-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import bc_-util namespace BOOT lefts u == [x for x in HKEYS _*HASCATEGORY_-HASH_* | rest x = u] --============================================================================ -- Build Library Database (libdb.text,...) --============================================================================ --Formal for libdb.text: -- constructors Cname\#\I\sig \args \abb \comments (C is C, D, P, X) -- operations Op \#\E\sig \conname\pred\comments (E is one of U/E) -- attributes Aname\#\E\args\conname\pred\comments -- I = buildLibdb(:options) == --called by buildDatabase (database.boot) domainList := IFCAR options --build local libdb if list of domains is given $OpLst: local := nil $AttrLst: local := nil $DomLst : local := nil $CatLst : local := nil $PakLst : local := nil $DefLst : local := nil removeFile '"temp.text" $outStream: local := MAKE_-OUTSTREAM '"temp.text" if null domainList then comments := '"\spad{Union(A,B,...,C)} is a primitive type in AXIOM used to represent objects of type \spad{A} or of type \spad{B} or...or of type \spad{C}." writedb buildLibdbString ['"dUnion",1,'"x",'"special",'"(A,B,...,C)",'union,comments] comments := '"\spad{Record(a:A,b:B,...,c:C)} is a primitive type in AXIOM used to represent composite objects made up of objects of type \spad{A}, \spad{B},..., \spad{C} which are indexed by _"keys_" (identifiers) \spad{a},\spad{b},...,\spad{c}." writedb buildLibdbString ['"dRecord",1,'"x",'"special",'"(a:A,b:B,...,c:C)",'RECORD,comments] comments := '"\spad{Mapping(T,S)} is a primitive type in AXIOM used to represent mappings from source type \spad{S} to target type \spad{T}. Similarly, \spad{Mapping(T,A,B)} denotes a mapping from source type \spad{(A,B)} to target type \spad{T}." writedb buildLibdbString ['"dMapping",1,'"x",'"special",'"(T,S)",'MAPPING,comments] comments := '"\spad{Enumeration(a,b,...,c)} is a primitive type in AXIOM used to represent the object composed of the symbols \spad{a},\spad{b},..., and \spad{c}." writedb buildLibdbString ['"dEnumeration",1,'"x",'"special",'"(a,b,...,c)",'ENUM,comments] $conname: local := nil $conform: local := nil $exposed?:local := nil $doc: local := nil $kind: local := nil constructorList := domainList or allConstructors() for con in constructorList repeat writedb buildLibdbConEntry con [attrlist,:oplist] := getConstructorExports $conform buildLibOps oplist buildLibAttrs attrlist SHUT $outStream domainList => 'done --leave new database in temp.text runCommand $machineType = 'RIOS => '"sort -f -T /tmp -y200 _"temp.text_" > _"libdb.text_"" $machineType = 'SPARC => '"sort -f _"temp.text_" > _"libdb.text_"" '"sort _"temp.text_" > _"libdb.text_"" renameFile('"libdb.text", '"olibdb.text") removeFile '"temp.text" buildLibdbConEntry conname == null getConstructorModemap conname => nil abb:= getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB conname $conname := conname conform := getConstructorFormFromDB conname or [conname] --hack for Category,.. $conform := dbMkForm substitute('T,"T$",conform) null $conform => nil $exposed? := (isExposedConstructor conname => '"x"; '"n") $doc := getConstructorDocumentationFromDB conname kind := getConstructorKindFromDB conname if kind = 'domain and getConstructorModemap conname is [[.,t,:.],:.] and t is ['CATEGORY,'package,:.] then kind := 'package $kind := isDefaultPackageName conname => 'x DOWNCASE stringChar(symbolName kind,0) argl := rest $conform conComments := symbolLassoc('constructor,$doc) is [[=nil,:r]] => libdbTrim concatWithBlanks r '"" argpart:= subString(form2HtString ['f,:argl],1) sigpart:= libConstructorSig $conform header := strconc($kind,symbolName conname) buildLibdbString [header,#argl,$exposed?,sigpart,argpart,abb,conComments] dbMkForm x == x isnt [.,:.] and [x] or x buildLibdbString [x,:u] == strconc(STRINGIMAGE x,strconc/[strconc('"`",STRINGIMAGE y) for y in u]) libConstructorSig [conname,:argl] == [[.,:sig],:.] := getConstructorModemap conname formals := TAKE(#argl,$FormalMapVariableList) sig := applySubst(pairList($TriangleVariableList,formals),sig) keys := [g(f,sig,i) for f in formals for i in 1..] where g(x,u,i) == --does x appear in any but i-th element of u? or/[CONTAINED(x,y) for y in u for j in 1.. | j ~= i] sig := fn applySubst(pairList($FormalMapVariableList,argl),sig) where fn x == x isnt [.,:.] => x x is ['Join,a,:r] => ['Join,fn a,'etc] x is ['CATEGORY,:.] => 'etc [fn y for y in x] sig := [first sig,:[(k => [":",a,s]; s) for a in argl for s in rest sig for k in keys]] sigpart:= form2LispString ['Mapping,:sig] if null ncParseFromString sigpart then sayBrightly ['"Won't parse: ",sigpart] sigpart concatWithBlanks r == r is [head,:tail] => tail => strconc(head,'" ",concatWithBlanks tail) head '"" writedb(u) == not string? u => nil --skip if not a string --positions for tick(1), dashes(2), and address(9), i.e. 12 writeLine(addPatchesToLongLines(u,500),$outStream) addPatchesToLongLines(s,n) == #s > n => strconc(subString(s,0,n), addPatchesToLongLines(strconc('"--",subString(s,n)),n)) s buildLibOps oplist == for [op,sig,:pred] in oplist repeat buildLibOp(op,sig,pred) buildLibOp(op,sig,pred) == --operations OKop \#\sig \conname\pred\comments (K is U or C) nsig := applySubst(pairList($FormalMapVariableList,$conform.args),sig) pred := applySubst(pairList($FormalMapVariableList,$conform.args),pred) nsig := substitute("T","T$",nsig) --this ancient artifact causes troubles! pred := substitute("T","T$",pred) sigpart:= form2LispString ['Mapping,:nsig] predString := (pred = 'T => '""; form2LispString pred) sop := (s := STRINGIMAGE op) = '"One" => '"1" s = '"Zero" => '"0" s header := strconc('"o",sop) conform:= strconc($kind,form2LispString $conform) comments:= libdbTrim concatWithBlanks LASSOC(sig,LASSOC(op,$doc)) checkCommentsForBraces('operation,sop,sigpart,comments) writedb buildLibdbString [header,# rest sig,$exposed?,sigpart,conform,predString,comments] libdbTrim s == k := maxIndex s k < 0 => s for i in 0..k repeat stringChar(s,i) = $Newline => stringChar(s,i) := char " " trimString s checkCommentsForBraces(kind,sop,sigpart,comments) == count := 0 for i in 0..maxIndex comments repeat c := stringChar(comments,i) c = char "{" => count := count + 1 c = char "}" => count := count - 1 count < 0 => missingLeft := true if count < 0 or missingLeft then tail := kind = 'attribute => [sop,'"(",sigpart,'")"] [sop,'": ",sigpart] sayBrightly ['"(",$conname,'" documentation) missing left brace--> ",:tail] if count > 0 then sayBrightly ['"(",$conname,'" documentation) missing right brace--> ",:tail] if count ~= 0 or missingLeft then pp comments buildLibAttrs attrlist == for [name,argl,:pred] in attrlist repeat buildLibAttr(name,argl,pred) buildLibAttr(name,argl,pred) == --attributes AKname\#\args\conname\pred\comments (K is U or C) header := strconc('"a",STRINGIMAGE name) argPart:= subString(form2LispString ['f,:argl],1) pred := applySubst(pairList($FormalMapVariableList,$conform.args),pred) predString := (pred = 'T => '""; form2LispString pred) header := strconc('"a",STRINGIMAGE name) conname := strconc($kind,form2LispString $conname) comments:= concatWithBlanks LASSOC(['attribute,:argl],LASSOC(name,$doc)) checkCommentsForBraces('attribute,STRINGIMAGE name,argl,comments) writedb buildLibdbString [header,# argl,$exposed?,argPart,conname,predString,comments] dbAugmentConstructorDataTable() == instream := MAKE_-INSTREAM '"libdb.text" while not EOFP instream repeat fp := FILE_-POSITION instream line := readLine instream cname := makeSymbol dbName line entry := getCDTEntry(cname,true) => --skip over Mapping, Union, Record [name,abb,:.] := entry entry.rest.rest := PUTALIST(CDDR entry,'dbLineNumber,fp) -- if xname := constructorHasExamplePage entry then -- entry.rest := PUTALIST(CDDR entry,'dbExampleFile,xname) args := IFCDR getConstructorFormFromDB name if args then entry.rest.rest := PUTALIST(CDDR entry,'constructorArgs,args) 'done dbHasExamplePage conname == sname := STRINGIMAGE conname abb := getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB conname ucname := stringUpcase STRINGIMAGE abb pathname :=strconc(systemRootDirectory(),'"/share/hypertex/pages/",ucname,'".ht") isExistingFile pathname => makeSymbol strconc(sname,'"XmpPage") nil dbRead(n) == instream := MAKE_-INSTREAM strconc(systemRootDirectory(), '"/algebra/libdb.text") FILE_-POSITION(instream,n) line := readLine instream SHUT instream line ~= %nothing => line nil dbReadComments(n) == n = 0 => '"" instream := MAKE_-INSTREAM strconc(systemRootDirectory(),'"/algebra/comdb.text") FILE_-POSITION(instream,n) line := readLine instream k := dbTickIndex(line,1,1) line := subString(line,k + 1) while (x := readLine instream) ~= %nothing and (k := maxIndex x) and (j := dbTickIndex(x,1,1)) and (j < k) and x.(j := j + 1) = char "-" and x.(j := j + 1) = char "-" repeat xtralines := [subString(x,j + 1),:xtralines] SHUT instream strconc(line, strconc/reverse! xtralines) dbSplitLibdb() == instream := MAKE_-INSTREAM '"olibdb.text" outstream:= MAKE_-OUTSTREAM '"libdb.text" comstream:= MAKE_-OUTSTREAM '"comdb.text" writeInteger(0, comstream) writeChar($tick,comstream) writeLine('"", comstream) while (line := readLine instream) ~= %nothing repeat outP := FILE_-POSITION outstream comP := FILE_-POSITION comstream [prefix,:comments] := dbSplit(line,6,1) PRINC(prefix,outstream) writeChar($tick ,outstream) null comments => writeInteger(0,outstream) writeNewline outstream PRINC(comP,outstream) writeNewline outstream PRINC(outP ,comstream) writeChar($tick ,comstream) PRINC(first comments,comstream) writeNewline comstream for c in rest comments repeat PRINC(outP ,comstream) writeChar($tick ,comstream) PRINC(c, comstream) writeNewline comstream SHUT instream SHUT outstream SHUT comstream removeFile '"olibdb.text" dbSplit(line,n,k) == k := charPosition($tick,line,k + 1) n = 1 => [subString(line,0,k),:dbSpreadComments(subString(line,k + 1),0)] dbSplit(line,n - 1,k) dbSpreadComments(line,n) == line = '"" => nil k := charPosition(char "-",line,n + 2) k >= maxIndex line => [subString(line,n)] stringChar(line,k + 1) ~= char "-" => u := dbSpreadComments(line,k) [strconc(subString(line,n,k - n),first u),:rest u] [subString(line,n,k - n),:dbSpreadComments(subString(line,k),0)] --============================================================================ -- Build Glossary --============================================================================ buildGloss() == --called by buildDatabase (database.boot) --starting with gloss.text, build glosskey.text and glossdef.text $constructorName : local := nil $exposeFlag : local := true $outStream: local := MAKE_-OUTSTREAM '"temp.text" $x : local := nil $attribute? : local := true --do not surround first word pathname := strconc(systemRootDirectory(),'"doc/gloss.text") instream := MAKE_-INSTREAM pathname keypath := '"glosskey.text" removeFile keypath outstream:= MAKE_-OUTSTREAM keypath htpath := '"gloss.ht" removeFile htpath htstream:= MAKE_-OUTSTREAM htpath defpath := '"glossdef.text" defstream:= MAKE_-OUTSTREAM defpath pairs := getGlossLines instream writeString('"\begin{page}{GlossaryPage}{G l o s s a r y}\beginscroll\beginmenu",htstream) for [name,:line] in pairs repeat outP := FILE_-POSITION outstream defP := FILE_-POSITION defstream lines := spreadGlossText transformAndRecheckComments(name,[line]) PRINC(name, outstream) writeChar($tick,outstream) PRINC(defP, outstream) writeNewline outstream writeString('"\item\newline{\em \menuitemstyle{}}{\em ",htstream) PRINC(name, htstream) writeLine('"}\space{}",htstream) for x in lines repeat PRINC(outP, defstream) writeChar($tick,defstream) PRINC(x, defstream) writeNewline defstream writeLine(strconc/lines,htstream) writeString('"\endmenu\endscroll",htstream) writeString('"\lispdownlink{Search}{(|htGloss| _"\stringvalue{pattern}_")} for glossary entry matching \inputstring{pattern}{24}{*}",htstream) writeString('"\end{page}",htstream) SHUT instream SHUT outstream SHUT defstream SHUT htstream SHUT $outStream spreadGlossText(line) == --this function breaks up a line into chunks --eventually long line is put into gloss.text as several chunks as follows: ----- key1`this is the first chunk ----- XXX`and this is the second ----- XXX`and this is the third ----- key2`and this is the fourth --where XXX is the file position of key1 --this is because grepping will only pick up the first 512 characters line = '"" => nil maxIndex line > 500 => [subString(line,0,500),:spreadGlossText(subString(line,500))] [line] getGlossLines instream == --instream has text of the form: ----- key1`this is the first line ----- and this is the second ----- key2'and this is the third --result is ----- key1'this is the first line and this is the second ----- key2'and this is the third keys := nil text := nil lastLineHadTick := false while (line := readLine instream) ~= %nothing repeat #line = 0 => 'skip n := charPosition($tick,line,0) last := IFCAR text n > maxIndex line => --this line is continuation of previous line; concat it fill := #last = 0 => lastLineHadTick => '"" '"\blankline " #last > 0 and stringChar(last,maxIndex last) ~= $charBlank => $charBlank '"" lastLineHadTick := false text := [strconc(last,fill,line),:rest text] lastLineHadTick := true keys := [subString(line,0,n),:keys] text := [subString(line,n + 1),:text] ASSOCRIGHT listSort(function GLESSEQP,[[DOWNCASE key,key,:def] for key in keys for def in text]) --this complication sorts them after lower casing the keys --============================================================================ -- Build Users HashTable -- This database is written out as USERS.DATABASE (database.boot) and read using -- function getUsersOfConstructor. See functions whoUses and kcuPage in browser. --============================================================================ mkUsersHashTable() == --called by buildDatabase (database.boot) $usersTb := MAKE_-HASH_-TABLE() for x in allConstructors() repeat for conform in getImports x repeat name := opOf conform if not (name in '(QUOTE)) then tableValue($usersTb,name) := insert(x,tableValue($usersTb,name)) for k in HKEYS $usersTb repeat tableValue($usersTb,k) := listSort(function GLESSEQP,tableValue($usersTb,k)) for x in allConstructors() | isDefaultPackageName x repeat tableValue($usersTb,x) := getDefaultPackageClients x $usersTb getDefaultPackageClients con == --called by mkUsersHashTable catname := makeSymbol subString(s := symbolName con,0,maxIndex s) for [catAncestor,:.] in childrenOf([catname]) repeat pakname := makeDefaultPackageName symbolName catAncestor.op if getCDTEntry(pakname,true) then acc := [pakname,:acc] acc := union([CAAR x for x in domainsOf([catAncestor],nil)],acc) listSort(function GLESSEQP,acc) --============================================================================ -- Build Dependents Hashtable -- This hashtable is written out by database.boot as DEPENDENTS.DATABASE -- and read back in by getDependentsOfConstructor (see database.boot) -- This information is used by function kcdePage when a user asks for the -- dependents of a constructor. --============================================================================ mkDependentsHashTable() == --called by buildDatabase (database.boot) $depTb := MAKE_-HASH_-TABLE() for nam in allConstructors() repeat for con in getArgumentConstructors nam repeat tableValue($depTb,con) := [nam,:tableValue($depTb,con)] for k in HKEYS $depTb repeat tableValue($depTb,k) := listSort(function GLESSEQP,tableValue($depTb,k)) $depTb getArgumentConstructors con == --called by mkDependentsHashTable argtypes := IFCDR IFCAR getConstructorModemap con or return nil fn argtypes where fn(u) == "union"/[gn x for x in u] gn(x) == x isnt [.,:.] => nil x is ['Join,:r] => fn(r) x is ['CATEGORY,:.] => nil constructor? first x => [first x,:fn rest x] fn rest x getImports conname == --called by mkUsersHashTable conform := getConstructorFormFromDB conname infovec := dbInfovec conname or return nil template := infovec.0 u := [doImport(i,template) for i in 5..(maxIndex template) | test] where test() == template.i is [op,:.] and ident? op and not (op in '(Mapping Union Record Enumeration CONS QUOTE local)) doImport(x,template) == x is [op,:args] => op = 'QUOTE or op = 'NRTEVAL => first args op = 'local => first args op = 'Record => ['Record,:[[":",second y,doImport(third y,template)] for y in args]] --TTT next three lines: handles some tagged/untagged Union case. op = 'Union=> args is [['_:,:x1],:x2] => -- CAAR args = '_: => -- tagged! ['Union,:[[":",second y,doImport(third y,template)] for y in args]] [op,:[doImport(y,template) for y in args]] [op,:[doImport(y,template) for y in args]] integer? x => doImport(template.x,template) x = '$ => '$ x = "$$" => "$$" string? x => x systemError '"bad argument in template" listSort(function GLESSEQP,applySubst(pairList($FormalMapVariableList,conform.args),u)) --============================================================================ -- Get Hierarchical Information --============================================================================ getParentsFor(cname,formalParams,constructorCategory) == --called by compDefineFunctor1 acc := nil formals := TAKE(#formalParams,$TriangleVariableList) constructorForm := getConstructorFormFromDB cname for x in folks constructorCategory repeat x := applySubst(pairList(formals,formalParams),x) x := applySubst(pairList(formalParams,IFCDR constructorForm),x) x := substitute('Type,'Object,x) acc := [:explodeIfs x,:acc] reverse! acc $parentsCache := nil parentsOf con == --called by kcpPage, ancestorsRecur if null $parentsCache then $parentsCache := hashTable 'EQ tableValue($parentsCache,con) or parents := getParentsForDomain con tableValue($parentsCache,con) := parents parents parentsOfForm [op,:argl] == parents := parentsOf op null argl or argl = (newArgl := rest getConstructorFormFromDB op) => parents applySubst(pairList(newArgl,argl),parents) getParentsForDomain domname == --called by parentsOf acc := nil for x in folks getConstructorCategoryFromDB domname repeat x := getConstructorKindFromDB domname = "category" => sublisFormal(IFCDR getConstructorForm domname,x,$TriangleVariableList) sublisFormal(IFCDR getConstructorForm domname,x) acc := [:explodeIfs x,:acc] reverse! acc explodeIfs x == main where --called by getParents, getParentsForDomain main() == x is ['IF,p,a,b] => fn(p,a,b) [[x,:true]] fn(p,a,b) == [:"append"/[gn(p,y) for y in a],:"append"/[gn(['NOT,p],y) for y in b]] gn(p,a) == a is ['IF,q,b,:.] => fn(MKPF([p,q],'AND),b,nil) [[a,:p]] folks u == --called by getParents and getParentsForDomain u isnt [.,:.] => nil u is [op,:v] and op in '(Join PROGN) or u is ['CATEGORY,a,:v] => "append"/[folks x for x in v] u is ['SIGNATURE,:.] => nil u is ['TYPE,:.] => nil u is ['ATTRIBUTE,a] => cons? a and constructor? opOf a => folks a nil u is ['IF,p,q,r] => q1 := folks q r1 := folks r q1 or r1 => [['IF,p,q1,r1]] nil [u] descendantsOf(conform,domform) == --called by kcdPage "category" = getConstructorKindFromDB(conname := opOf conform) => cats := catsOf(conform,domform) [op,:argl] := conform null argl or argl = (newArgl := rest getConstructorFormFromDB op) => cats applySubst(pairList(newArgl,argl),cats) 'notAvailable childrenOf conform == [pair for pair in descendantsOf(conform,nil) | childAssoc(conform,parentsOfForm first pair)] childAssoc(form,alist) == null (argl := rest form) => assoc(form,alist) u := assocCar(opOf form, alist) => childArgCheck(argl,rest first u) and u nil assocCar(x, al) == or/[pair for pair in al | x = CAAR pair] childArgCheck(argl, nargl) == and/[fn for x in argl for y in nargl for i in 0..] where fn() == x = y or constructor? opOf y => true isSharpVar y => i = POSN1(y, $FormalMapVariableList) false --computeDescendantsOf cat == --dynamically generates descendants -- hash := hashTable 'EQUAL -- for [child,:pred] in childrenOf cat repeat -- childForm := getConstructorForm child -- tableValue(hash,childForm) := pred -- for [form,:pred] in descendantsOf(childForm,nil) repeat -- newPred := -- oldPred := tableValue(hash,form) => quickOr(oldPred,pred) -- pred -- tableValue(hash,form) := newPred -- mySort [[key,:tableValue(hash,key)] for key in HKEYS hash] ancestorsOf(conform,domform) == --called by kcaPage, originsInOrder,... "category" = getConstructorKindFromDB(conname := opOf conform) => alist := getConstructorAncestorsFromDB conname argl := IFCDR domform or IFCDR conform [pair for [a,:b] in alist | pair] where pair() == left := sublisFormal(argl,a) right := sublisFormal(argl,b) if domform then right := simpHasPred right null right => false [left,:right] computeAncestorsOf(conform,domform) computeAncestorsOf(conform,domform) == $done: local := hashTable 'EQUAL $if: local := hashTable 'EQ ancestorsRecur(conform,domform,true,true) acc := nil for op in listSort(function GLESSEQP,HKEYS $if) repeat for pair in tableValue($if,op) repeat acc := [pair,:acc] reverse! acc ancestorsRecur(conform,domform,pred,firstTime?) == --called by ancestorsOf op := opOf conform pred = tableValue($done,conform) => nil --skip if already processed parents := firstTime? and ($insideCategoryIfTrue or $insideFunctorIfTrue) => $lisplibParents parentsOf op originalConform := firstTime? and ($insideCategoryIfTrue or $insideFunctorIfTrue) => $form getConstructorForm op if conform ~= originalConform then parents := applySubst(pairList(IFCDR originalConform,IFCDR conform),parents) for [newform,:p] in parents repeat if domform and rest domform then newdomform := applySubst(pairList(conform.args,domform.args),newform) p := applySubst(pairList(conform.args,domform.args),p) newPred := quickAnd(pred,p) ancestorsAdd(simpHasPred newPred,newdomform or newform) ancestorsRecur(newform,newdomform,newPred,false) tableValue($done,conform) := pred --mark as already processed ancestorsAdd(pred,form) == --called by ancestorsRecur null pred => nil op := IFCAR form or form alist := tableValue($if,op) existingNode := assoc(form,alist) => existingNode.rest := quickOr(rest existingNode,pred) tableValue($if,op) := [[form,:pred],:alist] domainsOf(conform,domname,:options) == $hasArgList := IFCAR options conname := opOf conform u := [key for key in HKEYS _*HASCATEGORY_-HASH_* | key is [anc,: =conname]] --u is list of pairs (a . b) where b() = conname --we sort u then replace each b by the predicate for which this is true s := listSort(function GLESSEQP,COPY u) s := [[first pair,:constructorHasCategoryFromDB pair] for pair in s] transKCatAlist(conform,domname,listSort(function GLESSEQP,s)) catsOf(conform,domname,:options) == $hasArgList := IFCAR options conname := opOf conform alist := nil for key in allConstructors() repeat for item in getConstructorAncestorsFromDB key | conname = CAAR item repeat [[op,:args],:pred] := item newItem := args => [[args,:pred],:LASSOC(key,alist)] pred alist := insertShortAlist(key,newItem,alist) transKCatAlist(conform,domname,listSort(function GLESSEQP,alist)) transKCatAlist(conform,domname,s) == main where main() == domname => --accept only exact matches after substitution domargs := rest domname acc := nil rest conform => for pair in s repeat --pair has form [con,[conargs,:pred],...]] leftForm := getConstructorForm first pair for (ap := [args,:pred]) in rest pair repeat match? := domargs = args => true HAS__SHARP__VAR args => domargs = sublisFormal(KDR domname,args) nil null match? => 'skip npred := sublisFormal(KDR leftForm,pred) acc := [[leftForm,:npred],:acc] reverse! acc --conform has no arguments so each pair has form [con,:pred] for pair in s repeat leftForm := getConstructorForm first pair or systemError nil pair.first := leftForm pair.rest := sublisFormal(KDR leftForm,rest pair) s --no domname, so look for special argument combinations acc := nil KDR conform => farglist := TAKE(#rest conform,$FormalMapVariableList) for pair in s repeat --pair has form [con,[conargs,:pred],...]] leftForm := getConstructorForm first pair for (ap := [args,:pred]) in rest pair repeat hasArgsForm? := args ~= farglist npred := sublisFormal(KDR leftForm,pred) if hasArgsForm? then subargs := sublisFormal(KDR leftForm,args) hpred := -- $hasArgsList => mkHasArgsPred subargs ['hasArgs,:subargs] npred := quickAnd(hpred,npred) acc := [[leftForm,:npred],:acc] reverse! acc for pair in s repeat --pair has form [con,:pred] leftForm := getConstructorForm first pair pair.first := leftForm pair.rest := sublisFormal(KDR leftForm,rest pair) s mkHasArgsPred subargs == --$hasArgsList gives arguments of original constructor,e.g. LODO(A,M) --M is required to be Join(B,...); in looking for the domains of B -- we can find that if B has special value C, it can systemError subargs sublisFormal(args,exp,:options) == main where main() == --use only on LIST structures; see also sublisFormalAlist $formals: local := IFCAR options or $FormalMapVariableList null args => exp sublisFormal1(args,exp,#args - 1) sublisFormal1(args,x,n) == --[sublisFormal1(args,y) for y in x] x is [.,:.] => acc := nil y := x while cons? y repeat acc := [sublisFormal1(args,first y,n),:acc] y := rest y r := reverse! acc if y then nd := lastNode r nd.rest := sublisFormal1(args,y,n) r ident? x => j := or/[i for f in $formals for i in 0..n | sameObject?(f,x)] => args.j x x --======================================================================= -- Build Table of Lower Case Constructor Names --======================================================================= buildDefaultPackageNamesHT() == $defaultPackageNamesHT := MAKE_-HASH_-TABLE() for nam in allConstructors() | isDefaultPackageName nam repeat tableValue($defaultPackageNamesHT,nam) := true $defaultPackageNamesHT $defaultPackageNamesHT := buildDefaultPackageNamesHT() --======================================================================= -- Code for Private Libdbs --======================================================================= -- $createLocalLibDb := false extendLocalLibdb conlist == -- called by compileSpad2Cmd not $createLocalLibDb => nil null conlist => nil buildLibdb conlist --> puts datafile into temp.text $newConstructorList := union(conlist, $newConstructorList) localLibdb := '"libdb.text" not PROBE_-FILE '"libdb.text" => RENAME_-FILE('"temp.text",'"libdb.text") oldlines := purgeNewConstructorLines(dbReadLines localLibdb, conlist) newlines := dbReadLines '"temp.text" dbWriteLines(MSORT union(oldlines,newlines), '"libdb.text") removeFile '"temp.text"