--- title: FAQ author: Jasper Van der Jeugt --- ## "hGetContents: invalid argument" or "commitBuffer: invalid argument" If you get any of the errors: commitBuffer: invalid argument (invalid character) or: hGetContents: invalid argument (Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character) It means that your Hakyll executable couldn't write to (in the former case) or read (in the latter) from an UTF-8 encoded file. On most linux distros, you can solve this by setting your `LANG` to use UTF-8, using something like: LANG=nl_BE.UTF-8 ./site build You should also add this to your `.profile`, or whatever config file you use. On Windows, running `chcp 65001` before running your Hakyll executable has been reported to work. ## "File name does not match module name" on Mac OS Hakyll.hs:1:1: File name does not match module name: Saw: `Main' Expected: `Hakyll' Is an error encountered on Mac OS when your configuration is named `hakyll.hs` and located on a case-insensitive filesystem. A workaround is to rename it to something that isn't the name of the module, for example, `site.hs`. ## pandocCompiler/Hakyll/Pandoc eats my HTML! Sometimes, it can seem that HTML pages are stripped of some arbitrary tags, e.g. `
`'s. The issue here is that, when using the default `pandocCompiler`, your page passes through Pandoc. Pandoc unfortunately strips away this information, giving you the "wrong" HTML. The solution is not to use `pandocCompiler`, but something simpler like `getResourceBody`. This way, your HTML is not touched. ## Does Hakyll support syntax highlighting? Syntax highlighting is enabled by default in Hakyll if you are using a somewhat recent version of Pandoc (1.9 and onwards). Note that you also need to include some CSS in order for this to work! This site, for example, uses the [default Pandoc syntax CSS file][syntax-css]. To highlight a code block, you need to use Pandoc's fenced code block syntax to set the block's language. For example, here's how you highlight Haskell code: ``` haskell fac n = foldr (*) 1 [1..n] ``` For details, see Pandoc's user guide on [fenced code blocks][pandoc-code-blocks] and [inline code][pandoc-inline-code]. [syntax-css]: https://github.com/jaspervdj/hakyll/blob/master/web/css/syntax.css [pandoc-code-blocks]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html#fenced-code-blocks [pandoc-inline-code]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html#verbatim ## When should I rebuild and when should I build? If you execute a `./site build`, Hakyll will build your site incrementally. However, we can not detect if you edited `site.hs`. In this case, you first want to compile `site.hs` again, and then do a `./site rebuild`. After rebuilding your site, all files will look as "modified" to the filesystem. This means that when you upload your site, it will usually transfer all files -- this can generate more traffic than necessary, since it is possible that some files were not actually modified. If you use `rsync`, you can counter this using the `--checksum` option.