(/VERSIONCHECK 2) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Boolean|) |STAGG-;explicitlyFinite?;AB;1|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Boolean|) |STAGG-;possiblyInfinite?;AB;2|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| (|%IntegerSection| 0) |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |STAGG-;first;ANniA;3|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |STAGG-;c2|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Integer| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |STAGG-;elt;AIS;5|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |STAGG-;elt;AUsA;6|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |STAGG-;concat;3A;7|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |STAGG-;concat;LA;8|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |STAGG-;map!;M2A;9|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |STAGG-;fill!;ASA;10|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Integer| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |STAGG-;setelt;AI2S;11|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |STAGG-;setelt;AUs2S;12|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |STAGG-;concat!;3A;13|)) (DEFUN |STAGG-;explicitlyFinite?;AB;1| (|x| $) (NOT (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 9)))) (DEFUN |STAGG-;possiblyInfinite?;AB;2| (|x| $) (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 9))) (DEFUN |STAGG-;first;ANniA;3| (|x| |n| $) (SPADCALL (LET ((|i| 1) (#0=#:G1422 NIL)) (LOOP (COND ((> |i| |n|) (RETURN (NREVERSE #0#))) (T (SETQ #0# (CONS (|STAGG-;c2| |x| (SETQ |x| (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 13))) $) #0#)))) (SETQ |i| (+ |i| 1)))) (|shellEntry| $ 15))) (DEFUN |STAGG-;c2| (|x| |r| $) (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 18)) (|error| "Index out of range")) (T (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 19))))) (DEFUN |STAGG-;elt;AIS;5| (|x| |i| $) (SEQ (SETQ |i| (- |i| (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 21)))) (EXIT (COND ((OR (MINUSP |i|) (SPADCALL (SETQ |x| (SPADCALL |x| (|check-subtype| (NOT (MINUSP |i|)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) |i|) (|shellEntry| $ 25))) (|shellEntry| $ 18))) (|error| "index out of range")) (T (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 19))))))) (DEFUN |STAGG-;elt;AUsA;6| (|x| |i| $) (PROG (|h|) (RETURN (LET ((|l| (- (SPADCALL |i| (|shellEntry| $ 28)) (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 21))))) (COND ((MINUSP |l|) (|error| "index out of range")) ((NOT (SPADCALL |i| (|shellEntry| $ 29))) (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |x| (|check-subtype| (NOT (MINUSP |l|)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) |l|) (|shellEntry| $ 25)) (|shellEntry| $ 30))) (T (SEQ (LETT |h| (- (SPADCALL |i| (|shellEntry| $ 31)) (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 21))) |STAGG-;elt;AUsA;6|) (EXIT (COND ((< |h| |l|) (SPADCALL (|shellEntry| $ 32))) (T (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |x| (|check-subtype| (NOT (MINUSP |l|)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) |l|) (|shellEntry| $ 25)) (LET ((#0=#:G1395 (+ (- |h| |l|) 1))) (|check-subtype| (NOT (MINUSP #0#)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) #0#)) (|shellEntry| $ 35)))))))))))) (DEFUN |STAGG-;concat;3A;7| (|x| |y| $) (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 30)) |y| (|shellEntry| $ 37))) (DEFUN |STAGG-;concat;LA;8| (|l| $) (COND ((NULL |l|) (SPADCALL (|shellEntry| $ 32))) (T (SPADCALL (SPADCALL (|SPADfirst| |l|) (|shellEntry| $ 30)) (SPADCALL (CDR |l|) (|shellEntry| $ 44)) (|shellEntry| $ 37))))) (DEFUN |STAGG-;map!;M2A;9| (|f| |l| $) (LET ((|y| |l|)) (SEQ (LOOP (COND ((NOT (NOT (SPADCALL |l| (|shellEntry| $ 18)))) (RETURN NIL)) (T (SEQ (SPADCALL |l| (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |l| (|shellEntry| $ 19)) |f|) (|shellEntry| $ 46)) (EXIT (SETQ |l| (SPADCALL |l| (|shellEntry| $ 13)))))))) (EXIT |y|)))) (DEFUN |STAGG-;fill!;ASA;10| (|x| |s| $) (LET ((|y| |x|)) (SEQ (LOOP (COND ((NOT (NOT (SPADCALL |y| (|shellEntry| $ 18)))) (RETURN NIL)) (T (SEQ (SPADCALL |y| |s| (|shellEntry| $ 46)) (EXIT (SETQ |y| (SPADCALL |y| (|shellEntry| $ 13)))))))) (EXIT |x|)))) (DEFUN |STAGG-;setelt;AI2S;11| (|x| |i| |s| $) (SEQ (SETQ |i| (- |i| (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 21)))) (EXIT (COND ((OR (MINUSP |i|) (SPADCALL (SETQ |x| (SPADCALL |x| (|check-subtype| (NOT (MINUSP |i|)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) |i|) (|shellEntry| $ 25))) (|shellEntry| $ 18))) (|error| "index out of range")) (T (SPADCALL |x| |s| (|shellEntry| $ 46))))))) (DEFUN |STAGG-;setelt;AUs2S;12| (|x| |i| |s| $) (PROG (|h| |y| |z|) (RETURN (LET ((|l| (- (SPADCALL |i| (|shellEntry| $ 28)) (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 21))))) (COND ((MINUSP |l|) (|error| "index out of range")) (T (SEQ (LETT |h| (COND ((SPADCALL |i| (|shellEntry| $ 29)) (- (SPADCALL |i| (|shellEntry| $ 31)) (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 21)))) (T (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 51)))) |STAGG-;setelt;AUs2S;12|) (EXIT (COND ((< |h| |l|) |s|) (T (SEQ (LETT |y| (SPADCALL |x| (|check-subtype| (NOT (MINUSP |l|)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) |l|) (|shellEntry| $ 25)) |STAGG-;setelt;AUs2S;12|) (LETT |z| (SPADCALL |y| (LET ((#0=#:G1418 (+ (- |h| |l|) 1))) (|check-subtype| (NOT (MINUSP #0#)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) #0#)) (|shellEntry| $ 25)) |STAGG-;setelt;AUs2S;12|) (LOOP (COND ((NOT (NOT (SPADCALL |y| |z| (|shellEntry| $ 52)))) (RETURN NIL)) (T (SEQ (SPADCALL |y| |s| (|shellEntry| $ 46)) (EXIT (SETQ |y| (SPADCALL |y| (|shellEntry| $ 13)))))))) (EXIT |s|)))))))))))) (DEFUN |STAGG-;concat!;3A;13| (|x| |y| $) (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 18)) |y|) (T (SEQ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 54)) |y| (|shellEntry| $ 55)) (EXIT |x|))))) (DEFUN |StreamAggregate&| (|#1| |#2|) (LET* ((|dv$1| (|devaluate| |#1|)) (|dv$2| (|devaluate| |#2|)) (|dv$| (LIST '|StreamAggregate&| |dv$1| |dv$2|)) ($ (|newShell| 61)) (|pv$| (|buildPredVector| 0 0 NIL))) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 0) |dv$|) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 3) |pv$|) (|stuffDomainSlots| $) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 6) |#1|) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 7) |#2|) (COND ((|HasAttribute| |#1| '|shallowlyMutable|) (PROGN (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 38) (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |STAGG-;concat;3A;7|) $)) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 45) (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |STAGG-;concat;LA;8|) $)) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 48) (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |STAGG-;map!;M2A;9|) $)) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 49) (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |STAGG-;fill!;ASA;10|) $)) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 50) (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |STAGG-;setelt;AI2S;11|) $)) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 53) (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |STAGG-;setelt;AUs2S;12|) $)) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 56) (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |STAGG-;concat!;3A;13|) $))))) $)) (MAKEPROP '|StreamAggregate&| '|infovec| (LIST '#(NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL (|local| |#1|) (|local| |#2|) (|Boolean|) (0 . |cyclic?|) (5 . |not|) |STAGG-;explicitlyFinite?;AB;1| |STAGG-;possiblyInfinite?;AB;2| (10 . |rest|) (|List| 7) (15 . |construct|) (|NonNegativeInteger|) |STAGG-;first;ANniA;3| (20 . |empty?|) (25 . |first|) (|Integer|) (30 . |minIndex|) (35 . -) (41 . |Zero|) (45 . <) (51 . |rest|) |STAGG-;elt;AIS;5| (|UniversalSegment| 20) (57 . |lo|) (62 . |hasHi|) (67 . |copy|) (72 . |hi|) (77 . |empty|) (81 . |One|) (85 . +) (91 . |first|) |STAGG-;elt;AUsA;6| (97 . |concat!|) (103 . |concat|) (|List| 6) (109 . |empty?|) (114 . |first|) (119 . |rest|) (|List| $) (124 . |concat|) (129 . |concat|) (134 . |setfirst!|) (|Mapping| 7 7) (140 . |map!|) (146 . |fill!|) (152 . |setelt|) (159 . |maxIndex|) (164 . |eq?|) (170 . |setelt|) (177 . |tail|) (182 . |setrest!|) (188 . |concat!|) '"rest" '"last" '"first" '"value") '#(|setelt| 194 |possiblyInfinite?| 208 |map!| 213 |first| 219 |fill!| 225 |explicitlyFinite?| 231 |elt| 236 |concat!| 248 |concat| 254) 'NIL (CONS (|makeByteWordVec2| 1 'NIL) (CONS '#() (CONS '#() (|makeByteWordVec2| 56 '(1 6 8 0 9 1 8 0 0 10 1 6 0 0 13 1 6 0 14 15 1 6 8 0 18 1 6 7 0 19 1 6 20 0 21 2 20 0 0 0 22 0 20 0 23 2 20 8 0 0 24 2 6 0 0 16 25 1 27 20 0 28 1 27 8 0 29 1 6 0 0 30 1 27 20 0 31 0 6 0 32 0 16 0 33 2 20 0 0 0 34 2 6 0 0 16 35 2 6 0 0 0 37 2 0 0 0 0 38 1 39 8 0 40 1 39 6 0 41 1 39 0 0 42 1 6 0 43 44 1 0 0 43 45 2 6 7 0 7 46 2 0 0 47 0 48 2 0 0 0 7 49 3 0 7 0 20 7 50 1 6 20 0 51 2 6 8 0 0 52 3 0 7 0 27 7 53 1 6 0 0 54 2 6 0 0 0 55 2 0 0 0 0 56 3 0 7 0 20 7 50 3 0 7 0 27 7 53 1 0 8 0 12 2 0 0 47 0 48 2 0 0 0 16 17 2 0 0 0 7 49 1 0 8 0 11 2 0 7 0 20 26 2 0 0 0 27 36 2 0 0 0 0 56 1 0 0 43 45 2 0 0 0 0 38))))) '|lookupComplete|))