path: root/src/interp/c-util.boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/c-util.boot')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/c-util.boot b/src/interp/c-util.boot
index c18d6b52..3af79992 100644
--- a/src/interp/c-util.boot
+++ b/src/interp/c-util.boot
@@ -1215,11 +1215,31 @@ mutateToBackendCode x ==
$LocalVars := REMOVE_-IF(function LAMBDA(y(), y in newBindings),
[u,second x,:res]
+ u = "DECLARE" => nil -- there is nothing to do convert there
mutateToBackendCode u
mutateToBackendCode rest x
-++ Generate Lisp code by lowering middle end form `x'.
+skipDeclarations: %List -> %List
+skipDeclarations form ==
+ while first form is ["DECLARE",:.] repeat
+ form := rest form
+ form
+++ return the last node containing a declaration in form, otherwise nil.
+lastDeclarationNode: %List -> %List
+lastDeclarationNode form ==
+ while second form is ["DECLARE",:.] repeat
+ form := rest form
+ first form is ["DECLARE",:.] => form
+ nil
+declareGlobalVariables: %List -> %List
+declareGlobalVariables vars ==
+ ["DECLARE",["SPECIAL",:vars]]
+++ Generate Lisp code by lowering middle end defining form `x'.
+++ x has the strucrure: <name, parms, stmt1, ...>
transformToBackendCode: %Form -> %Code
transformToBackendCode x ==
$FluidVars: fluid := nil
@@ -1227,27 +1247,32 @@ transformToBackendCode x ==
$SpecialVars: fluid := nil
x := middleEndExpand x
mutateToBackendCode CDDR x
+ body := skipDeclarations CDDR x
+ -- Make it explicitly a sequence of statements if it is not a one liner.
body :=
- null CDDDR x and
- (atom third x or first third x = "SEQ"
- or not CONTAINED("EXIT",third x)) =>
- third x
- ["SEQ",:CDDR x]
- x := [first x, second x, body]
+ stmt := first body
+ null rest body and
+ (atom stmt or first stmt = "SEQ" or not CONTAINED("EXIT",stmt)) =>
+ body
+ [["SEQ",:body]]
$FluidVars := REMDUP nreverse $FluidVars
$LocalVars := S_-(S_-(REMDUP nreverse $LocalVars,$FluidVars),
lvars := [:$FluidVars,:$LocalVars]
fluids := S_+($FluidVars,$SpecialVars)
- x :=
+ body :=
fluids ^= nil =>
- [first x, second x, ["PROG",lvars,["DECLARE","SPECIAL",:fluids],
- ["RETURN",third x]]]
- [first x, second x,
- (lvars ^= nil or CONTAINED("RETURN",third x) =>
- ["PROG",lvars,["RETURN",third x]]; third x)]
+ [["PROG",lvars,declareGlobalVariables fluids, ["RETURN",:body]]]
+ lvars ^= nil or CONTAINED("RETURN",body) =>
+ [["PROG",lvars,["RETURN",:body]]]
+ body
-- add reference parameters to the list of special variables.
fluids := S_+(backendFluidize second x, $SpecialVars)
- null fluids => x
- [first x, second x, ["DECLARE","SPECIAL",:fluids],:CDDR x]
+ lastdecl := lastDeclarationNode rest x
+ if lastdecl = nil then
+ RPLACD(rest x, body)
+ else
+ null fluids =>
+ RPLACD(lastdecl, body)
+ RPLACD(lastdecl, [declareGlobalVariables fluids,:body])
+ x