Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1992-94. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2007-2009, Gabriel Dos Reis. All rights reserved. OpenAxiom Help Information. Section numbers refer to the on-line version of the book AXIOM: The Scientific Computation System by Richard D. Jenks and Robert S. Sutor ============================================================================== A.18. )pquit ============================================================================== User Level Required: interpreter Command Syntax: - )pquit Command Description: This command is used to terminate OpenAxiom and return to the operating system. Other than by redoing all your computations or by using the )history )restore command to try to restore your working environment, you cannot return to OpenAxiom in the same state. )pquit differs from the )quit in that it always asks for confirmation that you want to terminate OpenAxiom (the ``p'' is for ``protected''). When you enter the )pquit command, OpenAxiom responds Please enter y or yes if you really want to leave the interactive environment and return to the operating system: If you respond with y or yes, you will see the message You are now leaving the OpenAxiom interactive environment. Issue the command axiom to the operating system to start a new session. and OpenAxiom will terminate and return you to the operating system (or the environment from which you invoked the system). If you responded with something other than y or yes, then the message You have chosen to remain in the OpenAxiom interactive environment. will be displayed and, indeed, OpenAxiom would still be running. Also See: o )fin o )history o )close o )quit o )system