Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1992-94. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2007-2009, Gabriel Dos Reis. All rights reserved. OpenAxiom Help Information. Section numbers refer to the on-line version of the book AXIOM: The Scientific Computation System by Richard D. Jenks and Robert S. Sutor ============================================================================== A.20. )read ============================================================================== User Level Required: interpreter Command Syntax: - )read [fileName] - )read [fileName] [)quiet] [)ifthere] Command Description: This command is used to read .input files into OpenAxiom. The command )read matrix.input will read the contents of the file matrix.input into OpenAxiom. The ``.input'' file extension is optional. See the OpenAxiom User Guide index for more information about .input files. This command remembers the previous file you edited, read or compiled. If you do not specify a file name, the previous file will be read. The )ifthere option checks to see whether the .input file exists. If it does not, the )read command does nothing. If you do not use this option and the file does not exist, you are asked to give the name of an existing .input file. The )quiet option suppresses output while the file is being read. Also See: o )compile o )edit o )history