{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkOption mkIf mkDefault mapAttrsToList flatten hasPrefix concatMapStringsSep concatStringsSep optionalString filterAttrs splitString removeSuffix; inherit (lib.types) bool str int path either enum nullOr listOf attrsOf submodule; inherit (builtins) isString isBool isInt isList isPath toString length; cfg = config.nixsap.apps.mysqlbackup; privateDir = "/run/mysqlbackup"; mysql = "${pkgs.mariadb.client.bin}/bin/mysql"; mysqldump = "${pkgs.mariadb.client.bin}/bin/mysqldump"; s3cmd = "${pkgs.s3cmd}/bin/s3cmd ${optionalString (cfg.s3cfg != null) "-c '${cfg.s3cfg}'"}"; gpgPubKeys = flatten [ cfg.encrypt ]; gpg = "${pkgs.gpg}/bin/gpg2"; pubring = pkgs.runCommand "pubring.kbx" {} '' ${gpg} --homedir . --import ${toString gpgPubKeys} cp pubring.kbx $out ''; default = d: t: mkOption { type = t; default = d; }; explicit = filterAttrs (n: v: n != "_module" && v != null); mandatory = type: mkOption { inherit type; }; optional = type: mkOption { type = nullOr type; default = null; }; sub = options: submodule { inherit options; } ; connection = mkOption { description = "Connection options used by mysqlbackup"; type = sub { compress = default true bool; host = mandatory str; max-allowed-packet = optional int; password-file = optional path; port = optional int; socket = optional path; ssl = optional bool; ssl-ca = optional path; ssl-cert = optional path; ssl-key = optional path; ssl-verify-server-cert = optional bool; user = optional str; }; }; databases = mkOption { description = "What to dump and what to ignore"; default = {}; type = sub { like = mkOption { description = '' Databases to dump. MySQL wildcards (_ and %) are supported. Logical OR is applied to all entries. ''; type = either str (listOf str); default = "%"; example = [ "%\\_live\\_%" ]; }; not-like = mkOption { description = '' Databases to skip. MySQL wildcards (_ and %) are supported. You don't need to specify `performance_schema` or `information_schema` here, they are always ignored. Logical AND is applied to all entries. ''; type = either str (listOf str); default = []; example = [ "tmp\\_%" "snap\\_%" ]; }; empty-tables-like = mkOption { description = '' Tables to ignore. MySQL wildcards (_ and %) are supported. Note that the schemas of these tables will be dumped anyway. Each table template can be prefixed with a database template. In that case it will be applied to matching databases only, instead of all databases''; type = either str (listOf str); default = []; example = [ "bob%.alice\\_message" ]; }; skip-tables-like = mkOption { description = '' Tables to ignore. MySQL wildcards (_ and %) are supported. Each table template can be prefixed with a database template. In that case it will be applied to matching databases only, instead of all databases''; type = either str (listOf str); default = []; example = [ "tmp%" "%\\_backup" ]; }; }; }; server = submodule ({ name, ... }: { options = { inherit connection databases; }; config.connection.host = mkDefault name; } ); connectionKeys = flatten (mapAttrsToList (_: s: with s.connection; [ password-file ssl-key ]) cfg.servers); keys = connectionKeys ++ [ cfg.s3cfg ]; showDatabases = name: server: pkgs.writeText "show-databases-${name}.sql" '' SHOW DATABASES WHERE `Database` NOT IN ('information_schema', 'performance_schema', 'tmp', 'innodb') AND (${concatMapStringsSep " OR " (e: "`Database` LIKE '${e}'") (flatten [server.databases.like])}) ${concatMapStringsSep " " (e: "AND `Database` NOT LIKE '${e}'") (flatten [server.databases.not-like])} ; ''; defaultsFile = name: server: let inc = optionalString (server.connection.password-file != null) "!include ${privateDir}/cnf/${name}"; show = n: v: if isBool v then (if v then "1" else "0") else if isInt v then toString v else if isString v then "${v}" else if isPath v then "'${v}'" else abort "Unrecognized option ${n}"; in pkgs.writeText "my-${name}.cnf" ( concatStringsSep "\n" ( [ "[client]" ] ++ mapAttrsToList (k: v: "${k} = ${show k v}") (filterAttrs (k: _: k != "password-file") (explicit server.connection)) ++ [ "${inc}\n" ] ) ); listTables = name: server: tables: let anyDb = s: if 1 == length (splitString "." s) then "%.${s}" else s; query = optionalString (0 < length tables) '' set -euo pipefail db="$1" cat < "$dump".tmp ${pkgs.xz}/bin/xz -t -v "$dump".tmp mv "$dump".tmp "$dump" ${optionalString (gpgPubKeys != []) '' recipient=( $(${gpg} --homedir '${privateDir}/gnupg' -k --with-colons --fast-list-mode | \ ${pkgs.gawk}/bin/awk -F: '/^pub/{print $5}') ) r=( "''${recipient[@]/#/-r}" ) ${gpg} --homedir '${privateDir}/gnupg' --batch --no-tty --yes \ "''${r[@]}" --trust-model always \ --compress-algo none \ -v -e "$dump" rm -f "$dump" ''} else echo "$aim exists. Not dumping." >&2 fi ${optionalString (cfg.s3uri != null) '' remote="${removeSuffix "/" cfg.s3uri}/$DATE/$aim" if ! ${s3cmd} ls "$remote" | ${pkgs.gnugrep}/bin/grep -qF "/$aim"; then ${s3cmd} put "$aim" "$remote" else echo "$remote exists. Not uploading." >&2 fi ''} ''; mkJobs = name: server: pkgs.writeBashScript "mkjobs-${name}" '' set -euo pipefail mkdir -p '${privateDir}/jobs/${name}' for db in $(${mysql} --defaults-file=${defaultsFile name server} -N < ${showDatabases name server} | shuf) do ln -svf ${job name server} "${privateDir}/jobs/${name}/$db" done ''; preStart = '' mkdir --mode=0750 -p '${cfg.dumpDir}' chown -R ${cfg.user}:${cfg.user} '${cfg.dumpDir}' chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o= ${cfg.dumpDir} rm -rf '${privateDir}' mkdir --mode=0700 -p '${privateDir}' chown ${cfg.user}:${cfg.user} '${privateDir}' ''; main = pkgs.writeBashScriptBin "mysqlbackup" '' set -euo pipefail umask 0027 DATE=$(date --iso-8601) HOME='${privateDir}' PARALLEL_SHELL=${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash export DATE export HOME export PARALLEL_SHELL clean() { ${pkgs.findutils}/bin/find '${cfg.dumpDir}' -type f -name '*.tmp' -delete || true } listSets() { ${pkgs.findutils}/bin/find '${cfg.dumpDir}' \ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -name '????-??-??' \ | sort -V } enoughStorage() { local n local used local total local avg local p n=$(listSets | wc -l) used=$(du -x -s --block-size=1M '${cfg.dumpDir}' | cut -f1) total=$(df --output=size --block-size=1M '${cfg.dumpDir}' | tail -n 1) if [ "$n" -eq 0 ]; then echo "no sets" >&2 return 0 fi avg=$(( used / n )) p=$(( 100 * avg * (n + 1) / total )) printf "estimated storage: %d of %d MiB (%d%%, max ${toString cfg.storage}%%)\n" \ "$((used + avg))" "$total" "$p" >&2 if [ "$p" -le ${toString cfg.storage} ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } clean listSets | head -n -${toString (cfg.slots - 1)} \ | ${pkgs.findutils}/bin/xargs --no-run-if-empty rm -rfv \ || true while ! enoughStorage; do listSets | head -n 1 \ | ${pkgs.findutils}/bin/xargs --no-run-if-empty rm -rfv \ || true done mkdir -p "${cfg.dumpDir}/$DATE" mkdir -p '${privateDir}/cnf' mkdir -p '${privateDir}/jobs' ${optionalString (gpgPubKeys != []) '' # shellcheck disable=SC2174 mkdir --mode=0700 -p '${privateDir}/gnupg' ln -sf ${pubring} '${privateDir}/gnupg/pubring.kbx' ''} ${concatStringsSep "\n" ( mapAttrsToList (n: s: '' printf '[client]\npassword=' > '${privateDir}/cnf/${n}' cat '${s.connection.password-file}' >> '${privateDir}/cnf/${n}' '') (filterAttrs (_: s: s.connection.password-file != null) cfg.servers) )} { cat <<'LIST' ${concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (mkJobs) cfg.servers)} LIST } | ${pkgs.parallel}/bin/parallel \ --halt-on-error 0 \ --jobs 100% \ --line-buffer \ --no-notice \ --no-run-if-empty \ --retries 2 \ --shuf \ --tagstr '* {}:' \ --timeout ${toString (10 * 60)} \ || true failed=0 log="${cfg.dumpDir}/$DATE/joblog.txt" { cd '${privateDir}/jobs' && find -type l -printf '%P\n'; } | ${pkgs.parallel}/bin/parallel \ --halt-on-error 0 \ --joblog "$log" \ --jobs '${toString cfg.jobs}' \ --line-buffer \ --no-notice \ --no-run-if-empty \ --retries 2 \ --tagstr '* {}:' \ --timeout ${toString (6 * 60 * 60)} \ '${privateDir}/jobs/{}' || failed=$? cat "$log" clean du -sh "${cfg.dumpDir}/$DATE" || true exit "$failed" ''; in { options.nixsap.apps.mysqlbackup = { user = mkOption { description = "User to run as"; default = "mysqlbackup"; type = str; }; startAt = mkOption { description = "Time to start (systemd format)"; default = "02:00"; type = str; }; dumpDir = mkOption { description = "Directory to save dumps in"; default = "/mysqlbackup"; type = path; }; slots = mkOption { description = '' How many backup sets should be kept locally. However, old sets will be removed anyway if storage constraints apply. ''; default = 60; type = int; }; storage = mkOption { description = '' Percent of storage backups can occupy. ''; default = 75; type = int; }; encrypt = mkOption { description = "Public GPG key(s) for encrypting the dumps"; default = [ ]; type = either path (listOf path); }; servers = mkOption { default = {}; type = attrsOf server; }; jobs = mkOption { description = '' Number of jobs (mysqldump) to run in parallel. In the format of GNU Parallel, e. g. "100%", -1. +3, 7, etc. ''; default = "50%"; type = either int str; }; s3cfg = mkOption { description = "s3cmd config file (secret)"; type = nullOr path; default = null; }; s3uri = mkOption { description = "S3 bucket URI with prefix in s3cmd format"; type = nullOr str; default = null; example = "s3://backups/nightly"; }; }; config = mkIf (cfg.servers != {}) { nixsap.system.users.daemons = [ cfg.user ]; nixsap.deployment.keyrings.${cfg.user} = keys; systemd.services.mysqlbackup = { description = "MySQL backup"; after = [ "local-fs.target" "keys.target" "network.target" ]; wants = [ "keys.target" ]; startAt = cfg.startAt; inherit preStart; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = "${main}/bin/mysqlbackup"; User = cfg.user; PermissionsStartOnly = true; }; }; }; }