#!/usr/bin/env node const fs = require('fs'); const os = require('os'); const path = require('path'); const process = require('process'); const { execSync } = require('child_process'); const render = require('../lib/template'); var url = null, revision = null; function log(msg) { console.error(msg); } function printHelp() { console.log(` npm4nix converts NPM packages into build instructions for Nix. Usage: npm4nix [options] URL Options: -r, --revision revision to fetching from Git (tag, branch, hash) -h, --help show this help screen URL can be: - a local directory with package.json - a local archive (tarball) - a remote Git URL - a remote archive (tarball) Examples: $ npm4nix -r 0.5.1 https://github.com/substack/node-mkdirp.git > mkdirp.nix $ npm4nix . > mypkg.nix `); } function exec(cmd) { log(`executing ${cmd}`); return execSync(cmd, { encoding: 'utf-8' }).trim(); } function getSHA256(p) { var flat = ''; if (fs.statSync(p).isFile()) { flat = ' --flat'; } return exec(`nix-hash${flat} --base32 --type sha256 '${p}'`); } function mkdtemp() { const tmpdir = os.tmpdir(); return fs.mkdtempSync(`${tmpdir}${path.sep}npm4nix-`); } function rmTree(dir) { fs.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function(entry, index) { const p = path.join(dir, entry); if (fs.lstatSync(p).isDirectory()) { rmTree(p); } else { fs.unlinkSync(p); } }); fs.rmdirSync(dir); }; function readPackage(p) { var pkgFile = path.join(p, 'package.json'); return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgFile)); } function isLocal(p) { return fs.existsSync(p); } function processLocal(p) { console.log(render(p, readPackage(p))); } function isArchive(url) { return url.match(new RegExp('(https?://)?.+/[^/]+\.t(ar\.)?(gz|bz2|xz)', 'i')); } function processArchive(url) { const dir = mkdtemp(); const file = path.join(dir, path.basename(url)); var sha256, pkg; try { exec(`curl -LsSf -o '${file}' '${url}'`); sha256 = getSHA256(file); pkg = JSON.parse(exec(`tar -xOf '${file}' --wildcards '*/package.json'`)); } finally { rmTree(dir); } console.log(render({ fetch: 'fetchurl', url: url, sha256: sha256 }, pkg)); } function isGit(url) { return url.match(new RegExp('(.*https://)?(github|gitlab)\.com/[^/]+/[^/]+(\.git)?$', 'i')) || url.match(new RegExp('(.*https://)?bitbucket\.org/[^/]+/[^/]+(\.git)?$', 'i')) || url.match(new RegExp('^git(\\+https)?://.+', 'i')); } function processGit(url) { const dir = mkdtemp(); var rev, sha256, pkg; try { exec(`git clone '${url}' '${dir}'`); if (revision !== null) { exec(`git -C '${dir}' checkout '${revision}'`); } rev = exec(`git -C '${dir}' rev-parse HEAD`); rmTree(path.join(dir, '.git')); sha256 = getSHA256(dir); pkg = readPackage(dir); } finally { rmTree(dir); } console.log(render({ fetch: 'fetchgit', url: url, rev: rev, sha256: sha256 }, pkg)); } const args = process.argv.slice(2); for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { switch (args[i]) { case '-r': case '--revision': revision = args[++i]; break; case '-h': case '--help': printHelp(); process.exit(); break; default: url = args[i]; } } if (url === null) { log('Missing URL. Add --help for usage info'); process.exit(1); } if (isLocal(url)) { processLocal(url); } else if (isGit(url)) { processGit(url); } else if (isArchive(url)) { processArchive(url); } else { log(`unsupported URL: '${url}'`); process.exit(1); }