path: root/src/algebra/pscat.spad.pamphlet
diff options
authordos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-08-14 05:14:52 +0000
committerdos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-08-14 05:14:52 +0000
commitab8cc85adde879fb963c94d15675783f2cf4b183 (patch)
treec202482327f474583b750b2c45dedfc4e4312b1d /src/algebra/pscat.spad.pamphlet
Initial population.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/algebra/pscat.spad.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 691 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/algebra/pscat.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/pscat.spad.pamphlet
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..115c4ac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/algebra/pscat.spad.pamphlet
@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
+\title{\$SPAD/src/algebra pscat.spad}
+\author{Clifton J. Williamson}
+\section{category PSCAT PowerSeriesCategory}
+<<category PSCAT PowerSeriesCategory>>=
+)abbrev category PSCAT PowerSeriesCategory
+++ Author: Clifton J. Williamson
+++ Date Created: 21 December 1989
+++ Date Last Updated: 25 February 1990
+++ Basic Operations:
+++ Related Domains:
+++ Also See:
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords: power series
+++ Examples:
+++ References:
+++ Description:
+++ \spadtype{PowerSeriesCategory} is the most general power series
+++ category with exponents in an ordered abelian monoid.
+PowerSeriesCategory(Coef,Expon,Var): Category == Definition where
+ Coef : Ring
+ Expon : OrderedAbelianMonoid
+ Var : OrderedSet
+ I ==> Integer
+ RN ==> Fraction Integer
+ Definition ==> AbelianMonoidRing(Coef,Expon) with
+ monomial: (%,Var,Expon) -> %
+ ++ \spad{monomial(a,x,n)} computes \spad{a*x**n}.
+ monomial: (%,List Var,List Expon) -> %
+ ++ \spad{monomial(a,[x1,..,xk],[n1,..,nk])} computes
+ ++ \spad{a * x1**n1 * .. * xk**nk}.
+ leadingMonomial: % -> %
+ ++ leadingMonomial(f) returns the monomial of \spad{f} of lowest order.
+ leadingCoefficient: % -> Coef
+ ++ leadingCoefficient(f) returns the coefficient of the lowest order
+ ++ term of \spad{f}
+ degree : % -> Expon
+ ++ degree(f) returns the exponent of the lowest order term of \spad{f}.
+ variables: % -> List Var
+ ++ \spad{variables(f)} returns a list of the variables occuring in the
+ ++ power series f.
+ pole?: % -> Boolean
+ ++ \spad{pole?(f)} determines if the power series f has a pole.
+ complete: % -> %
+ ++ \spad{complete(f)} causes all terms of f to be computed.
+ ++ Note: this results in an infinite loop
+ ++ if f has infinitely many terms.
+ add
+ n:I * ps:% == (zero? n => 0; map(n * #1,ps))
+ r:Coef * ps:% == (zero? r => 0; map(r * #1,ps))
+ ps:% * r:Coef == (zero? r => 0; map(#1 * r,ps))
+ - ps == map(- #1,ps)
+ if Coef has Algebra Fraction Integer then
+ r:RN * ps:% == (zero? r => 0; map(r * #1,ps))
+ ps:% * r:RN == (zero? r => 0; map(#1 * r,ps))
+ if Coef has Field then
+ ps:% / r:Coef == map(#1 / r,ps)
+\section{category UPSCAT UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory}
+<<category UPSCAT UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory>>=
+)abbrev category UPSCAT UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory
+++ Author: Clifton J. Williamson
+++ Date Created: 21 December 1989
+++ Date Last Updated: 20 September 1993
+++ Basic Operations:
+++ Related Domains:
+++ Also See:
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords:
+++ Examples:
+++ References:
+++ Description:
+++ \spadtype{UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory} is the most general
+++ univariate power series category with exponents in an ordered
+++ abelian monoid.
+++ Note: this category exports a substitution function if it is
+++ possible to multiply exponents.
+++ Note: this category exports a derivative operation if it is possible
+++ to multiply coefficients by exponents.
+UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory(Coef,Expon): Category == Definition where
+ Coef : Ring
+ Expon : OrderedAbelianMonoid
+ Term ==> Record(k:Expon,c:Coef)
+ Definition ==> PowerSeriesCategory(Coef,Expon,SingletonAsOrderedSet) with
+ terms: % -> Stream Term
+ ++ \spad{terms(f(x))} returns a stream of non-zero terms, where a
+ ++ a term is an exponent-coefficient pair. The terms in the stream
+ ++ are ordered by increasing order of exponents.
+ --series: Stream Term -> %
+ --++ \spad{series(st)} creates a series from a stream of non-zero terms,
+ --++ where a term is an exponent-coefficient pair. The terms in the
+ --++ stream should be ordered by increasing order of exponents.
+ elt: (%,Expon) -> Coef
+ ++ \spad{elt(f(x),r)} returns the coefficient of the term of degree r in
+ ++ \spad{f(x)}. This is the same as the function \spadfun{coefficient}.
+ variable: % -> Symbol
+ ++ \spad{variable(f)} returns the (unique) power series variable of
+ ++ the power series f.
+ center: % -> Coef
+ ++ \spad{center(f)} returns the point about which the series f is
+ ++ expanded.
+ multiplyExponents: (%,PositiveInteger) -> %
+ ++ \spad{multiplyExponents(f,n)} multiplies all exponents of the power
+ ++ series f by the positive integer n.
+ order: % -> Expon
+ ++ \spad{order(f)} is the degree of the lowest order non-zero term in f.
+ ++ This will result in an infinite loop if f has no non-zero terms.
+ order: (%,Expon) -> Expon
+ ++ \spad{order(f,n) = min(m,n)}, where m is the degree of the
+ ++ lowest order non-zero term in f.
+ truncate: (%,Expon) -> %
+ ++ \spad{truncate(f,k)} returns a (finite) power series consisting of
+ ++ the sum of all terms of f of degree \spad{<= k}.
+ truncate: (%,Expon,Expon) -> %
+ ++ \spad{truncate(f,k1,k2)} returns a (finite) power
+ ++ series consisting of
+ ++ the sum of all terms of f of degree d with \spad{k1 <= d <= k2}.
+ if Coef has coerce: Symbol -> Coef then
+ if Coef has "**":(Coef,Expon) -> Coef then
+ approximate: (%,Expon) -> Coef
+ ++ \spad{approximate(f)} returns a truncated power series with the
+ ++ series variable viewed as an element of the coefficient domain.
+ extend: (%,Expon) -> %
+ ++ \spad{extend(f,n)} causes all terms of f of degree <= n to be computed.
+ if Expon has SemiGroup then Eltable(%,%)
+ if Coef has "*": (Expon,Coef) -> Coef then
+ DifferentialRing
+ --!! DifferentialExtension Coef
+ if Coef has PartialDifferentialRing Symbol then
+ PartialDifferentialRing Symbol
+ if Coef has "**": (Coef,Expon) -> Coef then
+ eval: (%,Coef) -> Stream Coef
+ ++ \spad{eval(f,a)} evaluates a power series at a value in the
+ ++ ground ring by returning a stream of partial sums.
+ add
+ degree f == order f
+ leadingCoefficient f == coefficient(f,order f)
+ leadingMonomial f ==
+ ord := order f
+ monomial(coefficient(f,ord),ord)
+ monomial(f:%,listVar:List SingletonAsOrderedSet,listExpon:List Expon) ==
+ empty? listVar or not empty? rest listVar =>
+ error "monomial: variable list must have exactly one entry"
+ empty? listExpon or not empty? rest listExpon =>
+ error "monomial: exponent list must have exactly one entry"
+ f * monomial(1,first listExpon)
+ monomial(f:%,v:SingletonAsOrderedSet,n:Expon) ==
+ f * monomial(1,n)
+ reductum f == f - leadingMonomial f
+ variables f == list create()
+\section{category UTSCAT UnivariateTaylorSeriesCategory}
+<<category UTSCAT UnivariateTaylorSeriesCategory>>=
+)abbrev category UTSCAT UnivariateTaylorSeriesCategory
+++ Author: Clifton J. Williamson
+++ Date Created: 21 December 1989
+++ Date Last Updated: 26 May 1994
+++ Basic Operations:
+++ Related Domains:
+++ Also See:
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords: series, Taylor, linebacker
+++ Examples:
+++ References:
+++ Description:
+++ \spadtype{UnivariateTaylorSeriesCategory} is the category of Taylor
+++ series in one variable.
+UnivariateTaylorSeriesCategory(Coef): Category == Definition where
+ Coef : Ring
+ I ==> Integer
+ L ==> List
+ NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
+ OUT ==> OutputForm
+ RN ==> Fraction Integer
+ STTA ==> StreamTaylorSeriesOperations Coef
+ STTF ==> StreamTranscendentalFunctions Coef
+ STNC ==> StreamTranscendentalFunctionsNonCommutative Coef
+ Term ==> Record(k:NNI,c:Coef)
+ Definition ==> UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory(Coef,NNI) with
+ series: Stream Term -> %
+ ++ \spad{series(st)} creates a series from a stream of non-zero terms,
+ ++ where a term is an exponent-coefficient pair. The terms in the
+ ++ stream should be ordered by increasing order of exponents.
+ coefficients: % -> Stream Coef
+ ++ \spad{coefficients(a0 + a1 x + a2 x**2 + ...)} returns a stream
+ ++ of coefficients: \spad{[a0,a1,a2,...]}. The entries of the stream
+ ++ may be zero.
+ series: Stream Coef -> %
+ ++ \spad{series([a0,a1,a2,...])} is the Taylor series
+ ++ \spad{a0 + a1 x + a2 x**2 + ...}.
+ quoByVar: % -> %
+ ++ \spad{quoByVar(a0 + a1 x + a2 x**2 + ...)}
+ ++ returns \spad{a1 + a2 x + a3 x**2 + ...}
+ ++ Thus, this function substracts the constant term and divides by
+ ++ the series variable. This function is used when Laurent series
+ ++ are represented by a Taylor series and an order.
+ multiplyCoefficients: (I -> Coef,%) -> %
+ ++ \spad{multiplyCoefficients(f,sum(n = 0..infinity,a[n] * x**n))}
+ ++ returns \spad{sum(n = 0..infinity,f(n) * a[n] * x**n)}.
+ ++ This function is used when Laurent series are represented by
+ ++ a Taylor series and an order.
+ polynomial: (%,NNI) -> Polynomial Coef
+ ++ \spad{polynomial(f,k)} returns a polynomial consisting of the sum
+ ++ of all terms of f of degree \spad{<= k}.
+ polynomial: (%,NNI,NNI) -> Polynomial Coef
+ ++ \spad{polynomial(f,k1,k2)} returns a polynomial consisting of the
+ ++ sum of all terms of f of degree d with \spad{k1 <= d <= k2}.
+ if Coef has Field then
+ "**": (%,Coef) -> %
+ ++ \spad{f(x) ** a} computes a power of a power series.
+ ++ When the coefficient ring is a field, we may raise a series
+ ++ to an exponent from the coefficient ring provided that the
+ ++ constant coefficient of the series is 1.
+ if Coef has Algebra Fraction Integer then
+ integrate: % -> %
+ ++ \spad{integrate(f(x))} returns an anti-derivative of the power
+ ++ series \spad{f(x)} with constant coefficient 0.
+ ++ We may integrate a series when we can divide coefficients
+ ++ by integers.
+ if Coef has integrate: (Coef,Symbol) -> Coef and _
+ Coef has variables: Coef -> List Symbol then
+ integrate: (%,Symbol) -> %
+ ++ \spad{integrate(f(x),y)} returns an anti-derivative of the
+ ++ power series \spad{f(x)} with respect to the variable \spad{y}.
+ if Coef has TranscendentalFunctionCategory and _
+ Coef has PrimitiveFunctionCategory and _
+ Coef has AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace Integer then
+ integrate: (%,Symbol) -> %
+ ++ \spad{integrate(f(x),y)} returns an anti-derivative of
+ ++ the power series \spad{f(x)} with respect to the variable
+ ++ \spad{y}.
+ RadicalCategory
+ --++ We provide rational powers when we can divide coefficients
+ --++ by integers.
+ TranscendentalFunctionCategory
+ --++ We provide transcendental functions when we can divide
+ --++ coefficients by integers.
+ add
+ zero? x ==
+ empty? (coefs := coefficients x) => true
+ (zero? frst coefs) and (empty? rst coefs) => true
+ false
+--% OutputForms
+-- We provide defaulr output functions on UTSCAT using the functions
+-- 'coefficients', 'center', and 'variable'.
+ factorials?: () -> Boolean
+ -- check a global Lisp variable
+ factorials?() == false
+ termOutput: (I,Coef,OUT) -> OUT
+ termOutput(k,c,vv) ==
+ -- creates a term c * vv ** k
+ k = 0 => c :: OUT
+ mon := (k = 1 => vv; vv ** (k :: OUT))
+-- if factorials?() and k > 1 then
+-- c := factorial(k)$IntegerCombinatoricFunctions * c
+-- mon := mon / hconcat(k :: OUT,"!" :: OUT)
+ c = 1 => mon
+ c = -1 => -mon
+ (c :: OUT) * mon
+ showAll?: () -> Boolean
+ -- check a global Lisp variable
+ showAll?() == true
+ coerce(p:%):OUT ==
+ empty? (uu := coefficients p) => (0$Coef) :: OUT
+ var := variable p; cen := center p
+ vv :=
+ zero? cen => var :: OUT
+ paren(var :: OUT - cen :: OUT)
+ n : NNI ; count : NNI := _$streamCount$Lisp
+ l : L OUT := empty()
+ for n in 0..count while not empty? uu repeat
+ if frst(uu) ^= 0 then
+ l := concat(termOutput(n :: I,frst uu,vv),l)
+ uu := rst uu
+ if showAll?() then
+ for n in (count + 1).. while explicitEntries? uu and _
+ not eq?(uu,rst uu) repeat
+ if frst(uu) ^= 0 then
+ l := concat(termOutput(n :: I,frst uu,vv),l)
+ uu := rst uu
+ l :=
+ explicitlyEmpty? uu => l
+ eq?(uu,rst uu) and frst uu = 0 => l
+ concat(prefix("O" :: OUT,[vv ** (n :: OUT)]),l)
+ empty? l => (0$Coef) :: OUT
+ reduce("+",reverse_! l)
+ if Coef has Field then
+ (x:%) ** (r:Coef) == series power(r,coefficients x)$STTA
+ if Coef has Algebra Fraction Integer then
+ if Coef has CommutativeRing then
+ (x:%) ** (y:%) == series(coefficients x **$STTF coefficients y)
+ (x:%) ** (r:RN) == series powern(r,coefficients x)$STTA
+ exp x == series exp(coefficients x)$STTF
+ log x == series log(coefficients x)$STTF
+ sin x == series sin(coefficients x)$STTF
+ cos x == series cos(coefficients x)$STTF
+ tan x == series tan(coefficients x)$STTF
+ cot x == series cot(coefficients x)$STTF
+ sec x == series sec(coefficients x)$STTF
+ csc x == series csc(coefficients x)$STTF
+ asin x == series asin(coefficients x)$STTF
+ acos x == series acos(coefficients x)$STTF
+ atan x == series atan(coefficients x)$STTF
+ acot x == series acot(coefficients x)$STTF
+ asec x == series asec(coefficients x)$STTF
+ acsc x == series acsc(coefficients x)$STTF
+ sinh x == series sinh(coefficients x)$STTF
+ cosh x == series cosh(coefficients x)$STTF
+ tanh x == series tanh(coefficients x)$STTF
+ coth x == series coth(coefficients x)$STTF
+ sech x == series sech(coefficients x)$STTF
+ csch x == series csch(coefficients x)$STTF
+ asinh x == series asinh(coefficients x)$STTF
+ acosh x == series acosh(coefficients x)$STTF
+ atanh x == series atanh(coefficients x)$STTF
+ acoth x == series acoth(coefficients x)$STTF
+ asech x == series asech(coefficients x)$STTF
+ acsch x == series acsch(coefficients x)$STTF
+ else
+ (x:%) ** (y:%) == series(coefficients x **$STNC coefficients y)
+ (x:%) ** (r:RN) ==
+ coefs := coefficients x
+ empty? coefs =>
+ positive? r => 0
+ zero? r => error "0**0 undefined"
+ error "0 raised to a negative power"
+-- not one? frst coefs =>
+ not (frst coefs = 1) =>
+ error "**: constant coefficient should be 1"
+ coefs := concat(0,rst coefs)
+ onePlusX := monom(1,0)$STTA + $STTA monom(1,1)$STTA
+ ratPow := powern(r,onePlusX)$STTA
+ series compose(ratPow,coefs)$STTA
+ exp x == series exp(coefficients x)$STNC
+ log x == series log(coefficients x)$STNC
+ sin x == series sin(coefficients x)$STNC
+ cos x == series cos(coefficients x)$STNC
+ tan x == series tan(coefficients x)$STNC
+ cot x == series cot(coefficients x)$STNC
+ sec x == series sec(coefficients x)$STNC
+ csc x == series csc(coefficients x)$STNC
+ asin x == series asin(coefficients x)$STNC
+ acos x == series acos(coefficients x)$STNC
+ atan x == series atan(coefficients x)$STNC
+ acot x == series acot(coefficients x)$STNC
+ asec x == series asec(coefficients x)$STNC
+ acsc x == series acsc(coefficients x)$STNC
+ sinh x == series sinh(coefficients x)$STNC
+ cosh x == series cosh(coefficients x)$STNC
+ tanh x == series tanh(coefficients x)$STNC
+ coth x == series coth(coefficients x)$STNC
+ sech x == series sech(coefficients x)$STNC
+ csch x == series csch(coefficients x)$STNC
+ asinh x == series asinh(coefficients x)$STNC
+ acosh x == series acosh(coefficients x)$STNC
+ atanh x == series atanh(coefficients x)$STNC
+ acoth x == series acoth(coefficients x)$STNC
+ asech x == series asech(coefficients x)$STNC
+ acsch x == series acsch(coefficients x)$STNC
+\section{category ULSCAT UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory}
+<<category ULSCAT UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory>>=
+)abbrev category ULSCAT UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory
+++ Author: Clifton J. Williamson
+++ Date Created: 21 December 1989
+++ Date Last Updated: 20 September 1993
+++ Basic Operations:
+++ Related Domains:
+++ Also See:
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords: series, Laurent
+++ Examples:
+++ References:
+++ Description:
+++ \spadtype{UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory} is the category of
+++ Laurent series in one variable.
+UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory(Coef): Category == Definition where
+ Coef : Ring
+ I ==> Integer
+ NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
+ Term ==> Record(k:I,c:Coef)
+ Definition ==> UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory(Coef,Integer) with
+ series: Stream Term -> %
+ ++ \spad{series(st)} creates a series from a stream of non-zero terms,
+ ++ where a term is an exponent-coefficient pair. The terms in the
+ ++ stream should be ordered by increasing order of exponents.
+ multiplyCoefficients: (I -> Coef,%) -> %
+ ++ \spad{multiplyCoefficients(f,sum(n = n0..infinity,a[n] * x**n)) =
+ ++ sum(n = 0..infinity,f(n) * a[n] * x**n)}.
+ ++ This function is used when Puiseux series are represented by
+ ++ a Laurent series and an exponent.
+ if Coef has IntegralDomain then
+ rationalFunction: (%,I) -> Fraction Polynomial Coef
+ ++ \spad{rationalFunction(f,k)} returns a rational function
+ ++ consisting of the sum of all terms of f of degree <= k.
+ rationalFunction: (%,I,I) -> Fraction Polynomial Coef
+ ++ \spad{rationalFunction(f,k1,k2)} returns a rational function
+ ++ consisting of the sum of all terms of f of degree d with
+ ++ \spad{k1 <= d <= k2}.
+ if Coef has Algebra Fraction Integer then
+ integrate: % -> %
+ ++ \spad{integrate(f(x))} returns an anti-derivative of the power
+ ++ series \spad{f(x)} with constant coefficient 1.
+ ++ We may integrate a series when we can divide coefficients
+ ++ by integers.
+ if Coef has integrate: (Coef,Symbol) -> Coef and _
+ Coef has variables: Coef -> List Symbol then
+ integrate: (%,Symbol) -> %
+ ++ \spad{integrate(f(x),y)} returns an anti-derivative of the power
+ ++ series \spad{f(x)} with respect to the variable \spad{y}.
+ if Coef has TranscendentalFunctionCategory and _
+ Coef has PrimitiveFunctionCategory and _
+ Coef has AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace Integer then
+ integrate: (%,Symbol) -> %
+ ++ \spad{integrate(f(x),y)} returns an anti-derivative of
+ ++ the power series \spad{f(x)} with respect to the variable
+ ++ \spad{y}.
+ RadicalCategory
+ --++ We provide rational powers when we can divide coefficients
+ --++ by integers.
+ TranscendentalFunctionCategory
+ --++ We provide transcendental functions when we can divide
+ --++ coefficients by integers.
+ if Coef has Field then Field
+ --++ Univariate Laurent series over a field form a field.
+ --++ In fact, K((x)) is the quotient field of K[[x]].
+\section{ULSCAT.lsp BOOTSTRAP}
+{\bf ULSCAT} depends on a chain of files. We need to break this cycle to build
+the algebra. So we keep a cached copy of the translated {\bf ULSCAT}
+category which we can write into the {\bf MID} directory. We compile
+the lisp code and copy the {\bf ULSCAT.o} file to the {\bf OUT} directory.
+This is eventually forcibly replaced by a recompiled version.
+Note that this code is not included in the generated catdef.spad file.
+(SETQ |UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory;CAT| (QUOTE NIL))
+(SETQ |UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory;AL| (QUOTE NIL))
+(DEFUN |UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory| (#1=#:G83278) (LET (#2=#:G83279) (COND ((SETQ #2# (|assoc| (|devaluate| #1#) |UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory;AL|)) (CDR #2#)) (T (SETQ |UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory;AL| (|cons5| (CONS (|devaluate| #1#) (SETQ #2# (|UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory;| #1#))) |UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory;AL|)) #2#))))
+(DEFUN |UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory;| (|t#1|) (PROG (#1=#:G83277) (RETURN (PROG1 (LETT #1# (|sublisV| (PAIR (QUOTE (|t#1|)) (LIST (|devaluate| |t#1|))) (|sublisV| (PAIR (QUOTE (#2=#:G83276)) (LIST (QUOTE (|Integer|)))) (COND (|UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory;CAT|) ((QUOTE T) (LETT |UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory;CAT| (|Join| (|UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory| (QUOTE |t#1|) (QUOTE #2#)) (|mkCategory| (QUOTE |domain|) (QUOTE (((|series| (|$| (|Stream| (|Record| (|:| |k| (|Integer|)) (|:| |c| |t#1|))))) T) ((|multiplyCoefficients| (|$| (|Mapping| |t#1| (|Integer|)) |$|)) T) ((|rationalFunction| ((|Fraction| (|Polynomial| |t#1|)) |$| (|Integer|))) (|has| |t#1| (|IntegralDomain|))) ((|rationalFunction| ((|Fraction| (|Polynomial| |t#1|)) |$| (|Integer|) (|Integer|))) (|has| |t#1| (|IntegralDomain|))) ((|integrate| (|$| |$|)) (|has| |t#1| (|Algebra| (|Fraction| (|Integer|))))) ((|integrate| (|$| |$| (|Symbol|))) (AND (|has| |t#1| (SIGNATURE |variables| ((|List| (|Symbol|)) |t#1|))) (|has| |t#1| (SIGNATURE |integrate| (|t#1| |t#1| (|Symbol|)))) (|has| |t#1| (|Algebra| (|Fraction| (|Integer|)))))) ((|integrate| (|$| |$| (|Symbol|))) (AND (|has| |t#1| (|AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace| (|Integer|))) (|has| |t#1| (|PrimitiveFunctionCategory|)) (|has| |t#1| (|TranscendentalFunctionCategory|)) (|has| |t#1| (|Algebra| (|Fraction| (|Integer|)))))))) (QUOTE (((|RadicalCategory|) (|has| |t#1| (|Algebra| (|Fraction| (|Integer|))))) ((|TranscendentalFunctionCategory|) (|has| |t#1| (|Algebra| (|Fraction| (|Integer|))))) ((|Field|) (|has| |t#1| (|Field|))))) (QUOTE ((|Symbol|) (|Fraction| (|Polynomial| |t#1|)) (|Integer|) (|Stream| (|Record| (|:| |k| (|Integer|)) (|:| |c| |t#1|))))) NIL)) . #3=(|UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory|)))))) . #3#) (SETELT #1# 0 (LIST (QUOTE |UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory|) (|devaluate| |t#1|)))))))
+\section{category UPXSCAT UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesCategory}
+<<category UPXSCAT UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesCategory>>=
+)abbrev category UPXSCAT UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesCategory
+++ Author: Clifton J. Williamson
+++ Date Created: 21 December 1989
+++ Date Last Updated: 20 September 1993
+++ Basic Operations:
+++ Related Domains:
+++ Also See:
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords: series, Puiseux
+++ Examples:
+++ References:
+++ Description:
+++ \spadtype{UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesCategory} is the category of Puiseux
+++ series in one variable.
+UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesCategory(Coef): Category == Definition where
+ Coef : Ring
+ NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
+ RN ==> Fraction Integer
+ Term ==> Record(k:RN,c:Coef)
+ Definition ==> UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory(Coef,RN) with
+ series: (NNI,Stream Term) -> %
+ ++ \spad{series(n,st)} creates a series from a common denomiator and
+ ++ a stream of non-zero terms, where a term is an exponent-coefficient
+ ++ pair. The terms in the stream should be ordered by increasing order
+ ++ of exponents and \spad{n} should be a common denominator for the
+ ++ exponents in the stream of terms.
+ multiplyExponents: (%,Fraction Integer) -> %
+ ++ \spad{multiplyExponents(f,r)} multiplies all exponents of the power
+ ++ series f by the positive rational number r.
+ if Coef has Algebra Fraction Integer then
+ integrate: % -> %
+ ++ \spad{integrate(f(x))} returns an anti-derivative of the power
+ ++ series \spad{f(x)} with constant coefficient 1.
+ ++ We may integrate a series when we can divide coefficients
+ ++ by rational numbers.
+ if Coef has integrate: (Coef,Symbol) -> Coef and _
+ Coef has variables: Coef -> List Symbol then
+ integrate: (%,Symbol) -> %
+ ++ \spad{integrate(f(x),var)} returns an anti-derivative of the power
+ ++ series \spad{f(x)} with respect to the variable \spad{var}.
+ if Coef has TranscendentalFunctionCategory and _
+ Coef has PrimitiveFunctionCategory and _
+ Coef has AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace Integer then
+ integrate: (%,Symbol) -> %
+ ++ \spad{integrate(f(x),y)} returns an anti-derivative of
+ ++ the power series \spad{f(x)} with respect to the variable
+ ++ \spad{y}.
+ RadicalCategory
+ --++ We provide rational powers when we can divide coefficients
+ --++ by integers.
+ TranscendentalFunctionCategory
+ --++ We provide transcendental functions when we can divide
+ --++ coefficients by integers.
+ if Coef has Field then Field
+ --++ Univariate Puiseux series over a field form a field.
+\section{category MTSCAT MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory}
+<<category MTSCAT MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory>>=
+)abbrev category MTSCAT MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory
+++ Author: Clifton J. Williamson
+++ Date Created: 6 March 1990
+++ Date Last Updated: 6 March 1990
+++ Basic Operations:
+++ Related Domains:
+++ Also See:
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords: multivariate, Taylor, series
+++ Examples:
+++ References:
+++ Description:
+++ \spadtype{MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory} is the most general
+++ multivariate Taylor series category.
+MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory(Coef,Var): Category == Definition where
+ Coef : Ring
+ Var : OrderedSet
+ L ==> List
+ NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
+ Definition ==> Join(PartialDifferentialRing Var,_
+ PowerSeriesCategory(Coef,IndexedExponents Var,Var),_
+ InnerEvalable(Var,%),Evalable %) with
+ coefficient: (%,Var,NNI) -> %
+ ++ \spad{coefficient(f,x,n)} returns the coefficient of \spad{x^n} in f.
+ coefficient: (%,L Var,L NNI) -> %
+ ++ \spad{coefficient(f,[x1,x2,...,xk],[n1,n2,...,nk])} returns the
+ ++ coefficient of \spad{x1^n1 * ... * xk^nk} in f.
+ extend: (%,NNI) -> %
+ ++ \spad{extend(f,n)} causes all terms of f of degree
+ ++ \spad{<= n} to be computed.
+ monomial: (%,Var,NNI) -> %
+ ++ \spad{monomial(a,x,n)} returns \spad{a*x^n}.
+ monomial: (%,L Var,L NNI) -> %
+ ++ \spad{monomial(a,[x1,x2,...,xk],[n1,n2,...,nk])} returns
+ ++ \spad{a * x1^n1 * ... * xk^nk}.
+ order: (%,Var) -> NNI
+ ++ \spad{order(f,x)} returns the order of f viewed as a series in x
+ ++ may result in an infinite loop if f has no non-zero terms.
+ order: (%,Var,NNI) -> NNI
+ ++ \spad{order(f,x,n)} returns \spad{min(n,order(f,x))}.
+ polynomial: (%,NNI) -> Polynomial Coef
+ ++ \spad{polynomial(f,k)} returns a polynomial consisting of the sum
+ ++ of all terms of f of degree \spad{<= k}.
+ polynomial: (%,NNI,NNI) -> Polynomial Coef
+ ++ \spad{polynomial(f,k1,k2)} returns a polynomial consisting of the
+ ++ sum of all terms of f of degree d with \spad{k1 <= d <= k2}.
+ if Coef has Algebra Fraction Integer then
+ integrate: (%,Var) -> %
+ ++ \spad{integrate(f,x)} returns the anti-derivative of the power
+ ++ series \spad{f(x)} with respect to the variable x with constant
+ ++ coefficient 1. We may integrate a series when we can divide
+ ++ coefficients by integers.
+ RadicalCategory
+ --++ We provide rational powers when we can divide coefficients
+ --++ by integers.
+ TranscendentalFunctionCategory
+ --++ We provide transcendental functions when we can divide
+ --++ coefficients by integers.
+\section{MTSCAT.lsp BOOTSTRAP}
+{\bf MTSCAT} depends on a chain of files. We need to break this cycle to build
+the algebra. So we keep a cached copy of the translated {\bf MTSCAT}
+category which we can write into the {\bf MID} directory. We compile
+the lisp code and copy the {\bf MTSCAT.o} file to the {\bf OUT} directory.
+This is eventually forcibly replaced by a recompiled version.
+Note that this code is not included in the generated catdef.spad file.
+(SETQ |MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory;CAT| (QUOTE NIL))
+(SETQ |MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory;AL| (QUOTE NIL))
+(DEFUN |MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory| (|&REST| #1=#:G83334 |&AUX| #2=#:G83332) (DSETQ #2# #1#) (LET (#3=#:G83333) (COND ((SETQ #3# (|assoc| (|devaluateList| #2#) |MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory;AL|)) (CDR #3#)) (T (SETQ |MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory;AL| (|cons5| (CONS (|devaluateList| #2#) (SETQ #3# (APPLY (FUNCTION |MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory;|) #2#))) |MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory;AL|)) #3#))))
+(DEFUN |MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory;| (|t#1| |t#2|) (PROG (#1=#:G83331) (RETURN (PROG1 (LETT #1# (|sublisV| (PAIR (QUOTE (|t#1| |t#2|)) (LIST (|devaluate| |t#1|) (|devaluate| |t#2|))) (|sublisV| (PAIR (QUOTE (#2=#:G83330)) (LIST (QUOTE (|IndexedExponents| |t#2|)))) (COND (|MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory;CAT|) ((QUOTE T) (LETT |MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory;CAT| (|Join| (|PartialDifferentialRing| (QUOTE |t#2|)) (|PowerSeriesCategory| (QUOTE |t#1|) (QUOTE #2#) (QUOTE |t#2|)) (|InnerEvalable| (QUOTE |t#2|) (QUOTE |$|)) (|Evalable| (QUOTE |$|)) (|mkCategory| (QUOTE |domain|) (QUOTE (((|coefficient| (|$| |$| |t#2| (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T) ((|coefficient| (|$| |$| (|List| |t#2|) (|List| (|NonNegativeInteger|)))) T) ((|extend| (|$| |$| (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T) ((|monomial| (|$| |$| |t#2| (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T) ((|monomial| (|$| |$| (|List| |t#2|) (|List| (|NonNegativeInteger|)))) T) ((|order| ((|NonNegativeInteger|) |$| |t#2|)) T) ((|order| ((|NonNegativeInteger|) |$| |t#2| (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T) ((|polynomial| ((|Polynomial| |t#1|) |$| (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T) ((|polynomial| ((|Polynomial| |t#1|) |$| (|NonNegativeInteger|) (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T) ((|integrate| (|$| |$| |t#2|)) (|has| |t#1| (|Algebra| (|Fraction| (|Integer|))))))) (QUOTE (((|RadicalCategory|) (|has| |t#1| (|Algebra| (|Fraction| (|Integer|))))) ((|TranscendentalFunctionCategory|) (|has| |t#1| (|Algebra| (|Fraction| (|Integer|))))))) (QUOTE ((|Polynomial| |t#1|) (|NonNegativeInteger|) (|List| |t#2|) (|List| (|NonNegativeInteger|)))) NIL)) . #3=(|MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory|)))))) . #3#) (SETELT #1# 0 (LIST (QUOTE |MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory|) (|devaluate| |t#1|) (|devaluate| |t#2|)))))))
+--Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
+--All rights reserved.
+--Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+--modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+-- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+-- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+-- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+-- distribution.
+-- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
+-- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+-- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+<<category PSCAT PowerSeriesCategory>>
+<<category UPSCAT UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory>>
+<<category UTSCAT UnivariateTaylorSeriesCategory>>
+<<category ULSCAT UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory>>
+<<category UPXSCAT UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesCategory>>
+<<category MTSCAT MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory>>
+\bibitem{1} nothing