{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let inherit (builtins) dirOf ; inherit (lib) concatMapStringsSep concatStringsSep filter hasPrefix isString mapAttrsToList mkEnableOption mkIf mkOption optionalString types ; inherit (types) attrsOf bool either enum int listOf nullOr path str submodule ; cfg = config.nixsap.apps.icinga2; rundir = "/run/icinga2"; pidFile = "${rundir}/icinga2.pid"; mutableDir = "mutable.d"; mutableTmpDir = "mutable.tmp.d"; mutablePath = "${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/${mutableDir}"; mutableTmpPath = "${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/${mutableTmpDir}"; mutableRestart = "${mutablePath}/restart"; icingaMutableUpdate = let job = n: j: pkgs.writeBashScript "icinga-mutable-${n}" '' set -euo pipefail f='${mutableTmpPath}/${n}.conf' ${j} > "$f.tmp" mv -f "$f.tmp" "$f" ''; in pkgs.writeBashScript "icinga-mutable-update" '' set -euo pipefail rm -rf ${mutableTmpPath} mkdir -p ${mutableTmpPath} HOME=${rundir} PARALLEL_SHELL=${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash export PARALLEL_SHELL # shellcheck disable=SC2016 ${pkgs.parallel}/bin/parallel \ --delay 2 \ --halt-on-error 0 \ --line-buffer \ --no-notice \ --no-run-if-empty \ --rpl '{name} s:^.*-icinga-mutable-(.+)$:$1:' \ --timeout 120 \ --tagstr '* {name}:' \ ::: \ ${concatStringsSep " " ( mapAttrsToList job cfg.mutable.conf )} \ || exit 1 # WARNING old=$(${pkgs.nix}/bin/nix-hash --type sha1 '${mutablePath}') new=$(${pkgs.nix}/bin/nix-hash --type sha1 '${mutableTmpPath}') if [ "$old" != "$new" ]; then ${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed 's,${mutablePath},${mutableTmpPath},' \ ${icingaConf} > \ ${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/icinga2.tmp.conf if ! ${pkgs.icinga2}/bin/icinga2 daemon -C -x critical -c ${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/icinga2.tmp.conf; then exit 2 # CRITICAL fi rm -f ${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/icinga2.tmp.conf rm -rf ${mutablePath}.bak mv -f ${mutablePath} ${mutablePath}.bak mv -f ${mutableTmpPath} ${mutablePath} rm -rf ${mutablePath}.bak if [ -f ${pidFile} ]; then pid=$(cat ${pidFile}) if ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/kill -0 "$pid"; then touch ${mutableRestart} ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/kill -HUP "$pid" echo "Restart: $old -> $new" fi fi else echo "No changes: $old" fi ''; icingaMutableCheckCommand = pkgs.writeText "icinga-${cfg.mutable.checkCommand}.conf" '' object CheckCommand "${cfg.mutable.checkCommand}" { import "plugin-check-command" command = [ "${icingaMutableUpdate}" ] } ''; idoPasswordFile = "${rundir}/ido-password.conf"; idoConf = with cfg.ido; let obj = { mysql = "IdoMysqlConnection"; pgsql = "IdoPgsqlConnection"; }; in pkgs.writeText "icinga-ido.conf" '' library "db_ido_${type}" include "${idoPasswordFile}" # TODO: maybe more options including mysql/pgsql specific object ${obj.${type}} "ido-database" { database = "${database}" host = "${host}" port = ${toString port} password = IdoDbPassword # XXX read from a secret file in runtime user = "${user}" } ''; icingaConf = pkgs.writeText "icinga2.conf" '' const PluginDir = "${pkgs.monitoringPlugins}/libexec" include include object Endpoint NodeName { host = NodeName } object Zone NodeName { endpoints = [ NodeName ] } include "${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/features-enabled/*.conf" include "${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/conf.d/*.conf" include_recursive "${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/repository.d" include "${mutablePath}/*.conf" ${optionalString (cfg.ido.type != null) '' include "${idoConf}" ''} ${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (f: if hasPrefix "/" f then ''include "${f}"'' else ''include "${pkgs.writeText "icinga2.inc.conf" f}"'' ) cfg.configFiles} ''; console = pkgs.writeBashScriptBin "icinga2console" '' if [ -z "$ICINGA2_API_USERNAME" ] && [ -r ${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf ]; then pwd=$(${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed -rn 's,.*password\s*=\s*"(.+)".*,\1,p' ${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf) export ICINGA2_API_USERNAME=root export ICINGA2_API_PASSWORD="$pwd" fi exec ${pkgs.icinga2}/bin/icinga2 console --connect 'https://localhost/' "$@" ''; configureDB = with cfg.ido; { mysql = let secret = "${cfg.stateDir}.my.cnf"; mycnf = pkgs.writeText "icinga2-my.cnf" '' [client] host = ${host} port = ${toString port} user = ${user} database = ${database} ${optionalString (passfile != null) "!include ${secret}"} ''; mysql = pkgs.writeBashScript "icinga2-mysql" '' exec "${pkgs.mysql.client}/bin/mysql" \ --defaults-file='${mycnf}' "$@" ''; in pkgs.writeBashScript "icinga2-mysql.sh" '' set -euo pipefail ${optionalString (passfile != null) '' rm -f '${secret}' printf '[client]\npassword=' > '${secret}' cat '${passfile}' >> '${secret}' ''} while ! ${mysql} -e ';'; do sleep 5s done tt=$(${mysql} -N -e 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = "${database}"') if [ "$tt" -eq 0 ]; then ${mysql} < '${pkgs.icinga2}/share/icinga2-ido-mysql/schema/mysql.sql' fi ''; pgsql = let pgpass = "${cfg.stateDir}/.pgpass"; psql = pkgs.writeBashScript "icinga2psql" '' exec ${pkgs.postgresql}/bin/psql \ -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 \ --no-password \ --host='${host}' \ --port=${toString port} \ --dbname='${database}' \ --username='${user}' \ "$@" ''; in pkgs.writeBashScript "icinga2-pgsql.sh" '' set -euo pipefail ${optionalString (passfile != null) '' rm -f '${pgpass}' printf '*:*:*:*:' > '${pgpass}' cat '${passfile}' >> '${pgpass}' chmod 0600 '${pgpass}' export PGPASSFILE='${pgpass}' ''} while ! ${psql} -c ';'; do sleep 5s done tt=$(${psql} --tuples-only -c "SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relname='icinga_dbversion'") if [ "$tt" -eq 0 ]; then ${psql} --single-transaction -f '${pkgs.icinga2}/share/icinga2-ido-pgsql/schema/pgsql.sql' fi ''; }; preStart = '' umask 0077 mkdir -p \ ${cfg.stateDir}/cache/icinga2 \ ${cfg.stateDir}/lib/icinga2/api/log \ ${cfg.stateDir}/lib/icinga2/api/repository \ ${cfg.stateDir}/lib/icinga2/api/zones \ ${cfg.stateDir}/log/icinga2/compat/archives \ ${cfg.stateDir}/log/icinga2/crash \ ${cfg.stateDir}/spool/icinga2/perfdata \ ${cfg.stateDir}/spool/icinga2/tmp ${pkgs.findutils}/bin/find \ ${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2 \ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \ -not -name ${mutableDir} \ -not -name pki \ -not -name repository.d \ -exec rm -rf '{}' \; || true mkdir -p \ ${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/conf.d \ ${mutablePath} \ ${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/repository.d \ ${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/features-enabled ln -sf ${pkgs.icinga2}${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/features-available \ ${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/features-available ln -sf ${pkgs.icinga2}${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/scripts \ ${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/scripts # XXX Can't include in the main file due to infinite recursion ln -sf ${icingaMutableCheckCommand} \ ${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/conf.d/${cfg.mutable.checkCommand}.conf rm -rf ${rundir} mkdir --mode=0755 -p ${rundir} mkdir --mode=2710 -p ${dirOf cfg.commandPipe} mkdir --mode=2710 -p ${dirOf cfg.livestatusSocket} chown -R ${cfg.user}:${cfg.user} ${rundir} chown -Rc ${cfg.user}:${cfg.user} ${cfg.stateDir} chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o= ${cfg.stateDir} chown ${cfg.user}:${cfg.commandGroup} ${dirOf cfg.commandPipe} chown ${cfg.user}:${cfg.commandGroup} ${dirOf cfg.livestatusSocket} ''; start = pkgs.writeBashScriptBin "icinga2" '' set -euo pipefail umask 0077 # XXX Requires root for no fucking reason, see https://github.com/Icinga/icinga2/issues/4947 ${pkgs.fakeroot}/bin/fakeroot ${pkgs.icinga2}/bin/icinga2 api setup ${pkgs.fakeroot}/bin/fakeroot ${pkgs.icinga2}/bin/icinga2 feature enable checker ${pkgs.fakeroot}/bin/fakeroot ${pkgs.icinga2}/bin/icinga2 feature enable command ${pkgs.fakeroot}/bin/fakeroot ${pkgs.icinga2}/bin/icinga2 feature enable livestatus ${optionalString cfg.notifications '' ${pkgs.fakeroot}/bin/fakeroot ${pkgs.icinga2}/bin/icinga2 feature enable notification ''} ${optionalString (cfg.ido.type != null) '' ${if (cfg.ido.passfile != null) then "pwd=$(cat '${cfg.ido.passfile}'" else "pwd=''"} printf 'const IdoDbPassword = "%s"\n' "$pwd" > '${idoPasswordFile}' ''} printf 'const TicketSalt = "%s"\n' "$(${pkgs.pwgen}/bin/pwgen -1 -s 23)" \ > ${cfg.stateDir}/etc/icinga2/conf.d/ticketsalt.conf if [ -e ${mutableRestart} ]; then rm ${mutableRestart} else ${icingaMutableUpdate} || true if ! ${pkgs.icinga2}/bin/icinga2 daemon -C -x critical -c ${icingaConf}; then rm -rf ${mutablePath} mkdir -p ${mutablePath} fi fi exec ${pkgs.icinga2}/bin/icinga2 daemon -x ${cfg.logLevel} -c ${icingaConf} ''; in { options.nixsap = { apps.icinga2 = { enable = mkEnableOption "icinga2"; logLevel = mkOption { description = "Icinga2 daemon log level"; type = enum [ "debug" "notice" "information" "warning" "critical" ]; default = "information"; }; notifications = mkOption { description = "Enable notifications"; type = bool; default = false; }; ido = mkOption { description = '' Configure Icinga Data Output. This includes automatic database bootstrap (importing SQL shcema). You may opt into manual configuration with regular config files (`configFiles`) for the maximum flexibility. ''; # TODO: may add more options, backend-specific options # depending on the backend type. type = submodule { options = { type = mkOption { description = "IDO backend type"; type = nullOr (enum ["mysql" "pgsql"]); default = null; }; host = mkOption { description = "Database host. May be a directory with the UNIX-socket for pgsql"; type = str; }; port = mkOption { description = "Database port"; type = int; }; database = mkOption { description = "Database name"; type = str; default = "icinga"; }; user = mkOption { description = "Database login"; type = str; default = cfg.user; }; passfile = mkOption { description = "A file with the password (secret)"; type = nullOr path; default = null; }; }; }; }; configFiles = mkOption { description = '' Configuration files or inline text to be included in the main file''; type = listOf (either str path); }; mutable.conf = mkOption { description = '' A set of executables to write mutable config files. ''; type = attrsOf path; default = {}; }; mutable.checkCommand = mkOption { description = '' Name of the mutable check command. You may need to alter this only in an unlikely case of conflict with your custom commands. Mutable files are updated every time icinga2 restart. If you want better control and observability on this, create a service with this check command. If exists, this service will make icinga2 restart when mutable files change (and pass syntax check) via sending the HUP signal to the main icinga2 process. ''; type = str; default = "mutable-conf-refresh"; }; # these are hard-coded into icinga2 package: user = mkOption { type = types.str; description = "User to run as"; default = "icinga"; readOnly = true; }; commandGroup = mkOption { type = types.str; description = "Dedicated command group for command pipe and livestatus"; default = "icingacmd"; readOnly = true; }; stateDir = mkOption { type = types.path; description = "Icinga2 logs, state, config files"; default = "/icinga2"; readOnly = true; }; commandPipe = mkOption { type = types.path; description = "Icinga2 command pipe"; default = "${rundir}/cmd/icinga2.cmd"; readOnly = true; }; livestatusSocket = mkOption { type = types.path; description = "Icinga2 Livestatus socket"; default = "${rundir}/cmd/livestatus"; readOnly = true; }; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { environment.systemPackages = [ console ]; nixsap.apps.icinga2.configFiles = [ "${pkgs.icinga2}/icinga2/etc/icinga2/conf.d/app.conf" "${pkgs.icinga2}/icinga2/etc/icinga2/conf.d/commands.conf" "${pkgs.icinga2}/icinga2/etc/icinga2/conf.d/notifications.conf" "${pkgs.icinga2}/icinga2/etc/icinga2/conf.d/templates.conf" "${pkgs.icinga2}/icinga2/etc/icinga2/conf.d/timeperiods.conf" ]; nixsap.system.users.daemons = [ cfg.user ]; nixsap.system.groups = [ cfg.commandGroup ]; nixsap.deployment.keyrings.${cfg.user} = filter (hasPrefix config.nixsap.deployment.keyStore) cfg.configFiles; users.users.${cfg.user}.extraGroups = [ "proc" ]; systemd.services.icinga2 = { description = "Icinga2 daemon"; after = [ "local-fs.target" "keys.target" "network.target" ]; wants = [ "keys.target" ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; inherit preStart; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = "${start}/bin/icinga2"; KillMode = "mixed"; PermissionsStartOnly = true; Restart = "always"; TimeoutSec = 600; User = cfg.user; }; }; systemd.services.icinga2db = mkIf (cfg.ido.type != null) { description = "Icinga2 databases configurator"; after = [ "icinga2.service" ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; path = [ console ]; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = configureDB.${cfg.ido.type}; User = cfg.user; RemainAfterExit = true; Restart = "on-failure"; }; }; }; }