path: root/src/interp/showimp.boot
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/showimp.boot')
1 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/showimp.boot b/src/interp/showimp.boot
index b608d024..47260bb3 100644
--- a/src/interp/showimp.boot
+++ b/src/interp/showimp.boot
@@ -254,3 +254,350 @@ formatLazyDomainForm(dom,x) ==
+-- Display Template
+dc(:r) ==
+ con := KAR r
+ options := KDR r
+ ok := MEMQ(con,allConstructors()) or (con := abbreviation? con)
+ null ok =>
+ sayBrightly '"Format is: dc(<constructor name or abbreviation>,option)"
+ sayBrightly
+ '"options are: all (default), slots, atts, cats, data, ops, optable"
+ option := KAR options
+ option = 'all or null option => dcAll con
+ option = 'slots => dcSlots con
+ option = 'atts => dcAtts con
+ option = 'cats => dcCats con
+ option = 'data => dcData con
+ option = 'ops => dcOps con
+ option = 'size => dcSize( con,'full)
+ option = 'optable => dcOpTable con
+dcSlots con ==
+ name := abbreviation? con or con
+ $infovec: local := getInfovec name
+ template := $infovec.0
+ for i in 5..MAXINDEX template repeat
+ sayBrightlyNT bright i
+ item := template.i
+ item is [n,:op] and integer? n => dcOpLatchPrint(op,n)
+ null item and i > 5 => sayBrightly ['"arg ",strconc('"#",STRINGIMAGE(i - 5))]
+ atom item => sayBrightly ['"fun ",item]
+ item is ['CONS,.,['FUNCALL,[.,a],b]] => sayBrightly ['"constant ",a]
+ sayBrightly concat('"lazy ",form2String formatSlotDomain i)
+dcOpLatchPrint(op,index) ==
+ numvec := getCodeVector()
+ numOfArgs := numvec.index
+ whereNumber := numvec.(index := index + 1)
+ signumList := dcSig(numvec,index + 1,numOfArgs)
+ index := index + numOfArgs + 1
+ namePart := concat(bright "from",
+ dollarPercentTran form2String formatSlotDomain whereNumber)
+ sayBrightly ['"latch",:formatOpSignature(op,signumList),:namePart]
+getInfovec name ==
+ u := GETL(name,'infovec) => u
+ GETL(name,'LOADED) => nil
+ fullLibName := getConstructorModuleFromDB name or return nil
+ startTimingProcess 'load
+ loadLibNoUpdate(name, name, fullLibName)
+ GETL(name,'infovec)
+getOpSegment index ==
+ numOfArgs := (vec := getCodeVector()).index
+ [vec.i for i in index..(index + numOfArgs + 3)]
+getCodeVector() ==
+ proto4 := $infovec.3
+ u := CDDR proto4
+ vector? u => u --old style
+ rest u --new style
+formatSlotDomain x ==
+ x = 0 => ["$"]
+ x = 2 => ["$$"]
+ integer? x =>
+ val := $infovec.0.x
+ null val => [strconc('"#",STRINGIMAGE (x - 5))]
+ formatSlotDomain val
+ atom x => x
+ x is ['NRTEVAL,y] => (atom y => [y]; y)
+ [first x,:[formatSlotDomain y for y in rest x]]
+-- Display OpTable
+dcOpTable con ==
+ name := abbreviation? con or con
+ $infovec: local := getInfovec name
+ template := $infovec.0
+ $predvec: local := getConstructorPredicatesFromDB con
+ opTable := $infovec.1
+ for i in 0..MAXINDEX opTable repeat
+ op := opTable.i
+ i := i + 1
+ startIndex := opTable.i
+ stopIndex :=
+ i + 1 > MAXINDEX opTable => MAXINDEX getCodeVector()
+ opTable.(i + 2)
+ curIndex := startIndex
+ while curIndex < stopIndex repeat
+ curIndex := dcOpPrint(op,curIndex)
+dcOpPrint(op,index) ==
+ numvec := getCodeVector()
+ segment := getOpSegment index
+ numOfArgs := numvec.index
+ index := index + 1
+ predNumber := numvec.index
+ index := index + 1
+ signumList := dcSig(numvec,index,numOfArgs)
+ index := index + numOfArgs + 1
+ slotNumber := numvec.index
+ suffix :=
+ predNumber = 0 => nil
+ [:bright '"if",:pred2English $predvec.(predNumber - 1)]
+ namePart := bright
+ slotNumber = 0 => '"subsumed by next entry"
+ slotNumber = 1 => '"missing"
+ name := $infovec.0.slotNumber
+ atom name => name
+ name is ["CONS","IDENTITY",
+ ["FUNCALL", ["dispatchFunction", impl],"$"]] => impl
+ '"looked up"
+ sayBrightly [:formatOpSignature(op,signumList),:namePart, :suffix]
+ index + 1
+dcSig(numvec,index,numOfArgs) ==
+ [formatSlotDomain numvec.(index + i) for i in 0..numOfArgs]
+dcPreds con ==
+ name := abbreviation? con or con
+ $infovec: local := getInfovec name
+ $predvec:= getConstructorPredicatesFromDB con
+ for i in 0..MAXINDEX $predvec repeat
+ sayBrightlyNT bright (i + 1)
+ sayBrightly pred2English $predvec.i
+dcAtts con ==
+ name := abbreviation? con or con
+ $infovec: local := getInfovec name
+ $predvec:= getConstructorPredicatesFromDB con
+ attList := $infovec.2
+ for [a,:predNumber] in attList for i in 0.. repeat
+ sayBrightlyNT bright i
+ suffix :=
+ predNumber = 0 => nil
+ [:bright '"if",:pred2English $predvec.(predNumber - 1)]
+ sayBrightly [a,:suffix]
+dcCats con ==
+ name := abbreviation? con or con
+ $infovec: local := getInfovec name
+ u := $infovec.3
+ vector? CDDR u => dcCats1 con --old style slot4
+ $predvec:= getConstructorPredicatesFromDB con
+ catpredvec := first u
+ catinfo := second u
+ catvec := third u
+ for i in 0..MAXINDEX catvec repeat
+ sayBrightlyNT bright i
+ form := catvec.i
+ predNumber := catpredvec.i
+ suffix :=
+ predNumber = 0 => nil
+ [:bright '"if",:pred2English $predvec.(predNumber - 1)]
+ extra :=
+ null (info := catinfo.i) => nil
+ IDENTP info => bright '"package"
+ bright '"instantiated"
+ sayBrightly concat(form2String formatSlotDomain form,suffix,extra)
+dcCats1 con ==
+ $predvec:= getConstructorPredicatesFromDB con
+ u := $infovec.3
+ catvec := second u
+ catinfo := first u
+ for i in 0..MAXINDEX catvec repeat
+ sayBrightlyNT bright i
+ [form,:predNumber] := catvec.i
+ suffix :=
+ predNumber = 0 => nil
+ [:bright '"if",:pred2English $predvec.(predNumber - 1)]
+ extra :=
+ null (info := catinfo.i) => nil
+ IDENTP info => bright '"package"
+ bright '"instantiated"
+ sayBrightly concat(form2String formatSlotDomain form,suffix,extra)
+dcData con ==
+ name := abbreviation? con or con
+ $infovec: local := getInfovec name
+ sayBrightly '"Operation data from slot 1"
+ PRINT_-FULL $infovec.1
+ vec := getCodeVector()
+ vec := (cons? vec => rest vec; vec)
+ sayBrightly ['"Information vector has ",# vec,'" entries"]
+ dcData1 vec
+dcData1 vec ==
+ n := MAXINDEX vec
+ tens := n quo 10
+ for i in 0..tens repeat
+ start := 10*i
+ sayBrightlyNT rightJustifyString(STRINGIMAGE start,6)
+ sayBrightlyNT '" |"
+ for j in start..MIN(start + 9,n) repeat
+ sayBrightlyNT rightJustifyString(STRINGIMAGE vec.j,6)
+ sayNewLine()
+ vec
+dcSize(:options) ==
+ con := KAR options
+ options := rest options
+ null con => dcSizeAll()
+ quiet := 'quiet in options
+ full := 'full in options
+ name := abbreviation? con or con
+ infovec := getInfovec name
+ template := infovec.0
+ maxindex := MAXINDEX template
+ latch := 0 --# of go get slots
+ lazy := 0 --# of lazy domain slots
+ fun := 0 --# of function slots
+ lazyNodes := 0 --# of nodes needed for lazy domain slots
+ for i in 5..maxindex repeat
+ atom (item := template.i) => fun := fun + 1
+ integer? first item => latch := latch + 1
+ 'T =>
+ lazy := lazy + 1
+ lazyNodes := lazyNodes + numberOfNodes item
+ tSize := sum(vectorSize(1 + maxindex),nodeSize(lazyNodes + latch))
+ -- functions are free in the template vector
+ oSize := vectorSize(# infovec.1)
+ aSize := numberOfNodes infovec.2
+ slot4 := infovec.3
+ catvec :=
+ vector? CDDR slot4 => second slot4
+ third slot4
+ n := MAXINDEX catvec
+ cSize := sum(nodeSize(2),vectorSize(# first slot4),vectorSize(n + 1),
+ nodeSize(+/[numberOfNodes catvec.i for i in 0..n]))
+ codeVector :=
+ vector? CDDR slot4 => CDDR slot4
+ CDDDR slot4
+ vSize := halfWordSize(# codeVector)
+ itotal := sum(tSize,oSize,aSize,cSize,vSize)
+ if null quiet then sayBrightly ['"infovec total = ",itotal,'" BYTES"]
+ if null quiet then
+ lookupFun := getLookupFun infovec
+ suffix := (lookupFun = 'lookupIncomplete => '"incomplete"; '"complete")
+ sayBrightly ['"template = ",tSize]
+ sayBrightly ['"operations = ",oSize,'" (",suffix,'")"]
+ sayBrightly ['"attributes = ",aSize]
+ sayBrightly ['"categories = ",cSize]
+ sayBrightly ['"data vector = ",vSize]
+ if null quiet then
+ sayBrightly ['"number of function slots (one extra node) = ",fun]
+ sayBrightly ['"number of latch slots (2 extra nodes) = ",latch]
+ sayBrightly ['"number of lazy slots (no extra nodes) = ",lazy]
+ sayBrightly ['"size of domain vectors = ",1 + maxindex,'" slots"]
+ vtotal := itotal + nodeSize(fun) --fun slot is ($ . function)
+ vtotal := vtotal + nodeSize(2 * latch) --latch slot is (newGoGet $ . code)
+ --NOTE: lazy slots require no cost --lazy slot is lazyDomainForm
+ if null quiet then sayBrightly ['"domain size = ",vtotal,'" BYTES"]
+ etotal := nodeSize(fun + 2 * latch) + vectorSize(1 + maxindex)
+ if null quiet then sayBrightly ['"cost per instantiation = ",etotal,'" BYTES"]
+ vtotal
+dcSizeAll() ==
+ count := 0
+ total := 0
+ for x in allConstructors() | cons? GETL(x,'infovec) repeat
+ count := count + 1
+ s := dcSize(x,'quiet)
+ sayBrightly [s,'" : ",x]
+ total := total + s
+ sayBrightly '"------------total-------------"
+ sayBrightly [count," constructors; ",total," BYTES"]
+sum(:l) == +/l
+nodeSize(n) == 12 * n
+vectorSize(n) == 4 * (1 + n)
+halfWordSize(n) ==
+ n < 128 => n quo 2
+ n < 256 => n
+ 2 * n
+numberOfNodes(x) ==
+ atom x => 0
+ 1 + numberOfNodes first x + numberOfNodes rest x
+template con ==
+ con := abbreviation? con or con
+ ppTemplate getInfovec(con).0
+ppTemplate vec ==
+ for i in 0..MAXINDEX vec repeat
+ sayBrightlyNT bright i
+ pp vec.i
+infovec con ==
+ con := abbreviation? con or con
+ u := getInfovec con
+ sayBrightly '"---------------slot 0 is template-------------------"
+ ppTemplate u.0
+ sayBrightly '"---------------slot 1 is op table-------------------"
+ sayBrightly '"---------------slot 2 is attribute list-------------"
+ sayBrightly '"---------------slot 3.0 is catpredvec---------------"
+ PRINT_-FULL u.3.0
+ sayBrightly '"---------------slot 3.1 is catinfovec---------------"
+ PRINT_-FULL u.3.1
+ sayBrightly '"---------------slot 3.2 is catvec-------------------"
+ PRINT_-FULL u.3.2
+ sayBrightly '"---------------tail of slot 3 is datavector---------"
+ dcData1 CDDDR u.3
+ 'done
+dcAll con ==
+ con := abbreviation? con or con
+ $infovec : local := getInfovec con
+ complete? :=
+ #$infovec = 4 => false
+ $infovec.4 = 'lookupComplete
+ sayBrightly '"----------------Template-----------------"
+ dcSlots con
+ sayBrightly
+ complete? => '"----------Complete Ops----------------"
+ '"----------Incomplete Ops---------------"
+ dcOpTable con
+ sayBrightly '"----------------Atts-----------------"
+ dcAtts con
+ sayBrightly '"----------------Preds-----------------"
+ dcPreds con
+ sayBrightly '"----------------Cats-----------------"
+ dcCats con
+ sayBrightly '"----------------Data------------------"
+ dcData con
+ sayBrightly '"----------------Size------------------"
+ dcSize(con,'full)
+ 'done
+dcOps conname ==
+ for [op,:u] in reverse getConstructorOperationsFromDB conname repeat
+ for [sig,slot,pred,key,:.] in u repeat
+ suffix :=
+ atom pred => nil
+ concat('" if ",pred2English pred)
+ key = 'Subsumed =>
+ sayBrightly [:formatOpSignature(op,sig),'" subsumed by ",:formatOpSignature(op,slot),:suffix]
+ sayBrightly [:formatOpSignature(op,sig),:suffix]