path: root/src/boot/Makefile.pamphlet
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-%% Oh Emacs, this is a -*- Makefile -*-, so give me tabs.
-\title{\File{src/boot/Makefile} Pamphlet}
-\author{Timothy Daly \and Gabriel Dos~Reis}
- \Tool{OpenAxiom} is built in layers. The first layer is contructed into
- an image called {\bf bootsys}. The \Tool{bootsys} image is used
- to translate Boot code to Common Lisp code. Since a Boot coded
- interpreter is needed to translate the code for the Boot coded
- interpreter we have a ``boot-strapping'' problem. In order to get
- the whole process to start we need certain files kept in
- common lisp form. This directory contains those files.
-The Scratchpad language is implemented by using a mixture of Lisp and
-a more convenient language for writing Lisp called \emph{Boot}.
-This document contains a description of the Boot language, and some
-details of the resulting Lisp programs.
-The description of the translation
-functions available are at the end of this file.
-The main difference between Lisp and Boot is in the syntax for
-the application of a function to its argument.
-The Lisp format [[(F X Y Z)]], means, when [[F]] is a function,
-the application of [[F]] to its arguments [[X]], [[Y]], and [[Z]],
-is written in Boot as [[F(X,Y,Z)]].
-When [[F]] is a special Lisp word it will be written
-in Boot by using some other syntactic construction, such as spelling
-Boot contains an easy method of writing expressions that denote lists,
-and provides an analogous method of writing patterns containing variables
-and constants which denote a particular class of lists. The pattern
-is matched against a particular list at run time,
-and if the list belongs to the class then its variables will
-take on the values of components of the list. Similarly, Boot provides
-an easy way of writting discriminated unions or algebraic types, and
-pattern matching as found in ML.
- A second convenient feature provided by Boot is a method of
-writing programs that iterate over the elements of one or more lists
-and which either transform the state of the machine, or
-produce some object from the list or lists.
-\section{Boot To Common Lisp Translaters}
-The Boot to Common Lisp translation is organized in several
-separate logical phases. At the moment, those phases are not
-really separate; but from a logical point of view, it is better
-to think of them that way.
-\subsection{The Boot Includer}
-The Boot Includer is the module that reads Boot codes from source files.
-The details of the Includer, as well as the grammar of the include
-files are to be found in \File{includer.boot}
-\subsection{The Scanner}
-The tokenization process is implemented in \File{scanner.boot}. Further
-details about keywords and reserved identifiers are available in
-The Boot language uses layout to delimit blocks of expressions. After
-the scanner pass, and before the parser pass is another pass called
-\emph{piling}. The piling pass inserts tokens to unambiguously delimit
-the boundaries of piles. This is implemented in
-\subsection{The Parser}
-The Boot parser is implemented in \File{parser.boot}. It is a hand-written
-recursive descent parser
-based on \emph{parser combinators} methodology. Thoe files also
-implicitly defines the grammar of the Boot language.
-\subsection{The Transformer}
-As observed earlier, the Boot language was originally defined as a syntactic
-sugar over Common Lisp. Consequently, it semantics is defined by
-tranformation to Lisp. The transformers are defined in
-Finally, the file \File{translator.boot} is a pot-pourri of many utility
-functions. It also contains the entry points to the Boot translater.
-\subsection{Lines and Commands}
-If the first character of a line is a closing parenthesis the line
-is treated as a command which controls the lines that will be
-passed to the translater rather than being passed itself.
-The command [[)include filename]] filemodifier will for example
-be replaced by the lines in the file [[filename filemodifier]].
-If a line starts with a closing parenthesis it will be called a command
-line, otherwise it will be called a plain line.
-The command lines are
-name as written
-Include )include filename filemodifier
-IncludeLisp )includelisp filename filemodifier
-If )if bootexpression
-Else )else
-ElseIf )elseif bootexpression
-EndIf )endif
-Fin )fin
-Say )say string
-Eval )eval bootexpression
-EvalStrings )evalstrings bootexpression
-Package )package packagename
-SimpleLine::= PlainLine | Include | IncludeLisp |Say | Eval | EvalStrings
- | Package
-A [[PlainLine]] is delivered to the translater as is.
-An [[Include]] delivers the lines in the file filename.filemodifier,
-treated as boot lines.
-An [[IncludeLisp]] delivers the lines in the specified file, treated as Lisp
-lines. The only comments allowed in lisp files that are included in
-this way require that the semicolon is at the beginning of the line.
-A [[Say]] outputs the remainder of the line to the console,
- delivering nothing to the translater.
-An [[Eval]] translates the reminder of the line, assumed to be
- written in Boot, to Lisp, and evaluates it, delivering nothing to
- the translater.
-An [[EvalStrings]] also translates and evaluates the rest of the line
- but this time assumes that the Boot expression denotes a list
- of strings which are then delivered to the translater
- instead of the EvalString line. The strings are treated as Boot lines.
-It is also possible to include or exclude lines based upon some
-condition which is the result of translating and evaluating
-the boot expression that follows an )if or )elseif command.
-This construction will be called a Conditional. A file will be
-composed from SimpleLines and Conditionals. A file is either
-terminated by the end of file or by a Fin line.
-Components ::=(SimpleLine | Conditional)*
-File ::= Components ( Fin | empty)
-A conditional is bracketed by an If and an EndIf.
-Conditional ::= If Components Elselines EndIf
-If the boot expression following the )if has value true then the
-Components are delivered but not the ElseLines,
-otherwise the Components are ignored ,and the ElseLines
-are delivered to the translater. In any case the lines after
-the EndIf are then processed.
-ElseLines ::= Else Components | ElseIf Components ElseLines | empty
-When the Elselines of a Conditional is being included then if an
-"Else Components" phrase is encountered then the following
-Components are included
-otherwise if an "ElseIf Components ElseLines" phrase is encountered then
-the boot expression following the )elseif is evaluated and
-if true the following Components are included, if false the
-following ElseLines is included.
-\subsection{Boot syntax and semantics}
-The semantics of Boot was originally defined by translation to Lisp.
-Ideally, we would like to give it a self-contained semantics,
-without explicitly referring to Lisp, or if we must we should use
-lambda calculus.
-\subsubsection{Source character set}
-???What is the source character set??? That of Common Lisp?
-The standard identifiers start with a letter ([[a-z]] or [[A-Z]])
-dollar sign ([[$]]), question mark ([[?]]), or the percent sign
-([[\%]]), and are followed by any number of letters, digits, single
-quotes([[']]), question marks, or percent signs.
-It is possible however, by using the escape character ([[\_]]),
-to construct identifiers that contain any
-characters except the blank or newline character. The rules in this case
-are that an escape character followed by any non-blank character
-will start an identifier with that character. Once an identifier
-has been started either in this way or by a letter, [[$]], or
-[[%]], then it may be continued either with a letter, digit,
-quote , question mark or percent sign, or with
-an escape character followed by any non-blank character.
-Certain words having the form of identifiers are not classified as
-such, but are reserved words. They are listed below.
-An identifier ends when a blank or end of line is encountered, or
-an escape character followed by a blank or end of line, or a
-character which is not a letter, digit, quote, question mark
-or percent sign is found. Two identifiers are equal if the
-strings produced by replacing each escape followed by a character
-by that character are equal character by character.
-Integers start with a digit ([[0-9]]) and are followed by any number
-of digits. The syntax for floating point numbers is
-<.I | I. | I.I> <E|e> <+ | - | empty> I
-where I is an integer.
-Strings of characters are enclosed by double quote signs. They cannot
-span two or more lines and an escape character within a string will
-include the next character regardless of its nature.
-The meaning of a string depends somewhat on the context in which
-it is found, but in general a bare string denotes the interned atom
-making up its body whereas when it is preceded by a single quote (')
-it denotes the string of characters enclosed.
-An s-expression is preceded by a single quote and is followed by
-a Lisp s-expression.
-sexpression ::=identifier | integer | MINUS integer | float | string
- | QUOTE sexpression | parenthesized sexpression1
-sexpression1 ::=sexpression (DOT sexpression | sexpression1)| empty
-There are two ways to quote an iddentifier: either 'name or "name", which
-both give rise to (QUOTE name). However a string that is a
-component of an sexpression will denote the string unless it is the
-sole component of the s-expression in which case it denotes a string
-i.e. '"name" gives rise to "name" in Lisp rather than (QUOTE "name").
-The table of key words follows, each is given an upper case
-name for use in the description of the syntax.
- as written name
- and AND
- by BY
- case CASE
- cross CROSS
- else ELSE
- for FOR
- if IF
- in IN
- is IS
- isnt ISNT
- of OF
- or OR
- repeat REPEAT
- return RETURN
- structure STRUCTURE
- then THEN
- until UNTIL
- where WHERE
- while WHILE
- . DOT
- ** POWER
- + PLUS
- < LT
- > GT
- <= LE
- >= GE
- ^ NOT
- ^= NE
- .. SEG
- => EXIT
- := BEC
- == DEF
- ==> MDEF
- suchthat BAR
- | BAR
-constant::= integer | string | float | sexpression
-The value of a constant does not depend on the context in which it
-is found.
-primary::= name | constant | construct | block | tuple | pile
-The primaries are the simplest constituents of the language and
-either denote some object or perform some transformation of the
-machine state, or both.
-The statements are the largest constituents and enclosing them
-in parentheses converts them into a primary.
-An alternative method of grouping uses indentation to indicate the
-parenthetical structure.
-A number of lines whose first non-space characters are in the same
-column will be called a \emph{pile}. The translater first tokenizes the
-lines producing identifier, key word, integer, string or float tokens,
-and then examines the pile structure of a Boot program
-in order to add additional tokens called [[SETTAB]], [[BACKTAB]]
-and [[BACKSET]].
-These tokens may be considered as commands for creating a pile.
-The [[SETTAB]] starts a new line indented from the previous line and
-pushes the resulting column number on to a stack of tab positions.
-The [[BACKTAB]] will start a new line at the column position found
-at the head of the stack and removes it from the stack.
-The [[BACKSET]] has the same effect as a [[BACKTAB]] immediately followed
-by a [[SETTAB]].
-The meaning of a sequence of tokens containing [[SETTAB]],
-[[BACKTAB]], and [[BACKSET]] is the same the sequence in which each
-[[SETTAB]] is replaced by [[OPAREN]] , each [[BACKTAB]] is replaced by
-[[CPAREN]], and each [[BACKSET]] is replaced by [[SEMICOLON]]. By
-construction the [[BACKTABS]] and [[SETTABS]] are properly nested.
-listof(p,s)== p | p s ... s p
-parenthesized s ::= OPAREN s CPAREN
-piled s ::= SETTAB s BACKTAB
-blockof s ::= parenthesized (listof (s,SEMICOLON))
-pileof s ::= piled (listof (s,BACKSET ))
-A pileof s has the same meaning as a blockof s.
-There is however a slight difference because piling is weaker than
-separation by semicolons. In other words the pile items
-may be listof(s,SEMICOLON).
-In other words if statements::= listof(statement,SEMICOLON) then
-we can have a pileof statements which has the same meaning as
-the flattened sequence formed by replacing
-all [[BACKSET]]'s by [[SEMICOLON]]'s.
-A blockof statement is translated to a compound statement
-e.g. in the absence of any exits,
-(a;b;c;d) is translated to (PROGN a b c d).
-selector::= leftassociative(primary, DOT)
-A selector [[a.b]] denotes some component of a structure, and in
-general is translated to [[(ELT a b)]]. There are some special identifiers
-that may be used in the [[b]] position to denote list components, of which
-more later.
-The [[DOT]] has a greater precedence than juxtaposition and is
-left associative, For example
-a.b.c is grouped as (a.b).c which is translated to
- (ELT (ELT a b) c)
-application ::= selector selector ... selector
-Application of function to argument is denoted by juxtaposition.
-A sequence of selectors is right associative and so
-[[f g h x]] is grouped as [[f(g(h x))]]. The applications [[f x]] and
-mean the application of [[f]] to [[x]] and get translated to
-the Lisp [[(f x)]]. The application of a function to the empty list
-is written [[f()]], meaning the Lisp [[(f)]]. [[f(x,y,z)]] gets translated to
-the Lisp [[(f x y z)]].
-Common Lisp does not permit a variable to occur in operator position,
-so that when f is a variable its application has to be
-put in argument position of a [[FUNCALL]] or [[APPLY]].
-[[f(x,y,z)]] has to be replaced by [[FUNCALL(f,x,y)]] which gets translated to
-the Lisp [[(FUNCALL f x y z)]].
-In Common Lisp each symbol might refer
-to two objects a function and a non-function. In order to resolve
-this ambiguity when a function symbol appears in a context other
-than operator position it has to be preceded by the symbol [[FUNCTION]].
-Also it is possible to produce the function type symbol from the
-non-function symbol by applying [[SYMBOL-FUNCTION]] to it.
-Certain reserved words called infixed operators namely
-[[POWER]], [[TIMES]], [[SLASH]], [[PLUS]], [[MINUS]], [[IS]],
-[[EQ]], [[NE]] , [[GT]], [[GE]], [[LT]], [[LE]], [[IN]], [[AND]],
-[[OR]], indicate application by being placed between their 2 arguments.
-Infixed application may be either right- or left-associative.
-rightassociative(p,o)::= p o p o p o ... o p
- == p o (p o (p o ... o p)))
-leftassociative(p,o)::= p o p o p o ... o p
- == (((p o p) o p) o ...) o p
-exponent ::= rightassociative(application,POWER)
-reduction ::= (infixedoperator |string | thetaname) SLASH application
-In a reduction the application denotes a list of items and
-operator [[SLASH]] application accumulates the list elements from the
-left using the operator
-e.g. +/[a,b,c] means (((0+a)+b)+c)
-Only certain operators are provided with values when the list is empty
-they are [[and]], [[or]], [[+]], [[*]], [[max]], [[min]], [[append]],
-[[union]]. However any function can be used as an operator by enclosing it
-in double quotes. In this case the reduction is not applicable to an
-empty list.
-multiplication ::= rightassociative(exponent,TIMES|SLASH) | reduction
-minus ::= MINUS multiplication | multiplication
-arith ::= leftasscociative(minus,PLUS | MINUS)
-is ::= arith | arith (IS | ISNT) pattern
-comparison ::= is (EQ | NE | GT | GE | LT | LE | IN) is | is
-and ::= leftassociative (comparison,AND)
-return ::= and | RETURN and
-expression ::= leftassociative(return,OR)
-The infixed operators denote application of the function to its
-two arguments. To summarize,
-the infixed operators are, in order of decreasing precedence
- .
- juxtaposition
- **
- * /
- + -
- is
- = ^= > >= < <= in
- and
- or
-conditional ::= IF where THEN where |
- IF where THEN where ELSE where
-IF a THEN b is translated to (COND (a b)) and
-IF a THEN b else c is translated to (COND (a b) (T c))
-statement::= conditional | loop | expression
-loop ::= crossproduct REPEAT statement | REPEAT statement
-iterator ::= forin | suchthat | until | while
-iterators ::= iterator iterator ... iterator
-crossproduct ::=rightassociative(iterators,CROSS)
-suchthat ::= BAR where
-while ::= WHILE expression
-until ::= UNTIL expression
-forin ::= for variable IN segment |
- for variable IN segment BY arith
-segment::= arith | arith SEG arith | arith SEG
-A loop performs an iterated transformation of the state which is
-specified by its statement component and its iterators.
-The forin construction introduces a new variable which is assigned
-the elements of the list which is the value of the segment in the order
-in which they appear in the list .
-A segment of the form [[arith]] denotes a list,
-and segments of the form [[arith SEG arith]] and
-[[arith SEG]] denote terminating and non-terminating
-arithmetic progressions.
-The [[BY arith]] option is the step size, if omitted the step is [[1]].
-Two or more [[forin]]'s may control a loop.
-The associated lists are scanned in parallel and
-a variable of one [[forin]] may not appear in the segment expression that
-denotes the list in a second [[forin]].
-Such a variable may however occur in the conditions for filtering or
-introduced by a [[suchthat]], or for termination introduced by a
-while iterator, and in the statement of the loop.
-The [[forin]] variables are local to the statement, the conditions
-that follow a [[while]] or [[suchthat]] in the same list of iterators and
-have no meaning outside them.
-The loop will be terminated when one of its [[forin]] lists is null, or
-if the condition in a [[while]] is not satisfied. The list
-elements are filtered by all the [[suchthat]] conditions.
-The ordering of the iterators is irrelevant to the meaning, so it is
-best to avoid side effects within the conditions for filtering and
-It is possible to control a loop by using a \emph{cross-product} of iterators.
-The iteration in the case [[iterators1 CROSS iterators2]] is over
-all pairs of list items one from the list denoted by
-iterators1 and the other from the list denoted by iterators2.
-In this case the variables introduced [[forin]] statements in
-[[iterators1]] may be used in [[iterators2]].
-Boot contains a simple way of specifying lists that are constructed
-by [[CONS]] and [[APPEND]], or by transforming one list to another in a
-systematic manner.
-construct ::= OBRACK construction CBRACK
-construction ::= comma | comma iteratortail
-iteratortail ::= REPEAT iterators | iterators
-A construct expression denotes a list and may also have a list
-of controlling iterators having the same syntax as a loop. In this
-case the expression is enclosed in brackets and the iterators follow
-the expression they qualify, rather than preceding it.
-In the case that there are no iterators the construct expression
-denotes a list by listing its components separated by commas, or by
-a comma followed by a colon. In the simple case in which there are no
-colons the Boot expression [a,b,c,d] translates to the Lisp
-[[(LIST a b c d)]] or [[(CONS a (CONS b (CONS c (CONS d NIL))))]].
-When elements are separated by comma colon, however, the expression
-that follows will be assumed to denote a list which will be appended
-to the following list, rather than consed. An exception to this rule
-is that a colon preceding the last expression is translated to
-the expression itself. If it immediately preceded by a CONS
-then it need not denote a list.
-For example:
-[] is translated to the empty list NIL
-[a] is translated to the 1-list (LIST a) or (CONS a NIL)
-[:a] is translated to a
-[a,b] is translated to the 2-list (LIST a b) or (CONS a (CONS b NIL))
-[:a,b] is translated to (APPEND a (CONS b NIL))
-[a,:b] is translated to (CONS a b)
-[:a,:b] is translated to (APPEND a b)
-[:a,b,c] is translated to (APPEND a (CONS b (CONS c NIL)))
-[a,:b,c] is translated to (CONS a (APPEND b (CONS c NIL)))
-[a,b,:c] is translated to (CONS a (CONS b c))
-If the construct expression has iterators that control the production
-of the list the resulting list depends on the form of the comma
-construction ::= comma iteratortail
-If the comma expression is recognised as denoting a list
-by either preceding it by a colon, or having commas at top level
-as above, then the successive values are appended. If not then
-the successive values are consed.
-[f i for i in x] denotes the list formed by applying f to each
- member of the list x.
-[:f i for i in 0..n] denotes the list formed by appending the
- lists f i for each i in 0..n.
-is ::= arith | arith IS pattern
-The pattern in the proposition [[arith IS pattern]] has the same form
-as the construct phrase without iterators. In this case, however it
-denotes a class of lists rather than a list, and is composed
-from identifiers rather than expressions. The proposition
-is translated into a program that tests whether the arith expression
-denotes a list that belongs to the class. If it does then the value
-of the is expression is true and the identifiers in
-the pattern are assigned the values of the corresponding
-components of the list. If the list does not match the pattern
-the value of the is expression is false and the values of the
-identifier might be changed in some unknown way that reflects the
-partial success of the matching.
-Because of this uncertainty,
-it is advisable to use the variables in a pattern
-as new definitions rather than assigning to variables that are
-defined elsewhere.
-pattern::= identifier | constant | [ patternlist ]
-The value of [[arith IS identifier]] is [[true]] and the value of
-[[arith]] is assigned to the [[identifier]].
-[[(PROGN (SETQ identifier arith) T)]]
-The expression [[arith IS constant]] is translated to
-[[(EQUAL constant arith)]].
-The expression arith [[IS [ pattenlist ] ]]
-produces a program which tests whether arith denotes a list
-of the right length and that each patternitem matches the corresponding
-list component.
-patternitem ::= EQ application | DOT | pattern | name := pattern
-If the [[patternitem]] is [[EQ application]] then the value is true if
-the component is [[EQUAL]] to the value of the application expression.
-If the [[patternitem]] is [[DOT]] then the value is [[true]] regardless of the
-nature of the component. It is used as a place-holder to test
-whether the component exists.
-If the patternitem is pattern then the component is matched against
-the pattern as above.
-If the [[patternitem]] is [[name:=pattern]] then the component is
-matched against
-the pattern as above, and if the value is [[true]] the component is assigned
-to the name. This last provision enables both a component and
-its components to be given names.
-patternlist ::= listof(patternitem,COMMA)|
- listof(patternitem,COMMA) COMMA patterntail
- patterntail
-patterncolon ::= COLON patternitem
-patterntail ::= patterncolon |
- patterncolon COMMA listof(patternitem,COMMA)
-The [[patternlist]] may contain one colon to indicate that the following
-patternitem can match a list of any length. In this case
-the matching rule is to construct the expression
-with [[CONS]] and [[APPEND]] from the pattern as shown above and then test
-whether the list can be constructed in this way, and if so
-deduce the components and assign them to identifiers.
-The effect of a pattern that occurs as a variable in a for iterator
-is to filter the list by the pattern.
-forin ::= for pattern IN segment
-is translated to two iterators
- for g IN segment | g IS pattern
-where [[g]] is an invented identifier.
-forin ::= for (name:=pattern) IN segment
-is translated to two iterators
- for name IN segment BAR name IS pattern
-in order to both filter the list elements, and name both elements and
-their components.
-A pattern may also occur on the left hand side of an assignment
-statement, and has a slightly different meaning.
-The purpose in this case is to give names to the components
-of the list which is the value of the right hand side.
-In this case no checking
-is done that the list matches the pattern precisely and the only
-effect is to construct the selectors that correspond to
-the identifiers in the pattern, apply them to the value of the
-right hand side and assign the selected components
-to the corresponding identifiers.
-The effect of applying [[CAR]] or [[CDR]] to arguments to which they are not
-applicable will depend on the underlying Lisp system.
-assignment::= assignvariable BECOMES assignment| statement
-assignvariable := OBRACK patternlist CBRACK | assignlhs
-The assignment having a pattern as its left hand side is reduced
-as explained above to one or more assignments having an identifier
-on the left hand side.
-The meaning of the assignment depends on whether the identifier
-starts with a dollar sign or not, if it is and whether it is followed by
-[[:local]] or [[:fluid]].
-If the identifier does not start with a dollar sign it
-is treated as local to the body of the function in which it
-occurs, and
-if it is not already an argument of the function,
-a declaration to that effect is added to the Lisp code
-by adding a [[PROG]] construction at top level within the body of the
-function definition. Note also the all local variables and fluid variables
-are treated this way, resulting in initialization to [[nil]] before
-execution of the body of the function. Consequently care must be
-exercised when assigning to Lisp special global variables. If you
-do not want that implicitly initialization to [[nil]], then use the
-explicit [[SETQ]] Lisp special form in an application syntax.
-If such an identifier assignment does not occur in the body
-of a function but in a top level expression then
-it is also treated as a local. The sole exception to this rule
-is when the top level expression is an assignment to an identifier
-in which case it is treated as global.
-If the left hand side of an assignment is an identifier that starts with
-a dollar sign it will not be classified as a local but will
-be treated as non-local. If it is also followed by [[:local]] then it
-will be treated as a declaration of a [[FLUID]] (VMLisp) or [[SPECIAL]]
-variable (Common Lisp) which will be given an initial value which is the
-value of the right hand side of the assignment statement.
-The [[FLUID]] or [[SPECIAL]] variables may be referred to or assigned to
-by functions that are applied in the body of the declaration.
-If the left hand side of an assignment statement is
-an identifier that does not start with a dollar sign followed
-by [[:local]] then it will also be treated as a [[FLUID]] or [[SPECIAL]]
-declaration, however it may only be assigned to in the body
-of the function in which the assignment it occurs.
-assignment::= assignvariable BECOMES assignment | statement
-assignvariable := OBRACK patternlist CBRACK | assignlhs
-assignlhs::= name | name COLON local |
- name DOT primary DOT ... DOT primary
-If the left hand side of an assignment has the form
- name DOT primary DOT ... DOT primary
-the assignment statement will denote an updating of some component
-of the value of name. In general [[name DOT primary := statement]]
-will get translated to [[(SETELT name primary statement)]] or
-[[(SETF (ELT name primary) statement)]]
-There are however certain identifiers that denote components of
-a list which will get translated to statements that update that
-component (see appendix) e.g.
-a.car:=b is translated to (SETF (CAR a) b) in Common Lisp.
-The iterated [[DOT]] is used to update components of components
-and e.g
-a.b.c:=d is translated to (SETF (ELT (ELT a b)c) d)
-exit::= assignment | assignment EXIT where
-The exit format [[assignment EXIT where]] is used to give a value to
-a blockof or pileof statements in which it occurs at top level.
-The expression
- (a =>b;c) will be translated to if a then b else c or
- (COND (a b) (T c))
-If the exit is not a component of a blockof or pileof statements
-a=>b will be translated to (COND (a b))
-Functions may be defined using the syntax
-functiondefinition::= name DEF where | name variable DEF where
-variable ::= parenthesized variablelist | pattern
-variableitem ::=
- name| pattern | name BECOMES pattern | name IS pattern
-variablelist ::= variableitem | COLON name |
- variableitem COMMA variablelist
-Function definitions may only occur at top level or after a [[where]].
-The [[name]] is the name of the function being defined, and the
-most frequently used form of the [[variable]] is either a single name
-or a parenthesized list of names separated by commas.
-In this case the translation to Lisp is straightforward, for example:
-f x == E or f(x)==E is translated to (DEFUN f (x) TE)
-f (x,y,z)==E is translated to (DEFUN f (x y z) TE)
-f ()==E is translated to (DEFUN f () TE)
-where [[TE]] is the translation of [[E]].
-At top level
-f==E is translated to (DEFUN f () TE)
-The function being defined is that which when applied to its arguments
-produces the value of the body as result where the variables
-in the body take on the values of its arguments.
-A pattern may also occur in the variable of a definition of a function
-and serves the purpose, similar to the left hand side of assignments,
-of naming the list components.
-The phrase
- name pattern DEF where
-is translated to
- name g DEF (pattern:=g;where)
- name1 name2 := pattern DEF where or name1 name2 is pattern DEF where
-are both translated to
- name1 name2 DEF (pattern:=name2;where)
-similarly for patterns that occur as components of a list of
-variables. order
-variablelist ::=
- variableitem | COLON name | variableitem COMMA variablelist
-The parenthesized [[variablelist]] that occurs as a variable of a function
-definition can contain variables separated by commas but can also
-have a comma colon as its last separator.
-This means that the function is applicable to lists of different
-sizes and that only the first few elements corresponding to the
-variables separated by commas are named, and
-the last name after the colon denotes the rest of the list.
-Macros may be defined only at top level, and must always have a variable
-macrodefinition::= name variable MDEF where
-The effect of a [[macrodefinition]] is to produce a Lisp macro
-which is applied to arguments that are treated as expressions, rather
-than their values, and whose result if formed by first substituting
-the expressions for occurrences of the variables within the body
-and then evaluating the resulting expression.
-\subsubsection{Where Clauses}
-Expressions may be qualified by one or more function definitions
-using the syntax
-where ::= exit | exit WHERE qualifier
-qualifier ::= functiondefinition |
- pileof (functiondefinition) | blockof functiondefinition
-The functions may only be used within the expression that is qualified.
-This feature has to be used with some care, however, because
-a where clause may only occur within a function body, and
-the component functions are extruded, so to speak, from their contexts
-renamed, and made into top level function definitions.
-As a result the variables of the outer function cannot be referred to
-within the inner function.
-If a qualifying function has the format [[name DEF where]] then
-the [[where]] phrase is substituted for all occurences of the name
-within the expression qualified.
-If an expression is qualified by a phrase that is not a
-function definition then the result will be a compound statement
-in which the qualifying phrase is followed by the qualified phrase.
-Although a tuple may appear syntactically
-in any position occupied by a primary
-it will only be given meaning when it is the argument to a function.
-To denote a list it has to be enclosed in brackets rather than
-parentheses. A tuple at top level is treated as if its components
-appeared at top level in the order of the list.
-tuple::= parenthesized (listof (where,COMMA))
-\subsubsection{Blocks and Piles}
-block::= parenthesized (listof (where,SEMICOLON))
-pile::= piled (listof (listof(where,SEMICOLON),BACKSET))
-A block or a pile get translated to a compound statement or PROGN
-\subsubsection{Top Level}
-toplevel ::= functiondefinition | macrodefinition | primary
-\subsubsection{Translation Functions}
-(boottocl "filename")
-translates the file "filename.boot" to
-the common lisp file "filename.clisp"
-(bootclam "filename")
-translates the file "filename.boot" to
-the common lisp file "filename.clisp"
-producing, for each function a
-hash table to store previously computed values indexed by argument
-list. The function first looks in the hash table for the result
-if there returns it, if not computes the result and stores it in the
-(boottoclc "filename")
-translates the file "filename.boot" to
-the common lisp file "filename.clisp"
-with the original boot code as comments
-(boot "filename")
-translates the file "filename.boot" to
-the common lisp file "filename.clisp",
-compiles it to the file "filename.bbin"
-and loads the bbin file.
-(bo "filename")
-translates the file "filename.boot"
-and prints the result at the console
-(stout "string") translates the string "string"
-and prints the result at the console
-(sttomc "string") translates the string "string"
-to common lisp, and compiles the result.
-(fc "functionname" "filename")
-attempts to find the boot function
-functionname in the file filename,
-if found it translates it to common
-lisp, compiles and loads it.
- is similar to fc, fn is the file name but symbol is the symbol
- of the function name rather than the string.
-attempts to find the definition of symbol in file fn, but this time
-translation is followed by EVAL rather than COMPILE
-(defuse "filename")
-Translates the file filename, and writes a report of the
-functions defined and not used, and used and not defined in the
-file filename.defuse
-(xref "filename")
-Translates the file filename, and writes a report of the
-names used, and where used to the file filename.xref
-\subsection{Reserved identifiers}
-The following identifiers are reserved by Boot.
- and append apply atom car cdr cons copy
- croak drop exit false first function genvar IN
- is isnt lastNode LAST list member mkpf nconc
- nil not NOT nreverse null or otherwise PAIRP
- removeDuplicates rest reverse setDifference
- setIntersection setPart setUnion size strconc substitute
-The following identifiers designate special accessor functions in Boot.
- setName setLabel setLevel setType setVar setLeaf
- setLeaf setDef aGeneral aMode aTree aValue
- attributes cacheCount cacheName cacheReset cacheType env
- expr CAR mmCondition mmDC mmImplementation
- mmSignature mmTarget mode op opcode opSig
- CDR sig source streamCode streamDef streamName
- target
-\section{The Makefile}
-When all of the native object files are produced we construct a
-lisp image that contains the boot translator, called [[bootsys]], which
-lives in the [[$(axiom_target_bindir)]] directory. This [[bootsys]] image
-is critical for the rest of the makefiles to succeed.
-There are two halves of this file. the first half compiles the .lisp files
-that live in the src/boot directory. the second half compiles the .clisp
-files (which are generated from the .boot files). It is important that
-the .clisp files are kept in the src/boot directory for the boot translator
-as they cannot be recreated without a boot translator (a bootstrap problem).
-An important subtlety is that files in the boot translator depend on the
-file npextras. there are 3 macros in npextras that must be in the lisp
-workspace (\verb$|shoeOpenInputFile| |shoeOpenOutputFile| memq$).
-\subsubsection{Lisp Images}
-We will use create and use several lisp images during the build
-process. We name them here for convenience.
-\paragraph{[[AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP]].} We start with a Lisp image
-created in a previous build step (src/lisp). That image is used
-to build Boot translator executable through the entire bootstrap process.
-AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP_sources = initial-env.lisp
-AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP = ../lisp/lisp$(EXEEXT)
-\section{Proclaim optimization}
-GCL, and possibly other common lisps, can generate much better
-code if the function argument types and return values are proclaimed.
-In theory what we should do is scan all of the functions in the system
-and create a file of proclaim definitions. These proclaim definitions
-should be loaded into the image before we do any compiles so they can
-allow the compiler to optimize function calling.
-GCL has an approximation to this scanning which we use here.
-The first step is to build a version of GCL that includes gcl\_collectfn.
-This file contains code that enhances the lisp compiler and creates a
-hash table of structs. Each struct in the hash table describes information
-that about the types of the function being compiled and the types of its
-arguments. At the end of the compile-file this hash table is written out
-to a ".fn" file.
-The second step is to build axiom images (depsys, interpsys, AXIOMsys)
-which contain the gcl\_collectfn code.
-The third step is to build the system. This generates a .fn file for
-each lisp file that gets compiled.
-The fourth step is to build the proclaims.lisp files. There is one
-proclaims.lisp file for
-boot (boot-proclaims.lisp),
-interp (interp-proclaims.lisp), and
-algebra (algebra-proclaims.lisp).
-To build the proclaims file (e.g. for interp) we:
-(a) cd to obj/linux/interp
-(b) (yourpath)/axiom/obj/linux/bin/lisp
-(c) (load "sys-pkg.lsp")
-(d) (mapcar #'load (directory "*.fn"))
-(e) (with-open-file (out "interp-proclaims.lisp" :direction :output)
- (compiler::make-proclaims out))
-Note that step (c) is only used for interp, not for boot.
-The fifth step is to copy the newly constructed proclaims file back
-into the src/interp diretory (or boot, algebra).
-In order for this information to be used during compiles we define
-PROCLAIMS=(load "$(srcdir)/boot-proclaims.lisp")
-\section{Special Commands}
-We are working in a build environment that combines Makefile
-technology with Lisp technology. Instead of invoking a command
-like {\bf gcc} and giving it arguments we will be creating
-Lisp S-expressions and piping them into a Lisp image. The
-Lisp image starts, reads the S-expression from standard input,
-evaluates it, and finding an end-of-stream on standard input, exits.
-\section{The Boot Compiler}
-This section describes the set of object files that make the Boot compiler.
-\subsection{The Bootstrap files}
-This is a list of all of the files that must be loaded to construct the
-boot translator image.
-boot_objects = initial-env.$(FASLEXT) $(boot_sources:.boot=.$(FASLEXT))
-## ECL's program construction model is not based on image-dumping. It is
-## closer to `traditional C' application building. Therefore, since
-## bootsys is an augmentation of base-lisp, we need to have the objects
-## that made up base-lisp too.
-ifeq (@axiom_lisp_flavor@,ecl)
-boot_objects_extra = ../lisp/core.$(FASLEXT)
-boot_SOURCES = \
- initial-env.lisp.pamphlet \
- $(addsuffix .pamphlet, $(boot_sources))
-pamphlets = Makefile.pamphlet $(boot_SOURCES)
-[[$(boot_sources)]] is a list of the boot file targets. If you modify a
-boot file you'll have to explicitly build the clisp files and
-merge the generated code back into the pamphlet by hand. The
-assumption is that if you know enough to change the fundamental
-bootstrap files you know how to migrate the changes back.
-This process, by design, does not occur automatically (though it
-The Boot compiler, [[bootsys]], is built from a set of source files
-written in Boot. Note that the order is
-important as earlier files will contain code needed by later files.
-boot_sources = tokens.boot includer.boot scanner.boot \
- pile.boot ast.boot parser.boot translator.boot
-boot_clisp = $(boot_sources:.boot=.clisp)
-boot_data = $(boot_sources:.boot=.data)
-boot_fn = $(boot_sources:.boot=.fn)
-These source files use macros defined in the first set, and they be compiled
-in an environment where those macros are present.
-The Boot source file for [[bootsys]] are automatically extracted ---
-only during bootstrap --- from the pamphlets into the current build
-directory. When bootstrapping, they are the inputs to the stage0, stage1
- [[bootsys]] compilers.
-<<boot from pamphlet>>=
-.PRECIOUS: %.boot
-%.boot: $(srcdir)/%.boot.pamphlet
- $(axiom_build_document) --tangle $<
-Since the Boot language is defined as a syntactic sugar over Lisp
-(a reasonably tasty sugar), the
-the second set of source files (written in Boot) is first translated
-to Lisp, and the result of that translation is subsequently compiled to
-native object files.
-Partly for bootstrapping reasons, and partly because OpenAxiom (therefore
-Boot) is not yet widespread, the pamphlets for the source files written
-in Boot currently keep a cache of their translated versions. Hopefully
-the maintainance of that cache will be unnecessary as the build machinery
-becomes more and more improved, and OpenAxiom gets in widespread use.
-boot_cached_clisp = $(boot_sources:.boot=.clisp)
-\section{Bootstrapping Boot}
-When the system is configured for bootstrap, we build the Boot compiler ---
-[[bootsys]] --- in three steps:
-\item a stage-0 Boot compiler, built from the cached (Lisp) source files;
-\item a stage-1 Boot compiler, built the original Boot source files using the
- stage-0 Boot compiler;
-\item and a stage-2 Boot compiler, built from original Boot source files
- using the stage-2 Boot compiler.
-Notice that in last two steps, the source file written in Boot are first
-translated to Lisp using the freshly built Boot compiler, and the resulting
-Lisp files subsequently compiled to natve object files.
-Ideally, we should also compare the intermediate Lisp source files from
-stage 1 and 2 to detect possible miscompilation. We don't do that
-for the moment.
-\subsection{Compiling the Boot source files}
-We compile the Boot compiler source files written in Boot only
-at stage 1 and 2 (when bootstrapping). As explained earlier, the
-compilation of these files proceeds in two steps:
-\item Translate the Boot source files to Lisp code,
-\item compile the resulting Lisp source files to native object code.
-<<compile Boot files from pamphlets>>=
-## Dependency for various modules.
-## FIXME: This should be automatically extracted from the
-## Boot source file at packaging time.
-%/tokens.$(FASLEXT): %/tokens.clisp %/initial-env.$(FASLEXT)
- $(AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP) -- --compile --load-directory=$* $<
-%/includer.$(FASLEXT): %/includer.clisp %/tokens.$(FASLEXT)
- $(AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP) -- --compile --load-directory=$* $<
-%/scanner.$(FASLEXT): %/scanner.clisp %/tokens.$(FASLEXT) %/includer.$(FASLEXT)
- $(AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP) -- --compile --load-directory=$* $<
-%/pile.$(FASLEXT): %/pile.clisp %/scanner.$(FASLEXT) %/includer.$(FASLEXT)
- $(AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP) -- --compile --load-directory=$* $<
-%/ast.$(FASLEXT): %/ast.clisp %/includer.$(FASLEXT)
- $(AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP) -- --compile --load-directory=$* $<
-%/parser.$(FASLEXT): %/parser.clisp %/ast.$(FASLEXT) %/scanner.$(FASLEXT) \
- %/includer.$(FASLEXT)
- $(AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP) -- --compile --load-directory=$* $<
-%/translator.$(FASLEXT): %/translator.clisp %/parser.$(FASLEXT) \
- %/ast.$(FASLEXT) %/pile.$(FASLEXT) %/scanner.$(FASLEXT) \
- %/includer.$(FASLEXT)
- $(AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP) -- --compile --load-directory=$* $<
-<<boot from pamphlet>>
-\subsection{Building [[bootsys]]}
-\subsection{The various bootstrapping stages}
-The bootstrapping phase is carried out in three stages:
-\item[Stage 0] we compile the cached Lisp translations of the Boot codes.
- Currently, these translations are functionally equivalent
- to the final \Tool{bootsys} we get out of the bootstrap. Ideally,
- this should just be powerfull enough to translate the \Tool{bootsys}
- Boot codes. The compilation of thee Lisp code is done with the
- Lisp image [[$(AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP)]].
-\item[Stage 1] Using the \Tool{bootsys} built from the previous
- stage (\eg{} from
- cached Lisp translations), we build a new \Tool{bootsys} from the
- Boot codes proper.
-\item[Stage 2] Finally, we build another (and final) \Tool{bootsys} image
- using the \Tool{bootsys} from Stage 1. This is the \Tool{bootsys}
- image that is used to build the rest of the OpenAxiom system.
-Stage 1 and Stage 2 are structurally identical. Ideally, we should be
-doing a bootstrap compare.
-Although all the \Tool{bootsys} images are powerful enough to
-compile Boot codes directly, we don't use them for compilation.
-Instead, we the fresh, clean, [[$(AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP)]] image.
-The reason is that the process of compiling a Boot source file
-may have the side effect of loading a module in the compiler (as
-by-product of resolving module dependencies). But such module
-will contain objects already present in the compiler and being
-used. Consequently, we must use a fresh image to guarantee
-clean and reproductible build and semantics. Notice that only
-the compilation of \Tool{bootsys} itself needs that care.
-The rest of the OpenAxiom system should use \Tool{bootsys} to
-compile Boot codes, instead of manually going through the
-Lisp translation phase.
-\subsubsection{Stage 0}
-We build the stage-0 Boot compiler from the cached Lisp souces code.
-<<stage 0 boot compiler>>=
-.PRECIOUS: stage0/%.clisp
-.PRECIOUS: stage0/%.$(FASLEXT)
-stage0_boot_clisp = $(addprefix stage0/, $(boot_clisp))
-stage0_boot_objects = $(addprefix stage0/, $(boot_objects))
-stage0/stamp: stage0/bootsys$(EXEEXT)
- @rm -f $@
- @$(STAMP) $@
-stage0/bootsys$(EXEEXT): $(stage0_boot_objects)
- $(AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP) -- --make --main="|AxiomCore|::|topLevel|"\
- --output=$@ --load-directory=stage0 \
- $(boot_objects_extra) $(stage0_boot_objects)
-.PRECIOUS: %/.started
- $(mkinstalldirs) $*
- $(STAMP) $@
-$(stage0_boot_objects): $(AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP)
-stage0/%.clisp: $(srcdir)/%.boot.pamphlet stage0/.started
- $(axiom_build_document) --tangle=$*.clisp --output=$@ $<
-%/initial-env.$(FASLEXT): initial-env.lisp %/.started
- $(AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP) -- --compile --output=$@ $<
-\subsubsection{Stage 1}
-<<stage 1 boot compiler>>=
-.PRECIOUS: stage1/%.$(FASLEXT)
-.PRECIOUS: stage1/%.clisp
-stage1/stamp: stage1/bootsys$(EXEEXT)
- rm -f $@
- $(STAMP) $@
-stage1/bootsys$(EXEEXT): $(addprefix stage1/, $(boot_objects))
- $(AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP) -- --make --main="|AxiomCore|::|topLevel|" \
- --output=$@ --load-directory=stage1 \
- $(boot_objects_extra) $(addprefix stage1/, $(boot_objects))
-stage1/%.clisp: %.boot stage0/stamp stage1/.started
- stage0/bootsys -- --translate --output=$@ $<
-\subsubsection{Stage 2}
-<<stage 2 boot compiler>>=
-.PRECIOUS: stage2/%.$(FASLEXT)
-.PRECIOUS: stage2/%.clisp
-stage2/stamp: stage2/bootsys$(EXEEXT)
- @echo Building stage 2
- $(STAMP) $@
-stage2/bootsys$(EXEEXT): $(addprefix stage2/, $(boot_objects))
- $(AXIOM_LOCAL_LISP) -- --make --main="|AxiomCore|::|topLevel|" \
- --output=$@ --load-directory=stage2 \
- $(boot_objects_extra) $(addprefix stage2/, $(boot_objects))
-stage2/%.clisp: %.boot stage1/stamp stage2/.started
- stage1/bootsys -- --translate --output=$@ $<
-<<stage 0 boot compiler>>
-<<stage 1 boot compiler>>
-<<stage 2 boot compiler>>
-\section{Making the documentation}
-\subsection{Compiling Lisp files without deps from pamphlets}
-.PRECIOUS: %.lisp
-initial-env.lisp: initial-env.lisp.pamphlet
- $(axiom_build_document) --tangle $<
-\subsection{boot from pamphlet}
-<<boot from pamphlet>>=
-.PRECIOUS: %.boot
-%.boot: $(srcdir)/%.boot.pamphlet
- $(axiom_build_document) --tangle $<
-\section{Making the documentation}
- $(axiom_build_document) --tag=lisp --mode=compile --output=$@
- $(axiom_build_document) --tag=boot --mode=translate \
- --use=./prev-stage/bootsys $<
- @rm -f $(axiom_build_bindir)/bootsys$(EXEEXT)
- @rm -rf prev-stage
- @rm -rf stage0 stage1 stage2
- @rm -f *.data *.fn
- @rm -f stamp
-clean-local: mostlyclean-local
- @rm -f $(boot_sources)
- @rm -f *.clisp *.lisp
-distclean-local: clean-local
-\section{Global variables}
-The Boot implementation uses a number of global variables
-for communication between several routines. Some of them follow
-the syntactic convention of starting their names with [[$]]. Some
-\section{The Makefile}
-subdir = src/boot/
-.PHONY: all-ax all-boot
-all: all-ax all-boot
-all-ax all-boot: stamp
-stamp: $(axiom_build_bindir)/bootsys$(EXEEXT)
- @rm -f stamp
- $(STAMP) $@
-$(axiom_build_bindir)/bootsys$(EXEEXT): stage2/bootsys$(EXEEXT)
- $(mkinstalldirs) $(axiom_build_bindir)
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) stage2/bootsys$(EXEEXT) $(axiom_build_bindir)
-<<compile Boot files from pamphlets>>
-\bibitem{1} src/boot/boothdr.lisp.pamphlet
-\bibitem{2} src/boot/includer.boot.pamphlet
-\bibitem{3} src/boot/pile.boot.pamphlet
-\bibitem{4} src/boot/scanner.boot.pamphlet
-\bibitem{5} src/boot/exports.lisp.pamphlet
-\bibitem{7} src/boot/translator.boot.pamphlet
-\bibitem{8} src/boot/parser.boot.pamphlet
-\bibitem{9} src/boot/tokens.boot.pamphlet
-\bibitem{10} src/boot/ast.boot.pamphlet