-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2012, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- import includer import scanner import pile import parser import ast namespace BOOTTRAN module translator (evalBootFile, loadNativeModule, loadSystemRuntimeCore, string2BootTree, genImportDeclaration) ++ If non nil, holds the name of the current module being translated. $currentModuleName := nil ++ Stack of foreign definitions to cope with CLisp's odd FFI interface. $foreignsDefsForCLisp := [] reallyPrettyPrint(x,st == _*STANDARD_-OUTPUT_*) == prettyPrint(x,st) writeNewline st genModuleFinalization(stream) == %hasFeature KEYWORD::CLISP => $foreignsDefsForCLisp = nil => nil $currentModuleName = nil => coreError '"current module has no name" init := ["DEFUN", makeSymbol strconc($currentModuleName,'"InitCLispFFI"), nil, ["MAPC",["FUNCTION", "FMAKUNBOUND"], quote [second d for d in $foreignsDefsForCLisp]], :[["EVAL",quote d] for d in $foreignsDefsForCLisp]] reallyPrettyPrint(init,stream) nil genOptimizeOptions stream == reallyPrettyPrint (["PROCLAIM",quote ["OPTIMIZE",:$LispOptimizeOptions]],stream) AxiomCore::%sysInit() == SETQ(_*LOAD_-VERBOSE_*,false) if %hasFeature KEYWORD::GCL then symbolValue(bfColonColon("COMPILER","*COMPILE-VERBOSE*")) := false symbolValue(bfColonColon("COMPILER","SUPPRESS-COMPILER-WARNINGS*")) := false symbolValue(bfColonColon("COMPILER","SUPPRESS-COMPILER-NOTES*")) := true ++ Make x, the current package setCurrentPackage: %Thing -> %Thing setCurrentPackage x == SETQ(_*PACKAGE_*,x) ++ Compiles the input Lisp file designated by lspFileName. shoeCOMPILE_-FILE: %String -> %Thing shoeCOMPILE_-FILE lspFileName == COMPILE_-FILE lspFileName BOOTTOCL(fn, out) == try startCompileDuration() in namespace BOOTTRAN do BOOTTOCLLINES(nil,fn, out) finally endCompileDuration() ++ (bootclam "filename") translates the file "filename.boot" to ++ the common lisp file "filename.clisp" , producing, for each function ++ a hash table to store previously computed values indexed by argument ++ list. BOOTCLAM(fn, out) == $bfClamming: local := true BOOTCLAMLINES(nil,fn, out) BOOTCLAMLINES(lines, fn, out) == BOOTTOCLLINES(lines, fn, out) BOOTTOCLLINES(lines, fn, outfn)== try a := inputTextFile shoeAddbootIfNec fn shoeClLines(a,fn,lines,outfn) finally closeStream a shoeClLines(a,fn,lines,outfn)== a=nil => shoeNotFound fn try stream := outputTextFile outfn genOptimizeOptions stream for line in lines repeat shoeFileLine(line,stream) shoeFileTrees(shoeTransformStream a,stream) genModuleFinalization stream outfn finally closeStream stream ++ (boottoclc "filename") translates the file "filename.boot" to ++ the common lisp file "filename.clisp" with the original boot ++ code as comments BOOTTOCLC(fn, out)== try startCompileDuration() in namespace BOOTTRAN do BOOTTOCLCLINES(nil, fn, out) finally endCompileDuration() BOOTTOCLCLINES(lines, fn, outfn)== try a := inputTextFile shoeAddbootIfNec fn shoeClCLines(a,fn,lines,outfn) finally closeStream a shoeClCLines(a,fn,lines,outfn)== a=nil => shoeNotFound fn try stream := outputTextFile outfn genOptimizeOptions stream for line in lines repeat shoeFileLine(line,stream) shoeFileTrees(shoeTransformToFile(stream, shoeInclude bAddLineNumber(bRgen a,bIgen 0)),stream) genModuleFinalization(stream) outfn finally closeStream stream ++ (boottomc "filename") translates the file "filename.boot" ++ to machine code and loads it one item at a time BOOTTOMC: %String -> %Thing BOOTTOMC fn== callingPackage := namespace . IN_-PACKAGE '"BOOTTRAN" try a := inputTextFile shoeAddbootIfNec fn shoeMc(a,fn) finally closeStream a setCurrentPackage callingPackage shoeMc(a,fn)== a=nil => shoeNotFound fn shoePCompileTrees shoeTransformStream a shoeConsole strconc(fn,'" COMPILED AND LOADED") evalBootFile fn == b := namespace . IN_-PACKAGE '"BOOTTRAN" infn:=shoeAddbootIfNec fn outfn := strconc(shoeRemovebootIfNec fn,'".",'"lisp") try a := inputTextFile infn shoeClLines(a,infn,[],outfn) finally closeStream a setCurrentPackage b LOAD outfn ++ (boot "filename") translates the file "filename.boot" ++ and prints the result at the console BO: %String -> %Thing BO fn== b := namespace . IN_-PACKAGE '"BOOTTRAN" try a := inputTextFile shoeAddbootIfNec fn shoeToConsole(a,fn) finally closeStream a setCurrentPackage b BOCLAM fn== callingPackage := namespace . IN_-PACKAGE '"BOOTTRAN" $bfClamming: local := true try a := inputTextFile shoeAddbootIfNec fn shoeToConsole(a,fn) finally closeStream a setCurrentPackage callingPackage shoeToConsole(a,fn)== a=nil => shoeNotFound fn shoeConsoleTrees shoeTransformToConsole shoeInclude bAddLineNumber(bRgen a,bIgen 0) -- (stout "string") translates the string "string" -- and prints the result at the console STOUT string == PSTOUT [string] string2BootTree string == callingPackage := namespace . IN_-PACKAGE '"BOOTTRAN" a := shoeTransformString [string] result := bStreamNull a => nil stripm(first a,callingPackage,namespace BOOTTRAN) setCurrentPackage callingPackage result STEVAL string== callingPackage := namespace . IN_-PACKAGE '"BOOTTRAN" a:= shoeTransformString [string] result := bStreamNull a => nil fn:=stripm(first a,namespace .,namespace BOOTTRAN) EVAL fn setCurrentPackage callingPackage result -- (sttomc "string") translates the string "string" -- to common lisp, and compiles it. STTOMC string== callingPackage := namespace . IN_-PACKAGE '"BOOTTRAN" a:= shoeTransformString [string] result := bStreamNull a => nil shoePCompile first a setCurrentPackage callingPackage result shoeCompileTrees s== while not bStreamNull s repeat shoeCompile first s s := rest s shoeCompile: %Ast -> %Thing shoeCompile fn== fn is ['DEFUN,name,bv,:body] => COMPILE (name,['LAMBDA,bv,:body]) EVAL fn shoeTransform str== bNext(function shoeTreeConstruct, bNext(function shoePileInsert, bNext(function shoeLineToks, str))) shoeTransformString s== shoeTransform shoeInclude bAddLineNumber(s,bIgen 0) shoeTransformStream s == shoeTransformString bRgen s -- shoeTransform shoeInclude bAddLineNumber(bRgen s,bIgen 0) shoeTransformToConsole str== bNext(function shoeConsoleItem, bNext(function shoePileInsert, bNext(function shoeLineToks, str))) shoeTransformToFile(fn,str)== bFileNext(fn, bNext(function shoePileInsert, bNext(function shoeLineToks, str))) shoeConsoleItem (str)== dq := first str shoeConsoleLines shoeDQlines dq [shoeParseTrees dq,:rest str] bFileNext(fn,s) == bDelay(function bFileNext1,[fn,s]) bFileNext1(fn,s)== bStreamNull s=> ["nullstream"] dq := first s shoeFileLines(shoeDQlines dq,fn) bAppend(shoeParseTrees dq,bFileNext(fn,rest s)) shoeParseTrees dq== toklist := dqToList dq toklist = nil => [] shoeOutParse toklist shoeTreeConstruct (str)== [shoeParseTrees first str, :rest str] shoeDQlines dq== a:= CDAAR shoeLastTokPosn dq b:= CDAAR shoeFirstTokPosn dq streamTake (a-b+1,first shoeFirstTokPosn dq) streamTake(n,s)== bStreamNull s => nil n=0 => nil [first s,:streamTake(n-1, rest s)] shoeFileLines (lines,fn) == shoeFileLine( '" ",fn) for line in lines repeat shoeFileLine (shoeAddComment line,fn) shoeFileLine ('" ",fn) shoeConsoleLines lines == shoeConsole '" " for line in lines repeat shoeConsole shoeAddComment line shoeConsole '" " shoeFileLine(x, stream) == writeLine(x, stream) x shoeFileTrees(s,st)== while not bStreamNull s repeat a:= first s if a is ["+LINE",:.] then shoeFileLine(second a,st) else reallyPrettyPrint(a,st) TERPRI st s:= rest s shoeConsoleTrees s == while not bStreamPackageNull s repeat fn:=stripm(first s,namespace .,namespace BOOTTRAN) reallyPrettyPrint fn s:= rest s shoeAddComment l== strconc('"; ", first l) shoeOutParse toks == ps := makeParserState toks $op :=nil $wheredefs := [] $typings := [] $returns := [] bpFirstTok ps found := try bpOutItem ps catch(e: BootParserException) => e found = 'TRAPPED => nil not bStreamNull parserTokens ps => bpGeneralErrorHere() nil parserTrees ps = nil => bpGeneralErrorHere() nil first parserTrees ps ++ Generate a global signature declaration for symbol `n'. genDeclaration(n,t) == t is ["%Mapping",:.] => ["DECLAIM",["FTYPE",bfType t,n]] t is ["%Forall",vars,t'] => vars = nil => genDeclaration(n,t') if symbol? vars then vars := [vars] genDeclaration(n,applySubst([[v,:"*"] for v in vars],t')) ["DECLAIM",["TYPE",bfType t,n]] ++ Translate the signature declaration `d' to its Lisp equivalent. translateSignatureDeclaration d == case d of %Signature(n,t) => genDeclaration(n,t) otherwise => coreError '"signature expected" ++ A non declarative expression `expr' appears at toplevel and its ++ translation needs embeddeding in an `EVAL-WHEN'. translateToplevelExpression expr == expr' := rest rest shoeCompTran ["LAMBDA",nil,expr] -- replace "DECLARE"s with "DECLAIM"s, as the former can't appear -- at toplevel. for t in expr' repeat t is ["DECLARE",:.] => t.first := "DECLAIM" #expr' > 1 => ["PROGN",:expr'] first expr' inAllContexts x == ["EVAL-WHEN",[KEYWORD::COMPILE_-TOPLEVEL, KEYWORD::LOAD_-TOPLEVEL, KEYWORD::EXECUTE], x] exportNames ns == ns = nil => nil [inAllContexts ["EXPORT",quote ns]] packageBody(x,p) == x is ['%Import,['%Namespace,ns]] => user := p = nil => nil [symbolName p] ns is 'System => ['COND, [['%hasFeature,KEYWORD::COMMON_-LISP],['USE_-PACKAGE,'"COMMON-LISP",:user]], ['T,['USE_-PACKAGE,'"LISP",:user]]] z := ns is ['DOT,'System,'Foreign] => %hasFeature KEYWORD::SBCL => 'SB_-ALIEN %hasFeature KEYWORD::ECL => 'FFI return nil ident? ns => ns bfSpecificErrorHere '"invalid namespace" ['USE_-PACKAGE,symbolName z,:user] x is ['PROGN,:.] => [x.op,:[packageBody(y,p) for y in x.args]] x translateToplevel(ps,b,export?) == b isnt [.,:.] => [b] -- generally happens in interactive mode. b is ["TUPLE",:xs] => coreError '"invalid AST" case b of %Signature(op,t) => [genDeclaration(op,t)] %Definition(op,args,body) => bfDef(parserLoadUnit ps,op,args,body).args %Module(m,ns,ds) => $currentModuleName := m $foreignsDefsForCLisp := nil [["PROVIDE", symbolName m], :exportNames ns, :[first translateToplevel(ps,d,true) for d in ds]] %Import(m) => m is ['%Namespace,n] => [inAllContexts packageBody(b,nil)] if getOptionValue "import" ~= '"skip" then bootImport symbolName m [["IMPORT-MODULE", symbolName m]] %ImportSignature(x, sig) => genImportDeclaration(x, sig) %TypeAlias(lhs, rhs) => [genTypeAlias(lhs,rhs)] %ConstantDefinition(lhs,rhs) => lhs is ['%Namespace,ns] => [['DEFPACKAGE,symbolName ns],inAllContexts packageBody(rhs,ns)] sig := nil if lhs is ["%Signature",n,t] then sig := genDeclaration(n,t) lhs := n $constantIdentifiers := [lhs,:$constantIdentifiers] [["DEFCONSTANT",lhs,rhs]] %Assignment(lhs,rhs) => sig := nil if lhs is ["%Signature",n,t] then sig := genDeclaration(n,t) lhs := n $InteractiveMode => [["SETF",lhs,rhs]] [["DEFPARAMETER",lhs,rhs]] %Macro(op,args,body) => bfMDef(parserLoadUnit ps,op,args,body) %Structure(t,alts) => alts is ['%Record,fields,accessors] => bfRecordDef(parserLoadUnit ps,t,fields,accessors) alts is [['Enumeration,:csts]] => [bfEnum(t,csts)] [bfCreateDef(parserLoadUnit ps,alt) for alt in alts] %Namespace n => $activeNamespace := symbolName n [["IN-PACKAGE",symbolName n]] %Lisp s => shoeReadLispString(s,0) otherwise => [translateToplevelExpression b] shoeAddbootIfNec s == ext := '".boot" n1 := #ext - 1 n2 := #s - n1 - 1 and/[stringChar(ext,k) = stringChar(s,n2 + k) for k in 0..n1] => s strconc(s,ext) shoeRemovebootIfNec s == shoeRemoveStringIfNec('".boot",s) shoeRemoveStringIfNec(str,s)== n := stringSuffix?(str,s) => subString(s,0,n) s -- DEFUSE prints the definitions not used and the words used and -- not defined in the input file and common lisp. DEFUSE fn== try a := inputTextFile strconc(fn,'".boot") shoeDfu(a,fn) finally closeStream a --% $bootDefined := nil $bootDefinedTwice := nil $bootUsed := nil $lispWordTable := nil shoeDfu(a,fn)== a=nil => shoeNotFound fn $lispWordTable: local := makeTable function symbolEq? DO_-SYMBOLS(i(namespace LISP),tableValue($lispWordTable,i) := true) $bootDefined: local := makeTable function symbolEq? $bootUsed:local := makeTable function symbolEq? $bootDefinedTwice: local := nil $bfClamming: local := false shoeDefUse shoeTransformStream a try stream := outputTextFile strconc(fn,'".defuse") shoeReport stream finally closeStream stream shoeReport stream== shoeFileLine('"DEFINED and not USED",stream) a := [i for [i,:b] in entries $bootDefined | not b] bootOut(SSORT a,stream) shoeFileLine('" ",stream) shoeFileLine('"DEFINED TWICE",stream) bootOut(SSORT $bootDefinedTwice,stream) shoeFileLine('" ",stream) shoeFileLine('"USED and not DEFINED",stream) a := [i for [i,:b] in entries $bootUsed | not b] for i in SSORT a repeat b := strconc(symbolName i,'" is used in ") bootOutLines( SSORT tableValue($bootUsed,i),stream,b) shoeDefUse(s)== while not bStreamPackageNull s repeat defuse([],first s) s:=rest s defuse(e,x)== x:=stripm(x,namespace .,namespace BOOTTRAN) $used :=nil [nee,niens]:= x is ['DEFUN,name,bv,:body] => [name,['LAMBDA,bv,:body]] x is ['DEFMACRO,name,bv,:body] => [name,['LAMBDA,bv,:body]] x is ["EVAL_-WHEN",.,["SETQ",id,exp]]=>[id,exp] x is ["SETQ",id,exp]=>[id,exp] ["TOP-LEVEL", x] if tableValue($bootDefined,nee) then $bootDefinedTwice:= nee="TOP-LEVEL"=> $bootDefinedTwice [nee,:$bootDefinedTwice] else tableValue($bootDefined,nee) := true defuse1 (e,niens) for i in $used repeat tableValue($bootUsed,i) := [nee,:tableValue($bootUsed,i)] defuse1(e,y)== y isnt [.,:.] => symbol? y => $used:= symbolMember?(y,e)=>$used symbolMember?(y,$used)=>$used defusebuiltin y =>$used UNION([y],$used) [] y is ["LAMBDA",a,:b] => defuse1([:unfluidlist a,:e],b) y is ["PROG",a,:b]=> [dol,ndol]:=defSeparate a for i in dol repeat tableValue($bootDefined,i) := true defuse1([:ndol,:e],b) y is ['QUOTE,:a] => [] y is ["+LINE",:a] => [] for i in y repeat defuse1(e,i) defSeparate x== x = nil => [[],[]] f := first x [x1,x2] := defSeparate rest x bfBeginsDollar f => [[f,:x1],x2] [x1,[f,:x2]] unfluidlist x== x = nil => [] x isnt [.,:.] => [x] x is ["&REST",y]=> [y] [first x,:unfluidlist rest x] defusebuiltin x == tableValue($lispWordTable,x) bootOut (l,outfn)== for i in l repeat shoeFileLine(strconc ('" ",PNAME i),outfn) CLESSP(s1,s2)== not(SHOEGREATERP(s1,s2)) SSORT l == SORT(l,function CLESSP) bootOutLines(l,outfn,s)== l = nil => shoeFileLine(s,outfn) a := PNAME first l #s + #a > 70 => shoeFileLine(s,outfn) bootOutLines(l,outfn,'" ") bootOutLines(rest l,outfn,strconc(s,'" ",a)) -- (xref "fn") produces a cross reference listing in "fn.xref" -- It contains each name -- used in "fn.boot", together with a list of functions that use it. XREF fn== try a := inputTextFile strconc(fn,'".boot") shoeXref(a,fn) finally closeStream a shoeXref(a,fn)== a = nil => shoeNotFound fn $lispWordTable: local := makeTable function symbolEq? DO_-SYMBOLS(i(namespace LISP),tableValue($lispWordTable,i) := true) $bootDefined: local := makeTable function symbolEq? $bootUsed: local := makeTable function symbolEq? $bfClamming: local := false shoeDefUse shoeTransformStream a out := strconc(fn,'".xref") try stream := outputTextFile out shoeXReport stream out finally closeStream stream shoeXReport stream== shoeFileLine('"USED and where DEFINED",stream) c := SSORT [k for [k,:.] in entries $bootUsed] for i in c repeat a := strconc(symbolName i,'" is used in ") bootOutLines( SSORT tableValue($bootUsed,i),stream,a) shoeItem (str)== dq:=first str [[[first line for line in shoeDQlines dq]],:rest str] stripm (x,pk,bt)== x isnt [.,:.] => symbol? x => symbolScope x = bt => makeSymbol(symbolName x,pk) x x [stripm(first x,pk,bt),:stripm(rest x,pk,bt)] shoePCompile fn== fn:=stripm(fn,namespace .,namespace BOOTTRAN) fn is ['DEFUN,name,bv,:body]=> COMPILE (name,['LAMBDA,bv,:body]) EVAL fn shoePCompileTrees s== while not bStreamNull s repeat reallyPrettyPrint shoePCompile first s s := rest s bStreamPackageNull s== in namespace BOOTTRAN do bStreamNull s PSTTOMC string== shoePCompileTrees shoeTransformString string BOOTLOOP() == a := readLine $stdin #a=0=> writeLine '"Boot Loop; to exit type ] " BOOTLOOP() shoePrefix? ('")console",a) => stream := $stdio PSTTOMC bRgen stream BOOTLOOP() stringChar(a,0) = char "]" => nil PSTTOMC [a] BOOTLOOP() BOOTPO() == a := readLine $stdin #a=0=> writeLine '"Boot Loop; to exit type ] " BOOTPO() shoePrefix? ('")console",a) => stream := $stdio PSTOUT bRgen stream BOOTPO() stringChar(a,0) = char "]" => nil PSTOUT [a] BOOTPO() PSTOUT string== in namespace BOOTTRAN do shoeConsoleTrees shoeTransformString string defaultBootToLispFile file == strconc(pathBasename file, '".clisp") getIntermediateLispFile(file,options) == out := NAMESTRING getOutputPathname(options) out ~= nil => strconc(shoeRemoveStringIfNec(strconc('".",$faslType),out),'".clisp") defaultBootToLispFile file translateBootFile(progname, options, file) == outFile := getOutputPathname options or defaultBootToLispFile file BOOTTOCL(file, ENOUGH_-NAMESTRING outFile) retainFile? ext == Option 'all in $FilesToRetain or Option 'yes in $FilesToRetain => true Option 'no in $FilesToRetain => false Option ext in $FilesToRetain compileBootHandler(progname, options, file) == intFile := BOOTTOCL(file, getIntermediateLispFile(file,options)) errorCount() ~= 0 => nil intFile => objFile := compileLispHandler(progname, options, intFile) if not retainFile? 'lisp then DELETE_-FILE intFile objFile nil associateRequestWithFileType(Option '"translate", '"boot", function translateBootFile) associateRequestWithFileType(Option '"compile", '"boot", function compileBootHandler) --% Runtime support ++ Load native dynamically linked module loadNativeModule m == %hasFeature KEYWORD::SBCL => FUNCALL(bfColonColon("SB-ALIEN","LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT"),m, KEYWORD::DONT_-SAVE, true) %hasFeature KEYWORD::CLISP => EVAL [bfColonColon("FFI","DEFAULT-FOREIGN-LIBRARY"), m] %hasFeature KEYWORD::ECL => EVAL [bfColonColon("FFI","LOAD-FOREIGN-LIBRARY"), m] %hasFeature KEYWORD::CLOZURE => EVAL [bfColonColon("CCL","OPEN-SHARED-LIBRARY"), m] coreError '"don't know how to load a dynamically linked module" loadSystemRuntimeCore() == %hasFeature KEYWORD::ECL or %hasFeature KEYWORD::GCL => nil loadNativeModule strconc('"libopen-axiom-core",$NativeModuleExt)