% Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1992-94. All rights reserved. % !! DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE BY HAND !! Created by ht.awk. \newcommand{\MultiSetXmpTitle}{MultiSet} \newcommand{\MultiSetXmpNumber}{9.53} % % ===================================================================== \begin{page}{MultiSetXmpPage}{9.53 MultiSet} % ===================================================================== \beginscroll The domain \spadtype{Multiset(R)} is similar to \spadtype{Set(R)} except that multiplicities (counts of duplications) are maintained and displayed. Use the operation \spadfunFrom{multiset}{Multiset} to create %-% \HDindex{set!vs. multiset}{MultiSetXmpPage}{9.53}{MultiSet} multisets from lists. %-% \HDindex{multiset}{MultiSetXmpPage}{9.53}{MultiSet} All the standard operations from sets are available for multisets. An element with multiplicity greater than one has the multiplicity displayed first, then a colon, and then the element. \xtc{ Create a multiset of integers. }{ \spadpaste{s := multiset [1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,3,4,5,6,7,4,10]\bound{s}} } \xtc{ The operation \spadfunX{insert} adds an element to a multiset. }{ \spadpaste{insert!(3,s)\bound{s1}\free{s}} } \xtc{ Use \spadfunX{remove} to remove an element. If a third argument is present, it specifies how many instances to remove. Otherwise all instances of the element are removed. Display the resulting multiset. }{ \spadpaste{remove!(3,s,1); s\bound{s2}\free{s1}} } \xtc{ }{ \spadpaste{remove!(5,s); s\bound{s2}\free{s1}} } \xtc{ The operation \spadfun{count} returns the number of copies of a given value. }{ \spadpaste{count(5,s)\free{s2}} } \xtc{ A second multiset. }{ \spadpaste{t := multiset [2,2,2,-9]\bound{t}} } \xtc{ The \spadfun{union} of two multisets is additive. }{ \spadpaste{U := union(s,t)\bound{U}} } \xtc{ The \spadfun{intersect} operation gives the elements that are in common, with additive multiplicity. }{ \spadpaste{I := intersect(s,t)\bound{I}} } \xtc{ The \spadfun{difference} of \spad{s} and \spad{t} consists of the elements that \spad{s} has but \spad{t} does not. Elements are regarded as indistinguishable, so that if \spad{s} and \spad{t} have any element in common, the \spadfun{difference} does not contain that element. }{ \spadpaste{difference(s,t)\free{s2 t}} } \xtc{ The \spadfun{symmetricDifference} is the \spadfun{union} of \spad{difference(s, t)} and \spad{difference(t, s)}. }{ \spadpaste{S := symmetricDifference(s,t)\bound{S}\free{s2 t}} } \xtc{ Check that the \spadfun{union} of the \spadfun{symmetricDifference} and the \spadfun{intersect} equals the \spadfun{union} of the elements. }{ \spadpaste{(U = union(S,I))@Boolean\free{S I U}} } \xtc{ Check some inclusion relations. }{ \spadpaste{t1 := multiset [1,2,2,3]; [t1 < t, t1 < s, t < s, t1 <= s]\free{t s2}} } \endscroll \autobuttons \end{page} %