path: root/src/interp/define.boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/define.boot')
1 files changed, 275 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/define.boot b/src/interp/define.boot
index 695a1ac8..66608c6b 100644
--- a/src/interp/define.boot
+++ b/src/interp/define.boot
@@ -113,6 +113,281 @@ compDefineAddSignature: (%Form,%Signature,%Env) -> %Env
DomainSubstitutionFunction: (%List,%Form) -> %Form
+-- Generate Code to Create Infovec
+getInfovecCode() ==
+--Function called by compDefineFunctor1 to create infovec at compile time
+ ['LIST,
+ MKQ makeDomainTemplate $template,
+ MKQ makeCompactDirect $NRTslot1Info,
+ MKQ NRTgenFinalAttributeAlist(),
+ NRTmakeCategoryAlist(),
+ MKQ $lookupFunction]
+-- Generation of Domain Vector Template (Compile Time)
+makeDomainTemplate vec ==
+--NOTES: This function is called at compile time to create the template
+-- (slot 0 of the infovec); called by getInfovecCode from compDefineFunctor1
+ newVec := newShell # vec
+ for index in 0..MAXINDEX vec repeat
+ item := vec.index
+ null item => nil
+ newVec.index :=
+ atom item => item
+ cons? first item => makeGoGetSlot(item,index)
+ item
+ $byteVec := "append"/nreverse $byteVec
+ newVec
+makeGoGetSlot(item,index) ==
+--NOTES: creates byte vec strings for LATCH slots
+--these parts of the $byteVec are created first; see also makeCompactDirect
+ [sig,whereToGo,op,:flag] := item
+ n := #sig - 1
+ newcode := [n,whereToGo,:makeCompactSigCode sig,index]
+ $byteVec := [newcode,:$byteVec]
+ curAddress := $byteAddress
+ $byteAddress := $byteAddress + n + 4
+ [curAddress,:op]
+-- Generate OpTable at Compile Time
+--> called by getInfovecCode (see top of this file) from compDefineFunctor1
+makeCompactDirect u ==
+ $predListLength :local := # $NRTslot1PredicateList
+ $byteVecAcc: local := nil
+ [nam,[addForm,:opList]] := u
+ --pp opList
+ d := [[op,y] for [op,:items] in opList | y := makeCompactDirect1(op,items)]
+ $byteVec := [:$byteVec,:"append"/nreverse $byteVecAcc]
+ LIST2VEC ("append"/d)
+makeCompactDirect1(op,items) ==
+--NOTES: creates byte codes for ops implemented by the domain
+ curAddress := $byteAddress
+ $op: local := op --temp hack by RDJ 8/90 (see orderBySubsumption)
+ newcodes :=
+ "append"/[u for y in orderBySubsumption items | u := fn y] or return nil
+ $byteVecAcc := [newcodes,:$byteVecAcc]
+ curAddress
+ where fn y ==
+ [sig,:r] := y
+ r = ['Subsumed] =>
+ n := #sig - 1
+ $byteAddress := $byteAddress + n + 4
+ [n,0,:makeCompactSigCode sig,0] --always followed by subsuming signature
+ --identified by a 0 in slot position
+ if r is [n,:s] then
+ slot :=
+ n is [p,:.] => p --the rest is linenumber of function definition
+ n
+ predCode :=
+ s is [pred,:.] => predicateBitIndex pred
+ 0
+ --> drop items which are not present (predCode = -1)
+ predCode = -1 => return nil
+ --> drop items with NIL slots if lookup function is incomplete
+ if null slot then
+ $lookupFunction = 'lookupIncomplete => return nil
+ slot := 1 --signals that operation is not present
+ n := #sig - 1
+ $byteAddress := $byteAddress + n + 4
+ res := [n,predCode,:makeCompactSigCode sig,slot]
+ res
+orderBySubsumption items ==
+ acc := subacc := nil
+ for x in items repeat
+ not $op in '(Zero One) and x is [.,.,.,'Subsumed] => subacc := [x,:subacc]
+ acc := [x,:acc]
+ y := z := nil
+ for [a,b,:.] in subacc | b repeat
+ --NOTE: b = nil means that the signature a will appear in acc, that this
+ -- entry is be ignored (e.g. init: -> $ in ULS)
+ while (u := assoc(b,subacc)) repeat b := second u
+ u := assoc(b,acc) or systemError nil
+ if null second u then u := [first u,1] --mark as missing operation
+ y := [[a,'Subsumed],u,:y] --makes subsuming signature follow one subsumed
+ z := insert(b,z) --mark a signature as already present
+ [:y,:[w for (w := [c,:.]) in acc | not member(c,z)]] --add those not subsuming
+makeCompactSigCode sig == [fn for x in sig] where
+ fn() ==
+ x = "$$" => 2
+ x = "$" => 0
+ not integer? x =>
+ systemError ['"code vector slot is ",x,'"; must be number"]
+ x
+-- Generate Slot 4 Constructor Vectors
+NRTmakeCategoryAlist() ==
+ $depthAssocCache: local := hashTable 'EQ
+ $catAncestorAlist: local := NIL
+ pcAlist := [:[[x,:"T"] for x in $uncondAlist],:$condAlist]
+ $levelAlist: local := depthAssocList [CAAR x for x in pcAlist]
+ opcAlist := nreverse SORTBY(function NRTcatCompare,pcAlist)
+ newPairlis := [[5 + i,:b] for [.,:b] in $pairlis for i in 1..]
+ slot1 := [[a,:k] for [a,:b] in SUBLIS($pairlis,opcAlist)
+ | (k := predicateBitIndex b) ~= -1]
+ slot0 := [hasDefaultPackage opOf a for [a,:b] in slot1]
+ sixEtc := [5 + i for i in 1..#$pairlis]
+ formals := ASSOCRIGHT $pairlis
+ for x in slot1 repeat
+ x.first := EQSUBSTLIST(["$$",:sixEtc],['$,:formals],first x)
+ -----------code to make a new style slot4 -----------------
+ predList := ASSOCRIGHT slot1 --is list of predicate indices
+ maxPredList := "MAX"/predList
+ catformvec := ASSOCLEFT slot1
+ maxElement := "MAX"/$byteVec
+ ['CONS, ['makeByteWordVec2,MAX(maxPredList,1),MKQ predList],
+ ['CONS, MKQ LIST2VEC slot0,
+ ['CONS, MKQ LIST2VEC [encodeCatform x for x in catformvec],
+ ['makeByteWordVec2,maxElement,MKQ $byteVec]]]]
+ --NOTE: this is new form: old form satisfies vector? CDDR form
+encodeCatform x ==
+ k := NRTassocIndex x => k
+ atom x or atom rest x => x
+ [first x,:[encodeCatform y for y in rest x]]
+NRTcatCompare [catform,:pred] == LASSOC(first catform,$levelAlist)
+hasDefaultPackage catname ==
+ defname := makeSymbol strconc(catname,'"&")
+ constructor? defname => defname
+ nil
+-- Compute the lookup function (complete or incomplete)
+NRTgetLookupFunction(domform,exCategory,addForm) ==
+ domform := SUBLIS($pairlis,domform)
+ addForm := SUBLIS($pairlis,addForm)
+ $why: local := nil
+ atom addForm => 'lookupComplete
+ extends := NRTextendsCategory1(domform,exCategory,getExportCategory addForm)
+ if null extends then
+ [u,msg,:v] := $why
+ SAY '"--------------non extending category----------------------"
+ sayPatternMsg('"%1p of category %2p", [domform,u])
+ if v ~= nil then
+ sayPatternMsg('"%1b %2p",[msg,first v])
+ else
+ sayPatternMsg('"%1b",[msg])
+ SAY '"----------------------------------------------------------"
+ extends => 'lookupIncomplete
+ 'lookupComplete
+getExportCategory form ==
+ [op,:argl] := form
+ op = 'Record => ['RecordCategory,:argl]
+ op = 'Union => ['UnionCategory,:argl]
+ functorModemap := getConstructorModemapFromDB op
+ [[.,target,:tl],:.] := functorModemap
+ EQSUBSTLIST(argl,$FormalMapVariableList,target)
+NRTextendsCategory1(domform,exCategory,addForm) ==
+ addForm is ["%Comma",:r] =>
+ and/[extendsCategory(domform,exCategory,x) for x in r]
+ extendsCategory(domform,exCategory,addForm)
+-- Compute if a domain constructor is forgetful functor
+extendsCategory(dom,u,v) ==
+ --does category u extend category v (yes iff u contains everything in v)
+ --is dom of category u also of category v?
+ u=v => true
+ v is ["Join",:l] => and/[extendsCategory(dom,u,x) for x in l]
+ v is ["CATEGORY",.,:l] => and/[extendsCategory(dom,u,x) for x in l]
+ v is ["SubsetCategory",cat,d] => extendsCategory(dom,u,cat) and isSubset(dom,d,$e)
+ v := substSlotNumbers(v,$template,$functorForm)
+ extendsCategoryBasic0(dom,u,v) => true
+ $why :=
+ v is ['SIGNATURE,op,sig] => [u,['" has no ",:formatOpSignature(op,sig)]]
+ [u,'" has no",v]
+ nil
+extendsCategoryBasic0(dom,u,v) ==
+ v is ['IF,p,['ATTRIBUTE,c],.] =>
+ uVec := (compMakeCategoryObject(u,$EmptyEnvironment)).expr
+ cons? c and isCategoryForm(c,nil) =>
+ slot4 := uVec.4
+ LASSOC(c,second slot4) is [=p,:.]
+ slot2 := uVec.2
+ LASSOC(c,slot2) is [=p,:.]
+ extendsCategoryBasic(dom,u,v)
+extendsCategoryBasic(dom,u,v) ==
+ u is ["Join",:l] => or/[extendsCategoryBasic(dom,x,v) for x in l]
+ u = v => true
+ uVec := (compMakeCategoryObject(u,$EmptyEnvironment)).expr
+ isCategoryForm(v,nil) => catExtendsCat?(u,v,uVec)
+ v is ['SIGNATURE,op,sig] =>
+ or/[uVec.i is [[=op,=sig],:.] for i in 6..MAXINDEX uVec]
+ u is ['CATEGORY,.,:l] =>
+ v is ['IF,:.] => member(v,l)
+ nil
+ nil
+catExtendsCat?(u,v,uvec) ==
+ u = v => true
+ uvec := uvec or (compMakeCategoryObject(u,$EmptyEnvironment)).expr
+ slot4 := uvec.4
+ prinAncestorList := first slot4
+ member(v,prinAncestorList) => true
+ vOp := KAR v
+ if similarForm := assoc(vOp,prinAncestorList) then
+ sayBrightlyNT '" extends "
+ PRINT similarForm
+ sayBrightlyNT '" but not "
+ or/[catExtendsCat?(x,v,nil) for x in ASSOCLEFT second slot4]
+substSlotNumbers(form,template,domain) ==
+ form is [op,:.] and
+ MEMQ(op,allConstructors()) => expandType(form,template,domain)
+ form is ['SIGNATURE,op,sig] =>
+ ['SIGNATURE,op,[substSlotNumbers(x,template,domain) for x in sig]]
+ form is ['CATEGORY,k,:u] =>
+ ['CATEGORY,k,:[substSlotNumbers(x,template,domain) for x in u]]
+ expandType(form,template,domain)
+expandType(lazyt,template,domform) ==
+ atom lazyt => expandTypeArgs(lazyt,template,domform)
+ [functorName,:argl] := lazyt
+ functorName in '(Record Union) and first argl is [":",:.] =>
+ [functorName,:[['_:,tag,expandTypeArgs(dom,template,domform)]
+ for [.,tag,dom] in argl]]
+ lazyt is ['local,x] =>
+ n := POSN1(x,$FormalMapVariableList)
+ domform.(1 + n)
+ [functorName,:[expandTypeArgs(a,template,domform) for a in argl]]
+expandTypeArgs(u,template,domform) ==
+ u = '$ => u --template.0 -------eliminate this as $ is rep by 0
+ integer? u => expandType(templateVal(template, domform, u), template,domform)
+ u is ['NRTEVAL,y] => y --eval y
+ u is ['QUOTE,y] => y
+ atom u => u
+ expandType(u,template,domform)
+templateVal(template,domform,index) ==
+--returns a domform or a lazy slot
+ index = 0 => BREAK() --template
+ template.index
--% Subdomains
++ We are defining a functor with head given by `form', as a subdomain