pkgs: { lib, name, ... }: let inherit (builtins) all attrNames; inherit (lib) concatStrings filterAttrs hasSuffix mapAttrsToList mkOption ; inherit (lib.types) addCheck attrsOf either enum int listOf nullOr package path str submodule ; default = d: t: mkOption { type = t; default = d; }; optional = t: mkOption { type = nullOr t; default = null; }; in { options = { jre = mkOption { description = "Java runtime package"; default = pkgs.jre8; type = package; }; war = mkOption { description = "Jenkins web application archive (WAR)"; default = pkgs.jenkins; type = path; }; user = mkOption { description = "User to run as"; default = "jenkins-${name}"; type = str; }; home = mkOption { description = "Jenkins data directory"; type = path; default = "/jenkins/${name}"; }; jobs = mkOption { description = '' Jenkins jobs. Each value is either inline XML text or an XML file. Any existing jobs, not mentioned here, are physically removed. ''; type = attrsOf (either str path); default = {}; }; config = mkOption { description = '' Jenkins XML configuration files. Either inline text or file. Any existing XML files, not mentioned here, are physically removed. You might want to add `config.xml` at least. You can use XInclude facility to include sensitive pieces of configuration like passwords or private keys. Those grains will be processed (expanded) to create proper configuration files. Also they will be automatically picked up and deployed (requires read-write mode of evaluation). E. g. if you write '', that file will be deployed as a secret key, and when Jenkins starts, that piece will be replaced by the file contents. All configuration files reside in Jenkins private directory so secrets remain secret. ''; type = addCheck (attrsOf (either str path)) (aa: all (hasSuffix ".xml") (attrNames aa)); default = {}; }; path = mkOption { description = '' Additional packages available to Jenkins in PATH. You also may opt in specifying paths to executables in various config files. ''; type = listOf package; default = []; example = [ pkgs.gitMinimal ]; }; options = { controlPort = optional int; debug = optional (enum [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]); httpKeepAliveTimeout = optional int; httpListenAddress = default "" str; httpPort = default 8080 int; prefix = optional str; sessionTimeout = optional int; }; }; }