%% Oh Emacs, this is a -*- Makefile -*-, so give me tabs. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra Makefile} \author{Timothy Daly \and Gabriel Dos~Reis} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{Adding new algebra} This is a complex process by its very nature. Developers and Maintainers who undertake the process need to understand quite a lot of detail. The ultimate steps to add algebra are tedious but simple. Note that only algebra code that gets shipped with the system needs to undergo this process. User code can be compiled once the distributed algebra exists and does not need either this Makefile or this installation process. NOTE: If you add new algebra to this file you must also update \File{src/algebra/exposed.lsp.pamphlet} otherwise the new algebra won't be loaded by the interpreter when needed. Since understanding is the key to making correct changes to this file I'll work on explaining the details of why things need to exist. The first idea that you need to understand is the overall process of adding algebra code. Lets assume that you have a brand new spad file, called \File{foo.spad} containing a simple domain [[BAR]]. The steps in the process of adding this file are: \begin{enumerate} \item Find out where the algebra code lives in the lattice. You do this by \begin{enumerate} \item starting a new interpsys session \item collecting all the names of the algebra files BAR requires \item determining which layer each of the required files resides \item determine the highest layer (e.g. 14) that contains the required files \end{enumerate} \item insert the documentation into the next layer (e.g. 15) \item insert the [[\${OUT}/BAR.$(FASLEXT)]] file into the layer's file list \end{enumerate} \section{Rebuilding the algebra from scratch} Compile order is important. Here we try to define the ordered lattice of spad file dependencies. However this is, in reality, a graph rather than a lattice. In order to break cycles in this graph we explicitly cache a few of the intermediate generated lisp code for certain files. These are marked throughout (both here and in the various pamphlet files) with the word {\bf BOOTSTRAP}. If we take a cycle such as [[RING]] we discover that in order to compile the spad code we must load the compiled definition of [[RING]]. In this case we must compile the cached lisp code before we try to compile the spad file. The cycle for [[SETCAT]] is longer consisting of: [[SETCAT]] needs {\bf SINT} needs {\bf UFD} needs {\bf GCDDOM} needs {\bf COMRING} needs {\bf RING} needs {\bf RNG} needs {\bf ABELGRP} needs {\bf CABMON} needs {\bf ABELMON} needs {\bf ABELSG} needs {\bf SETCAT}. It is highly recommended that you try to become a developer of Axiom and read the archived mailing lists before you decide to change a cached file. In the fullness of time we will rewrite the whole algebra structure into a proper lattice if possible. Alternatively we'll reimplement the compiler to handle graphs. Or deeply adopt the extensible domains. Whatever we do will be much discussed (and cause much disgust) around the campfire. If you come up with a brilliant plan that gets adopted we'll even inscribe your name on a log and add it to the fire. In the code that follows we find the categories, packages and domains that compile with no dependencies and call this set ``layer 0''. Next we find the categories, packages and domains that will compile using only ``layer 0'' code and call this ``layer 1''. We walk up the lattice in this fashion adding layers. Note that at layer 3 this process runs into cycles and we create the ``layer 3 bootstrap'' stanzas before continuing upward. \section{The Algebra Lattice Layers} \subsection{Layer 0 Bootstrap} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} si.spad.pamphlet (INS SINT) \end{verbatim} Note well that none of the algebra stanzas should include these files in the preconditions otherwise we have an infinite compile loop. These files are originally bootstrapped from lisp code when we build the system for the first time but they are forcibly recompiled at the end of the build so they reflect current code (just in case someone changes the spad code but does not re-cache the generated lisp). If you add these files as preconditions (note that they are all in the \File{strap/} directory rather than the {\bf OUT} directory like everything else) then the final recompile will invalidate all of the rest of the algebra targets which will get rebuilt again causing these targets to be out of date. The rest of the loop is left up to the student. The bootstrap process works because first we ask for the compiled lisp code stanzas (the \File{strap/BAR.$(FASLEXT)} files), THEN we ask for the final algebra code stanzas (the [[\${OUT}/BAR.$(FASLEXT)]] files). This is a very subtle point so think it through carefully. Notice that this is the only layer calling for \File{strap/} files. All other layers call for [[\${OUT}]] files. If you break this the world will no longer compile so don't change it if you don't understand it. \begin{verbatim} LAYER0BOOTSTRAP=${OUT}/XPR.$(FASLEXT) \end{verbatim} <>= # The list of objects necessary to bootstrap the whole algebra library. axiom_algebra_layer_strap = \ $(addprefix strap/,$(axiom_algebra_bootstrap)) axiom_algebra_layer_strap_objects = \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_strap)) @ <>= axiom_algebra_bootstrap = \ ABELGRP ABELGRP- ABELMON ABELMON- \ ABELSG ABELSG- ALAGG BOOLEAN \ CABMON CHAR CLAGG CLAGG- \ COMRING DFLOAT DIFRING DIFRING- \ DIVRING DIVRING- ENTIRER ES \ ES- EUCDOM EUCDOM- FFIELDC \ FFIELDC- FPS FPS- GCDDOM \ GCDDOM- HOAGG HOAGG- ILIST \ INS INS- INT INTDOM \ INTDOM- ISTRING LIST LNAGG \ LNAGG- LSAGG LSAGG- MONOID \ MONOID- MTSCAT NNI OINTDOM \ ORDRING ORDRING- OUTFORM PI \ PRIMARR POLYCAT POLYCAT- PSETCAT \ PSETCAT- QFCAT QFCAT- RCAGG \ RCAGG- REF RING RING- \ RNG RNS RNS- SETAGG \ SETAGG- SETCAT SETCAT- SINT \ STAGG STAGG- SYMBOL TSETCAT \ TSETCAT- UFD UFD- ULSCAT \ UPOLYC UPOLYC- URAGG URAGG- \ VECTOR axiom_algebra_bootstrap_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_bootstrap)) axiom_algebra_bootstrap_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT), $(axiom_algebra_bootstrap))) @ \subsection{Layer 0} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} attreg.spad.pamphlet (ATTREG) dhmatrix.spad.pamphlet (DHMATRIX) omcat.spad.pamphlet (OM) print.spad.pamphlet (PRINT) ptranfn.spad.pamphlet (PTRANFN) system.spad.pamphlet (MSYSCMD) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_0 = \ AHYP ATTREG CFCAT ELTAB KOERCE KONVERT \ MSYSCMD OM OMCONN OMDEV OUT \ PRIMCAT PRINT PTRANFN SPFCAT TYPE UTYPE \ PROPLOG PROPERTY BASTYPE BASTYPE- CATEGORY LMODULE \ RMODULE FINITE STEP SGROUP SGROUP- ABELSG \ ABELSG- ORDSET ORDSET- FNCAT FILECAT SEXCAT \ MKBCFUNC MKRECORD MKUCFUNC DROPT1 PLOT1 ITFUN2 \ ITFUN3 STREAM1 STREAM2 STREAM3 ANY1 SEGBIND2 \ COMBOPC EQ2 NONE1 axiom_algebra_layer_0_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_0)) axiom_algebra_layer_0_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_0))) @ \subsection{Layer 1} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} ituple.spad.pamphlet (ITFUN2 ITFUN3 ITUPLE) mkrecord.spad.pamphlet (MKRECORD) pcurve.spad.pamphlet (PPCURVE PSCURVE) coerce.spad.pamphlet (TYPE KOERCE KONVERT RETRACT) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_1 = \ AGG AGG- IEVALAB IEVALAB- FORTCAT ITUPLE \ PATAB PPCURVE PSCURVE REAL RESLATC RETRACT \ RETRACT- SEGCAT BINDING SYNTAX BMODULE LOGIC \ LOGIC- EVALAB EVALAB- FEVALAB FEVALAB- BYTE axiom_algebra_layer_1_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_1)) axiom_algebra_layer_1_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_1))) @ \subsection{Layer 2} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_2 = \ ELTAGG ELTAGG- FMC FMFUN FORTFN FVC \ CTORCALL FVFUN INTRET IXAGG IXAGG- SEGXCAT \ CONTOUR LIST3 MKFUNC OASGP axiom_algebra_layer_2_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_2)) axiom_algebra_layer_2_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_2))) @ \subsection{Layer 3} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} grdef.spad.pamphlet (GRDEF) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_3 = \ GRDEF SCOPE MAPHACK1 MAPHACK2 MAPHACK3 MAPPKG1 \ MAPPKG2 MAPPKG3 INTBIT MONAD MONAD- axiom_algebra_layer_3_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_3)) axiom_algebra_layer_3_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_3))) @ \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} annacat.spad.pamphlet (NIPROB ODEPROB PDEPROB OPTPROB NUMINT ODECAT PDECAT OPTCAT) color.spad.pamphlet (COLOR PALETTE) mappkg.spad.pamphlet (MAPHACK1 MAPHACK2 MAPHACK3 MAPPKG1 MAPPKG2 MAPPKG3) paramete.spad.pamphlet (PARPCURV PARPC2 PARSCURV PARSC2 PARSURF PARSU2 suchthat.spad.pamphlet (SUCH) ystream.spad.pamphlet (YSTREAM) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_4 = \ ANON COLOR COMM COMPPROP ESCONT1 EXIT \ FAMONC FORMULA1 IDPC NONE NUMINT \ ODECAT OMENC ONECOMP2 OPTCAT \ PALETTE PARPCURV PARPC2 PARSCURV PARSC2 PARSURF \ PARSU2 PATMAB PATRES2 PATTERN1 PDECAT \ REPSQ REPDB RFDIST RIDIST SPACEC SPLNODE \ SUCH TEX1 UDVO YSTREAM PAIR ENV \ ATRIG ATRIG- GROUP GROUP- LALG LALG- \ OAMON BGAGG BGAGG- BRAGG BRAGG- ELAGG \ ELAGG- DLAGG MODULE MODULE- axiom_algebra_layer_4_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_4)) axiom_algebra_layer_4_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_4))) @ \subsection{Layer 5} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_5 = \ CACHSET CHARNZ CHARZ DVARCAT DVARCAT- ELEMFUN \ ELEMFUN- ESTOOLS2 FCOMP FPATMAB IDPAM IDPO \ INCRMAPS KERNEL2 LINEXP MODMONOM MONADWU MONADWU- \ MRF2 NARNG NARNG- NSUP2 ODVAR OPQUERY \ ORDFIN ORDMON PATMATCH PERMCAT PDRING PDRING- \ SDVAR SUP2 TRIGCAT TRIGCAT- ULS2 UP2 \ ELABEXPR OCAMON axiom_algebra_layer_5_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_5)) axiom_algebra_layer_5_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_5))) @ \subsection{Layer6} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} fmod.spad.pamphlet (ZMOD) sortpak.spad.pamphlet (SORTPAK) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_6 = \ ALGEBRA ALGEBRA- AUTOMOR CARTEN2 CHARPOL COMPLEX2 \ DIFEXT DIFEXT- ES1 ES2 GRMOD GRMOD- \ HYPCAT HYPCAT- MKCHSET MODRING NASRING NASRING- \ SORTPAK ZMOD PRQAGG QUAGG SKAGG DQAGG \ PID OAGROUP OAMONS axiom_algebra_layer_6_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_6)) axiom_algebra_layer_6_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_6))) @ \subsection{Layer7} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_7 = \ BTCAT BTCAT- LNAGG LNAGG- FMCAT IDPOAM \ IFAMON GRALG GRALG- FLAGG FLAGG- axiom_algebra_layer_7_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_7)) axiom_algebra_layer_7_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_7))) @ \subsection{Layer8} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} card.spad.pamphlet (CARD) fortcat.spad.pamphlet (FORTFN FMC FORTCAT FVC FMTC FMFUN FVFUN) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_8 = \ BSTREE BTOURN CARD DRAWHACK FACTFUNC FMTC \ FR2 FRAC2 FRUTIL ITAYLOR MLO NAALG \ NAALG- OP ORDCOMP2 RANDSRC UNISEG2 XALG \ FIELD FIELD- A1AGG A1AGG- ARR2CAT ARR2CAT- axiom_algebra_layer_8_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_8)) axiom_algebra_layer_8_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_8))) @ \subsection{Layer9} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} degred.spad.pamphlet (DEGRED) indexedp.spad.pamphlet (IDPC IDPO IDPAM IDPOAM IDPOAMS IDPAG) product.spad.pamphlet (PRODUCT) retract.spad.pamphlet (RETRACT FRETRCT RATRET) sf.spad.pamphlet (REAL RADCAT RNS FPS DFLOAT) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_9 = \ AMR AMR- DEGRED DLP EAB ESTOOLS1 \ FAGROUP FAMONOID FLINEXP FLINEXP- FRETRCT FRETRCT- \ FSERIES FT IDPAG IDPOAMS INFINITY LA \ OMLO ORTHPOL PRODUCT PADICCT PMPRED PMASS \ PTFUNC2 RADCAT RADCAT- RATRET RADUTIL UPXS2 \ XFALG ZLINDEP BBTREE LSAGG LSAGG- SRAGG \ SRAGG- STRICAT ODEIFTBL NIPROB ODEPROB OPTPROB \ PDEPROB axiom_algebra_layer_9_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_9)) axiom_algebra_layer_9_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_9))) @ \subsection{Layer10} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} complet.spad.pamphlet (ORDCOMP ORDCOMP2 ONECOMP ONECOMP2 INFINITY) cra.spad.pamphlet (CRAPACK) defaults.spad.pamphlet (REPSQ REPDB FLASORT) drawpak.spad.pamphlet (DRAWCX) free.spad.pamphlet (LMOPS FMONOID FGROUP FAMONC IFAMON FAMONOID FAGROUP) fourier.spad.pamphlet (FCOMP FSERIES) functions.spad.pamphlet (BFUNCT) mesh.spad.pamphlet (MESH) moebius.spad.pamphlet (MOEBIUS) mring.spad.pamphlet (MRING MRF2) opalg.spad.pamphlet (MODOP OP) partperm.spad.pamphlet (PARTPERM) pgrobner.spad.pamphlet (PGROEB) plottool.spad.pamphlet (PLOTTOOL) setorder.spad.pamphlet (UDPO UDVO) sttaylor.spad.pamphlet (STTAYLOR) tableau.spad.pamphlet (TABLBUMP TABLEAU) viewpack.spad.pamphlet (VIEW) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_10 = \ ASP34 BFUNCT BPADIC \ BTREE CRAPACK DEQUEUE DLIST \ DRAWCX D01GBFA D02EJFA D03FAFA \ DRAWPT FAMR FAMR- FLASORT \ FLAGG2 FGROUP FM FM1 \ FPC FPC- FMONOID INDE \ IPADIC IROOT IR2 LEXP \ LIECAT LIECAT- LIST2 LIST2MAP \ LMOPS LZSTAGG LZSTAGG- MAGMA \ MESH MOEBIUS MODFIELD MODOP \ MRING MTHING NCNTFRAC NCODIV \ NUMTUBE ODR OFMONOID ONECOMP \ ORDCOMP OREPCAT OREPCAT- OWP \ PADIC PATTERN2 PATLRES PARTPERM \ PBWLB PENDTREE PGE PGROEB \ PINTERP PLOTTOOL PFR PMDOWN \ PRTITION PMINS PMLSAGG PMTOOLS \ PSCAT PSCAT- QFORM QUEUE \ SCACHE SEG SEG2 SEXOF \ STACK STTAYLOR TABLBUMP TABLEAU \ TOPSP TRANFUN TRANFUN- TUBE \ UDPO UNISEG VIEW VSPACE \ VSPACE- XPOLYC XPR BTAGG BTAGG- axiom_algebra_layer_10_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_10)) axiom_algebra_layer_10_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_10))) @ \subsection{Layer11} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} array1.spad.pamphlet (PRIMARR PRIMARR2 TUPLE IFARRAY FARRAY IARRAY1 ARRAY1 ARRAY12) bags.spad.pamphlet (STACK ASTACK QUEUE DEQUEUE HEAP) combinat.spad.pamphlet (COMBINAT) ffx.spad.pamphlet (IRREDFFX) galutil.spad.pamphlet (GALUTIL) matstor.spad.pamphlet (MATSTOR) ore.spad.pamphlet (OREPCAT APPLYORE AUTOMOR OREPCTO ORESUP OREUP) plot3d.spad.pamphlet (PLOT3D) prtition.spad.pamphlet (PRTITION SYMPOLY) stream.spad.pamphlet (LZSTAGG CSTTOOLS STREAM STREAM1 STREAM2 STREAM3) trigcat.spad.pamphlet (ELEMFUN AHYP ATRIG HYPCAT TRANFUN TRIGCAT PRIMCAT LFCAT CFCAT SPFCAT) xlpoly.spad.pamphlet (MAGMA LWORD LIECAT FLALG XEXPPKG LPOLY PBWLB XPBWPOLY LEXP) xpoly.spad.pamphlet (OFMONOID FMCAT FM1 XALG XFALG XPOLYC XPR XDPOLY XRPOLY XPOLY) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_11 = \ STRING \ APPLYORE ARRAY1 ARRAY12 ARRAY2 \ ASTACK COMBINAT \ CSTTOOLS D01FCFA E04MBFA FARRAY \ FLALG GALUTIL HEAP IARRAY1 \ IARRAY2 IFARRAY INTCAT INTHEORY \ IRREDFFX LFCAT LODOCAT LODOCAT- \ LWORD MATCAT MATCAT- MATSTOR \ ORESUP OREPCTO OREUP PLOT3D \ PR PREASSOC PRIMARR2 REDORDER \ STREAM SYMPOLY \ TS TUPLE UPSCAT UPSCAT- \ VECTCAT VECTCAT- XDPOLY XEXPPKG \ XF XF- XPBWPOLY XPOLY \ XRPOLY axiom_algebra_layer_11_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_11)) axiom_algebra_layer_11_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_11))) @ \subsection{Layer12} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_12 = \ DIOPS DIOPS- DIAGG DIAGG- BITS DIRPROD2 IMATRIX \ IVECTOR LPOLY LSMP LSMP1 MATCAT2 PTCAT TRIMAT \ FSAGG FSAGG- SYSTEM BYTEARY axiom_algebra_layer_12_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_12)) axiom_algebra_layer_12_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_12))) @ \subsection{Layer13} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} carten.spad.pamphlet (GRMOD GRALG CARTEN CARTEN2) catdef.spad.pamphlet (ABELGRP ABELMON ABELSG ALGEBRA BASTYPE BMODULE CABMON CHARNZ CHARZ COMRING DIFRING DIFEXT DIVRING ENTIRER EUCDOM FIELD FINITE FLINEXP GCDDOM GROUP INTDOM LMODULE LINEXP MODULE MONOID OAGROUP OAMON OAMONS OASGP OCAMON ORDFIN OINTDOM ORDMON ORDRING ORDSET PDRING PFECAT PID RMODULE RING RNG SGROUP SETCAT STEP UFD VSPACE) clifford.spad.pamphlet (QFORM CLIF) clip.spad.pamphlet (CLIP) coordsys.spad.pamphlet (COORDSYS) dhmatrix.spad.pamphlet (DHMATRIX) d02routine.spad.pamphlet (D02BBFA D02BHFA D02CJFA D02EJFA) ffpoly2.spad.pamphlet (FFPOLY2) irsn.spad.pamphlet (IRSN) numode.spad.pamphlet (NUMODE) numquad.spad.pamphlet (NUMQUAD) perman.spad.pamphlet (GRAY PERMAN) pseudolin.spad.pamphlet (PSEUDLIN) rep2.spad.pamphlet (REP2) sex.spad.pamphlet (SEXCAT SEXOF SEX) solvedio.spad.pamphlet (DIOSP) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_13 = \ KDAGG KDAGG- \ ASSOCEQ CARTEN CLIF CLIP \ COORDSYS DBASE DHMATRIX DIOSP \ DIRPCAT DIRPCAT- D02BBFA D02BHFA \ D02CJFA FAXF FAXF- FFPOLY2 \ FNLA GRAY HB IRSN \ MCALCFN MHROWRED NUMODE NUMQUAD \ ODESYS ODETOOLS ORDFUNS PERMAN \ PFECAT PFECAT- POINT PSEUDLIN \ PTPACK REP2 SETMN SEX \ SYMFUNC VECTOR2 CHAR axiom_algebra_layer_13_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_13)) axiom_algebra_layer_13_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_13))) @ \subsection{Layer14} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} allfact.spad.pamphlet (MRATFAC MPRFF MPCPF GENMFACT RFFACTOR SUPFRACF) array2.spad.pamphlet (ARR2CAT IIARRAY2 IARRAY2 ARRAY2) bezout.spad.pamphlet (BEZOUT) boolean.spad.pamphlet (REF LOGIC BOOLEAN IBITS BITS) brill.spad.pamphlet (BRILL) cden.spad.pamphlet (ICDEN CDEN UPCDEN MCDEN) contfrac.spad.pamphlet (CONTFRAC NCNTFRAC) cycles.spad.pamphlet (CYCLES EVALCYC) cyclotom.spad.pamphlet (CYCLOTOM) ddfact.spad.pamphlet (DDFACT) equation2.spad.pamphlet (EQ EQ2 FEVALAB) error.spad.pamphlet (ERROR) facutil.spad.pamphlet (FACUTIL PUSHVAR) ffcat.spad.pamphlet (FPC XF FAXF DLP FFIELDC FFSLPE) fff.spad.pamphlet (FFF) ffhom.spad.pamphlet (FFHOM) ffpoly.spad.pamphlet (FFPOLY) fname.spad.pamphlet (FNCAT FNAME) formula.spad.pamphlet (FORMULA FORMULA1) fraction.spad.pamphlet (LO LA QFCAT QFCAT2 FRAC LPEFRAC FRAC2) galfactu.spad.pamphlet (GALFACTU) galpolyu.spad.pamphlet (GALPOLYU) gb.spad.pamphlet (GB) gbeuclid.spad.pamphlet (GBEUCLID) gbintern.spad.pamphlet (GBINTERN) gdirprod.spad.pamphlet (ORDFUNS ODP HDP SHDP) geneez.spad.pamphlet (GENEEZ) ghensel.spad.pamphlet (GHENSEL) gpgcd.spad.pamphlet (GENPGCD) gpol.spad.pamphlet (LAUPOL) groebf.spad.pamphlet (GBF) groebsol.spad.pamphlet (GROEBSOL) intrf.spad.pamphlet (SUBRESP MONOTOOL INTHERTR INTTR INTRAT INTRF) idecomp.spad.pamphlet (IDECOMP) leadcdet.spad.pamphlet (LEADCDET) lindep.spad.pamphlet (LINDEP ZLINDEP) lingrob.spad.pamphlet (LGROBP) listgcd.spad.pamphlet (HEUGCD) matfuns.spad.pamphlet (IMATLIN MATCAT2 RMCAT2 IMATQF MATLIN) mfinfact.spad.pamphlet (MFINFACT) mlift.spad.pamphlet (MLIST) moddfact.spad.pamphlet (MDDFACT) modmon.spad.pamphlet (MODMON) modring.spad.pamphlet (MODRING EMR MODFIELD) mts.spad.pamphlet (SMTS TS) multsqfr.spad.pamphlet (MULTSQFR) newpoint.spad.pamphlet (PTCAT POINT COMPPROP SUBSPACE PTPACK PTFUNC2) numtheor.spad.pamphlet (INTHEORY PNTHEORY) npcoef.spad.pamphlet (NPCOEF) omdev.spad.pamphlet (OMENC OMDEV OMCONN OMPKG) omserver.spad.pamphlet (OMSERVER) padic.spad.pamphlet (PADICCT IPADIC PADIC BPADIC PADICRC PADICRAT BPADICRT) pdecomp.spad.pamphlet (PCOMP PDECOMP) pfbr.spad.pamphlet (PFBRU PFBR) pfr.spad.pamphlet (PFR PFRPAC) pgcd.spad.pamphlet (PGCD) pinterp.spad.pamphlet (PINTERPA PINTERP) pleqn.spad.pamphlet (PLEQN) poltopol.spad.pamphlet (MPC2 MPC3 POLTOPOL) poly.spad.pamphlet (FM PR SUP SUP2 UP UP2 POLY2UP UPSQFREE PSQFR UPMP) polycat.spad.pamphlet (AMR FAMR POLYCAT POLYLIFT UPOLYC UPOLYC2 COMMUPC) prs.spad.pamphlet (PRS) radix.spad.pamphlet (RADIX BINARY DECIMAL HEXADEC RADUTIL) ratfact.spad.pamphlet (RATFACT) rderf.spad.pamphlet (RDETR) realzero.spad.pamphlet (REAL0) real0q.spad.pamphlet (REAL0Q) resring.spad.pamphlet (RESRING) rf.spad.pamphlet (POLYCATQ RF) solvefor.spad.pamphlet (SOLVEFOR) solvelin.spad.pamphlet (LSMP LSMP1 LSPP) smith.spad.pamphlet (SMITH) sttf.spad.pamphlet (STTF STTFNC) sturm.spad.pamphlet (SHP) sum.spad.pamphlet (ISUMP GOSPER SUMRF) tex.spad.pamphlet (TEX) tree.spad.pamphlet (TREE BTCAT BTREE BSTREE BTOURN BBTREE PENDTREE) twofact.spad.pamphlet (NORMRETR TWOFACT) unifact.spad.pamphlet (UNIFACT) updecomp.spad.pamphlet (UPDECOMP) updivp.spad.pamphlet (UPDIVP) viewDef.spad.pamphlet (VIEWDEF) vector.spad.pamphlet (VECTCAT IVECTOR VECTOR VECTOR2 DIRPCAT DIRPROD DIRPROD2) view2D.spad.pamphlet (GRIMAGE VIEW2D) void.spad.pamphlet (VOID EXIT) weier.spad.pamphlet (WEIER) wtpol.spad.pamphlet (WP OWP) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_14 = \ TBAGG TBAGG- ALIST FS FS- ACF ACF- \ ACFS ACFS- \ ASP1 ASP10 ASP24 ASP4 \ ASP50 ASP6 ASP73 BALFACT \ BEZOUT BINARY BINFILE BOUNDZRO \ BPADICRT BRILL CDEN CHVAR \ COMMUPC CONTFRAC CVMP CYCLOTOM \ CYCLES DDFACT DECIMAL DIRPROD DISPLAY DMP \ DPMO DPOLCAT DPOLCAT- D01AJFA \ D01AKFA D01ALFA D01AMFA D01APFA \ D01AQFA EMR EQ ERROR \ EVALCYC E04DGFA E04FDFA E04GCFA \ E04JAFA FACUTIL FF FFCG \ FFCGX FFHOM FFNB FFNBX \ FFPOLY FFX FFSLPE FGLMICPK \ FILE FINAALG FINAALG- FINRALG \ FINRALG- FFF FLOATRP FNAME \ FOP FORMULA FORT FRAC \ FTEM GENEEZ GENMFACT GENPGCD \ GALFACTU GALPOLYU GB GBEUCLID \ GBF GBINTERN GHENSEL GMODPOL \ GOSPER GRIMAGE GROEBSOL HDMP \ HDP HEXADEC HEUGCD IBPTOOLS \ IFF IBITS ICARD ICDEN \ IDECOMP IIARRAY2 IMATLIN IMATQF \ INMODGCD INNMFACT INPSIGN INTHERTR \ INTRAT INTRF INTSLPE INTTR \ ISUMP LAUPOL LEADCDET LGROBP \ LIMITRF LINDEP LO LPEFRAC \ LSPP MATLIN MCDEN MDDFACT \ MFINFACT MFLOAT MINT MLIFT \ MMAP MODMON MONOTOOL MPCPF \ MPC2 MPC3 MPOLY MPRFF \ MRATFAC MULTSQFR NORMRETR NPCOEF \ NSUP NTPOLFN ODP ODEPRIM \ ODEPRRIC OMPKG OMSERVER PADEPAC \ PADICRAT PADICRC PCOMP PDECOMP \ PF PFBR PFBRU PFOTOOLS \ PFRPAC PGCD PINTERPA PLEQN \ PMPLCAT PMQFCAT PNTHEORY POLUTIL \ POLTOPOL POLYCATQ POLYLIFT POLYROOT \ POLY2 POLY2UP PRS PSQFR \ PUSHVAR QALGSET QFCAT2 RADIX \ RATFACT RCFIELD RCFIELD- RDETR \ RDETRS REAL0 REAL0Q REALSOLV \ RESRING RETSOL RF RFFACTOR \ RMATCAT RMATCAT- RRCC RRCC- \ SCPKG SHDP SHP SIGNRF \ SMITH SMP SMTS SOLVEFOR \ SPLTREE STINPROD STTFNC SUBRESP \ SUMRF SUP SUPFRACF TANEXP \ TEMUTL TEX TEXTFILE TREE \ TWOFACT UNIFACT UP UPCDEN \ UPDECOMP UPDIVP UPMP UPOLYC2 \ UPXSCAT UPSQFREE VIEWDEF VIEW2D \ VOID WEIER WP \ EQTBL GSTBL HASHTBL \ INTABL INTFTBL STBL STRTBL\ TABLE axiom_algebra_layer_14_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_14)) axiom_algebra_layer_14_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_14))) @ \subsection{Layer15} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} dpolcat.spad.pamphlet (DVARCAT ODVAR SDVAR DPOLCAT DSMP ODPOL SDPOL) matcat.spad.pamphlet (MATCAT RMATCAT SMATCAT) plot.spad.pamphlet (PLOT PLOT1) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_15 = \ DSMP EXPUPXS \ FRAMALG FRAMALG- MDAGG ODPOL \ PLOT RMCAT2 ROIRC SDPOL \ SMATCAT SMATCAT- TUBETOOL UPXSCCA \ UPXSCCA- JAVACODE axiom_algebra_layer_15_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_15)) axiom_algebra_layer_15_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_15))) @ \subsection{Layer16} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} efupxs.spad.pamphlet (EFUPXS) lodop.spad.pamphlet (MLO OMLO NCODIV ODR DPMO DPMM) space.spad.pamphlet (SPACEC SPACE3 TOPSP) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_16 = \ DPMM EFUPXS FFINTBAS FRIDEAL \ FRIDEAL2 FRMOD \ IBATOOL INTFACT \ MSETAGG MONOGEN MONOGEN- NFINTBAS \ SPACE3 axiom_algebra_layer_16_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_16)) axiom_algebra_layer_16_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_16))) @ \subsection{Layer17} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} algext.spad.pamphlet (SAE) aggcat.spad.pamphlet (AGG HOAGG CLAGG BGAGG SKAGG QUAGG DQAGG PRQAGG DIOPS DIAGG MDAGG SETAGG FSAGG MSETAGG OMSAGG KDAGG ELTAB ELTAGG ISAGG TBAGG RCAGG BRAGG DLAGG URAGG STAGG LNAGG FLAGG A1AGG ELAGG LSAGG ALAGG SRAGG BTAGG ITAGG) aggcat2.spad.pamphlet (FLAGG2 FSAGG2) galfact.spad.pamphlet (GALFACT) intfact.spad.pamphlet (PRIMES IROOT INTFACT) mathml.spad.pamphlet (MMLFORM) padiclib.spad.pamphlet (IBPTOOLS IBACHIN PWFFINTB) perm.spad.pamphlet (PERMCAT PERM) permgrps.spad.pamphlet (PERMGRP PGE) random.spad.pamphlet (RANDSRC RDIST INTBIT RIDIST RFDIST) sgcf.spad.pamphlet (SGCF) string.spad.pamphlet (CHAR CCLASS ISTRING STRING STRICAT) view3D.spad.pamphlet (VIEW3D) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_17 = \ CCLASS FSAGG2 GALFACT IALGFACT \ IBACHIN MMLFORM NORMMA ODERED OMSAGG \ PERM PERMGRP PRIMES PWFFINTB \ RDIST SAE SAEFACT SAERFFC \ SGCF VIEW3D axiom_algebra_layer_17_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_17)) axiom_algebra_layer_17_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_17))) @ \subsection{Layer18} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} d01Package.spad.pamphlet (INTPACK) list.spad.pamphlet (ILIST LIST LIST2 LIST3 LIST2MAP ALIST) pf.spad.pamphlet (IPF PF) table.spad.pamphlet (HASHTBL INTABL TABLE EQTBL STRTBL GSTBL STBL) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_18 = \ INTPACK IPF \ KAFILE PATRES TBCMPPK axiom_algebra_layer_18_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_18)) axiom_algebra_layer_18_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_18))) @ \subsection{Layer19} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} acplot.spad.pamphlet (REALSOLV ACPLOT) alql.spad.pamphlet (DLIST ICARD DBASE QEQUAT MTHING OPQUERY) any.spad.pamphlet (NONE NONE1 ANY ANY1) c02.spad.pamphlet (NAGC02) c05.spad.pamphlet (NAGC05) c06.spad.pamphlet (NAGC06) d01routine.spad.pamphlet (D01AJFA D01AKFA D01AMFA D01APFA D01AQFA D01ALFA D01ANFA D01ASFA D01GBFA D01FCFA) d02Package.spad.pamphlet (ODEPACK) d03agents.spad.pamphlet (D03AGNT) d03Package.spad.pamphlet (PDEPACK) drawopt.spad.pamphlet (DROPT DROPT1 DROPT0) eigen.spad.pamphlet (EP CHARPOL) e01.spad.pamphlet (NAGE01) e02.spad.pamphlet (NAGE02) e04.spad.pamphlet (NAGE04) e04agents.spad.pamphlet (E04AGNT) e04Package.spad.pamphlet (OPTPACK) ffcg.spad.pamphlet (FFCGP FFCGX FFCG) ffp.spad.pamphlet (FFP FFX IFF FF) files.spad.pamphlet (FILECAT FILE TEXTFILE BINFILE KAFILE LIB) float.spad.pamphlet (FLOAT) fnla.spad.pamphlet (OSI COMM HB FNLA) fortpak.spad.pamphlet (FCPAK1 NAGSP FORT FOP TEMUTL MCALCFN) forttyp.spad.pamphlet (FST FT SYMTAB SYMS) fparfrac.spad.pamphlet (FPARFRAC) fr.spad.pamphlet (FR FRUTIL FR2) f07.spad.pamphlet (NAGF07) gdpoly.spad.pamphlet (GDMP DMP HDMP) ideal.spad.pamphlet (IDEAL) intaux.spad.pamphlet (IR IR2) intclos.spad.pamphlet (TRIMAT IBATOOL FFINTBAS WFFINTBS NFINTBAS) integer.spad.pamphlet (INTSLPE INT NNI PI ROMAN) kl.spad.pamphlet (CACHSET SCACHE MKCHSET KERNEL KERNEL2) lmdict.spad.pamphlet (LMDICT) matrix.spad.pamphlet (IMATRIX MATRIX RMATRIX SQMATRIX) misc.spad.pamphlet (SAOS) mkfunc.spad.pamphlet (INFORM INFORM1 MKFUNC MKUCFUNC MKBCFUNC MKFLCFN) modgcd.spad.pamphlet (INMODGCD) mset.spad.pamphlet (MSET) multpoly.spad.pamphlet (POLY POLY2 MPOLY SMP INDE) naalgc.spad.pamphlet (MONAD MONADWU NARNG NASRING NAALG FINAALG FRNAALG) newdata.spad.pamphlet (IPRNTPK TBCMPPK SPLNODE SPLTREE) omerror.spad.pamphlet (OMERRK OMERR) op.spad.pamphlet (BOP BOP1 COMMONOP) out.spad.pamphlet (OUT SPECOUT DISPLAY) outform.spad.pamphlet (NUMFMT OUTFORM) patmatch1.spad.pamphlet (PATRES PATRES2 PATLRES PATMAB FPATMAB PMSYM PMKERNEL PMDOWN PMTOOLS PMLSAGG) pattern.spad.pamphlet (PATTERN PATTERN1 PATTERN2 PATAB) pscat.spad.pamphlet (PSCAT UPSCAT UTSCAT ULSCAT UPXSCAT MTSCAT) qalgset.spad.pamphlet (QALGSET QALGSET2) reclos.spad.pamphlet (POLUTIL RRCC RCFIELD ROIRC RECLOS) rep1.spad.pamphlet (REP1) routines.spad.pamphlet (ROUTINE ATTRBUT) s.spad.pamphlet (NAGS) seg.spad.pamphlet (SEGCAT SEGXCAT SEG SEG2 SEGBIND SETBIND2 UNISEG UNISEG2 INCRMAPS) sets.spad.pamphlet (SET) sups.spad.pamphlet (ISUPS) syssolp.spad.pamphlet (SYSSOLP) variable.spad.pamphlet (OVAR VARIABLE RULECOLD FUNCTION ANON) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_19 = \ ACPLOT ANTISYM \ ANY ASP27 ASP28 \ ASP33 ASP49 ASP7 \ ASP78 ASP9 ATTRBUT \ BOP BOP1 COMMONOP COMPCAT \ COMPCAT- DRAW DRAWCFUN DROPT \ DROPT0 D01ANFA D01ASFA D03AGNT \ EP E04AGNT FCPAK1 FEXPR \ FFCAT FFCAT- FFCGP FFNBP \ FFP FLOAT FPARFRAC FR \ FRNAALG FRNAALG- \ FST FUNCTION GDMP HACKPI \ IDEAL INFORM INFORM1 IPRNTPK \ IR ISUPS KERNEL LIB \ LMDICT LODOOPS MATRIX MKFLCFN \ MSET M3D NAGC02 NAGC05 \ NAGC06 NAGD03 NAGE01 NAGE02 \ NAGE04 NAGF07 NAGS NAGSP \ NREP NUMFMT OC OC- \ ODEPACK ODERAT OMERR OMERRK \ OPTPACK OSI PATTERN OVAR \ PMKERNEL PMSYM POLY PRIMELT \ QALGSET2 QEQUAT RECLOS REP1 \ RESULT QUATCAT QUATCAT- RFFACT \ RMATRIX ROMAN ROUTINE RPOLCAT \ RPOLCAT- RULECOLD SAOS SEGBIND \ SET SPECOUT SQMATRIX SWITCH \ SYMS SYMTAB SYSSOLP UTSCAT \ UTSCAT- VARIABLE WFFINTBS SPADPRSR \ PARSER PROPFRML axiom_algebra_layer_19_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_19)) axiom_algebra_layer_19_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_19))) @ \subsection{Layer20} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} algfact.spad.pamphlet (IALGFACT SAEFACT RFFACT SAERFFC ALGFACT) algfunc.spad.pamphlet (ACF ACFS AF) asp.spad.pamphlet (ASP1 ASP10 ASP12 ASP19 ASP20 ASP24 ASP27 ASP28 ASP29 ASP30 ASP31 ASP33 ASP34 ASP35 ASP4 ASP41 ASP42 ASP49 ASP50 ASP55 ASP6 ASP7 ASP73 ASP74 ASP77 ASP78 ASP8 ASP80 ASP9) constant.spad.pamphlet (IAN AN) cmplxrt.spad.pamphlet (CMPLXRT) crfp.spad.pamphlet (CRFP) curve.spad.pamphlet (FFCAT MMAP FFCAT2 CHAVAR RDFF ALGFF) derham.spad.pamphlet (LALG EAB ANTISYM DERHAM) draw.spad.pamphlet (DRAWCFUN DRAW DRAWCURV DRAWPT) d01.spad.pamphlet (NAGD01) efstruc.spad.pamphlet (SYMFUNC TANEXP EFSTRUC ITRIGMNP TRIGMNIP CTRIGMNP) elemntry.spad.pamphlet (EF) elfuts.spad.pamphlet (ELFUTS) expexpan.spad.pamphlet (EXPUPXS UPXSSING EXPEXPAN) exprode.spad.pamphlet (EXPRODE) e04routine.spad.pamphlet (E04DFGA E04FDFA E04GCFA E04JAFA E04MBFA E04NAFA E04UCFA) f01.spad.pamphlet (NAGF01) f02.spad.pamphlet (NAGF02) f04.spad.pamphlet (NAGF04) fortmac.spad.pamphlet (MINT MFLOAT MCMPLX) fortran.spad.pamphlet (RESULT FC FORTRAN M3D SFORT SWITCH FTEM FEXPR) fspace.spad.pamphlet (ES ES1 ES2 FS FS2) fs2ups.spad.pamphlet (FS2UPS) funcpkgs.spad.pamphlet (FSUPFACT) gaussfac.spad.pamphlet (GAUSSFAC) gaussian.spad.pamphlet (COMPCAT COMPLPAT CPMATCH COMPLEX COMPLEX2 COMPFACT CINTSLPE) generic.spad.pamphlet (GCNAALG CVMP) genufact.spad.pamphlet (GENUFACT) genups.spad.pamphlet (GENUPS) infprod.spad.pamphlet (STINPROD INFPROD0 INPRODPF INPRODFF) intaf.spad.pamphlet (INTG0 INTPAF INTAF) intalg.spad.pamphlet (DBLRESP INTHERAL INTALG) intef.spad.pamphlet (INTEF) intpm.spad.pamphlet (INTPM) kovacic.spad.pamphlet (KOVACIC) lie.spad.pamphlet (LIE JORDAN LSQM) liouv.spad.pamphlet (LF) lodof.spad.pamphlet (SETMN PREASSOC ASSOCEQ LODOF) manip.spad.pamphlet (FACTFUNC POLYROOT ALGMANIP SIMPAN TRMANIP) multfact.spad.pamphlet (INNMFACT MULTFACT ALGMFACT) naalg.spad.pamphlet (ALGSC SCPKG ALGPKG FRNAAF2) newpoly.spad.pamphlet (NSUP NSUP2 RPOLCAT NSMP) nlinsol.spad.pamphlet (RETSOL NLINSOL) numeigen.spad.pamphlet (IFSPRMELT.oNEP NREP NCEP) numeric.spad.pamphlet (NUMERIC DRAWHACK) numsolve.spad.pamphlet (INFSP FLOATRP FLOATCP) oct.spad.pamphlet (OC OCT OCTCT2) odealg.spad.pamphlet (ODESYS ODERED ODEPAL) openmath.spad.pamphlet (OMEXPR) pade.spad.pamphlet (PADEPAC PADE) patmatch2.spad.pamphlet (PMINS PMQFCAT PMPLCT PMFS PATMATCH) pfo.spad.pamphlet (FORDER RDIV PFOTOOLS PFOQ FSRED PFO) polset.spad.pamphlet (PSETCAT GPOLSET) primelt.spad.pamphlet (PRIMELT FSPRMELT) quat.spad.pamphlet (QUATCAT QUAT QUATCT2) rdeef.spad.pamphlet (INTTOOLS RDEEF) rdesys.spad.pamphlet (RDETRS RDEEFS) riccati.spad.pamphlet (ODEPRRIC ODERTRIC) rule.spad.pamphlet (RULE APPRULE RULESET) sign.spad.pamphlet (TOOLSIGN INPSIGN SIGNRF LIMITRF) special.spad.pamphlet (DFSFUN ORTHPOL NTPOLFN) suts.spad.pamphlet (SUTS) tools.spad.pamphlet (ESTOOLS ESTOOLS1 ESTOOLS2) triset.spad.pamphlet (TSETCAT GTSET PSETPK) tube.spad.pamphlet (TUBE TUBETOOL EXPRTUBE NUMTUBE) utsode.spad.pamphlet (UTSODE) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_20 = \ AF ALGFACT ASP12 ASP55 ASP8 \ ALGFF ALGMANIP ALGMFACT ALGPKG \ ALGSC AN APPRULE ASP19 \ ASP20 ASP30 ASP31 ASP35 \ ASP41 ASP42 ASP74 ASP77 \ ASP80 CINTSLPE COMPFACT COMPLEX \ COMPLPAT CMPLXRT CPMATCH CRFP \ CTRIGMNP D01WGTS D02AGNT D03EEFA \ DBLRESP DERHAM DFSFUN DRAWCURV \ E04NAFA E04UCFA EF EFSTRUC \ ELFUTS ESTOOLS EXPEXPAN EXPRODE \ EXPRTUBE EXPR2 FC FDIVCAT \ FDIVCAT- FDIV2 FFCAT2 FLOATCP \ FORDER FORTRAN FSRED FSUPFACT \ FRNAAF2 FSPECF FS2 FS2UPS \ GAUSSFAC GCNAALG GENUFACT GENUPS \ GTSET GPOLSET IAN INEP \ INFPROD0 INFSP INPRODFF INPRODPF \ INTAF INTALG INTEF INTG0 \ INTHERAL INTPAF INTPM INTTOOLS \ ITRIGMNP JORDAN KOVACIC LF \ LIE LODOF LSQM OMEXPR \ MCMPLX MULTFACT NAGD01 NAGD02 \ NAGF01 NAGF02 NAGF04 NCEP \ NLINSOL NSMP NUMERIC OCT \ OCTCT2 ODEPAL ODERTRIC PADE \ PAN2EXPR PDEPACK PFO PFOQ \ PICOERCE PMASSFS PMFS PMPREDFS \ PSETPK QUAT QUATCT2 RADFF \ RDEEF RDEEFS RDIV RSETCAT \ RSETCAT- RULE RULESET SIMPAN \ SFORT SOLVESER SUMFS SUTS \ TOOLSIGN TRIGMNIP TRMANIP ULSCCAT \ ULSCCAT- UPXSSING UTSODE UTSODETL \ UTS2 WUTSET axiom_algebra_layer_20_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_20)) axiom_algebra_layer_20_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_20))) @ \subsection{Layer21} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} cont.spad.pamphlet (ESCONT ESCONT1) ddfact.spad.pamphlet (DDFACT) defintef.spad.pamphlet (DEFINTEF) defintrf.spad.pamphlet (DFINTTLS DEFINTRF) divisor.spad.pamphlet (FRIDEAL FRIDEAL2 MHROWRED FRMOD FDIVCAT HELLFDIV FDIV FDIV2) d01transform.spad.pamphlet (D01TRNS) efuls.spad.pamphlet (EFULS) expr.spad.pamphlet (EXPR PAN2EXPR EXPR2 PMPREDFS PMASSFS PMPRED PMASS HACKPI PICOERCE) expr2ups.spad.pamphlet (EXPR2UPS) fs2expxp.spad.pamphlet (FS2EXPXP) gseries.spad.pamphlet (GSERIES) integrat.spad.pamphlet (FSCINT FSINT) irexpand.spad.pamphlet (IR2F IRRF2F) laplace.spad.pamphlet (LAPLACE INVLAPLA) laurent.spad.pamphlet (ULSCCAT ULSCONS ULS USL2) nlode.spad.pamphlet (NODE1) oderf.spad.pamphlet (BALFACT BOUNDZRO ODEPRIM UTSODETL ODERAT ODETOOLS ODEINT ODECONST) puiseux.spad.pamphlet (UPXSCCA UPXSCONS UPXS UPXS2) radeigen.spad.pamphlet (REP) solverad.spad.pamphlet (SOLVERAD) suls.spad.pamphlet (SULS) supxs.spad.pamphlet (SUPXS) taylor.spad.pamphlet (ITAYLOR UTS UTS2) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_21 = \ DEFINTEF DFINTTLS DEFINTRF D01TRNS \ EFULS ESCONT EXPR EXPR2UPS \ FDIV FSCINT FSINT FS2EXPXP \ GSERIES HELLFDIV INVLAPLA IR2F \ IRRF2F LAPLACE LIMITPS LODEEF \ NODE1 ODECONST ODEINT REP \ SOLVERAD SULS SUPXS ULS \ ULSCONS UPXS UPXSCONS UTS axiom_algebra_layer_21_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_21)) axiom_algebra_layer_21_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_21))) @ \subsection{Layer22} \subsubsection{Completed spad files} \begin{verbatim} asp.spad.pamphlet (ASP29) combfunc.spad.pamphlet (COMBF) d01agents.spad.pamphlet (D01AGNT SNTSCAT) ffnb.spad.pamphlet (INBFF) limitps.spad.pamphlet (SIGNEF) lodo.spad.pamphlet (LODO LODO1 LODO2) newpoint.spad.pamphlet (SUBSPACE) nregset.spad.pamphlet (NTSCAT) primelt.spad.pamphlet (FSPRMELT) regset.spad.pamphlet (REGSET RSETGCD RSDCMPK) sregset.spad.pamphlet (SFRTCAT SRDCMPK SREGSET) sttf.spad.pamphlet (STTF) transsolve.spad.pamphlet (SOLVETRA) zerodim.spad.pamphlet (RGCHAIN ZDSOLVE) \end{verbatim} \subsection{Layer21} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_22 = \ ASP29 COMBF D01AGNT FSPRMELT \ INBFF LODO LODO1 LODO2 \ NTSCAT REGSET RGCHAIN RSETGCD \ RSDCMPK SFRTCAT SIGNEF SNTSCAT \ SOLVETRA SRDCMPK SREGSET STTF \ SUBSPACE ZDSOLVE axiom_algebra_layer_22_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_22)) axiom_algebra_layer_22_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_22))) @ \subsection{Final layer spad files} These files have not yet been fully analyzed for dependencies but have added in alphabetical order in this final layer. This ordering is apparently adequate. These files all depend on layer22. \begin{verbatim} algcat.spad.pamphlet (CPIMA) nregset.spad.pamphlet (NORMPK) nsregset.spad.pamphlet (LAZM3PK) regset.spad.pamphlet (QCMPACK) sregset.spad.pamphlet (SFRGCD SFQCMPK) zerodim.spad.pamphlet (LEXTRIPK IRURPK RURPK) \end{verbatim} <>= axiom_algebra_layer_23 = \ CPIMA IRURPK LAZM3PK LEXTRIPK \ NORMPK QCMPACK RURPK SFRGCD \ SFQCMPK INTRVL ODEEF DOMAIN axiom_algebra_layer_23_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_23)) axiom_algebra_layer_23_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_23))) @ \subsection{User Layer for newly added algebra} Rather than classify newly created algebra into the existing type lattice we add it here. <>= axiom_algebra_layer_user = RINTERP axiom_algebra_layer_user_nrlibs = \ $(addsuffix .NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_user)) axiom_algebra_layer_user_objects = \ $(addprefix $(OUT)/, \ $(addsuffix .$(FASLEXT),$(axiom_algebra_layer_user))) @ \section{Broken Files} These files are Aldor files \begin{verbatim} axtimer.as Timer iviews.as InventorRenderPackage IVREND ffrac.as FormalFraction FORMAL iviews.as InventorViewPort IVVIEW iviews.as InventorDataSink IVDATA herm.as PackedHermitianSequence PACKED nsfip.as NagSpecialFunctionsInterfacePackage NAGSPE nrc.as NagResultChecks NAGRES nqip.as NagQuadratureInterfacePackage NAGQUA noptip.as NagOptimizationInterfacePackage NAGOPT nepip.as NagEigenInterfacePackage NAGEIG ndftip.as NagDiscreteFourierTransformInterfacePackage NAGDIS \end{verbatim} These domains are referenced but don't exist \begin{verbatim} OBJECT \end{verbatim} \section{The Environment} \subsection{The working directories} We define 5 directories for this build. The{\bf IN} directory contains the pamphlet files for the algebra. These are expanded into the{\bf MID} directory as either .spad or .as files. The .spad files are compiled by the native spad internal compiler. The .as files are compiled using the Aldor compiler. The output of the compilation has two purposes. Part of the information is used to build various database files (daase files). The other part is executable code which is placed in the {\bf OUT} directory. When invoked as ``make document'' we construct the .dvi files in the{\bf DOC} directory. The [[OUTSRC=$(axiom_target_srcdir)/algebra]] subdirectory contains the algebra source files extracted from the pamphlet files. These sources allow the end user to change the algebra if needed. <>= IN=$(srcdir) OUT=$(axiom_targetdir)/algebra DOC=$(axiom_target_docdir)/src/algebra OUTSRC=$(axiom_target_srcdir)/algebra INPUT=../input EXTRACT_BOOTSTRAP_FILE = \ $(axiom_build_document) --output=$@ --tangle="$@ BOOTSTRAP" $< @ <>= ## We use interpsys, built from previous stage, to bootstrap the algebra ## files. In fact, we use interpsys to build everything. COMPILE_LISP = $(INTERPSYS) --compile --output=$@ $< @ \subsection{The interpsys variable} The {\bf interpsys} image is the compile-time environment for algebra files. <>= INTERPSYS = ../interp/interpsys$(EXEEXT) -- --system="$(AXIOM)" \ --sysalg="$(axiom_src_datadir)/algebra/" @ \subsection{The SPADFILES list} Note that we have excluded {\bf mlift.spad.jhd} from this list. We need to figure out which mlift.spad to keep. <>= SPADFILES= \ ${OUTSRC}/acplot.spad ${OUTSRC}/aggcat2.spad ${OUTSRC}/aggcat.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/algcat.spad ${OUTSRC}/algext.spad ${OUTSRC}/algfact.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/algfunc.spad ${OUTSRC}/allfact.spad ${OUTSRC}/alql.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/annacat.spad ${OUTSRC}/any.spad ${OUTSRC}/array1.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/array2.spad ${OUTSRC}/asp.spad ${OUTSRC}/attreg.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/bags.spad ${OUTSRC}/bezout.spad ${OUTSRC}/boolean.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/brill.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/c02.spad ${OUTSRC}/c05.spad ${OUTSRC}/c06.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/card.spad ${OUTSRC}/carten.spad ${OUTSRC}/catdef.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/cden.spad ${OUTSRC}/clifford.spad ${OUTSRC}/clip.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/cmplxrt.spad ${OUTSRC}/coerce.spad ${OUTSRC}/color.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/combfunc.spad ${OUTSRC}/combinat.spad ${OUTSRC}/complet.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/constant.spad ${OUTSRC}/contfrac.spad ${OUTSRC}/cont.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/coordsys.spad ${OUTSRC}/cra.spad ${OUTSRC}/crfp.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/curve.spad ${OUTSRC}/cycles.spad ${OUTSRC}/cyclotom.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/d01agents.spad ${OUTSRC}/d01Package.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/d01routine.spad ${OUTSRC}/d01.spad ${OUTSRC}/d01transform.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/d01weights.spad ${OUTSRC}/d02agents.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/d02Package.spad ${OUTSRC}/d02routine.spad ${OUTSRC}/d02.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/d03agents.spad ${OUTSRC}/d03Package.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/d03routine.spad ${OUTSRC}/d03.spad ${OUTSRC}/ddfact.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/defaults.spad ${OUTSRC}/defintef.spad ${OUTSRC}/defintrf.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/degred.spad ${OUTSRC}/derham.spad ${OUTSRC}/dhmatrix.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/divisor.spad ${OUTSRC}/dpolcat.spad ${OUTSRC}/drawopt.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/drawpak.spad ${OUTSRC}/draw.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/e01.spad ${OUTSRC}/e02.spad ${OUTSRC}/e04agents.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/e04Package.spad ${OUTSRC}/e04routine.spad ${OUTSRC}/e04.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/efstruc.spad ${OUTSRC}/efuls.spad ${OUTSRC}/efupxs.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/eigen.spad ${OUTSRC}/elemntry.spad ${OUTSRC}/elfuts.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/equation1.spad ${OUTSRC}/equation2.spad ${OUTSRC}/error.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/expexpan.spad ${OUTSRC}/expr2ups.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/exprode.spad ${OUTSRC}/expr.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/f01.spad ${OUTSRC}/f02.spad ${OUTSRC}/f04.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/f07.spad ${OUTSRC}/facutil.spad ${OUTSRC}/ffcat.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/ffcg.spad ${OUTSRC}/fff.spad ${OUTSRC}/ffhom.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/ffnb.spad ${OUTSRC}/ffpoly2.spad ${OUTSRC}/ffpoly.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/ffp.spad ${OUTSRC}/ffx.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/files.spad ${OUTSRC}/float.spad ${OUTSRC}/fmod.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/fname.spad ${OUTSRC}/fnla.spad ${OUTSRC}/formula.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/fortcat.spad ${OUTSRC}/fortmac.spad ${OUTSRC}/fortpak.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/fortran.spad ${OUTSRC}/forttyp.spad ${OUTSRC}/fourier.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/fparfrac.spad ${OUTSRC}/fraction.spad ${OUTSRC}/free.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/fr.spad ${OUTSRC}/fs2expxp.spad ${OUTSRC}/fs2ups.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/fspace.spad ${OUTSRC}/funcpkgs.spad ${OUTSRC}/functions.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/galfact.spad ${OUTSRC}/galfactu.spad ${OUTSRC}/galpolyu.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/galutil.spad ${OUTSRC}/gaussfac.spad ${OUTSRC}/gaussian.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/gbeuclid.spad ${OUTSRC}/gbintern.spad ${OUTSRC}/gb.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/gdirprod.spad ${OUTSRC}/gdpoly.spad ${OUTSRC}/geneez.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/generic.spad ${OUTSRC}/genufact.spad ${OUTSRC}/genups.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/ghensel.spad ${OUTSRC}/gpgcd.spad ${OUTSRC}/gpol.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/grdef.spad ${OUTSRC}/groebf.spad ${OUTSRC}/groebsol.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/gseries.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/ideal.spad ${OUTSRC}/idecomp.spad ${OUTSRC}/indexedp.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/infprod.spad ${OUTSRC}/intaf.spad ${OUTSRC}/intalg.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/intaux.spad ${OUTSRC}/intclos.spad ${OUTSRC}/intef.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/integer.spad ${OUTSRC}/integrat.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/interval.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/intfact.spad ${OUTSRC}/intpm.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/intrf.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/irexpand.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/irsn.spad ${OUTSRC}/ituple.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/kl.spad ${OUTSRC}/kovacic.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/laplace.spad ${OUTSRC}/laurent.spad ${OUTSRC}/leadcdet.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/lie.spad ${OUTSRC}/limitps.spad ${OUTSRC}/lindep.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/lingrob.spad ${OUTSRC}/liouv.spad ${OUTSRC}/listgcd.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/list.spad ${OUTSRC}/lmdict.spad ${OUTSRC}/lodof.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/lodop.spad ${OUTSRC}/lodo.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/manip.spad ${OUTSRC}/mappkg.spad ${OUTSRC}/matcat.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/matfuns.spad ${OUTSRC}/mathml.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/matrix.spad ${OUTSRC}/matstor.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/mesh.spad ${OUTSRC}/mfinfact.spad ${OUTSRC}/misc.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/mkfunc.spad ${OUTSRC}/mkrecord.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/mlift.spad ${OUTSRC}/moddfact.spad ${OUTSRC}/modgcd.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/modmonom.spad ${OUTSRC}/modmon.spad ${OUTSRC}/modring.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/moebius.spad ${OUTSRC}/mring.spad ${OUTSRC}/mset.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/mts.spad ${OUTSRC}/multfact.spad ${OUTSRC}/multpoly.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/multsqfr.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/naalgc.spad ${OUTSRC}/naalg.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/newdata.spad ${OUTSRC}/newpoint.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/newpoly.spad ${OUTSRC}/nlinsol.spad ${OUTSRC}/nlode.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/npcoef.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/nregset.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/nsregset.spad ${OUTSRC}/numeigen.spad ${OUTSRC}/numeric.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/numode.spad ${OUTSRC}/numquad.spad ${OUTSRC}/numsolve.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/numtheor.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/oct.spad ${OUTSRC}/odealg.spad ${OUTSRC}/odeef.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/oderf.spad ${OUTSRC}/omcat.spad ${OUTSRC}/omdev.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/omerror.spad ${OUTSRC}/omserver.spad ${OUTSRC}/opalg.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/openmath.spad ${OUTSRC}/op.spad ${OUTSRC}/ore.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/outform.spad ${OUTSRC}/out.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/pade.spad ${OUTSRC}/padiclib.spad ${OUTSRC}/padic.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/paramete.spad ${OUTSRC}/partperm.spad ${OUTSRC}/patmatch1.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/patmatch2.spad ${OUTSRC}/pattern.spad ${OUTSRC}/pcurve.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/pdecomp.spad ${OUTSRC}/perman.spad ${OUTSRC}/permgrps.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/perm.spad ${OUTSRC}/pfbr.spad ${OUTSRC}/pfo.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/pfr.spad ${OUTSRC}/pf.spad ${OUTSRC}/pgcd.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/pgrobner.spad ${OUTSRC}/pinterp.spad ${OUTSRC}/pleqn.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/plot3d.spad ${OUTSRC}/plot.spad ${OUTSRC}/plottool.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/polset.spad ${OUTSRC}/poltopol.spad ${OUTSRC}/polycat.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/poly.spad ${OUTSRC}/primelt.spad ${OUTSRC}/print.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/product.spad ${OUTSRC}/prs.spad ${OUTSRC}/prtition.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/pscat.spad ${OUTSRC}/pseudolin.spad ${OUTSRC}/ptranfn.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/puiseux.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/qalgset.spad ${OUTSRC}/quat.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/radeigen.spad ${OUTSRC}/radix.spad ${OUTSRC}/random.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/ratfact.spad ${OUTSRC}/rdeef.spad ${OUTSRC}/rderf.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/rdesys.spad ${OUTSRC}/real0q.spad ${OUTSRC}/realzero.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/reclos.spad ${OUTSRC}/regset.spad ${OUTSRC}/rep1.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/rep2.spad ${OUTSRC}/resring.spad ${OUTSRC}/retract.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/rf.spad ${OUTSRC}/riccati.spad ${OUTSRC}/rinterp.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/routines.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/rule.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/seg.spad ${OUTSRC}/setorder.spad ${OUTSRC}/sets.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/sex.spad ${OUTSRC}/sf.spad ${OUTSRC}/sgcf.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/sign.spad ${OUTSRC}/si.spad ${OUTSRC}/smith.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/solvedio.spad ${OUTSRC}/solvefor.spad ${OUTSRC}/solvelin.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/solverad.spad ${OUTSRC}/sortpak.spad ${OUTSRC}/space.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/special.spad ${OUTSRC}/sregset.spad ${OUTSRC}/s.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/stream.spad ${OUTSRC}/string.spad ${OUTSRC}/sttaylor.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/sttf.spad ${OUTSRC}/sturm.spad ${OUTSRC}/suchthat.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/suls.spad ${OUTSRC}/sum.spad ${OUTSRC}/sups.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/supxs.spad ${OUTSRC}/suts.spad ${OUTSRC}/symbol.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/syssolp.spad ${OUTSRC}/system.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/tableau.spad ${OUTSRC}/table.spad ${OUTSRC}/taylor.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/tex.spad ${OUTSRC}/tools.spad ${OUTSRC}/transsolve.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/tree.spad ${OUTSRC}/trigcat.spad ${OUTSRC}/triset.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/tube.spad ${OUTSRC}/twofact.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/unifact.spad ${OUTSRC}/updecomp.spad ${OUTSRC}/updivp.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/utsode.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/variable.spad ${OUTSRC}/vector.spad ${OUTSRC}/view2D.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/view3D.spad ${OUTSRC}/viewDef.spad ${OUTSRC}/viewpack.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/void.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/weier.spad ${OUTSRC}/wtpol.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/xlpoly.spad ${OUTSRC}/xpoly.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/ystream.spad \ ${OUTSRC}/zerodim.spad @ \subsection{The ALDORFILES list} <>= ALDORFILES= \ axtimer.as \ ffrac.as \ herm.as \ interval.as \ invnode.as \ invrender.as \ invtypes.as \ invutils.as \ iviews.as \ ndftip.as \ nepip.as \ noptip.as nqip.as \ nrc.as nsfip.as @ \subsection{The DOCFILES list} <>= DOCFILES= \ ${DOC}/acplot.spad.dvi ${DOC}/aggcat2.spad.dvi ${DOC}/aggcat.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/algcat.spad.dvi ${DOC}/algext.spad.dvi ${DOC}/algfact.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/algfunc.spad.dvi ${DOC}/allfact.spad.dvi ${DOC}/alql.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/annacat.spad.dvi ${DOC}/any.spad.dvi ${DOC}/array1.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/array2.spad.dvi ${DOC}/asp.spad.dvi ${DOC}/attreg.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/axtimer.as.dvi \ ${DOC}/bags.spad.dvi ${DOC}/bezout.spad.dvi ${DOC}/boolean.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/brill.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/c02.spad.dvi ${DOC}/c05.spad.dvi ${DOC}/c06.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/card.spad.dvi ${DOC}/carten.spad.dvi ${DOC}/catdef.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/cden.spad.dvi ${DOC}/clifford.spad.dvi ${DOC}/clip.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/cmplxrt.spad.dvi ${DOC}/coerce.spad.dvi ${DOC}/color.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/combfunc.spad.dvi ${DOC}/combinat.spad.dvi ${DOC}/complet.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/constant.spad.dvi ${DOC}/contfrac.spad.dvi ${DOC}/cont.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/coordsys.spad.dvi ${DOC}/cra.spad.dvi ${DOC}/crfp.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/curve.spad.dvi ${DOC}/cycles.spad.dvi ${DOC}/cyclotom.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/d01agents.spad.dvi ${DOC}/d01Package.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/d01routine.spad.dvi ${DOC}/d01.spad.dvi ${DOC}/d01transform.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/d01weights.spad.dvi ${DOC}/d02agents.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/d02Package.spad.dvi ${DOC}/d02routine.spad.dvi ${DOC}/d02.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/d03agents.spad.dvi ${DOC}/d03Package.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/d03routine.spad.dvi ${DOC}/d03.spad.dvi ${DOC}/ddfact.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/defaults.spad.dvi ${DOC}/defintef.spad.dvi ${DOC}/defintrf.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/degred.spad.dvi ${DOC}/derham.spad.dvi ${DOC}/dhmatrix.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/divisor.spad.dvi ${DOC}/dpolcat.spad.dvi ${DOC}/drawopt.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/drawpak.spad.dvi ${DOC}/draw.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/e01.spad.dvi ${DOC}/e02.spad.dvi ${DOC}/e04agents.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/e04Package.spad.dvi ${DOC}/e04routine.spad.dvi ${DOC}/e04.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/efstruc.spad.dvi ${DOC}/efuls.spad.dvi ${DOC}/efupxs.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/eigen.spad.dvi ${DOC}/elemntry.spad.dvi ${DOC}/elfuts.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/equation1.spad.dvi ${DOC}/equation2.spad.dvi ${DOC}/error.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/expexpan.spad.dvi ${DOC}/exposed.lsp.dvi ${DOC}/expr2ups.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/exprode.spad.dvi ${DOC}/expr.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/f01.spad.dvi ${DOC}/f02.spad.dvi ${DOC}/f04.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/f07.spad.dvi ${DOC}/facutil.spad.dvi ${DOC}/ffcat.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/ffcg.spad.dvi ${DOC}/fff.spad.dvi ${DOC}/ffhom.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/ffnb.spad.dvi ${DOC}/ffpoly2.spad.dvi ${DOC}/ffpoly.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/ffp.spad.dvi ${DOC}/ffrac.as.dvi ${DOC}/ffx.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/files.spad.dvi ${DOC}/float.spad.dvi ${DOC}/fmod.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/fname.spad.dvi ${DOC}/fnla.spad.dvi ${DOC}/formula.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/fortcat.spad.dvi ${DOC}/fortmac.spad.dvi ${DOC}/fortpak.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/fortran.spad.dvi ${DOC}/forttyp.spad.dvi ${DOC}/fourier.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/fparfrac.spad.dvi ${DOC}/fraction.spad.dvi ${DOC}/free.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/fr.spad.dvi ${DOC}/fs2expxp.spad.dvi ${DOC}/fs2ups.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/fspace.spad.dvi ${DOC}/funcpkgs.spad.dvi ${DOC}/functions.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/galfact.spad.dvi ${DOC}/galfactu.spad.dvi ${DOC}/galpolyu.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/galutil.spad.dvi ${DOC}/gaussfac.spad.dvi ${DOC}/gaussian.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/gbeuclid.spad.dvi ${DOC}/gbintern.spad.dvi ${DOC}/gb.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/gdirprod.spad.dvi ${DOC}/gdpoly.spad.dvi ${DOC}/geneez.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/generic.spad.dvi ${DOC}/genufact.spad.dvi ${DOC}/genups.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/ghensel.spad.dvi ${DOC}/gpgcd.spad.dvi ${DOC}/gpol.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/grdef.spad.dvi ${DOC}/groebf.spad.dvi ${DOC}/groebsol.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/gseries.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/herm.as.dvi \ ${DOC}/ideal.spad.dvi ${DOC}/idecomp.spad.dvi ${DOC}/indexedp.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/infprod.spad.dvi ${DOC}/intaf.spad.dvi ${DOC}/intalg.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/intaux.spad.dvi ${DOC}/intclos.spad.dvi ${DOC}/intef.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/integer.spad.dvi ${DOC}/integrat.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/interval.as.dvi ${DOC}/interval.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/intfact.spad.dvi ${DOC}/intpm.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/intrf.spad.dvi ${DOC}/invnode.as.dvi ${DOC}/invrender.as.dvi \ ${DOC}/invtypes.as.dvi ${DOC}/invutils.as.dvi ${DOC}/irexpand.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/irsn.spad.dvi ${DOC}/ituple.spad.dvi ${DOC}/iviews.as.dvi \ ${DOC}/kl.spad.dvi ${DOC}/kovacic.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/laplace.spad.dvi ${DOC}/laurent.spad.dvi ${DOC}/leadcdet.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/lie.spad.dvi ${DOC}/limitps.spad.dvi ${DOC}/lindep.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/lingrob.spad.dvi ${DOC}/liouv.spad.dvi ${DOC}/listgcd.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/list.spad.dvi ${DOC}/lmdict.spad.dvi ${DOC}/lodof.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/lodop.spad.dvi ${DOC}/lodo.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/manip.spad.dvi ${DOC}/mappkg.spad.dvi ${DOC}/matcat.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/matfuns.spad.dvi ${DOC}/mathml.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/matrix.spad.dvi ${DOC}/matstor.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/mesh.spad.dvi ${DOC}/mfinfact.spad.dvi ${DOC}/misc.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/mkfunc.spad.dvi ${DOC}/mkrecord.spad.dvi ${DOC}/mlift.spad.jhd.dvi \ ${DOC}/mlift.spad.dvi ${DOC}/moddfact.spad.dvi ${DOC}/modgcd.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/modmonom.spad.dvi ${DOC}/modmon.spad.dvi ${DOC}/modring.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/moebius.spad.dvi ${DOC}/mring.spad.dvi ${DOC}/mset.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/mts.spad.dvi ${DOC}/multfact.spad.dvi ${DOC}/multpoly.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/multsqfr.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/naalgc.spad.dvi ${DOC}/naalg.spad.dvi ${DOC}/ndftip.as.dvi \ ${DOC}/nepip.as.dvi ${DOC}/newdata.spad.dvi ${DOC}/newpoint.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/newpoly.spad.dvi ${DOC}/nlinsol.spad.dvi ${DOC}/nlode.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/noptip.as.dvi ${DOC}/npcoef.spad.dvi ${DOC}/nqip.as.dvi \ ${DOC}/nrc.as.dvi ${DOC}/nregset.spad.dvi ${DOC}/nsfip.as.dvi \ ${DOC}/nsregset.spad.dvi ${DOC}/numeigen.spad.dvi ${DOC}/numeric.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/numode.spad.dvi ${DOC}/numquad.spad.dvi ${DOC}/numsolve.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/numtheor.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/oct.spad.dvi ${DOC}/odealg.spad.dvi ${DOC}/odeef.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/oderf.spad.dvi ${DOC}/omcat.spad.dvi ${DOC}/omdev.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/omerror.spad.dvi ${DOC}/omserver.spad.dvi ${DOC}/opalg.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/openmath.spad.dvi ${DOC}/op.spad.dvi ${DOC}/ore.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/outform.spad.dvi ${DOC}/out.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/pade.spad.dvi ${DOC}/padiclib.spad.dvi ${DOC}/padic.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/paramete.spad.dvi ${DOC}/partperm.spad.dvi ${DOC}/patmatch1.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/patmatch2.spad.dvi ${DOC}/pattern.spad.dvi ${DOC}/pcurve.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/pdecomp.spad.dvi ${DOC}/perman.spad.dvi ${DOC}/permgrps.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/perm.spad.dvi ${DOC}/pfbr.spad.dvi ${DOC}/pfo.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/pfr.spad.dvi ${DOC}/pf.spad.dvi ${DOC}/pgcd.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/pgrobner.spad.dvi ${DOC}/pinterp.spad.dvi ${DOC}/pleqn.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/plot3d.spad.dvi ${DOC}/plot.spad.dvi ${DOC}/plottool.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/polset.spad.dvi ${DOC}/poltopol.spad.dvi ${DOC}/polycat.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/poly.spad.dvi ${DOC}/primelt.spad.dvi ${DOC}/print.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/product.spad.dvi ${DOC}/prs.spad.dvi ${DOC}/prtition.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/pscat.spad.dvi ${DOC}/pseudolin.spad.dvi ${DOC}/ptranfn.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/puiseux.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/qalgset.spad.dvi ${DOC}/quat.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/radeigen.spad.dvi ${DOC}/radix.spad.dvi ${DOC}/random.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/ratfact.spad.dvi ${DOC}/rdeef.spad.dvi ${DOC}/rderf.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/rdesys.spad.dvi ${DOC}/real0q.spad.dvi ${DOC}/realzero.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/reclos.spad.dvi ${DOC}/regset.spad.dvi ${DOC}/rep1.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/rep2.spad.dvi ${DOC}/resring.spad.dvi ${DOC}/retract.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/rf.spad.dvi ${DOC}/riccati.spad.dvi ${DOC}/rinterp.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/routines.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/rule.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/seg.spad.dvi ${DOC}/setorder.spad.dvi ${DOC}/sets.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/sex.spad.dvi ${DOC}/sf.spad.dvi ${DOC}/sgcf.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/sign.spad.dvi ${DOC}/si.spad.dvi ${DOC}/smith.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/solvedio.spad.dvi ${DOC}/solvefor.spad.dvi ${DOC}/solvelin.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/solverad.spad.dvi ${DOC}/sortpak.spad.dvi ${DOC}/space.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/special.spad.dvi ${DOC}/sregset.spad.dvi ${DOC}/s.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/stream.spad.dvi ${DOC}/string.spad.dvi ${DOC}/sttaylor.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/sttf.spad.dvi ${DOC}/sturm.spad.dvi ${DOC}/suchthat.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/suls.spad.dvi ${DOC}/sum.spad.dvi ${DOC}/sups.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/supxs.spad.dvi ${DOC}/suts.spad.dvi ${DOC}/symbol.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/syssolp.spad.dvi ${DOC}/system.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/tableau.spad.dvi ${DOC}/table.spad.dvi ${DOC}/taylor.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/tex.spad.dvi ${DOC}/tools.spad.dvi ${DOC}/transsolve.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/tree.spad.dvi ${DOC}/trigcat.spad.dvi ${DOC}/triset.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/tube.spad.dvi ${DOC}/twofact.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/unifact.spad.dvi ${DOC}/updecomp.spad.dvi ${DOC}/updivp.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/utsode.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/variable.spad.dvi ${DOC}/vector.spad.dvi ${DOC}/view2D.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/view3D.spad.dvi ${DOC}/viewDef.spad.dvi ${DOC}/viewpack.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/void.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/weier.spad.dvi ${DOC}/wtpol.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/xlpoly.spad.dvi ${DOC}/xpoly.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/ystream.spad.dvi \ ${DOC}/zerodim.spad.dvi @ \section{Test Cases} <>= TESTS=${INPUT}/INTHEORY.input ${INPUT}/VIEW2D.input ${INPUT}/TESTFR.input @ <>= ${INPUT}/TESTFR.input: $(srcdir)/fr.spad.pamphlet $(axiom_build_document) --tangle='TEST FR' --output=$@ $< ${INPUT}/INTHEORY.input: $(srcdir)/numtheor.spad.pamphlet $(axiom_build_document) --tangle='TEST INTHEORY' --output=$@ $< ${INPUT}/VIEW2D.input: $(srcdir)/view2D.spad.pamphlet $(axiom_build_document) --tangle='TEST VIEW2D' --output=$@ $< @ \section{The Makefile Stanzas} A [[spad]] pamphlet can contain many Axiom [[categories]], [[domains]], and [[packages]]. For the purpose of explanation we assume that the pamphlet file is named [[foo.spad.pamphlet]]. It contains the domains [[BAR]], [[BAX]], and [[BAZ]]. Thus there will be a subsection named [[foo.spad]]. Since pamphlet files (e.g. [[foo.spad.pamphlet]] contain a spad file e.g. [[foo.spad]], it follows that every subsection contains a Makefile stanza that extract the [[foo.spad]] file using [[notangle]]. Since pamphlet files are intended as documents it follows that each subsection contains a Makefile stanza that extracts a [[dvi]] file using [[noweave]]. We could have a category, domain, or package that is in the ``bootstrap'' list. Bootstrap spad files contain their generated lisp code in special sections. The way bootstrapping works is that we extract the lisp code and compile it rather than extracting the spad code. We do this because we need the domain to exist before we can compile the domain. Some domains depend on themselves directly. Some domains depend on themselves thru a long chain of other domains. In either case we can't compile the domain until it exists so we cache the generated lisp code and, when we need to bootstrap the domain, we compile the raw lisp rather than the spad. This will only happen when the system is built from scratch. Once the system has been built the bootstrap code is no longer executed and these algebra files will appear as normal algebra files. That means that once the system has been built once only the last three rules will ever be executed. The first two rules happen when the system is built from scratch. A 5 stanza group for this case performs the following functions: \begin{enumerate} \item extract the lisp [[BAR.lsp]] from the pamphlet [[foo.spad.pamphlet]] \item compile and copy the bootstrap lisp to the final algebra directory \item extract the bootstrap [[BAR.lsp]] from the spad file [[foo.spad]] \item compile the extracted [[BAR]] domain \item copy the compiled [[BAR]] to the final algebra directory \end{enumerate} The subtle point here occurs in the first item. The bootstrap code group (in the [[layer0 bootstrap]] code chunk above) asks for the compiled [[.$(FASLEXT)]] files in the \File{strap/} directory. Essentially this code group calls for intermediate compiled files. This triggers the bootstrap stanzas (items 1 and 2 above). All of the other layer chunks ask for compiled code in the [[\${OUT}]] directory which is the final algebra directory. The bootstrap process works because first we ask for the compiled lisp code stanzas (the \File{strap/BAR.$(FASLEXT)} files), THEN we ask for the final algebra code stanzas (the [[\${OUT}/BAR.$(FASLEXT)]] files). This is a very subtle point so think it through carefully. The layer0 bootstrap list is the only file list that calls for \File{strap/} files. All other layers ask for [[\${OUT}]] files. Make sure you understand this before you change things. If you break it the world will no longer compile. So we have a 3 stanza group for normal files, a 3+2 (5) stanza group for normal files with default code, and a 3+2 (5) stanza group for normal files that need to be bootstrapped. There is another combination that occurs, namely bootstrap code that also contains default code which gives a 3+2+2+2 (9) stanza case. (see TSETCAT for an example. Be sure to read the items in reverse order). A 9 stanza group for this case performs the following functions: \begin{enumerate} \item extract the bootstrap \File{BAR.lsp} from the \File{foo.spad.pamphlet} \item compile the bootstrap \File{BAR.lsp} to the \File{strap/} directory \item extract the bootstrap \File{BAR-.lsp} from the \File{foo.spad.pamphlet} \item compile the bootstrap \File{BAR-.lsp} to the \File{strap/} directory \item extract the spad \File{BAR.spad} from the pamphlet \File{foo.spad.pamphlet} \item compile the extracted \File{BAR.spad} domain (to get [[BAR.$(FASLEXT)]]) \item copy the \File{BAR.$(FASLEXT)} to the final algebra directory \item compile the extracted \File{BAR-.spad} domain (to get [[BAR-.$(FASLEXT)]]) \item copy the [[BAR-.$(FASLEXT)]] to the final algebra directory \end{enumerate} As you can see this is just the combination of the two possible 5 stanza case. We just have to deal with the [[BAR-]] both in regular and bootstrap files. The first four stanzas will only happen when the system is built from scratch. Once the system is built these four rules no longer apply and these stanzas effectively act like the 5 stanza rules above. I'm sure all of this seems confusing but it is very stylized code. Basically you need to figure out which kind of stanza group you need, copy an existing stanza group, and do a correct renaming of the parts. The decision tree looks something like: \begin{verbatim} IF (you have a regular spad domain) THEN use a 3 stanza form (see YSTREAM) IF (you have a default spad domain (it generates [[-]] files)) AND (it does not require bootstrapping) THEN use the first 5 stanza form explained above (see LIECAT) IF (you have a normal spad domain) AND (it requires bootstrapping) THEN use the second 5 stanza form explained above (see VECTOR) IF (you have a default spad domain (it generates [[-]] files)) AND (it requires bootstrapping) THEN use the 9 stanza form explained above (see TSETCAT) \end{verbatim} \section{Generic Make Rules} The idea is to use generic rules to try to cut down the size of this file. This Makefile works very hard to cache intermediate results in order to minimize the re-build time. The cached files are kept in the current build and \File{strap/} directories. If one of these files disappears but the original pamphlet file is unchanged we only need to rebuild the intermediate file. These rule will attempt to do that and they succeed however these are intermediate files created by implicit rules so they would normally be deleted. To prevent the removal the NRLIB directory and its contents, the files are marked as .PRECIOUS. The output of the compile step is saved in a file of the same name and extension .$(FASLEXT)ut in the \${MID} directory. These files are useful for deriving the dependencies by scanning the ``Loading ...'' messages. <>= ${OUT}/%.$(FASLEXT): %.NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT) cp $*.NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT) ${OUT}/$*.$(FASLEXT) @ <>= .PRECIOUS: %.NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT) %.NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT): %.spad @ rm -rf $*.NRLIB echo ")co $*.spad" | ${INTERPSYS} --strap=strap @ <>= # Compile bootstrap file to machine object code, and the result # immediately available for AXIOMsys consumption. strap/%.$(FASLEXT): %.lsp $(COMPILE_LISP) @ <>= $(OUTSRC)/%.spad: mk-target-src-algabra-dir ${OUTSRC}/%.spad: $(srcdir)/%.spad.pamphlet $(axiom_build_document) --tangle --output=$@ $< .PHONY: mk-target-src-algabra-dir mk-target-src-algabra-dir: @ [ -d $(OUTSRC) ] || $(mkinstalldirs) $(OUTSRC) @ <>= .PRECIOUS: $(builddir)/%.tex .PRECIOUS: $(builddir)/%.dvi $(DOC)/%.dvi: mk-target-doc-dir .PHONY: mk-target-doc-dir mk-target-doc-dir: @ [ -d $(DOC) ] || $(mkinstalldirs) $(DOC) $(DOC)/%.dvi: $(builddir)/%.dvi $(INSTALL_DATA) $< $@ $(builddir)/%.dvi: $(axiom_build_texdir)/diagrams.tex \ $(axiom_build_texdir)/axiom.sty $(builddir)/%.dvi: $(builddir)/%.tex $(axiom_build_document) --latex $< $(builddir)/%.tex: $(srcdir)/%.pamphlet $(axiom_build_document) --weave --output=$@ $< $(axiom_build_texdir)/diagrams.tex: $(axiom_src_docdir)/diagrams.tex $(INSTALL_DATA) $< $@ @ <>= <> <> <> <> <> SPADPRSR.NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT): spad-parser.spad @ rm -rf SPADPRSR.NRLIB echo ")co $(srcdir)/spad-parser.spad" | ${INTERPSYS} PARSER.NRLIB/code.$(FASLEXT): script-parser.spad @ rm -rf PARSER.NRLIB echo ")co $(srcdir)/script-parser.spad" | ${INTERPSYS} @ <>= ${DOC}/diagrams.tex: $(axiom_src_docdir)/diagrams.tex $(INSTALL_DATA) $< $@ @ \section{Pamphlet file structure} Because the individual .spad files are grouped into higher-level algebra pamphlet files, the rules for extracting them are coded below as simple ``awk'' scripts that are called when the Makefile is constructed. There are, at present, 3 kinds of algebra files to be handled. First we have [[.as]] files which use the [[aldor]] compiler. These are ignored here as the compiler is not yet integrated. Second, there are the bootstrap files. These files live within their respective pamphlet files and are "captured" lisp code. These are necessary to create the algebra. See the [[src/algebra/Makefile.pamphlet]] for details. Third, there are 3 "types" of algebra which are all treated the same at compile time, namely the "domain", "category", and "package" algebra. \subsection{Finding the algebra code} NOTE: This construct is now moved to configure time. Update. Step 1 is to scan all of the algebra pamphlet files for the chunk names which contain the string "domain", "package", or "category". This is done using egrep (same as grep -E, which means that the pattern is an extended regular expression) because extended regular expressions allows the use of alternatives written as (domain|package|category). Thus the command \begin{verbatim} egrep '@<<(domain|package|category) .*>>=' *.spad.pamphlet \end{verbatim} will scan the algebra files looking for special chunknames. Axiom's chunk names are written in a stylized form so that each algebra chunk name begins with one of those three symbols. Thus in zerodim.spad.pamphlet the LexTriangularPackage chunkname is: \begin{verbatim} @<> \end{verbatim} so this egrep will generate an output line, prefixed by the filename that looks like: \begin{verbatim} zerodim.spad.pamphlet:@<>= \end{verbatim} There can be many lines of output per pamphlet file, one for each domain, package and category cod chunk contained in the file. Step 2 is an [[awk]] command line. \subsection{Write the Makefile stanzas for the algebra files} NOTE: This construct is now moved to configure time. [awk] processes each line of the [[egrep]] output. The awk script uses [[-F:]] which is a flag that says that a [[:]] is the field separator. As a result the \$1 and \$2 in the awk script refer to the parts of the egrep output that come before and after the [[:]] respectively. The variable [[chunk]] is assigned the actual chunk name minus the @<< and >>= delimiters. In the example given above this will become \begin{verbatim} package LEXTRIPK LexTriangularPackage \end{verbatim} The call to [[split]] splits the chunk into parts separated by spaces. Thus \begin{verbatim} part[1]=package part[2]=LEXTRIPK part[3]=LexTriangularPackage \end{verbatim} The variable [[spadfile]] in the above example is set to \begin{verbatim} ${MID}/LEXTRIPK.spad \end{verbatim} Finally, in the domain example given above we print two lines. The first line is the Makefile stanza header which depends on the original [[zerodim.spad.pamphlet]] file. The second line is the body of the makefile stanza which calls notangle to extract the algebra from the original pamphlet using the chunk name and writes it to the intermediate subdirectory. In the case above this would resolve to [[\${MID}/LEXTRIPK.spad]]. For the line given above it outputs the following: \begin{verbatim} ${MID}/LEXTRIPK.spad: $(srcdir)/zerodim.spad.pamphlet $(axiom_build_document) --tangle='package LEXTRIPK LexTriangularPackage' --output=$@ $< \end{verbatim} \subsection{Find the algebra bootstrap code} Step 3 works like step 1 above except that we are looking for chunk names that have the "BOOTSTRAP" string. The output will look like: \begin{verbatim} vector.spad.pamphlet:@<>= \end{verbatim} This output, which can consist of many lines per input file is piped into [[awk]]. The process is the same way as described above except that there are only two parts to the chunk names \begin{verbatim} part[1]=VECTOR.lsp part[2]=BOOTSTRAP \end{verbatim} The [[lspfile]] variable is assigned \begin{verbatim} ${MID}/VECTOR.lsp \end{verbatim} Finally we output two lines: \begin{verbatim} ${MID}/vector.spad.pamphlet: $(srcdir)/vector.spad.pamphlet $(axiom_build_document) --tangle='VECTOR.lsp BOOTSTRAP' --output=$@ $< \end{verbatim} The first line is the stanza head and creates a dependence between the intermediate file, in this case [[int/algebra/VECTOR.lsp]] and the input file [[src/algebra/vector.spad.pamphlet]] The second line calls [[notangle]] to extract the required chunk from the source file. \section{Stage markers} We output these as each stage completes. <>= $(axiom_algebra_layer_0_objects): strap-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_1_objects): 0-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_2_objects): 1-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_3_objects): 2-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_4_objects): 3-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_5_objects): 4-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_6_objects): 5-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_7_objects): 6-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_8_objects): 7-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_9_objects): 8-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_10_objects): 9-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_11_objects): 10-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_12_objects): 11-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_13_objects): 12-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_14_objects): 13-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_15_objects): 14-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_16_objects): 15-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_17_objects): 16-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_18_objects): 17-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_19_objects): 18-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_20_objects): 19-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_21_objects): 20-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_22_objects): 21-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_23_objects): 22-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_user_objects): 23-stamp $(axiom_algebra_bootstrap_objects): user-stamp strap-stamp: $(axiom_algebra_layer_strap_objects) @ rm -f strap-stamp @ $(STAMP) strap-stamp @ echo ===================================== @ echo === algebra bootstrap complete ====== @ echo ===================================== 0-stamp: strap-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_0_objects) @ rm -f 0-stamp @ $(STAMP) 0-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 0 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 1-stamp: 0-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_1_objects) @ rm -f 1-stamp @ $(STAMP) 1-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 1 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 2-stamp: 1-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_2_objects) @ rm -f 2-stamp @ $(STAMP) 2-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 2 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 3-stamp: 2-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_3_objects) @ rm -f 3-stamp @ $(STAMP) 3-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 3 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 4-stamp: 3-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_4_objects) @ rm -f 4-stamp @ $(STAMP) 4-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 4 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 5-stamp: 4-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_5_objects) @ rm -f 5-stamp @ $(STAMP) 5-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 5 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 6-stamp: 5-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_6_objects) @ rm -f 6-stamp @ $(STAMP) 6-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 6 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 7-stamp: 6-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_7_objects) @ rm -f 7-stamp @ $(STAMP) 7-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 7 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 8-stamp: 7-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_8_objects) @ rm -f 8-stamp @ $(STAMP) 8-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 8 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 9-stamp: 8-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_9_objects) @ rm -f 9-stamp @ $(STAMP) 9-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 9 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 10-stamp: 9-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_10_objects) @ rm -f 10-stamp @ $(STAMP) 10-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 10 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 11-stamp: 10-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_11_objects) @ rm -f 11-stamp @ $(STAMP) 11-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 11 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 12-stamp: 11-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_12_objects) @ rm -f 12-stamp @ $(STAMP) 12-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 12 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 13-stamp: 12-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_13_objects) @ rm -f 13-stamp @ $(STAMP) 13-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 13 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 14-stamp: 13-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_14_objects) @ rm -f 14-stamp @ $(STAMP) 14-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 14 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 15-stamp: 14-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_15_objects) @ rm -f 15-stamp @ $(STAMP) 15-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 15 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 16-stamp: 15-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_16_objects) @ rm -f 16-stamp @ $(STAMP) 16-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 16 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 17-stamp: 16-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_17_objects) @ rm -f 17-stamp @ $(STAMP) 17-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 17 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 18-stamp: 17-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_18_objects) @ rm -f 18-stamp @ $(STAMP) 18-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 18 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 19-stamp: 18-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_19_objects) @ rm -f 19-stamp @ $(STAMP) 19-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 19 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 20-stamp: 19-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_20_objects) @ rm -f 20-stamp @ $(STAMP) 20-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 20 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 21-stamp: 20-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_21_objects) @ rm -f 21-stamp @ $(STAMP) 21-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 21 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 22-stamp: 21-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_22_objects) @ rm -f 22-stamp @ $(STAMP) 22-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 22 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== 23-stamp: 22-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_23_objects) @ rm -f 23-stamp @ $(STAMP) 23-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === layer 23 of 23 complete ====== @ echo ================================== user-stamp: 23-stamp $(axiom_algebra_layer_user_objects) @ rm -f user-stamp @ $(STAMP) user-stamp # bootstrap-pre: user-stamp $(axiom_algebra_bootstrap_nrlibs) # $(axiom_algebra_bootstrap_nrlibs): user-stamp # bootstrap-post: bootstrap-pre $(axiom_algebra_bootstrap_objects) bootstrap-stamp: $(axiom_algebra_bootstrap_objects) @ rm -f bootstrap-stamp @ $(STAMP) bootstrap-stamp @ echo ================================== @ echo === algebra complete ====== @ echo ================================== @ \section{The Makefile} <<*>>= <> subdir = src/algebra/ <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> .PHONY: all all-algebra mkdir-output-directory all: all-ax all-ax all-algebra: stamp @ echo finished $(builddir) stamp: mkdir-output-directory ${SPADFILES} bootstrap-stamp ${TESTS} -rm -f stamp $(STAMP) stamp mkdir-output-directory: $(mkinstalldirs) $(OUTSRC) everything: check lib db cmd gloss @ echo 4303 invoking make in `pwd` with parms: @ echo SYS= ${SYS} LSP= ${LSP} @ echo MNT= ${MNT} LISP=${LISP} BYE=${BYE} check: @ echo 4305 Checking that INTERP.EXPOSED and NRLIBs are consistent @ echo 4306 libcheck needs to use exposed.lsp, not INTERP.EXPOSED <> <> <> <> mostlyclean-local: @rm -f $(OUT)/*.$(FASLEXT) $(OUT)/*.daase @rm -rf *.NRLIB @rm -rf *.DAASE *.daase libdb.text @rm -rf strap @rm -f *stamp clean-local: mostlyclean-local distclean-local: clean-local include extract-lisp-files.mk include extract-spad.mk .NOTPARALLEL: @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}