% ===================================================================== \begin{page}{releaseNotes}{0. What's New in \Language{}} % ===================================================================== \beginscroll \beginmenu \menudownlink{Online information}{onlineInformation} \menudownlink{Version 1.5.0}{1502013} \menudownlink{Version 1.4.2}{apr2013} \menudownlink{Version 1.4.1}{jul2011} \menudownlink{Version 1.4.0}{jun2011} \menudownlink{Version 1.3.0}{aug2009} \menudownlink{Version 1.2.1}{jan2009} \endmenu \endscroll \autobuttons \end{page} % ===================================================================== \begin{page}{onlineInformation}{Online information} % ===================================================================== \beginscroll \Language{} information can be found online at {http://www.open-axiom.org/} \endscroll \autobuttons \end{page} % ===================================================================== \begin{page}{1502013}{OpenAxiom 1.5.0 release} % ===================================================================== \beginscroll OpenAxiom-1.5.0 was released on XXX, 2013. It was the first major release of \Language{} system, in the 1.5.x series. It contains contains additions of new features and domains including: IndexedProductTerm The compiler now accepts and process do-statement, like the interpreter. Fix for an interpreter performance regression introduced in 1.4.2. The category AbelianMonoid has a new export: opposite?. The category Rng has a new export: annihilate?. The domain IndexedMatrix was removed as it was unused. The domain IndexedVector was removed. \endscroll \autobuttons \end{page} % ===================================================================== \begin{page}{apr2013}{OpenAxiom 1.4.2 release} % ===================================================================== \beginscroll OpenAxiom-1.4.2 was released on April 1, 2013. It a bug fix release of \Language{} system, in the 1.4.x series. It contains bug fixes for regressions introduced in previous releases, and several improvements for the GUI interface on the Windows platform. \endscroll \autobuttons \end{page} % ===================================================================== \begin{page}{jul2011}{OpenAxiom 1.4.1 release} % ===================================================================== \beginscroll OpenAxiom-1.4.1 was released on July 7, 2011. It is the first bug fix release of \Language{} system, in the 1.4.x series. It contains bug fixes for regressions introduced in the 1.4.0 release, and several improvements for the GUI interface on the Windows platform. \endscroll \autobuttons \end{page} % ===================================================================== \begin{page}{jun2011}{OpenAxiom 1.4.0 release} % ===================================================================== \beginscroll OpenAxiom-1.4.0 was released on June 15, 2011. It is the major release of \Language{} system, in the 1.4.x series. This release includes several improvements to the algebra, compiler, and interpreter, as well as several new categories, domains, and packages. \endscroll \autobuttons \end{page} % ===================================================================== \begin{page}{aug2009}{OpenAxiom 1.3.0 release} % ===================================================================== \beginscroll OpenAxiom-1.3.0 was released on August 05, 2009. It is the major release of \Language{} system. \endscroll \autobuttons \end{page} % ===================================================================== \begin{page}{jan2009}{OpenAxiom 1.2.1 release} % ===================================================================== \beginscroll OpenAxiom-1.2.1 was released on January 29, 2009. This is a bug fix release of the \Language{} system, in the 1.2.x series. This release includes the full complement of algebra, the graphics subsystem, and the hyperdoc system. \endscroll \autobuttons \end{page}