScope e if $verbose and listMember?(x,l) then sayBrightly ['" Note: Domain ",x," already in scope"] newValue := [x,:remove(l,x)] $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue => ($CapsuleDomainsInScope:= newValue; e) put("$DomainsInScope","special",newValue,e) getOperationAlist(name,functorForm,form) == if ident? name and niladicConstructor? name then functorForm := [functorForm] (u:= get(functorForm,'isFunctor,$CategoryFrame)) and not ($insideFunctorIfTrue and first functorForm=first $functorForm) => u $insideFunctorIfTrue and name is "$" => $domainShell => categoryExports $domainShell systemError '"$ has no shell now" T:= compMakeCategoryObject(form,$e) => ([.,.,$e]:= T; categoryExports T.expr) stackMessage('"not a category form: %1bp",[form]) substNames(domainName,functorForm,opalist) == functorForm := substitute("$$","$", functorForm) nameForDollar := isCategoryPackageName functorForm => second functorForm domainName [[:substitute("$","$$",substitute(nameForDollar,"$",modemapform)), [sel, domainName,if domainName is "$" then pos else modemapform.mmTarget]] for [:modemapform,[sel,"$",pos]] in applySubst(pairList($FormalMapVariableList,KDR functorForm),opalist)] evalAndSub(domainName,functorForm,form,$e) == $lhsOfColon: local:= domainName categoryObject? form => [substNames(domainName,functorForm,categoryExports form),$e] --next lines necessary-- see MPOLY for which $ is actual arg. --- RDJ 3/83 if CONTAINED("$$",form) then $e:= put("$$","mode",get("$","mode",$e),$e) opAlist:= getOperationAlist(domainName,functorForm,form) substAlist:= substNames(domainName,functorForm,opAlist) [substAlist,$e] augModemapsFromCategory(domainName,functorForm,categoryForm,e) == [fnAlist,e]:= evalAndSub(domainName,functorForm,categoryForm,e) compilerMessage('"Adding %1p modemaps",[domainName]) e:= putDomainsInScope(domainName,e) condlist:=[] for [[op,sig,:.],cond,fnsel] in fnAlist repeat e:= addModemapKnown(op,domainName,sig,cond,fnsel,e) -- cond was cond1 e addConstructorModemaps(name,form is [functorName,:.],e) == $InteractiveMode: local:= nil e:= putDomainsInScope(name,e) --frame fn := property(functorName,"makeFunctionList") [funList,e]:= FUNCALL(fn,name,form,e) for [op,sig,opcode] in funList repeat if opcode is [sel,dc,n] and sel='ELT then nsig := substitute("$$$",name,sig) nsig := substitute('$,"$$$",substitute("$$",'$,nsig)) opcode := [sel,dc,nsig] e:= addModemap(op,name,sig,true,opcode,e) e augModemapsFromDomain1(name,functorForm,e) == property(KAR functorForm,"makeFunctionList") => addConstructorModemaps(name,functorForm,e) functorForm isnt [.,:.] and (catform := getmode(functorForm,e)) => augModemapsFromCategory(name,functorForm,catform,e) mappingForm := getmodeOrMapping(KAR functorForm,e) => ["Mapping",categoryForm,:functArgTypes] := mappingForm catform := substituteCategoryArguments(rest functorForm,categoryForm) augModemapsFromCategory(name,functorForm,catform,e) stackMessage('"%1pb is an unknown mode",[functorForm]) e AMFCR_,redefinedList(op,l) == "OR"/[AMFCR_,redefined(op,u) for u in l] AMFCR_,redefined(opname,u) == not(u is [op,:l]) => nil op = 'DEF => opname = CAAR l op in '(PROGN SEQ) => AMFCR_,redefinedList(opname,l) op = '%when => "OR"/[AMFCR_,redefinedList(opname,rest u) for u in l] substituteCategoryArguments(argl,catform) == argl := substitute("$$","$",argl) applySubst(pairList($FormalMapVariableList,argl),catform) compDefineFunctor(df,m,e,prefix,fal) == $domainShell: local := nil -- holds the category of the object being compiled $profileCompiler: local := true $profileAlist: local := nil compDefineLisplib(df,m,e,prefix,fal,'compDefineFunctor1) compDefineFunctor1(df is ['DEF,form,signature,body], m,$e,$prefix,$formalArgList) == -- 0. Make `form' a constructor instantiation form if form isnt [.,:.] then form := [form] -- 1. bind global variables $addForm: local := nil $subdomain: local := false $functionStats: local:= [0,0] $functorStats: local:= [0,0] $form: local := nil $op: local := nil $signature: local := nil $functorTarget: local := nil $Representation: local := nil --Set in doIt, accessed in the compiler - compNoStacking $functorForm: local := nil $functorLocalParameters: local := nil $CheckVectorList: local := nil $getDomainCode: local := nil -- code for getting views $insideFunctorIfTrue: local:= true $genSDVar: local:= 0 originale:= $e [$op,:argl]:= form db := constructorDB $op dbConstructorForm(db) := form dbCompilerData(db) := makeCompilationData() dbFormalSubst(db) := pairList(form.args,$FormalMapVariableList) deduceImplicitParameters(db,$e) $formalArgList:= [:argl,:$formalArgList] -- all defaulting packages should have caching turned off dbInstanceCache(db) := not isCategoryPackageName $op signature':= [signature.target,:[getArgumentModeOrMoan(a,form,$e) for a in argl]] $functorForm := $form := [$op,:argl] if signature'.target = nil then signature' := modemap2Signature getModemap($form,$e) dbDualSignature(db) := [false,:[isCategoryForm(t,$e) for t in signature'.source]] $functorTarget := target := signature'.target $e := giveFormalParametersValues(argl,$e) [ds,.,$e] := compMakeCategoryObject(target,$e) or return stackAndThrow('" cannot produce category object: %1pb",[target]) $domainShell: local := copyVector ds attributeList := categoryAttributes ds --see below under "loadTimeAlist" $condAlist: local := nil $uncondAlist: local := nil $NRTslot1PredicateList: local := predicatesFromAttributes attributeList $NRTattributeAlist: local := NRTgenInitialAttributeAlist(db,attributeList) $NRTaddForm: local := nil -- see compAdd $NRTdeltaList: local := nil --list of misc. elts used in compiled fncts $NRTdeltaListComp: local := nil --list of compiled forms for $NRTdeltaList $NRTdeltaLength: local := 0 -- =length of block of extra entries in vector $functionLocations: local := nil --locations of defined functions in source -- Generate slots for arguments first, then implicit parameters, -- then for $NRTaddForm (if any) in compAdd for x in argl repeat NRTgetLocalIndex x for x in dbImplicitParameters db repeat NRTgetLocalIndex x [.,.,$e] := compMakeDeclaration("$",target,$e) if not $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue then $e := augModemapsFromCategory('_$,'_$,target,$e) $e := put('$,'%form,form,$e) $signature := signature' parSignature := dbSubstituteAllQuantified(db,signature') parForm := dbSubstituteAllQuantified(db,form) -- 3. give operator a 'modemap property modemap := [[parForm,:parSignature],[buildConstructorCondition db,$op]] dbConstructorModemap(db) := modemap dbCategory(db) := modemap.mmTarget -- (3.1) now make a list of the functor's local parameters; for -- domain D in argl,check its signature: if domain, its type is Join(A1,..,An); -- in this case, D is replaced by D1,..,Dn (gensyms) which are set -- to the A1,..,An view of D makeFunctorArgumentParameters(argl,signature'.source,signature'.target) $functorLocalParameters := argl -- 4. compile body in environment of %type declarations for arguments op':= $op rettype:= signature'.target -- If this functor is defined as instantiation of a functor -- that is a subdomain of `D', then make this functor also a subdomain -- of that super domain `D'. if body is ["add",[rhsCtor,:rhsArgs],["CAPSULE"]] and constructor? rhsCtor and (u := getSuperDomainFromDB rhsCtor) then u := sublisFormal(rhsArgs,u,$AtVariables) emitSubdomainInfo($form,first u, second u) T:= compFunctorBody(body,rettype,$e,parForm) body':= T.expr lamOrSlam := dbInstanceCache db = nil => 'LAM 'SPADSLAM fun := compile dbSubstituteFormals(db,[op',[lamOrSlam,argl,body']]) --The above statement stops substitutions gettting in one another's way operationAlist := dbSubstituteAllQuantified(db,$lisplibOperationAlist) dbModemaps(db) := modemapsFromFunctor(db,parForm,operationAlist) reportOnFunctorCompilation() -- 5. dbPrincipals(db) := getParentsFor(db,$FormalMapVariableList) dbAncestors(db) := computeAncestorsOf($form,nil) $insideFunctorIfTrue:= false if not $bootStrapMode then libFn := dbAbbreviation db $lookupFunction: local := NRTgetLookupFunction(db,$NRTaddForm,$e) --either lookupComplete (for forgetful guys) or lookupIncomplete $byteAddress :local := 0 $byteVec :local := nil $NRTslot1PredicateList := [simpBool x for x in $NRTslot1PredicateList] LAM_,FILEACTQ('loadTimeStuff, ['MAKEPROP,MKQ $op,''infovec,getInfovecCode(db,$e)]) $lisplibOperationAlist:= operationAlist -- Functors are incomplete during bootstrap if $bootStrapMode then evalAndRwriteLispForm('%incomplete, ['MAKEPROP,quote op',quote '%incomplete,true]) dbBeingDefined?(db) := nil [fun,['Mapping,:signature'],originale] ++ Finish the incomplete compilation of a functor body. incompleteFunctorBody(form,m,body,e) == -- The slot numbers from the category shell are bogus at this point. -- Nullify them so people don't think they bear any meaningful -- semantics (well, they should not think these are forwarding either). ops := nil for [opsig,pred,funsel] in categoryExports $domainShell repeat if pred isnt 'T then pred := simpBool pred if funsel is [op,.,.] and op in '(ELT CONST) then third(funsel) := nil ops := [[opsig,pred,funsel],:ops] $lisplibOperationAlist := listSort(function GGREATERP,ops,function first) dbSuperDomain(constructorDB form.op) := body is ['SubDomain,dom,pred] => [dom,pred] body is ['add,['SubDomain,dom,pred],:.] => [dom,pred] nil [bootStrapError(form, _/EDITFILE),m,e] ++ Subroutine of compDefineFunctor1. Called to generate backend code ++ for a functor definition. compFunctorBody(body,m,e,parForm) == $bootStrapMode => incompleteFunctorBody($functorForm,m,body,e) clearCapsuleDirectory() -- start collecting capsule functions. T:= compOrCroak(body,m,e) $capsuleFunctionStack := reverse! $capsuleFunctionStack -- ??? Don't resolve default definitions, yet. backendCompile $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue => $capsuleFunctionStack foldExportedFunctionReferences $capsuleFunctionStack clearCapsuleDirectory() -- release storage. body is [op,:.] and op in '(add CAPSULE) => T $NRTaddForm := body is ["SubDomain",domainForm,predicate] => domainForm body T reportOnFunctorCompilation() == displayMissingFunctions() if $semanticErrorStack then sayBrightly '" " displaySemanticErrors() if $warningStack then sayBrightly '" " displayWarnings() $functorStats:= addStats($functorStats,$functionStats) [byteCount,elapsedSeconds] := $functorStats sayBrightly ['%l,:bright '" Cumulative Statistics for Constructor",$op] timeString := normalizeStatAndStringify elapsedSeconds sayBrightly ['" Time:",:bright timeString,'"seconds"] sayBrightly '" " 'done displayMissingFunctions() == null $CheckVectorList => nil loc := nil -- list of local operation signatures exp := nil -- list of exported operation signatures for [[op,sig,:.],:pred] in $CheckVectorList | not pred repeat not symbolMember?(op,$formalArgList) and getXmode(op,$e) is ['Mapping,:.] => loc := [[op,sig],:loc] exp := [[op,sig],:exp] if loc then sayBrightly ['"%l",:bright '" Missing Local Functions:"] for [op,sig] in loc for i in 1.. repeat sayBrightly ['" [",i,'"]",:bright op, ": ",:formatUnabbreviatedSig sig] if exp then sayBrightly ['"%l",:bright '" Missing Exported Functions:"] for [op,sig] in exp for i in 1.. repeat sayBrightly ['" [",i,'"]",:bright op, ": ",:formatUnabbreviatedSig sig] --% domain view code makeFunctorArgumentParameters(argl,sigl,target) == $forceAdd: local:= true $ConditionalOperators: local := nil ("append"/[fn(a,augmentSig(s,findExtras(a,target))) for a in argl for s in sigl]) where findExtras(a,target) == -- see if conditional information implies anything else -- in the signature of a target is ['Join,:l] => "union"/[findExtras(a,x) for x in l] target is ['CATEGORY,.,:l] => "union"/[findExtras1(a,x) for x in l] where findExtras1(a,x) == x is ['AND,:l] => "union"/[findExtras1(a,y) for y in l] x is ['OR,:l] => "union"/[findExtras1(a,y) for y in l] x is ['IF,c,p,q] => union(findExtrasP(a,c), union(findExtras1(a,p),findExtras1(a,q))) where findExtrasP(a,x) == x is ['AND,:l] => "union"/[findExtrasP(a,y) for y in l] x is ['OR,:l] => "union"/[findExtrasP(a,y) for y in l] x is ["has",=a,y] and y is ['SIGNATURE,:.] => [y] nil nil augmentSig(s,ss) == -- if we find something extra, add it to the signature null ss => s for u in ss repeat $ConditionalOperators:=[rest u,:$ConditionalOperators] s is ['Join,:sl] => u := objectAssoc('CATEGORY,ss) => MSUBST([:u,:ss],u,s) ['Join,:sl,['CATEGORY,'package,:ss]] ['Join,s,['CATEGORY,'package,:ss]] fn(a,s) == isCategoryForm(s,$CategoryFrame) => s is ["Join",:catlist] => genDomainViewList(a,s.args) [genDomainView(a,s,"getDomainView")] [a] genDomainOps(dom,cat) == oplist:= getOperationAlist(dom,dom,cat) siglist:= [sig for [sig,:.] in oplist] oplist:= substNames(dom,dom,oplist) cd:= ["%LET",dom,['mkOpVec,dom,['%list,: [['%list,MKQ op,['%list,:[mkTypeForm mode for mode in sig]]] for [op,sig] in siglist]]]] $getDomainCode:= [cd,:$getDomainCode] for [opsig,cond,:.] in oplist for i in 0.. repeat if listMember?(opsig,$ConditionalOperators) then cond:=nil [op,sig]:=opsig $e := addModemap(op,dom,sig,cond,['ELT,dom,i],$e) dom genDomainView(viewName,c,viewSelector) == c is ['CATEGORY,.,:l] => genDomainOps(viewName,c) code:= c is ['SubsetCategory,c',.] => c' c $e:= augModemapsFromCategory(viewName,nil,c,$e) cd:= ["%LET",viewName,[viewSelector,viewName,mkTypeForm code]] if not listMember?(cd,$getDomainCode) then $getDomainCode:= [cd,:$getDomainCode] viewName genDomainViewList: (%Symbol,%List %Form) -> %List %Code genDomainViewList(id,catlist) == [genDomainView(id,cat,"getDomainView") for cat in catlist | isCategoryForm(cat,$EmptyEnvironment)] mkOpVec(dom,siglist) == dom:= getPrincipalView dom substargs := [['$,:canonicalForm dom], :pairList($FormalMapVariableList,instantiationArgs dom)] oplist:= getConstructorOperationsFromDB instantiationCtor dom --new form is ( ) ops := newVector #siglist for (opSig:= [op,sig]) in siglist for i in 0.. repeat u := objectAssoc(op,oplist) assoc(sig,u) is [.,n,.,'ELT] => vectorRef(ops,i) := vectorRef(dom,n) noplist := applySubst(substargs,u) -- following variation on assoc needed for GENSYMS in Mutable domains AssocBarGensym(substitute(dom.0,'$,sig),noplist) is [.,n,.,'ELT] => vectorRef(ops,i) := vectorRef(dom,n) vectorRef(ops,i) := [function Undef,[dom.0,i],:opSig] ops ++ form is lhs (f a1 ... an) of definition; body is rhs; ++ signature is (t0 t1 ... tn) where t0= target type, ti=type of ai, i > 0; ++ removes declarative and assignment information from form and ++ signature, placing it in list L, replacing form by ("where",form',:L), ++ signature by a list of NILs (signifying declarations are in e) compDefWhereClause(['DEF,form,signature,body],m,e) == $sigAlist: local := nil $predAlist: local := nil -- 1. create sigList= list of all signatures which have embedded -- declarations moved into global variable $sigAlist sigList:= [transformType fetchType(a,x,e,form) for a in form.args for x in signature.source] where fetchType(a,x,e,form) == x => x getmode(a,e) or userError concat( '"There is no mode for argument",a,'"of function",form.op) transformType x == x isnt [.,:.] => x x is [":",R,Rtype] => ($sigAlist:= [[R,:transformType Rtype],:$sigAlist]; x) x is ['Record,:.] => x --RDJ 8/83 [x.op,:[transformType y for y in x.args]] -- 2. replace each argument of the form (|| x p) by x, recording -- the given predicate in global variable $predAlist argList:= [removeSuchthat a for a in form.args] where removeSuchthat x == x is ["|",y,p] => ($predAlist:= [[y,:p],:$predAlist]; y) x -- 3. obtain a list of parameter identifiers (x1 .. xn) ordered so that -- the type of xi is independent of xj if i < j varList := orderByDependency(ASSOCLEFT argDepAlist,ASSOCRIGHT argDepAlist) where argDepAlist := [[x,:dependencies] for [x,:y] in argSigAlist] where dependencies() == setUnion(listOfIdentifiersIn y, remove(listOfIdentifiersIn LASSOC(x,$predAlist),x)) argSigAlist := [:$sigAlist,:pairList(argList,sigList)] -- 4. construct a WhereList which declares and/or defines the xi's in -- the order constructed in step 3 whereList := [addSuchthat(x,[":",x,LASSOC(x,argSigAlist)]) for x in varList] where addSuchthat(x,y) == p := LASSOC(x,$predAlist) => ["|",y,p] y -- 5. compile new ('DEF,("where",form',:WhereList),:.) where -- all argument parameters of form' are bound/declared in WhereList comp(form',m,e) where form' := ["where",defform,:whereList] where defform := ['DEF,form'',signature',body] where form'' := [form.op,:argList] signature' := [signature.target,:[nil for x in signature.source]] orderByDependency(vl,dl) == -- vl is list of variables, dl is list of dependency-lists selfDependents:= [v for v in vl for d in dl | symbolMember?(v,d)] for v in vl for d in dl | symbolMember?(v,d) repeat (SAY(v," depends on itself"); fatalError:= true) fatalError => userError '"Parameter specification error" until vl = nil repeat newl:= [v for v in vl for d in dl | setIntersection(d,vl) = nil] or return nil orderedVarList:= [:newl,:orderedVarList] vl' := setDifference(vl,newl) dl' := [setDifference(d,newl) for x in vl for d in dl | symbolMember?(x,vl')] vl := vl' dl := dl' removeDuplicates reverse! orderedVarList --ordered so ith is indep. of jth if i < j compDefineCapsuleFunction(df is ['DEF,form,signature,body], m,$e,$prefix,$formalArgList) == e := $e --1. bind global variables $form: local := nil $op: local := nil $functionStats: local:= [0,0] $argumentConditionList: local := nil $finalEnv: local := nil --used by ReplaceExitEtc to get a common environment $initCapsuleErrorCount: local:= #$semanticErrorStack $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue: local:= true $CapsuleModemapFrame: local:= e $CapsuleDomainsInScope: local:= get("$DomainsInScope","special",e) $insideExpressionIfTrue: local:= true $returnMode:= m -- Change "^" to "**" in definitions. All other places have -- been changed before we get here. if form is ["^",:.] then sayBrightly ['"Replacing", :bright '"^", '"with",:bright '"**"] form.op := "**" [$op,:argl] := form $form := [$op,:argl] argl:= stripOffArgumentConditions argl $formalArgList:= [:argl,:$formalArgList] --let target and local signatures help determine modes of arguments signature' := sig := hasSigInTargetCategory(argl,form,signature.target,e) => sig sig := getSignatureFromMode(form,e) => sig [signature.target,:[getArgumentModeOrMoan(a,form,e) for a in argl]] signature'.source := stripOffSubdomainConditions(signature'.source,argl) --obtain target type if not given if signature'.target = nil then signature'.target := getSignature($op,signature'.source,e).target or return nil e := checkAndDeclare(argl,form,sig,e) e := giveFormalParametersValues(argl,e) $signatureOfForm:= signature' --this global is bound in compCapsuleItems $functionLocations := [[[$op,$signatureOfForm]],:$functionLocations] e:= addDomain(signature'.target,e) e:= compArgumentConditions e if $profileCompiler then for x in argl for t in signature'.source repeat profileRecord('arguments,x,t) --4. introduce needed domains into extendedEnv for domain in signature' repeat e:= addDomain(domain,e) --6. compile body in environment with extended environment rettype:= resolve(signature'.target,$returnMode) localOrExported := not symbolMember?($op,$formalArgList) and getXmode($op,e) is ['Mapping,:.] => 'local 'exported formattedSig := formatUnabbreviatedSig ['Mapping,:signature'] sayBrightly ['" compiling ",localOrExported, :bright $op,'": ",:formattedSig] noteCapsuleFunctionDefinition($op,signature', makePredicate $predl) T := CATCH('compCapsuleBody, compOrCroak(body,rettype,e)) or [$ClearBodyToken,rettype,e] NRTassignCapsuleFunctionSlot($op,signature') if $newCompCompare=true then SAY '"The old compiler generates:" prTriple T -- A THROW to the above CATCH occurs if too many semantic errors occur -- see stackSemanticError catchTag:= MKQ gensym() fun:= body':= replaceExitEtc(T.expr,catchTag,"TAGGEDreturn",$returnMode) body':= addArgumentConditions(body',$op) finalBody:= ["CATCH",catchTag,body'] compile [$op,["LAM",[:argl,'_$],finalBody]] $functorStats:= addStats($functorStats,$functionStats) --7. give operator a 'value property val:= [fun,signature',e] [fun,['Mapping,:signature'],$e] getSignatureFromMode(form,e) == getXmode(opOf form,e) is ['Mapping,:signature] => #form~=#signature => stackAndThrow ["Wrong number of arguments: ",form] applySubst(pairList($FormalMapVariableList,form.args),signature) candidateSignatures(op,nmodes,slot1) == [sig for [[=op,sig,:.],:.] in slot1 | #sig = nmodes] domainMember(dom,domList) == or/[modeEqual(dom,d) for d in domList] augModemapsFromDomain(name,functorForm,e) == symbolMember?(KAR name or name,$DummyFunctorNames) => e name = $Category or isCategoryForm(name,e) => e listMember?(name,getDomainsInScope e) => e if super := superType functorForm then e := addNewDomain(super,e) if name is ["Union",:dl] then for d in stripUnionTags dl repeat e:= addDomain(d,e) augModemapsFromDomain1(name,functorForm,e) addNewDomain(domain,e) == augModemapsFromDomain(domain,domain,e) addDomain(domain,e) == domain isnt [.,:.] => domain="$EmptyMode" => e domain="$NoValueMode" => e not ident? domain or 2 < #(s:= STRINGIMAGE domain) and char "#" = stringChar(s,0) and char "#" = stringChar(s,1) => e symbolMember?(domain,getDomainsInScope e) => e isLiteral(domain,e) => e addNewDomain(domain,e) (name:= first domain)='Category => e domainMember(domain,getDomainsInScope e) => e getXmode(name,e) is ["Mapping",target,:.] and isCategoryForm(target,e) => addNewDomain(domain,e) -- constructor? test needed for domains compiled with $bootStrapMode=true isDomainForm(domain,e) => addNewDomain(domain,e) -- ??? we should probably augment $DummyFunctorNames with CATEGORY -- ??? so that we don't have to do this special check here. Investigate. isQuasiquote domain => e if not isCategoryForm(domain,e) and name ~= "Mapping" then unknownTypeError name e --is not a functor ++ We are compiling a capsule function definition with head given by `form'. ++ Determine whether the function with possibly partial signature `opsig' ++ is exported. Return the complete signature if yes; otherwise ++ return nil, with diagnostic in ambiguity case. hasSigInTargetCategory(argl,form,opsig,e) == sigs := candidateSignatures($op,#form,categoryExports $domainShell) cc := checkCallingConvention(sigs,#argl) mList:= [(cc.i > 0 => quasiquote x; getArgumentMode(x,e)) for x in argl for i in 0..] --each element is a declared mode for the variable or nil if none exists potentialSigList:= removeDuplicates [sig for sig in sigs | fn(sig,opsig,mList)] where fn(sig,opsig,mList) == (null opsig or opsig=sig.target) and (and/[compareMode2Arg(x,m) for x in mList for m in sig.source]) potentialSigList is [sig] => sig potentialSigList = nil => nil ambiguousSignatureError($op,potentialSigList) first potentialSigList compareMode2Arg(x,m) == null x or modeEqual(x,m) getArgumentModeOrMoan: (%Form, %Form, %Env) -> %Mode getArgumentModeOrMoan(x,form,e) == getArgumentMode(x,e) or stackSemanticError(["argument ",x," of ",form," is not declared"],nil) getArgumentMode: (%Form,%Env) -> %Mode getArgumentMode(x,e) == string? x => x m:= get(x,'mode,e) => m checkAndDeclare(argl,form,sig,e) == -- arguments with declared types must agree with those in sig; -- those that don't get declarations put into e for a in argl for m in sig.source repeat isQuasiquote m => nil -- we just built m from a. m1:= getArgumentMode(a,e) => not modeEqual(m1,m) => stack:= [" ",:bright a,'"must have type ",m, '" not ",m1,'"%l",:stack] e:= put(a,'mode,m,e) if stack then sayBrightly ['" Parameters of ",:bright form.op, '" are of wrong type:",'"%l",:stack] e getSignature(op,argModeList,$e) == 1=# (sigl:= removeDuplicates [sig for [[dc,:sig],[pred,:.]] in (mmList:= get(op,'modemap,$e)) | dc='_$ and sig.source = argModeList and knownInfo(pred,$e)]) => first sigl null sigl => (u:= getXmode(op,$e)) is ['Mapping,:sig] => sig SAY '"************* USER ERROR **********" SAY("available signatures for ",op,": ") if null mmList then SAY " NONE" else for [[dc,:sig],:.] in mmList repeat printSignature(" ",op,sig) printSignature("NEED ",op,["?",:argModeList]) nil 1=#sigl => first sigl stackSemanticError(["duplicate signatures for ",op,": ",argModeList],nil) --% ARGUMENT CONDITION CODE stripOffArgumentConditions argl == [f for x in argl for i in 1..] where f() == x is ["|",arg,condition] => condition:= substitute('_#1,arg,condition) -- in case conditions are given in terms of argument names, replace $argumentConditionList:= [[i,arg,condition],:$argumentConditionList] arg x stripOffSubdomainConditions(margl,argl) == [f for x in margl for arg in argl for i in 1..] where f() == x is ['SubDomain,marg,condition] => pair:= assoc(i,$argumentConditionList) => (pair.rest.first := MKPF([condition,second pair],'AND); marg) $argumentConditionList:= [[i,arg,condition],:$argumentConditionList] marg x compArgumentConditions: %Env -> %Env compArgumentConditions e == $argumentConditionList:= [f for [n,a,x] in $argumentConditionList] where f() == y:= substitute(a,'_#1,x) T := [.,.,e]:= compOrCroak(y,$Boolean,e) [n,x,T.expr] e addArgumentConditions($body,$functionName) == $argumentConditionList => --$body is only used in this function fn $argumentConditionList where fn clist == clist is [[n,untypedCondition,typedCondition],:.] => ['%when,[typedCondition,fn rest clist], ['%otherwise,["argumentDataError",n, MKQ untypedCondition,MKQ $functionName]]] null clist => $body systemErrorHere ["addArgumentConditions",clist] $body putInLocalDomainReferences (def := [opName,[lam,varl,body]]) == NRTputInTail CDDADR def def compile u == [op,lamExpr] := u if $suffix then $suffix:= $suffix+1 op':= opexport:=nil opmodes:= [sel for [[DC,:sig],[.,sel]] in get(op,'modemap,$e) | DC='_$ and (opexport:=true) and (and/[modeEqual(x,y) for x in sig for y in $signatureOfForm])] isLocalFunction op => if opexport then userError ['"%b",op,'"%d",'" is local and exported"] makeSymbol strconc(encodeItem $prefix,'";",encodeItem op) encodeFunctionName(constructorDB $functorForm.op,op,$signatureOfForm,'";",$suffix) where isLocalFunction op == null symbolMember?(op,$formalArgList) and getXmode(op,$e) is ['Mapping,:.] u:= [op',lamExpr] optimizedBody:= optimizeFunctionDef u stuffToCompile:= if not $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue then optimizedBody else putInLocalDomainReferences optimizedBody $doNotCompileJustPrint => (PRETTYPRINT stuffToCompile; op') $macroIfTrue => constructMacro stuffToCompile -- Let the backend know about this function's type if $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue and $optProclaim then proclaimCapsuleFunction(op',$signatureOfForm) result:= spadCompileOrSetq stuffToCompile functionStats:=[0,elapsedTime()] $functionStats:= addStats($functionStats,functionStats) printStats functionStats result ++ Subroutine of compile. Called to generate backend code for ++ items defined directly or indirectly at capsule level. This is ++ also used to compile functors. spadCompileOrSetq (form is [nam,[lam,vl,body]]) == --bizarre hack to take account of the existence of "known" functions --good for performance (LISPLLIB size, BPI size, NILSEC) CONTAINED($ClearBodyToken,body) => sayBrightly ['" ",:bright nam,'" not compiled"] -- flag parameters needs to be made atomic, otherwise Lisp is confused. -- We try our best to preserve -- Note that we don't need substitution in the body because flag -- parameters are never used in the body. vl := [ renameParameter for v in vl] where renameParameter() == integer? v or ident? v or string? v => v gensym '"flag" clearReplacement nam -- Make sure we have fresh info if $optReplaceSimpleFunctions then body := replaceSimpleFunctions body if nam' := forwardingCall?(vl,body) then registerFunctionReplacement(nam,nam') sayBrightly ['" ",:bright nam,'"is replaced by",:bright nam'] else if macform := expandableDefinition?(vl,body) then registerFunctionReplacement(nam,macform) sayBrightly ['" ",:bright nam,'"is replaced by",:bright body] form := getFunctionReplacement nam => [nam,[lam,vl,["DECLARE",["IGNORE",last vl]],body]] [nam,[lam,vl,body]] $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue => $optExportedFunctionReference => $capsuleFunctionStack := [form,:$capsuleFunctionStack] first form first backendCompile [form] compileConstructor form compileConstructor form == u:= compileConstructor1 form clearClams() --clear all CLAMmed functions u compileConstructor1 (form:=[fn,[key,vl,:bodyl]]) == -- fn is the name of some category/domain/package constructor; -- we will cache all of its values on $ConstructorCache with reference -- counts $clamList: local := nil db := constructorDB fn lambdaOrSlam := dbConstructorKind db = 'category => 'SPADSLAM dbInstanceCache db = nil => 'LAMBDA $clamList:= [[fn,"$ConstructorCache",'domainEqualList,'count],:$clamList] 'LAMBDA compForm:= [[fn,[lambdaOrSlam,vl,:bodyl]]] if dbConstructorKind db = 'category then u:= compAndDefine compForm else u:= backendCompile compForm clearConstructorCache fn --clear cache for constructor first u constructMacro: %Form -> %Form constructMacro (form is [nam,[lam,vl,body]]) == not (and/[x isnt [.,:.] for x in vl]) => stackSemanticError(["illegal parameters for macro: ",vl],nil) ["XLAM",vl':= [x for x in vl | ident? x],body] listInitialSegment(u,v) == null u => true null v => nil first u=first v and listInitialSegment(rest u,rest v) --returns true iff u.i=v.i for i in 1..(#u)-1 modemap2Signature [[.,:sig],:.] == sig uncons: %Form -> %Form uncons x == x isnt [.,:.] => x x is ["CONS",a,b] => [a,:uncons b] --% CAPSULE bootStrapError(functorForm,sourceFile) == ['%when, _ ['$bootStrapMode, _ ['%vector,mkTypeForm functorForm,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil]], ['%otherwise, ['systemError,['%list,'"%b",MKQ functorForm.op,'"%d",'"from", _ '"%b",MKQ namestring sourceFile,'"%d",'"needs to be compiled"]]]] registerInlinableDomain(x,e) == x := macroExpand(x,e) x is [ctor,:.] => constructor? ctor => nominateForInlining ctor ctor is ":" => registerInlinableDomain(third x,e) builtinFunctorName? ctor => for t in x.args repeat registerInlinableDomain(t,e) nil nil compAdd(['add,$addForm,capsule],m,e) == $bootStrapMode => if $addForm is ["%Comma",:.] then code := nil else [code,m,e]:= comp($addForm,m,e) [['%when, _ ['$bootStrapMode, _ code],_ ['%otherwise, ['systemError,['%list,'"%b",MKQ $functorForm.op,'"%d",'"from", _ '"%b",MKQ namestring _/EDITFILE,'"%d",'"needs to be compiled"]]]],m,e] $addFormLhs: local:= $addForm if $addForm is ["SubDomain",domainForm,predicate] then $NRTaddForm := domainForm NRTgetLocalIndex domainForm registerInlinableDomain(domainForm,e) --need to generate slot for add form since all $ go-get -- slots will need to access it [$addForm,.,e]:= compSubDomain1(domainForm,predicate,m,e) else $NRTaddForm := $addForm [$addForm,.,e]:= $addForm is ["%Comma",:.] => $NRTaddForm := ["%Comma",:[NRTgetLocalIndex x for x in $addForm.args]] for x in $addForm.args repeat registerInlinableDomain(x,e) compOrCroak(compTuple2Record $addForm,$EmptyMode,e) registerInlinableDomain($addForm,e) compOrCroak($addForm,$EmptyMode,e) compCapsule(capsule,m,e) compTuple2Record u == ['Record,:[[":",i,x] for i in 1.. for x in u.args]] compCapsule(['CAPSULE,:itemList],m,e) == $bootStrapMode => [bootStrapError($functorForm, _/EDITFILE),m,e] $insideExpressionIfTrue: local:= false $useRepresentationHack := true clearCapsuleFunctionTable() e := checkRepresentation(constructorDB $form.op,$addFormLhs,itemList,e) compCapsuleInner(constructorDB $form.op,itemList,m,addDomain('_$,e)) compSubDomain(["SubDomain",domainForm,predicate],m,e) == $addFormLhs: local:= domainForm $addForm: local := nil $NRTaddForm := domainForm [$addForm,.,e]:= compSubDomain1(domainForm,predicate,m,e) compCapsule(['CAPSULE],m,e) compSubDomain1(domainForm,predicate,m,e) == [.,.,e]:= compMakeDeclaration("#1",domainForm,addDomain(domainForm,e)) u:= compCompilerPredicate(predicate,e) or stackSemanticError(["predicate: ",predicate, " cannot be interpreted with #1: ",domainForm],nil) pred := simplifyVMForm u.expr -- For now, reject predicates that directly reference domains CONTAINED("$",pred) => stackAndThrow('"predicate %1pb is not simple enough",[predicate]) emitSubdomainInfo($form,domainForm,pred) [domainForm,m,e] compCapsuleInner(db,itemList,m,e) == e:= addInformation(m,e) --puts a new 'special' property of $Information data := ["PROGN",:itemList] --RPLACd by compCapsuleItems and Friends e := compCapsuleItems(itemList,nil,e) localParList:= $functorLocalParameters if $addForm ~= nil then data := ['add,$addForm,data] code := $insideCategoryIfTrue and not $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue => data buildFunctor(db,$signature,data,localParList,e) [MKPF([:$getDomainCode,code],"PROGN"),m,e] --% PROCESS FUNCTOR CODE compCapsuleItems(itemlist,$predl,$e) == $signatureOfForm: local := nil $suffix: local:= 0 for item in itemlist repeat $e:= compSingleCapsuleItem(item,$predl,$e) $e compSingleCapsuleItem(item,$predl,$e) == doIt(macroExpandInPlace(item,$e),$predl) $e ++ subroutine of doIt. Called to generate runtime noop insn. mutateToNothing item == item.op := 'PROGN item.rest := nil doIt(item,$predl) == $GENNO: local:= 0 item is ['SEQ,:l,['exit,1,x]] => item.op := "PROGN" lastNode(item).first := x for it1 in rest item repeat $e:= compSingleCapsuleItem(it1,$predl,$e) --This will RPLAC as appropriate isDomainForm(item,$e) => -- convert naked top level domains to import. -- Note: The apparent useless destructing of `item' below is necessary -- because it is subject to RPLACA/RPLACD, which would create -- a cycle otherwise. u:= ["import", [first item,:rest item]] stackWarning('"Use: import %1p",[[first item,:rest item]]) item.op := u.op item.rest := rest u doIt(item,$predl) item is [":=",lhs,rhs,:.] => compOrCroak(item,$EmptyMode,$e) isnt [code,.,$e] => stackSemanticError(["cannot compile assigned value to",:bright lhs],nil) not (code is ["%LET",lhs',rhs',:.] and lhs' isnt [.,:.]) => code is ["PROGN",:.] => stackSemanticError(["multiple assignment ",item," not allowed"],nil) item.first := first code item.rest := rest code lhs:= lhs' if not symbolMember?(KAR rhs,$NonMentionableDomainNames) and not symbolMember?(lhs, $functorLocalParameters) then $functorLocalParameters:= [:$functorLocalParameters,lhs] if code is ["%LET",.,rhs',:.] and isDomainForm(rhs',$e) then if lhs="Rep" then --$Representation bound by compDefineFunctor, used in compNoStacking $Representation := getRepresentation $e if $optimizeRep then registerInlinableDomain($Representation,$e) code is ["%LET",:.] => item.op := '%store rhsCode := rhs' item.args := [['%tref,'$,NRTgetLocalIndex lhs],rhsCode] item.op := code.op item.rest := rest code item is [":",a,t] => [.,.,$e]:= compOrCroak(item,$EmptyMode,$e) item is ["import",:doms] => for dom in doms repeat sayBrightly ['" importing ",:formatUnabbreviated dom] [.,.,$e] := compOrCroak(item,$EmptyMode,$e) mutateToNothing item item is ["%Inline",type] => processInlineRequest(type,$e) mutateToNothing item item is ["%SignatureImport",:.] => [.,.,$e] := compSignatureImport(item,$EmptyMode,$e) mutateToNothing item item is ["IF",p,x,y] => doItConditionally(item,$predl) item is ["where",b,:l] => compOrCroak(item,$EmptyMode,$e) item is ["MDEF",:.] => [.,.,$e]:= compOrCroak(item,$EmptyMode,$e) item is ['DEF,lhs,:.] => op := opOf lhs body := isMacro(item,$e) => $e := putMacro(op,body,$e) [.,.,$e] := t := compOrCroak(item,$EmptyMode,$e) item.op := "CodeDefine" --Note that DescendCode, in CodeDefine, is looking for this second(item) := [op,$signatureOfForm] --This is how the signature is updated for buildFunctor to recognise third(item) := ['dispatchFunction,t.expr] item.rest.rest.rest := nil u := compOrCroak(item,$EmptyMode,$e) => ([code,.,$e]:= u; item.first := first code; item.rest := rest code) systemErrorHere ["doIt", item] isMacro(x,e) == x is ['DEF,[op],[nil],body] and get(op,'modemap,e) = nil and get(op,'mode,e) = nil => body nil ++ Compile capsule-level `item' which is a conditional expression. ++ OpenAxiom's take on prepositional logical is a constructive ++ interpretation of logical connectives, in terms of IF-expresions. ++ In particular, a negation is positively interpretated by swapping ++ branches, and- and or-expressions are decomposed into nested ++ IF-expressions. -- gdr, 2009-06-15. doItConditionally(item,predl) == item isnt ["IF",p,x,y] => systemErrorHere ["doItConditionally",item] p is ["not",p'] => -- swap branches and recurse for positive interpretation. item.rest.first := p' item.rest.rest.first := y item.rest.rest.rest.first := x doItConditionally(item,predl) p is ["and",p',p''] => item.rest.first := p' item.rest.rest.first := ["IF",p'',x,COPY y] doItConditionally(item,predl) p is ["or",p',p''] => item.rest.first := p' item.rest.rest.rest.first := ["IF",p'',COPY x,y] doItConditionally(item,predl) doItIf(item,predl,$e) doItIf(item is [.,p,x,y],$predl,$e) == olde:= $e [p',.,$e]:= compCompilerPredicate(p,$e) or userError ['"not a Boolean:",p] oldFLP:=$functorLocalParameters if x~="%noBranch" then compSingleCapsuleItem(x,[p,:$predl],getSuccessEnvironment(p,$e)) x':=localExtras(oldFLP) oldFLP:=$functorLocalParameters if y~="%noBranch" then compSingleCapsuleItem(y,[["not",p],:$predl],getInverseEnvironment(p,olde)) y':=localExtras(oldFLP) item.op := '%when item.args := [[p',x,:x'],['%otherwise,y,:y']] where localExtras(oldFLP) == sameObject?(oldFLP,$functorLocalParameters) => nil flp1:=$functorLocalParameters oldFLP':=oldFLP n:=0 while oldFLP' repeat oldFLP':=rest oldFLP' flp1:=rest flp1 n:=n+1 -- Now we have to add code to compile all the elements -- of functorLocalParameters that were added during the -- conditional compilation nils:=ans:=[] for u in flp1 repeat -- is =u form always an atom? if u isnt [.,:.] or (or/[v is [.,=u,:.] for v in $getDomainCode]) then nils:=[u,:nils] else gv := gensym() ans:=[["%LET",gv,u],:ans] nils:=[gv,:nils] n:=n+1 $functorLocalParameters:=[:oldFLP,:reverse! nils] reverse! ans --% CATEGORY AND DOMAIN FUNCTIONS compContained: (%Form, %Mode, %Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compContained(["CONTAINED",a,b],m,e) == [a,ma,e]:= comp(a,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil [b,mb,e]:= comp(b,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil isCategoryForm(ma,e) and isCategoryForm(mb,e) => (T:= [["CONTAINED",a,b],$Boolean,e]; convert(T,m)) nil compJoin(["Join",:argl],m,e) == catList:= [(compForMode(x,$Category,e) or return 'failed).expr for x in argl] catList='failed => stackSemanticError(["cannot form Join of: ",argl],nil) catList':= [extract for x in catList] where extract() == isCategoryForm(x,e) => parameters:= union("append"/[getParms(y,e) for y in rest x],parameters) where getParms(y,e) == y isnt [.,:.] => isDomainForm(y,e) => [y] nil y is [op,y'] and op in '(LENGTH %llength) => [y,y'] [y] x x is ["DomainSubstitutionMacro",pl,body] => (parameters:= union(pl,parameters); body) x is ["mkCategory",:.] => x ident? x and getXmode(x,e) = $Category => x stackSemanticError(["invalid argument to Join: ",x],nil) x T := [['DomainSubstitutionMacro,parameters,["Join",:catList']],$Category,e] convert(T,m) compForMode: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compForMode(x,m,e) == $compForModeIfTrue: local:= true comp(x,m,e) makeCategoryForm(c,e) == not isCategoryForm(c,e) => nil [x,m,e]:= compOrCroak(c,$EmptyMode,e) [x,e] mustInstantiate: %Form -> %Thing mustInstantiate D == D is [fn,:.] and not (symbolMember?(fn,$DummyFunctorNames) or property(fn,"makeFunctionList")) mkExplicitCategoryFunction(domainOrPackage,sigList,atList) == body:= ["mkCategory",MKQ domainOrPackage,['%list,:reverse sigList], ['%list,:reverse atList],MKQ domList,nil] where domList() == ("union"/[fn sig for ['QUOTE,[[.,sig,:.],:.]] in sigList]) where fn sig == [D for D in sig | mustInstantiate D] parameters:= removeDuplicates ("append"/ [[x for x in sig | ident? x and x~='_$] for ['QUOTE,[[.,sig,:.],:.]] in sigList]) ['DomainSubstitutionMacro,parameters,body] DomainSubstitutionFunction(parameters,body) == if parameters ~= nil then (body := Subst(parameters,body)) where Subst(parameters,body) == body isnt [.,:.] => objectMember?(body,parameters) => MKQ body body listMember?(body,parameters) => g := gensym() $extraParms := [[g,:body],:$extraParms] --Used in SetVector12 to generate a substitution list --bound in buildFunctor --For categories, bound and used in compDefineCategory MKQ g first body is 'QUOTE => body cons? $definition and isFunctor body.op and body.op ~= $definition.op => quote simplifyVMForm body [Subst(parameters,u) for u in body] body isnt ["Join",:.] => body $definition isnt [.,:.] => body $definition.args = nil => body g := gensym() ['%bind,[[g,['constructorDB,quote $definition.op]]], ['%when,[['dbTemplate,g]], ['%otherwise,['%store,['dbTemplate,g],body]]]] ++ Subroutine of compCategoryItem. ++ Compile exported signature `opsig' under predicate `pred' in ++ environment `env'. The parameters `sigs' is a reference to a list ++ of signatures elaborated so far. compSignature(opsig,pred,env,sigs) == [op,:sig] := opsig cons? op => for y in op repeat compSignature([y,:sig],pred,env,sigs) op in '(per rep) => stackSemanticError(['"cannot export signature for", :bright op],nil) nil noteExport(opsig,pred) deref(sigs) := [MKQ [opsig,pred],:deref sigs] ++ Subroutine of comCategory. ++ Elaborate a category-level item `x' under the predicates `predl'. ++ The parameters `sigs' and `atts' are references to list of ++ signatures and attributes elaborated so far. compCategoryItem(x,predl,env,sigs,atts) == x is nil => nil --1. if x is a conditional expression, recurse; otherwise, form the predicate x is ['%when,[p,e]] => predl':= [p,:predl] e is ["PROGN",:l] => for y in l repeat compCategoryItem(y,predl',env,sigs,atts) compCategoryItem(e,predl',env,sigs,atts) x is ["IF",a,b,c] => a is ["not",p] => compCategoryItem(["IF",p,c,b],predl,env,sigs,atts) a is ["and",p,q] => compCategoryItem(["IF",p,["IF",q,b,c],COPY c],predl,env,sigs,atts) a is ["or",p,q] => compCategoryItem(["IF",p,b,["IF",q,COPY b,c]],predl,env,sigs,atts) predl':= [a,:predl] if b~="%noBranch" then b is ["PROGN",:l] => for y in l repeat compCategoryItem(y,predl',env,sigs,atts) compCategoryItem(b,predl',env,sigs,atts) c="%noBranch" => nil predl':= [["not",a],:predl] c is ["PROGN",:l] => for y in l repeat compCategoryItem(y,predl',env,sigs,atts) compCategoryItem(c,predl',env,sigs,atts) pred := (predl => MKPF(predl,"AND"); true) --2. if attribute, push it and return x is ["ATTRIBUTE",y] => -- Attribute 'nil' carries no semantics. y = "nil" => nil noteExport(y,pred) deref(atts) := [MKQ [y,pred],:deref atts] --3. it may be a list, with PROGN as the first, and some information as the rest x is ["PROGN",:l] => for u in l repeat compCategoryItem(u,predl,env,sigs,atts) -- 4. otherwise, x gives a signature for a -- single operator name or a list of names; if a list of names, -- recurse x is ["SIGNATURE",:opsig] => compSignature(opsig,pred,env,sigs) systemErrorHere ["compCategoryItem",x] compCategory: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compCategory(x,m,e) == clearExportsTable() m := resolve(m,$Category) m = $Category and x is ['CATEGORY,kind,:l] => sigs := ref nil atts := ref nil for x in l repeat compCategoryItem(x,nil,e,sigs,atts) rep := mkExplicitCategoryFunction(kind,deref sigs,deref atts) --if inside compDefineCategory, provide for category argument substitution [rep,m,e] systemErrorHere ["compCategory",x] --%