{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let inherit (lib) concatMapStrings concatMapStringsSep concatStringsSep filterAttrs genAttrs hasPrefix mapAttrs mapAttrsToList mkDefault mkEnableOption mkIf mkOption mkOverride optionalAttrs optionalString recursiveUpdate; inherit (lib.types) attrsOf bool either enum int lines listOf nullOr package path str submodule unspecified ; inherit (builtins) attrNames elem isAttrs isBool isList isString ; cfg = config.nixsap.apps.mediawiki; user = config.nixsap.apps.mediawiki.user; php = cfg.php-fpm.package; defaultPool = { listen.owner = config.nixsap.apps.nginx.user; pm.max_children = 10; pm.max_requests = 1000; pm.max_spare_servers = 5; pm.min_spare_servers = 3; pm.strategy = "dynamic"; env.MEDIAWIKI_LOCAL_SETTINGS = "${localSettings}"; php_value = optionalAttrs (cfg.maxUploadSize != null) { post_max_size = 2 * cfg.maxUploadSize; upload_max_filesize = cfg.maxUploadSize; }; }; explicit = filterAttrs (n: v: n != "_module" && v != null); concatMapAttrsSep = s: f: attrs: concatStringsSep s (mapAttrsToList f attrs); enabledExtentions = attrNames (filterAttrs (_: enabled: enabled) (explicit cfg.extensions)); keys = mapAttrsToList (_: o: o.password-file) cfg.users; settings = let show = s: n: v: if isBool v then (if v then "TRUE" else "FALSE") else if isString v then "'${v}'" else if isList v then "array(${concatMapStringsSep "," (i: "\n${s}'${toString i}'") v})" else if isAttrs v then "array(${concatMapAttrsSep "," (p: q: "\n${s}'${p}' => ${show "${s} " p q}") (explicit v)})" else toString v; in pkgs.writePHPFile "LocalSettings.inc.php" '' ''; localSettings = pkgs.writePHPFile "LocalSettings.php" '' execPath = '${pkgs.graphviz}/bin/';" } ${optionalString (elem "MathJax" enabledExtentions) '' # MathJax 0.7: MathJax_Parser::$MathJaxJS = '${pkgs.mathJax}/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML-full'; ''} $wgDiff = '${pkgs.diffutils}/bin/diff'; $wgDiff3 = '${pkgs.diffutils}/bin/diff3'; $wgImageMagickConvertCommand = '${pkgs.imagemagick}/bin/convert'; ${optionalString (cfg.logo != null) '' $wgLogo = '${cfg.logo}'; ''} ${optionalString (cfg.maxUploadSize != null) "$wgMaxUploadSize = ${toString cfg.maxUploadSize};" } require_once ('${settings}'); $wgDirectoryMode = 0750; ?> ''; mediawiki-db = let psql = pkgs.writeBashScript "mw-psql" '' set -euo pipefail exec ${pkgs.postgresql}/bin/psql -t -w \ -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 \ ${optionalString (cfg.localSettings.wgDBserver != "") "-h '${cfg.localSettings.wgDBserver}'"} \ -p ${toString cfg.localSettings.wgDBport} \ -U ${toString cfg.localSettings.wgDBuser} \ -d '${cfg.localSettings.wgDBname}' \ "$@" ''; mysql = pkgs.writeBashScript "mw-mysql" '' set -euo pipefail exec ${pkgs.mysql}/bin/mysql -N \ ${optionalString (cfg.localSettings.wgDBserver != "") "-h '${cfg.localSettings.wgDBserver}'"} \ -u ${toString cfg.localSettings.wgDBuser} \ -D '${cfg.localSettings.wgDBname}' \ "$@" ''; in pkgs.writeBashScriptBin "mediawiki-db" '' set -euo pipefail ${if cfg.localSettings.wgDBtype == "postgres" then '' while ! ${psql} -c ';'; do sleep 5s done exist=$(${psql} -c "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'mwuser';") if [ "''${exist//[[:space:]]/}" -eq 0 ]; then { # XXX this script has BEGIN, but no COMMIT: cat ${pkgs.mediawiki}/maintenance/postgres/tables.sql echo 'COMMIT;' } | ${psql} fi '' else '' while ! ${mysql} -e ';'; do sleep 5s done exist=$(${mysql} -e "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='${cfg.localSettings.wgDBname}' AND table_name='mwuser'") if [ "''${exist//[[:space:]]/}" -eq 0 ]; then { cat ${pkgs.mediawiki}/maintenance/tables.sql } | ${mysql} fi ''} export MEDIAWIKI_LOCAL_SETTINGS='${localSettings}' ${php}/bin/php ${pkgs.mediawiki}/maintenance/update.php ${concatMapAttrsSep "" (n: o: '' pw=$(cat '${o.password-file}') if [ -z "$pw" ]; then echo 'WARNING: Using random password, because ${o.password-file} is empty or cannot be read' >&2 pw=$(${pkgs.pwgen}/bin/pwgen -1 13) fi ${php}/bin/php ${pkgs.mediawiki}/maintenance/createAndPromote.php \ --force --${o.role} '${n}' "$pw" '') cfg.users} ''; mediawiki-upload = pkgs.writeBashScriptBin "mediawiki-upload" '' set -euo pipefail mkdir -v -p '${cfg.localSettings.wgUploadDirectory}' ${optionalString (elem "GraphViz" enabledExtentions) # XXX: GraphViz::getUploadSubdir: mkdir(/mediawiki/graphviz/images/, 16872) failed # GraphViz fails to create the directory until you create the first graph. "mkdir -v -p '${cfg.localSettings.wgUploadDirectory}/graphviz'" } chmod -Rc u=rwX,g=rX,o= '${cfg.localSettings.wgUploadDirectory}' chown -Rc '${user}:${user}' '${cfg.localSettings.wgUploadDirectory}' ''; nginx = '' ${cfg.nginxServer} ${optionalString (cfg.maxUploadSize != null) "client_max_body_size ${toString cfg.maxUploadSize};" } root ${pkgs.mediawiki}; index index.php; ${optionalString (cfg.logo != null) '' location = ${cfg.logo} { alias ${cfg.logo}; } ''} ${optionalString (cfg.localSettings.wgEnableUploads && hasPrefix "/" cfg.localSettings.wgUploadPath) '' location ${cfg.localSettings.wgUploadPath} { alias ${cfg.localSettings.wgUploadDirectory}; } ''} ${concatMapStrings (e: '' location /extensions/${e} { alias ${pkgs.mediawikiExtensions.${e}}; } '') enabledExtentions } ${optionalString (elem "MathJax" enabledExtentions) '' location ${pkgs.mathJax} { alias ${pkgs.mathJax}; } ''} location / { try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite; } location @rewrite { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?title=$1&$args; } location ^~ /maintenance/ { return 403; } location ~ \.php$ { fastcgi_pass unix:${config.nixsap.apps.php-fpm.mediawiki.pool.listen.socket}; include ${pkgs.nginx}/conf/fastcgi_params; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; } ''; in { options.nixsap.apps.mediawiki = { enable = mkEnableOption "Mediawiki"; user = mkOption { description = '' The user the PHP-FPM pool runs as. And the owner of uploaded files. ''; default = "mediawiki"; type = str; }; nginxServer = mkOption { type = lines; default = ""; example = '' listen 8080; server_name wiki.example.net; ''; }; php-fpm = { package = mkOption { description = "PHP package to use"; type = package; default = pkgs.php; }; pool = mkOption { description = "Options for the PHP FPM pool"; type = attrsOf unspecified; default = {}; }; }; logo = mkOption { description = "The site logo (the image displayed in the upper-left corner of the page)"; type = nullOr path; default = null; }; maxUploadSize = mkOption { description = '' Maximum allowed size for uploaded files (bytes). This affects Mediawiki itself, Nginx and PHP. ''; type = nullOr int; default = null; }; localSettings = mkOption { description = "Variables in LocalSettings.php"; type = submodule (import ./localSettings.nix (explicit cfg.extensions)); default = {}; }; extensions = mkOption { description = "Mediawiki extensions"; default = {}; type = submodule { options = mapAttrs (e: _: mkOption { description = "Enable the ${e} extension"; type = bool; default = false; }) pkgs.mediawikiExtensions; }; }; users = mkOption { description = "Mediawiki users (only bots or sysops)"; default = {}; type = attrsOf (submodule { options = { role = mkOption { type = enum [ "bot" "sysop" ]; }; password-file = mkOption { type = path; }; }; }); }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { nixsap.deployment.keyrings.${user} = keys; users.users.${config.nixsap.apps.nginx.user}.extraGroups = mkIf cfg.localSettings.wgEnableUploads [ user ]; nixsap.apps.php-fpm.mediawiki = mkOverride 0 { inherit (cfg.php-fpm) package; pool = recursiveUpdate defaultPool (cfg.php-fpm.pool // { user = cfg.user ;}); }; nixsap.apps.nginx.conf.http.servers.mediawiki = nginx; systemd.services.mediawiki-db = { description = "configure Mediawiki database"; after = [ "network.target" "local-fs.target" "keys.target" ]; wants = [ "keys.target" ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; serviceConfig = { RemainAfterExit = true; Type = "oneshot"; User = config.nixsap.apps.php-fpm.mediawiki.pool.user; ExecStart = "${mediawiki-db}/bin/mediawiki-db"; }; }; systemd.services.mediawiki-upload = mkIf cfg.localSettings.wgEnableUploads { description = "configure Mediawiki uploads"; after = [ "local-fs.target" ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; serviceConfig = { RemainAfterExit = true; Type = "oneshot"; ExecStart = "${mediawiki-upload}/bin/mediawiki-upload"; }; }; }; }