{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} {- Takes a list of XML files Parses them for xi:xinclude elements Extract included files Prints list of included files -} module Main where import Data.List (intercalate, isPrefixOf, stripPrefix) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import System.Environment (getArgs) import Text.XML.HXT.Core ( (>>>), deep, getAttrValue, hasAttr, hasName, isElem, readDocument, returnA, runX) getXIncludes :: String -> IO [String] getXIncludes xmlFileName = runX $ readDocument [] xmlFileName >>> deep (isElem >>> hasName "xi:include" >>> hasAttr "href") >>> proc d -> do href <- getAttrValue "href" -< d returnA -< href getFiles :: [String] -> [String] getFiles = map stripScheme . filter isFile where fileScheme = "file://" isFile s = "/" `isPrefixOf` s || (fileScheme `isPrefixOf` s) stripScheme u = fromMaybe u (stripPrefix fileScheme u) unique :: [String] -> [String] unique [] = [] unique (x:xs) | x `elem` xs = unique xs | otherwise = x:unique xs toNix :: [String] -> String toNix ss = "[" ++ intercalate " " (map show ss) ++ "]" main :: IO () main = do paths <- getArgs includedFiles <- unique . getFiles . concat <$> mapM getXIncludes paths putStrLn $ toNix includedFiles