-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2013, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import nlib import g_-cndata import c_-util import clam import cattable import compat import daase namespace BOOT $getUnexposedOperations := true $globalExposureGroupAlist := [] --% pathToDatabase name == if dbdir := systemDatabaseDirectory() then path := strconc(dbdir,name) if $verbose then formatToStdout('" Using local database ~a..",path) else path := strconc(systemRootDirectory(),'"algebra/",name) path --% structure %Constructor == Record(id: %Symbol,kind: %ConstructorKind,abbrev: %Symbol, xparms: %List %Symbol) with constructorIdentifier == (.id) constructtorKind == (.kind) constructrorAbbreviation == (.abbrev) constructorExplicitParameters == (.xparms) makeConstructor(s,k == nil,a == nil) == symbolValue(s) := mk%Constructor(s,k,a,nil) --% getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB: %Symbol -> %Maybe %Symbol getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB ctor == db := constructorDB ctor => dbAbbreviation db nil getConstructorCategory: %Symbol -> %Form getConstructorCategory ctor == getConstructorKindFromDB ctor = 'category => GETDATABASE(ctor,"CONSTRUCTORCATEGORY") getConstructorModemap(ctor).mmTarget getConstructorKindFromDB: %Symbol -> %Maybe %ConstructorKind getConstructorKindFromDB ctor == db := constructorDB ctor => dbConstructorKind db nil getConstructorAncestorsFromDB: %Symbol -> %List %Constructor getConstructorAncestorsFromDB ctor == GETDATABASE(ctor,"ANCESTORS") ++ return the modemap of the constructor or the instantiation ++ of the constructor `form'. getConstructorModemap: %Symbol -> %Mode getConstructorModemap ctor == mm := GETDATABASE(ctor, 'CONSTRUCTORMODEMAP) => mm dbConstructorModemap loadDBIfNecessary constructorDB ctor getConstructorFormFromDB: %Symbol -> %Form getConstructorFormFromDB ctor == GETDATABASE(ctor,"CONSTRUCTORFORM") ++ Return the generic instantiation form of a constructor, ++ where the arguments are the parameters used in its ++ original definition. Builtin constructors are also handled. genericInstanceForm form == [op,:args] := form builtinConstructor? op => builtinInstanceForm form getConstructorFormFromDB op getConstructorSourceFileFromDB: %Symbol -> %Maybe %String getConstructorSourceFileFromDB ctor == GETDATABASE(ctor,"SOURCEFILE") getConstructorModuleFromDB: %Symbol -> %Maybe %String getConstructorModuleFromDB ctor == GETDATABASE(ctor,"OBJECT") getConstructorDocumentationFromDB: %Symbol -> %List %Form getConstructorDocumentationFromDB ctor == GETDATABASE(ctor,"DOCUMENTATION") getConstructorOperationsFromDB: %Symbol -> %List %List %Form getConstructorOperationsFromDB ctor == GETDATABASE(ctor,"OPERATIONALIST") getConstructorFullNameFromDB: %Symbol -> %Symbol getConstructorFullNameFromDB ctor == GETDATABASE(ctor,"CONSTRUCTOR") getConstructorArgsFromDB: %Symbol -> %List %Symbol getConstructorArgsFromDB ctor == GETDATABASE(ctor,"CONSTRUCTORARGS") ++ returns a list of Boolean values indicating whether the ++ parameter type at the corresponding position is a category. getDualSignature: %Symbol -> %Form getDualSignature ctor == db := constructorDB ctor or return nil dbDualSignature db or GETDATABASE(ctor,'COSIG) getConstructorPredicates: %Symbol -> %List %Thing getConstructorPredicates ctor == db := constructorDB ctor dbBeingDefined? db => dbPredicates db dbPredicates loadDBIfNecessary db getConstructorParentsFromDB: %Symbol -> %List %Symbol getConstructorParentsFromDB ctor == GETDATABASE(ctor,"PARENTS") getSuperDomainFromDB: %Symbol -> %Form getSuperDomainFromDB ctor == GETDATABASE(ctor,"SUPERDOMAIN") getConstructorAttributes: %Symbol -> %Form getConstructorAttributes ctor == dbAttributes loadDBIfNecessary constructorDB ctor niladicConstructor?: %Symbol -> %Boolean niladicConstructor? ctor == form := getConstructorFormFromDB ctor => form.args = nil false constructorHasCategoryFromDB: %Pair(%Thing,%Thing) -> %List %Code constructorHasCategoryFromDB p == GETDATABASE(p,"HASCATEGORY") getConstructorDefaultFromDB: %Symbol -> %Maybe %Symbol getConstructorDefaultFromDB ctor == GETDATABASE(ctor,"DEFAULTDOMAIN") getOperationFromDB: %Symbol -> %List %Sig getOperationFromDB op == GETDATABASE(op,"OPERATION") getOperationModemapsFromDB: %Symbol -> %List %Modemap getOperationModemapsFromDB op == GETDATABASE(op,"MODEMAPS") getConstructorArity: %Symbol -> %Short getConstructorArity ctor == sig := getConstructorSignature ctor => #rest sig -1 getConstructorKind: %Symbol -> %Maybe %ConstructorKind getConstructorKind ctor == kind := getConstructorKindFromDB ctor => kind is "domain" and isDefaultPackageName ctor => "package" kind builtinFunctorName? ctor => "domain" builtinCategoryName? ctor => "category" nil categoryConstructor? ctor == getConstructorKindFromDB ctor is "category" or builtinCategoryName? ctor --% Functions for manipulating MODEMAP DATABASE ++ We are about to finish the elaboration of the category `form' with ++ given `body' and `signature'. Return the list of all modemaps ++ of operators exported by generic instantiation of the category constructor. ++ Note: The structure of the modemaps is that understood by the ++ interpreter, but that of the of the compiler. modemapsFromCategory(db,form,body,signature) == sl := [["$",:"*1"],:pairList(form.args,rest $PatternVariableList)] form := applySubst(sl,form) body := applySubst(sl,body) signature := applySubst(sl,signature) opAlist := applySubst(sl,categoryExports $domainShell) or return nil nonCategorySigAlist := mkAlistOfExplicitCategoryOps substitute("*1","$",body) catPredList := [['ofCategory,"*1",form], :[['ofCategory,a,m] for a in form.args for m in signature.source for cat? in dbDualSignature(db).source | cat? ]] op := dbConstructor db cond := dbImplicitData db is [isubst,icond] => [['%exist,ASSOCRIGHT isubst,applySubst(sl,applySubst(isubst,icond))]] nil mms := nil for (entry:= [[op,sig,:.],pred,sel]) in opAlist | listMember?(sig,LASSOC(op,nonCategorySigAlist)) repeat pred' := mkpf([pred,:catPredList,:cond],'AND) modemap := [["*1",:sig],[pred',sel]] mms := [[op,:interactiveModemapForm modemap],:mms] mms ++ We are about to finish the elaboration of the generic instantiation ++ of the function `form.op' with `signature'. Return a list of modemaps ++ for operations from `opAlist' explicitly exported by the functor. ++ Note: the structure of modemaps same as for modemapsFromCategory. modemapsFromFunctor(db,form,opAlist) == f2p := pairList(form.args,rest $PatternVariableList) -- "*1" is for "$" form := [.,:argl] := applySubst(f2p,form) opAlist := applySubst(f2p,opAlist) signature := applySubst(f2p,dbConstructorModemap(db).mmSignature) for u in form for v in signature repeat if symbolMember?(u,$PatternVariableList) then -- we are going to be EVALing categories containing these -- pattern variables $e := put(u,'mode,v,$e) nonCategorySigAlist := mkAlistOfExplicitCategoryOps signature.target or return nil catCond := dbImplicitData db is [isubst,icond] => [['%exist,ASSOCRIGHT isubst,applySubst(f2p,applySubst(isubst,icond))]] nil mms := nil for (entry := [[op,sig,:.],pred,sel]) in opAlist | or/[listMember?(sig,catSig) for catSig in allLASSOCs(op,nonCategorySigAlist)] repeat skip := argl ~= nil and CONTAINED("$",sig.source) => 'SKIP nil patternList := listOfPatternIds sig --get relevant predicates predList := [[(cat? => 'ofCategory; 'ofType),a,m] for a in argl for m in signature.source for cat? in dbDualSignature(db).source | symbolMember?(a,$PatternVariableList)] l := listOfPatternIds predList if "OR"/[not symbolMember?(u,l) for u in argl] then sayMSG ['"cannot handle modemap for",:bright op, '"by pattern match" ] skip := 'SKIP modemap := [[form,:substitute(form,"$",sig)], [mkpf([pred,:predList,:catCond],'AND), substitute(form,"$",sel),:skip]] mms := [[op,:interactiveModemapForm modemap],:mms] mms rebuildCDT(filemode) == clearConstructorAndLisplibCaches() $databaseQueue:local :=nil $e: local := $EmptyEnvironment -- We may need to evaluate Categories buildDatabase(filemode,false) $IOindex:= 1 $InteractiveFrame:= $EmptyEnvironment 0 buildDatabase(filemode,expensive) == $InteractiveMode: local:= true $constructorList := nil --looked at by buildLibdb $ConstructorCache:= hashTable 'EQ SAY '"Making constructor autoload" makeConstructorsAutoLoad() SAY '"Building category table" genCategoryTable() SAY '"Building libdb.text" buildLibdb() SAY '"splitting libdb.text" dbSplitLibdb() SAY '"creating browse constructor index" dbAugmentConstructorDataTable() SAY '"Building browse.lisp" buildBrowsedb() SAY '"Building constructor users database" mkUsersHashTable() SAY '"Saving constructor users database" saveUsersHashTable() SAY '"Building constructor dependents database" mkDependentsHashTable() SAY '"Saving constructor dependents database" saveDependentsHashTable() SAY '"Building glossary files" buildGloss() saveUsersHashTable() == removeFile makeFullFilePath ['USERS,'DATABASE,'a] stream:= writeLib1('USERS,'DATABASE,'a) for k in MSORT HKEYS $usersTb repeat rwrite(k, tableValue($usersTb, k), stream) RSHUT stream saveDependentsHashTable() == removeFile makeFullFilePath ['DEPENDENTS,'DATABASE,'a] stream:= writeLib1('DEPENDENTS,'DATABASE,'a) for k in MSORT HKEYS $depTb repeat rwrite(k, tableValue($depTb, k), stream) RSHUT stream getUsersOfConstructor(con) == stream := readLib1('USERS, 'DATABASE, 'a) val := rread(con, stream, nil) RSHUT stream val getDependentsOfConstructor(con) == stream := readLib1('DEPENDENTS, 'DATABASE, 'a) val := rread(con, stream, nil) RSHUT stream val orderPredicateItems(pred1,sig,skip) == pred:= signatureTran pred1 pred is ["AND",:l] => orderPredTran(l,sig,skip) pred orderPredTran(oldList,sig,skip) == lastPreds := nil --(1) make two kinds of predicates appear last: ----- (op *target ..) when *target does not appear later in sig ----- (isDomain *1 ..) for pred in oldList repeat ((pred is [op,pvar,.] and op in '(isDomain ofCategory) and pvar = sig.target and not symbolMember?(pvar,sig.source)) or (not skip and pred is ['isDomain,"*1",.])) => oldList := remove(oldList,pred) lastPreds := [pred,:lastPreds] --(2a) lastDependList=list of all variables that lastPred forms depend upon lastDependList := setUnion/[listOfPatternIds x for x in lastPreds] --(2b) dependList=list of all variables that isDom/ofCat forms depend upon dependList := setUnion/[listOfPatternIds y for x in oldList | x is ['isDomain,.,y] or x is ['ofCategory,.,y]] --(3a) newList= list of ofCat/isDom entries that don't depend on for x in oldList repeat if (x is ['ofCategory,v,body]) or (x is ['isDomain,v,body]) then indepvl := listOfPatternIds v depvl := listOfPatternIds body else indepvl := listOfPatternIds x depvl := nil setIntersection(indepvl,dependList) = nil and setIntersection(indepvl,lastDependList) => lastPreds := [:lastPreds,x] oldList := remove(oldList,x) --(3b) newList= list of ofCat/isDom entries that don't depend on while oldList ~= nil repeat for x in oldList repeat if (x is ['ofCategory,v,body]) or (x is ['isDomain,v,body]) then indepvl := listOfPatternIds v depvl := listOfPatternIds body else indepvl := listOfPatternIds x depvl := nil setIntersection(indepvl,dependList) = nil => dependList := setDifference(dependList,depvl) newList := [:newList,x] --(4) noldList= what is left over (noldList:= setDifference(oldList,newList)) = oldList => -- sayMSG '"NOTE: Parameters to domain have circular dependencies" newList := [:newList,:oldList] return nil oldList:=noldList for pred in newList repeat if pred is ['isDomain,x,y] or x is ['ofCategory,x,y] then ids := listOfPatternIds y if "and"/[symbolMember?(id,fullDependList) for id in ids] then fullDependList := insertWOC(x,fullDependList) fullDependList := setUnion(fullDependList,ids) newList := [:newList,:lastPreds] --substitute (isDomain ..) forms as completely as possible to avoid false paths newList := isDomainSubst newList [['AND,:newList],:setIntersection(fullDependList,sig)] isDomainSubst u == main where main() == u is [head,:tail] => nhead := head is ['isDomain,x,y] => ['isDomain,x,fn(y,tail)] head [nhead,:isDomainSubst rest u] u fn(x,alist) == x isnt [.,:.] => ident? x and symbolMember?(x,$PatternVariableList) and (s := findSub(x,alist)) => s x [first x,:[fn(y,alist) for y in rest x]] findSub(x,alist) == null alist => nil alist is [['isDomain,y,z],:.] and x = y => z findSub(x,rest alist) signatureTran pred == pred isnt [.,:.] => pred pred is ["has",D,catForm] and isCategoryForm(catForm,$e) => ['ofCategory,D,catForm] [signatureTran p for p in pred] interactiveModemapForm mm == -- create modemap form for use by the interpreter. This function -- replaces all specific domains mentioned in the modemap with pattern -- variables, and predicates mm := replaceVars(copyTree mm,$PatternVariableList,$FormalMapVariableList) [pattern := [dc,:sig],pred] := mm pred := [fn x for x in pred] where fn x == x is [a,b,c] and a isnt 'isFreeFunction and c isnt [.,:.] => [a,b,[c]] x [mmpat, patternAlist, partial, patvars] := modemapPattern(pattern,sig) [pred,domainPredicateList] := substVars(pred,patternAlist,patvars) [pred,:dependList] := fixUpPredicate(pred,domainPredicateList,partial,rest mmpat) [cond, :.] := pred [mmpat, cond] modemapPattern(mmPattern,sig) == -- Returns a list of the pattern of a modemap, an Alist of the -- substitutions made, a boolean flag indicating whether -- the result type is partial, and a list of unused pattern variables patternAlist := nil mmpat := nil patvars := $PatternVariableList partial := false for xTails in tails mmPattern repeat x := first xTails if x is ['Union,dom,'"failed"] and xTails=sig then x := dom partial := true patvar := rassoc(x,patternAlist) not null patvar => mmpat := [patvar,:mmpat] patvar := first patvars patvars := rest patvars mmpat := [patvar,:mmpat] patternAlist := [[patvar,:x],:patternAlist] [reverse! mmpat,patternAlist,partial,patvars] substVars(pred,patternAlist,patternVarList) == --make pattern variable substitutions domPreds := nil for [[patVar,:value],:.] in tails patternAlist repeat pred := MSUBST(patVar,value,pred) patternAlist := nsubst(patVar,value,patternAlist) domPreds := MSUBST(patVar,value,domPreds) if not symbolMember?(value,$FormalMapVariableList) then domPreds := [["isDomain",patVar,value],:domPreds] everything := [pred,patternAlist,domPreds] for var in $FormalMapVariableList repeat CONTAINED(var,everything) => replacementVar := first patternVarList patternVarList := rest patternVarList pred := substitute(replacementVar,var,pred) domPreds := substitute(replacementVar,var,domPreds) [pred, domPreds] fixUpPredicate(predClause, domainPreds, partial, sig) == -- merge the predicates in predClause and domainPreds into a -- single predicate [predicate, fn, :skip] := predClause predicates := predicate is true => domainPreds or [predicate] predicate is ["AND",:.] => [:domainPreds,:predicate.args] [predicate,:domainPreds] if #predicates > 1 then pred := ["AND",:predicates] [pred,:dependList]:=orderPredicateItems(pred,sig,skip) else pred := orderPredicateItems(first predicates,sig,skip) dependList:= if pred is ['isDomain,pvar,[.]] then [pvar] else nil pred := moveORsOutside pred if partial then pred := ["partial", :pred] [[pred, fn, :skip],:dependList] moveORsOutside p == p is ['AND,:q] => q := [moveORsOutside r for r in q] x := or/[r for r in q | r is ['OR,:s]] => moveORsOutside(['OR,:[['AND,:SUBST(t,x,q)] for t in rest x]]) ['AND,:q] p replaceVars(x,oldvars,newvars) == -- replace every identifier in oldvars with the corresponding -- identifier in newvars in the expression x for old in oldvars for new in newvars repeat x := substitute(new,old,x) x ++ Return the list of qualifying predicates of the system modemap `mm'. getConditionListFromMm mm == [., cond] := mm if cond is ["partial", :c] then cond := c cond is ["AND", :cl] => cl cond is ["OR", ["AND", :cl],:.] => cl --all cl's should give same info [cond] ++ Returns the domain of computation of the modemap `mm'. This is not ++ to be confused with `getDomainFromMm' below, which can also return ++ a category. getDCFromSystemModemap mm == or/[dom for cond in getConditionListFromMm mm | cond is ["isDomain","*1",dom]] getDomainFromMm mm == -- Returns the Domain (or package or category) of origin from a pattern -- modemap val := or/[opOf t for cond in getConditionListFromMm mm | cond is ['isDomain,"*1",t] or cond is ['ofCategory,"*1",t]] val = nil => keyedSystemError("S2GE0016", ['"getDomainFromMm",'"Can't find domain in modemap condition"]) val getFirstArgTypeFromMm mm == -- Returns the type of the first argument or nil [pats, cond] := mm [.,.,:args] := pats null args => nil arg1 := first args if cond is ['partial, :c] then cond := c condList := cond is ['AND, :cl] => cl cond is ['OR, ['AND, :cl],:.] => cl --all cl's should give same info [cond] type := nil for condition in condList while not type repeat if condition is ['isDomain, a1, dom] and a1=arg1 then type := dom type isFreeFunctionFromMm mm == -- This returns true is the modemap represents a free function, ie, -- one not coming from a domain or category. [., cond] := mm isFreeFunctionFromMmCond cond isFreeFunctionFromMmCond cond == -- This returns true is the modemap represents a free function, ie, -- one not coming from a domain or category. if cond is ['partial, :c] then cond := c condList := cond is ['AND, :cl] => cl cond is ['OR, ['AND, :cl],:.] => cl --all cl's should give same info [cond] iff := false for condition in condList while not iff repeat if condition is ['isFreeFunction, :.] then iff := true iff getAllModemapsFromDatabase(op,nargs) == $getUnexposedOperations: local := true try startTimingProcess 'diskread getSystemModemaps(op,nargs) finally stopTimingProcess 'diskread getModemapsFromDatabase(op,nargs) == $getUnexposedOperations: local := false try startTimingProcess 'diskread getSystemModemaps(op,nargs) finally stopTimingProcess 'diskread getSystemModemaps(op,nargs) == mml := getOperationFromDB op => mms := nil for x in mml | not integer? nargs or nargs = #x.mmSource repeat $getUnexposedOperations or isFreeFunctionFromMm(x) or isExposedConstructor(getDomainFromMm(x)) => mms := [x,:mms] 'iterate mms nil getInCoreModemaps(modemapList,op,nargs) == mml := LASSOC (op,modemapList) => mml := first mml [x for x in mml | (not integer? nargs or nargs = #x.mmSource) and (cfn := abbreviate (domName := getDomainFromMm x)) and ($getUnexposedOperations or isExposedConstructor(domName))] nil mkAlistOfExplicitCategoryOps target == if target is ['add,a,:l] then target:=a target is ['Join,:l] => "union"/[mkAlistOfExplicitCategoryOps cat for cat in l] target is ['CATEGORY,.,:l] => l := flattenSignatureList ['PROGN,:l] u := [[op,:sig] for x in l | x is ['SIGNATURE,op,sig,:.]] opList := removeDuplicates ASSOCLEFT u [[x,:fn(x,u)] for x in opList] where fn(op,u) == u is [[a,:b],:c] => (a=op => [b,:fn(op,c)]; fn(op,c)) isCategoryForm(target,$e) => nil keyedSystemError("S2GE0016", ['"mkAlistOfExplicitCategoryOps",'"bad signature"]) flattenSignatureList(x) == x isnt [.,:.] => nil x is ['SIGNATURE,:.] => [x] x is ['IF,cond,b1,b2] => [:flattenSignatureList b1,:flattenSignatureList b2] x is ['PROGN,:l] => ll:= [] for x in l repeat x is ['SIGNATURE,:.] => ll := [x,:ll] ll:= append(flattenSignatureList x,ll) ll nil updateDatabase(fname,cname,systemdir?) == -- for now in NRUNTIME do database update only if forced not $forceDatabaseUpdate => nil -- these modemaps are never needed in the old scheme if oldFname := getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB cname then clearClams() clearAllSlams [] if dbLoaded? constructorDB cname then clearConstructorCaches() if $forceDatabaseUpdate or not systemdir? then clearClams() clearAllSlams [] REMOVER(lst,item) == --destructively removes item from lst lst isnt [.,:.] => lst=item => nil lst first lst=item => rest lst RPLNODE(lst,REMOVER(first lst,item),REMOVER(rest lst,item)) allLASSOCs(op,alist) == [value for [key,:value] in alist | key = op] loadDependents fn == isExistingFile [fn,$spadLibFT,"*"] => "dependents" in RKEYIDS(fn,$spadLibFT) => stream:= readLib1(fn,$spadLibFT,"*") l:= rread('dependents,stream,nil) RSHUT stream for x in l repeat x='SubDomain => nil loadIfNecessary x --% Miscellaneous Stuff getOplistForConstructorForm (form := [op,:argl]) == -- The new form is an op-Alist which has entries ( . signature-Alist) -- where signature-Alist has entries ( . item) -- where item has form ( ) -- where = ELT | CONST | Subsumed | (XLAM..) .. pairlis := pairList($FormalMapVariableList,argl) opAlist := getConstructorOperationsFromDB op [:getOplistWithUniqueSignatures(op,pairlis,signatureAlist) for [op,:signatureAlist] in opAlist] getOplistWithUniqueSignatures(op,pairlis,signatureAlist) == alist:= nil for [sig,:[slotNumber,pred,kind]] in signatureAlist | kind isnt 'Subsumed repeat alist:= insertAlist(applySubst(pairlis,[op,sig]), applySubst(pairlis,[pred,[kind,nil,slotNumber]]), alist) alist --% Exposure Group Code dropPrefix(fn) == charMember?(stringChar(fn,0),[char "?",char "-",char "+"]) => subString(fn,1) fn --moved to util.lisp --++loadExposureGroupData() == --++ egFile := ['INTERP,'EXPOSED] --++-- null makeInputFilename(egFile) => --++-- throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring egFile]) --++ stream:= DEFIOSTREAM(['(MODE . INPUT),['FILE,:egFile]],80,0) --++ $globalExposureGroupAlist := nil --++ egName := nil --++ egFiles := nil --++ while (x:= readLine stream) ~= %nothing repeat --++ x := trimTrailingBlank x --++ # x = 0 => 'iterate -- blank line --++ (x.0 = char "#") or (x.0 = char "*") => 'iterate -- comment --++ x.0 = char " " => --++ -- possible exposure group member name and library name --++ null egName => --++ throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0069A",[namestring egFile,x]) --++ x := dropLeadingBlanks x --++ -- should be two tokens on the line --++ p := findChar(char " ",x,1) --++ null p => --++ throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0069B",[namestring egFile,x]) --++ n := object2Identifier subString(x,0,p) --++ x := dropLeadingBlanks subString(x,p+1) --++ # x = 0 => --++ throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0069B",[namestring egFile,x]) --++ egFiles := [[n,:object2Identifier x],:egFiles] --++ -- have a new group name --++ if egName then $globalExposureGroupAlist := --++ [[egName,:reverse! egFiles],:$globalExposureGroupAlist] --++ egFiles := nil --++ findChar(char " ",x,1) => --++ throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0069C",[namestring egFile,x]) --++ egName := object2Identifier x --++ if egFiles then $globalExposureGroupAlist := --++ [[egName,:reverse! egFiles],:$globalExposureGroupAlist] --++ SHUT stream --++ $globalExposureGroupAlist := reverse! $globalExposureGroupAlist --++ 'done isExposedConstructor name == -- this function checks the local exposure data in the frame to -- see if the given constructor is exposed. The format of -- $localExposureData is a vector with -- slot 0: list of groups exposed in the frame -- slot 1: list of constructors explicitly exposed -- slot 2: list of constructors explicitly hidden -- check if it is explicitly hidden builtinConstructor? name => true symbolMember?(name,$localExposureData.2) => false -- check if it is explicitly exposed symbolMember?(name,$localExposureData.1) => true -- check if it is in an exposed group found := nil for g in $localExposureData.0 while not found repeat null (x := GETALIST($globalExposureGroupAlist,g)) => 'iterate if GETALIST(x,name) then found := true found displayExposedGroups() == sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0049A",[$interpreterFrameName]) if null $localExposureData.0 then centerAndHighlight '"there are no exposed groups" else for g in $localExposureData.0 repeat centerAndHighlight g displayExposedConstructors() == sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0049B",nil) if null $localExposureData.1 then centerAndHighlight '"there are no explicitly exposed constructors" else for c in $localExposureData.1 repeat centerAndHighlight c displayHiddenConstructors() == sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0049C",nil) if null $localExposureData.2 then centerAndHighlight '"there are no explicitly hidden constructors" else for c in $localExposureData.2 repeat centerAndHighlight c --% squeezeAll: %List %Code -> %List %Code squeezeAll x == [SQUEEZE t for t in x] makeInitialDB [form,kind,abbrev,srcfile] == db := makeDB(form.op,kind,abbrev) dbConstructorForm(db) := form property(abbrev,'ABBREVIATIONFOR) := form.op dbSourceFile(db) := srcfile setAutoLoadProperty form.op printInitdbInfo(path,dbfile) == main(path,dbfile) where main(path,dbfile) == for x in parseSpadFile path repeat x is ['DEF,lhs,:.] => fn(lhs,path,dbfile) x is ["where",['DEF,lhs,:.],:.] => fn(lhs,path,dbfile) fn(lhs,path,dbfile) == if lhs isnt [.,:.] then lhs := [lhs] db := constructorDB lhs.op db = nil => nil args := [id for x in lhs.args] where id() == (x is [":",x',:.] => x'; x) data := [[lhs.op,:args],dbConstructorKind db,dbAbbreviation db,path] prettyPrint(['makeInitialDB,quote data],dbfile) writeNewline dbfile printAllInitdbInfo(srcdir,dbfile) == paths := DIRECTORY strconc(ensureTrailingSlash srcdir,'"*.spad") or coreError strconc('"no .spad file in directory ",srcdir) try out := outputTextFile dbfile prettyPrint(['IMPORT_-MODULE,'"database"],out) writeNewline out prettyPrint(['IN_-PACKAGE,'"BOOT"],out) writeNewline out for path in paths repeat printInitdbInfo(NAMESTRING path,out) finally closeStream out --% dbLoaded? db == dbLoadPath db ~= nil loadDBIfNecessary db == ctor := dbConstructor db dbLoaded? db => db loadDB db ++ Return true if this DB is for a category default package. macro dbDefaultPackage? db == isDefaultPackageName dbConstructor db