-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import g_-timer namespace BOOT --% Cache Lambda Facility -- for remembering previous values to functions --to CLAM a function f, there must be an entry on $clamList as follows: -- (functionName --the name of the function to be CLAMed (e.g. f) -- kind --"hash" or number of values to be stored in -- circular list -- eqEtc --the equal function to be used -- (EQ, EQUAL, UEQUAL,..) -- "shift" --(opt) for circular lists, shift most recently -- used to front -- "count") --(opt) use reference counts (see below) -- -- Notes: -- Functions with "hash" as kind must give EQ, CVEC, or UEQUAL -- Functions with some other as kind hashed as property -- lists with eqEtc used to compare entries -- Functions which have 0 arguments may only be CLAMmed when kind is -- identifier other than hash (circular/private hashtable for no args -- makes no sense) -- -- Functions which have more than 1 argument must never be CLAMed with EQ -- since arguments are cached as lists -- For circular lists, "count" will do "shift"ing; entries with lowest -- use count are replaced -- For cache option without "count", all entries are cleared on garbage -- collection; For cache option with "count", -- entries have their use count set -- to 0 on garbage collection; those with 0 use count at garbage collection -- are cleared -- see definition of backendCompile2 in c-util which calls clamComp below ++ $hashNode := [[]] ++ $failed := '"failed" -- see SETQ LISP for initial def of $hashNode compClam(op,argl,body,$clamList) == --similar to reportFunctionCompilation in SLAM BOOT if $InteractiveMode then startTimingProcess 'compilation if (u:= LASSQ(op,$clamList)) isnt [kind,eqEtc,:options] then keyedSystemError("S2GE0004",[op]) $clamList:= nil --clear to avoid looping if u:= S_-(options,'(shift count)) then keyedSystemError("S2GE0006",[op,:u]) shiftFl := 'shift in options countFl := 'count in options if #argl > 1 and eqEtc= 'EQ then keyedSystemError("S2GE0007",[op]) (not IDENTP kind) and (not integer? kind or kind < 1) => keyedSystemError("S2GE0005",[op]) IDENTP kind => shiftFl => keyedSystemError("S2GE0008",[op]) compHash(op,argl,body,(kind='hash => nil; kind),eqEtc,countFl) cacheCount:= kind if null argl then keyedSystemError("S2GE0009",[op]) phrase:= cacheCount=1 => ['"computed value only"] [:bright cacheCount,'"computed values"] sayBrightly [:bright op,'"will save last",:phrase] auxfn:= INTERNL(op,'";") g1:= gensym() --argument or argument list [arg,computeValue] := argl is [.] => [[g1],[auxfn,g1]] --g1 is a parameter [g1,['APPLX,['function,auxfn],g1]] --g1 is a parameter list cacheName:= mkCacheName op if $reportCounts=true then hitCounter:= INTERNL(op,'";hit") callCounter:= INTERNL(op,'";calls") setDynamicBinding(hitCounter,0) setDynamicBinding(callCounter,0) callCountCode:= [['%store,callCounter,['%iinc,callCounter]]] hitCountCode:= [['%store,hitCounter,['%iinc,hitCounter]]] g2:= gensym() --length of cache or arg-value pair g3:= gensym() --value computed by calling function lookUpFunction:= shiftFl => countFl => 'assocCacheShiftCount 'assocCacheShift countFl => 'assocCacheCount 'assocCache returnFoundValue:= countFl => ['CDDR,g3] ['%tail,g3] namePart:= countFl => cacheName MKQ cacheName secondPredPair:= -- null argl => [cacheName] [['%store,g3,[lookUpFunction,g1,namePart,eqEtc]], :hitCountCode, returnFoundValue] resetCacheEntry:= countFl => ['%makepair,1,g2] g2 thirdPredPair:= ['%otherwise, ['%store,g2,computeValue], ['%store,g3,['%head,cacheName]], ['%store,['%head,g3],g1], ['%store,['%tail,g3],resetCacheEntry], g2] codeBody:= ['PROG,[g2,g3], :callCountCode, ['RETURN,['%when,secondPredPair,thirdPredPair]]] lamex:= ['LAM,arg,codeBody] mainFunction:= [op,lamex] computeFunction:= [auxfn,['LAMBDA,argl,:body]] -- compile generated function stub compileInteractive mainFunction -- compile main body: this has already been compTran'ed if $reportCompilation then sayBrightlyI bright '"Generated LISP code for function:" pp computeFunction compileQuietly [computeFunction] cacheType:= 'function cacheResetCode:= ['%store,cacheName,['initCache,cacheCount]] cacheCountCode:= ['countCircularAlist,cacheName,cacheCount] cacheVector:= mkCacheVec(op,cacheName,cacheType, cacheResetCode,cacheCountCode) LAM_,EVALANDFILEACTQ ['PUT, MKQ op, MKQ 'cacheInfo, MKQ cacheVector] LAM_,EVALANDFILEACTQ cacheResetCode if $InteractiveMode then stopTimingProcess 'compilation op compHash(op,argl,body,cacheNameOrNil,eqEtc,countFl) == --Note: when cacheNameOrNil~=nil, it names a global hashtable -- cacheNameOrNil => compHashGlobal(op,argl,body,cacheNameOrNil,eqEtc,countFl) -- This branch to compHashGlobal is now omitted; as a result, -- entries will be stored on the global hashtable in a uniform way: -- (, ,:) -- where the reference count is optional if cacheNameOrNil and cacheNameOrNil~='_$ConstructorCache then keyedSystemError("S2GE0010",[op]) --restriction due to omission of call to hputNewValue (see *** lines below) if null argl then null cacheNameOrNil => keyedSystemError("S2GE0011",[op]) nil (not cacheNameOrNil) and not (eqEtc in '(EQ EQL EQUAL CVEC UEQUAL)) => keyedSystemError("S2GE0012",[op]) --withWithout := (countFl => "with"; "without") --middle:= -- cacheNameOrNil => ["on","%b",cacheNameOrNil,"%d"] -- '"privately " --sayBrightly -- ["%b",op,"%d","hashes ",:middle,withWithout," reference counts"] auxfn:= INTERNL(op,'";") g1:= gensym() --argument or argument list [arg,cacheArgKey,computeValue] := -- arg: to be used as formal argument of lambda construction; -- cacheArgKey: the form used to look up the value in the cache -- computeValue: the form used to compute the value from arg null argl => [nil,nil,[auxfn]] argl is [.] => key:= (cacheNameOrNil => ['devaluate,g1]; g1) [[g1],['%listlit,key],[auxfn,g1]] --g1 is a parameter key:= (cacheNameOrNil => ['devaluateList,g1] ; g1) [g1,key,['APPLY,['function,auxfn],g1]] --g1 is a parameter list cacheName:= cacheNameOrNil or mkCacheName op if $reportCounts=true then hitCounter:= INTERNL(op,'";hit") callCounter:= INTERNL(op,'";calls") setDynamicBinding(hitCounter,0) setDynamicBinding(callCounter,0) callCountCode:= [['%store,callCounter,['%iinc,callCounter]]] hitCountCode:= [['%store,hitCounter,['%iinc,hitCounter]]] g2:= gensym() --value computed by calling function returnFoundValue:= null argl => -- if we have a global hastable, functions with no arguments are -- stored in the same format as those with several arguments, e.g. -- to cache the value given by f(), the structure -- ((nil )) is stored in the cache countFl => ['CDRwithIncrement,['CDAR,g2]] ['CDAR,g2] countFl => ['CDRwithIncrement,g2] g2 getCode:= null argl => ['HGET,cacheName,MKQ op] cacheNameOrNil => eqEtc ~= 'EQUAL => ['lassocShiftWithFunction,cacheArgKey, ['HGET,cacheNameOrNil,MKQ op],MKQ eqEtc] ['lassocShift,cacheArgKey,['HGET,cacheNameOrNil,MKQ op]] ['HGET,cacheName,g1] secondPredPair:= [['%store,g2,getCode],:hitCountCode,returnFoundValue] putCode:= null argl => cacheNameOrNil => countFl => ['CDDAR,['HPUT,cacheNameOrNil,MKQ op, ['%listlit,['%makepair,'%nil,['%makepair,1,computeValue]]]]] ['HPUT,cacheNameOrNil,MKQ op, ['%listlit,['%makepair,'%nil,computeValue]]] systemError '"unexpected" cacheNameOrNil => computeValue countFl => ['%tail,['HPUT,cacheName,g1,['%makepair,1,computeValue]]] ['HPUT,cacheName,g1,computeValue] if cacheNameOrNil then putCode := ['UNWIND_-PROTECT,['PROG1,putCode,['%store,g2,'%true]], ['%when,[['%not,g2],['HREM,cacheName,MKQ op]]]] thirdPredPair:= ['%otherwise,putCode] codeBody:= ['PROG,[g2], :callCountCode,['RETURN,['%when,secondPredPair,thirdPredPair]]] lamex:= ['LAM,arg,codeBody] mainFunction:= [op,lamex] computeFunction:= [auxfn,['LAMBDA,argl,:body]] -- compile generated function stub compileInteractive mainFunction -- compile main body: this has already been compTran'ed if $reportCompilation then sayBrightlyI bright '"Generated LISP code for function:" pp computeFunction compileQuietly [computeFunction] if null cacheNameOrNil then cacheType:= countFl => 'hash_-tableWithCounts 'hash_-table weakStrong:= (countFl => 'STRONG; 'WEAK) --note: WEAK means that key/value pairs disappear at garbage collection cacheResetCode:= ['SETQ,cacheName,['hashTable,MKQ eqEtc]] cacheCountCode:= ['hashCount,cacheName] cacheVector:= mkCacheVec(op,cacheName,cacheType,cacheResetCode,cacheCountCode) LAM_,EVALANDFILEACTQ ['PUT, MKQ op, MKQ 'cacheInfo, MKQ cacheVector] LAM_,EVALANDFILEACTQ cacheResetCode op compHashGlobal(op,argl,body,cacheName,eqEtc,countFl) == --Note: when cacheNameOrNil~=nil, it names a global hashtable if (not (eqEtc in '(UEQUAL))) then sayBrightly "for hash option, only EQ, CVEC, and UEQUAL are allowed" auxfn:= INTERNL(op,'";") g1:= gensym() --argument or argument list [arg,cacheArgKey,computeValue] := -- arg: to be used as formal argument of lambda construction; -- cacheArgKey: the form used to look up the value in the cache -- computeValue: the form used to compute the value from arg application:= null argl => [auxfn] argl is [.] => [auxfn,g1] --g1 is a parameter ['APPLX,['function,auxfn],g1] --g1 is a parameter list [g1,['consForHashLookup,MKQ op,g1],application] g2:= gensym() --value computed by calling function returnFoundValue:= countFl => ['CDRwithIncrement,g2] g2 getCode:= ['HGET,cacheName,cacheArgKey] secondPredPair:= [['%store,g2,getCode],returnFoundValue] putForm:= ['%makepair,MKQ op,g1] putCode:= countFl => ['HPUT,cacheName,putForm,['%makepair,1,computeValue]] ['HPUT,cacheName,putForm,computeValue] thirdPredPair:= ['%otherwise,putCode] codeBody:= ['PROG,[g2], ['RETURN,['%when,secondPredPair,thirdPredPair]]] lamex:= ['LAM,arg,codeBody] mainFunction:= [op,lamex] computeFunction:= [auxfn,['LAMBDA,argl,:body]] compileInteractive mainFunction compileInteractive computeFunction op consForHashLookup(a,b) == $hashNode.first := a $hashNode.rest := b $hashNode CDRwithIncrement x == x.first := QSADD1 first x rest x HGETandCount(hashTable,prop) == u:= HGET(hashTable,prop) or return nil u.first := QSADD1 first u u clearClams() == for [fn,kind,:.] in $clamList | kind = 'hash or integer? kind repeat clearClam fn clearClam fn == infovec:= GETL(fn,'cacheInfo) or keyedSystemError("S2GE0003",[fn]) eval infovec.cacheReset reportAndClearClams() == cacheStats() clearClams() clearConstructorCaches() == clearCategoryCaches() CLRHASH $ConstructorCache clearConstructorCache(cname) == (kind := getConstructorKindFromDB cname) => kind = "category" => clearCategoryCache cname HREM($ConstructorCache,cname) clearConstructorAndLisplibCaches() == clearClams() clearConstructorCaches() clearCategoryCaches() == for name in allConstructors() repeat if getConstructorKindFromDB name = "category" then if BOUNDP(cacheName:= mkCacheName name) then setDynamicBinding(cacheName,nil) if BOUNDP(cacheName:= INTERNL strconc(symbolName name,'";CAT")) then setDynamicBinding(cacheName,nil) clearCategoryCache catName == setDynamicBinding(mkCacheName catName,nil) displayHashtable x == l:= nreverse SORTBY('CAR,[[opOf HGET(x,key),key] for key in HKEYS x]) for [a,b] in l repeat sayBrightlyNT ['"%b",a,'"%d"] pp b cacheStats() == for [fn,kind,:u] in $clamList repeat not ('count in u) => sayBrightly ["%b",fn,"%d","does not keep reference counts"] integer? kind => reportCircularCacheStats(fn,kind) kind = 'hash => reportHashCacheStats fn sayBrightly ["Unknown cache type for","%b",fn,"%d"] reportCircularCacheStats(fn,n) == infovec:= GETL(fn,'cacheInfo) circList:= eval infovec.cacheName numberUsed := +/[1 for i in 1..n for x in circList while x isnt ['_$failed,:.]] sayBrightly ["%b",fn,"%d","has","%b",numberUsed,"%d","/ ",n," values cached"] displayCacheFrequency mkCircularCountAlist(circList,n) TERPRI() displayCacheFrequency al == al := nreverse SORTBY('CAR,al) sayBrightlyNT " #hits/#occurrences: " for [a,:b] in al repeat sayBrightlyNT [a,"/",b," "] TERPRI() mkCircularCountAlist(cl,len) == for [x,count,:.] in cl for i in 1..len while x ~= '_$failed repeat u:= assoc(count,al) => u.rest := 1 + rest u if integer? $reportFavoritesIfNumber and count >= $reportFavoritesIfNumber then sayBrightlyNT [" ",count," "] pp x al:= [[count,:1],:al] al reportHashCacheStats fn == infovec:= GETL(fn,'cacheInfo) hashTable:= eval infovec.cacheName hashValues:= [HGET(hashTable,key) for key in HKEYS hashTable] sayBrightly [:bright fn,'"has",:bright(# hashValues),'"values cached."] displayCacheFrequency mkHashCountAlist hashValues TERPRI() mkHashCountAlist vl == for [count,:.] in vl repeat u:= assoc(count,al) => u.rest := 1 + rest u al:= [[count,:1],:al] al clearHashReferenceCounts() == --free all cells with 0 reference counts; clear other counts to 0 for x in $clamList repeat x.cacheType='hash_-tableWithCounts => remHashEntriesWith0Count eval x.cacheName x.cacheType='hash_-table => CLRHASH eval x.cacheName remHashEntriesWith0Count $hashTable == MAPHASH(function fn,$hashTable) where fn(key,obj) == first obj = 0 => HREM($hashTable,key) --free store nil initCache n == tail:= '(0 . $failed) l:= [[$failed,:tail] for i in 1..n] lastNode(l).rest := l assocCache(x,cacheName,fn) == --fn=equality function; do not SHIFT or COUNT al:= eval cacheName forwardPointer:= al val:= nil until EQ(forwardPointer,al) repeat FUNCALL(fn,CAAR forwardPointer,x) => return (val:= first forwardPointer) backPointer:= forwardPointer forwardPointer:= rest forwardPointer val => val setDynamicBinding(cacheName,backPointer) nil assocCacheShift(x,cacheName,fn) == --like ASSOC except that al is circular --fn=equality function; SHIFT but do not COUNT al:= eval cacheName forwardPointer:= al val:= nil until EQ(forwardPointer,al) repeat FUNCALL(fn, first (y:=first forwardPointer),x) => if not EQ(forwardPointer,al) then --shift referenced entry to front forwardPointer.first := first al al.first := y return (val:= y) backPointer := forwardPointer --first is slot replaced on failure forwardPointer:= rest forwardPointer val => val setDynamicBinding(cacheName,backPointer) nil assocCacheShiftCount(x,al,fn) == -- if x is found, entry containing x becomes first element of list; if -- x is not found, entry with smallest use count is shifted to front so -- as to be replaced --fn=equality function; COUNT and SHIFT forwardPointer:= al val:= nil minCount:= 10000 --preset minCount but not newFrontPointer here until EQ(forwardPointer,al) repeat FUNCALL(fn, first (y:=first forwardPointer),x) => newFrontPointer := forwardPointer y.rest.first := QSADD1 second y --increment use count return (val:= y) if QSLESSP(c := second y,minCount) then --initial c is 1 so is true 1st time minCount := c newFrontPointer := forwardPointer --CAR is slot replaced on failure forwardPointer:= rest forwardPointer if not EQ(newFrontPointer,al) then --shift referenced entry to front temp:= first newFrontPointer --or entry with smallest count newFrontPointer.first := first al al.first := temp val clamStats() == for [op,kind,:.] in $clamList repeat cacheVec:= GETL(op,'cacheInfo) or systemErrorHere ["clamStats",op] prefix:= $reportCounts ~= true => nil hitCounter:= INTERNL(op,'";hit") callCounter:= INTERNL(op,'";calls") res:= ["%b",eval hitCounter,"/",eval callCounter,"%d","calls to "] setDynamicBinding(hitCounter,0) setDynamicBinding(callCounter,0) res postString:= cacheValue:= eval cacheVec.cacheName kind = 'hash => [" (","%b",HASH_-TABLE_-COUNT cacheValue,"%d","entries)"] empties:= numberOfEmptySlots eval cacheVec.cacheName empties = 0 => nil [" (","%b",kind-empties,"/",kind,"%d","slots used)"] sayBrightly [:prefix,op,:postString] numberOfEmptySlots cache== count:= (CAAR cache ='$failed => 1; 0) for x in tails rest cache while NE(x,cache) repeat if CAAR x='$failed then count:= count+1 count addToSlam([name,:argnames],shell) == $mutableDomain => return nil null argnames => addToConstructorCache(name,nil,shell) args:= ['LIST,:[mkDevaluate a for a in argnames]] addToConstructorCache(name,args,shell) addToConstructorCache(op,args,value) == ['haddProp,'$ConstructorCache,MKQ op,args,['CONS,1,value]] haddProp(ht,op,prop,val) == --presently, ht always = $ConstructorCache statRecordInstantiationEvent() if $reportInstantiations = true or $reportEachInstantiation = true then startTimingProcess 'debug recordInstantiation(op,prop,false) stopTimingProcess 'debug u:= HGET(ht,op) => --hope that one exists most of the time assoc(prop,u) => val --value is already there--must = val; exit now u.rest := [first u,:rest u] u.first := [prop,:val] $op: local := op listTruncate(u,20) --save at most 20 instantiations val HPUT(ht,op,[[prop,:val]]) val recordInstantiation(op,prop,dropIfTrue) == startTimingProcess 'debug recordInstantiation1(op,prop,dropIfTrue) stopTimingProcess 'debug recordInstantiation1(op,prop,dropIfTrue) == op in '(CategoryDefaults RepeatedSquaring) => nil--ignore defaults for now if $reportEachInstantiation = true then trailer:= (dropIfTrue => '" dropped"; '" instantiated") if $insideCoerceInteractive= true then $instantCoerceCount:= 1+$instantCoerceCount if $insideCanCoerceFrom is [m1,m2] and null dropIfTrue then $instantCanCoerceCount:= 1+$instantCanCoerceCount xtra:= ['" for ",outputDomainConstructor m1,'"-->",outputDomainConstructor m2] if $insideEvalMmCondIfTrue = true and null dropIfTrue then $instantMmCondCount:= $instantMmCondCount + 1 typeTimePrin ["CONCAT",outputDomainConstructor [op,:prop],trailer,:xtra] null $reportInstantiations => nil u:= HGET($instantRecord,op) => --hope that one exists most of the time v := LASSOC(prop,u) => dropIfTrue => v.rest := 1+rest v v.first := 1+first v u.rest := [first u,:rest u] val := dropIfTrue => [0,:1] [1,:0] u.first := [prop,:val] val := dropIfTrue => [0,:1] [1,:0] HPUT($instantRecord,op,[[prop,:val]]) reportInstantiations() == --assumed to be a hashtable with reference counts conList:= [:[[n,m,[key,:argList]] for [argList,n,:m] in HGET($instantRecord,key)] for key in HKEYS $instantRecord] sayBrightly ['"# instantiated/# dropped/domain name", "%l",'"------------------------------------"] nTotal:= mTotal:= rTotal := nForms:= 0 for [n,m,form] in nreverse SORTBY('CADDR,conList) repeat nTotal:= nTotal+n; mTotal:= mTotal+m if n > 1 then rTotal:= rTotal + n-1 nForms:= nForms + 1 typeTimePrin ['CONCATB,n,m,outputDomainConstructor form] sayBrightly ["%b",'"Totals:","%d",nTotal,'" instantiated","%l", '" ",$instantCoerceCount,'" inside coerceInteractive","%l", '" ",$instantCanCoerceCount,'" inside canCoerceFrom","%l", '" ",$instantMmCondCount,'" inside evalMmCond","%l", '" ",rTotal,'" reinstantiated","%l", '" ",mTotal,'" dropped","%l", '" ",nForms,'" distinct domains instantiated/dropped"] hputNewProp(ht,op,argList,val) == --NOTE: obselete if lines *** are commented out -- Warning!!! This function should only be called for -- $ConstructorCache slamming --- since it maps devaluate onto prop, an -- argument list -- -- This function may be called when property is already there; for -- example, Polynomial applied to '(Integer), not finding it in the -- cache will invoke Polynomial to compute it; inside of Polynomial is -- a call to this function which will hputNewProp the property onto the -- cache so that when this function is called by the outer Polynomial, -- the value will always be there prop:= [devaluate x for x in argList] haddProp(ht,op,prop,val) listTruncate(l,n) == u:= l n:= n - 1 while n ~= 0 and cons? u repeat n := n - 1 u := rest u if cons? u then if cons? rest u and $reportInstantiations = true then recordInstantiation($op,CAADR u,true) u.rest := nil l lassocShift(x,l) == y:= l while cons? y repeat x = first first y => return (result := first y) y:= rest y result => if not EQ(y,l) then y.first := first l l.first := result rest result nil lassocShiftWithFunction(x,l,fn) == y:= l while cons? y repeat FUNCALL(fn,x,first first y) => return (result := first y) y:= rest y result => if not EQ(y,l) then y.first := first l l.first := result rest result nil lassocShiftQ(x,l) == y:= l while cons? y repeat EQ(x,first first y) => return (result := first y) y:= rest y result => if not EQ(y,l) then y.first := first l l.first := result rest result nil -- rassocShiftQ(x,l) == -- y:= l -- while cons? y repeat -- EQ(x,rest first y) => return (result := first y) -- y:= rest y -- result => -- if not EQ(y,l) then -- y.first := first l -- l.first := result -- first result -- nil globalHashtableStats(x,sortFn) == --assumed to be a hashtable with reference counts keys:= HKEYS x for key in keys repeat u:= HGET(x,key) for [argList,n,:.] in u repeat not integer? n => keyedSystemError("S2GE0013",[x]) argList1:= [constructor2ConstructorForm x for x in argList] reportList:= [[n,key,argList1],:reportList] sayBrightly ["%b"," USE NAME ARGS","%d"] for [n,fn,args] in nreverse SORTBY(sortFn,reportList) repeat sayBrightlyNT [:rightJustifyString(n,6)," ",fn,": "] pp args constructor2ConstructorForm x == vector? x => x.0 x rightJustifyString(x,maxWidth) == size:= entryWidth x size > maxWidth => keyedSystemError("S2GE0014",[x]) [fillerSpaces(maxWidth-size," "),x] domainEqualList(argl1,argl2) == --function used to match argument lists of constructors while argl1 and argl2 repeat item1:= devaluate first argl1 item2:= first argl2 partsMatch:= item1 = item2 => true false null partsMatch => return nil argl1:= rest argl1; argl2 := rest argl2 argl1 or argl2 => nil true removeAllClams() == for [fun,:.] in $clamList repeat sayBrightly ['"Un-clamming function",'"%b",fun,'"%d"] setDynamicBinding(fun,eval INTERN strconc(STRINGIMAGE fun,'";"))