-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Hakyll.Web.Html.Tests ( tests ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.Char (toUpper) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit ((@=?)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Hakyll.Web.Html import TestSuite.Util -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Hakyll.Web.Html.Tests" $ concat [ fromAssertions "demoteHeaders" [ "

A h1 title

" @=? demoteHeaders "

A h1 title

" -- Assert single-step demotion , "
A h6 title
" @=? demoteHeaders "
A h6 title
" -- Assert maximum demotion is h6 ] , fromAssertions "demoteHeadersBy" [ "

A h1 title

" @=? demoteHeadersBy 2 "

A h1 title

" , "
A h5 title
" @=? demoteHeadersBy 2 "
A h5 title
" -- Assert that h6 is the lowest possible demoted header. , "

A h4 title

" @=? demoteHeadersBy 0 "

A h4 title

" -- Assert that a demotion of @N < 1@ is a no-op. ] , fromAssertions "withUrls" [ "bar" @=? withUrls (map toUpper) "bar" , "" @=? withUrls (map toUpper) "" -- Test escaping , "" @=? withUrls id "" , "<stdio>" @=? withUrls id "<stdio>" , "" @=? withUrls id "" -- Test minimizing elements , "" @=? withUrls id "" ] , fromAssertions "toUrl" [ "/foo/bar.html" @=? toUrl "foo/bar.html" , "/foo/bar.html" @=? toUrl "foo\\bar.html" -- Windows-specific , "/" @=? toUrl "/" , "/funny-pics.html" @=? toUrl "/funny-pics.html" , "/funny%20pics.html" @=? toUrl "funny pics.html" -- Test various reserved characters (RFC 3986, section 2.2) , "/%21%2A%27%28%29%3B%3A%40%26.html" @=? toUrl "/!*'();:@&.html" , "/%3D%2B%24%2C/%3F%23%5B%5D.html" @=? toUrl "=+$,/?#[].html" -- Test various characters that are nor reserved, nor unreserved. , "/%E3%81%82%F0%9D%90%87%E2%88%80" @=? toUrl "\12354\119815\8704" ] , fromAssertions "toSiteRoot" [ ".." @=? toSiteRoot "/foo/bar.html" , "." @=? toSiteRoot "index.html" , "." @=? toSiteRoot "/index.html" , "../.." @=? toSiteRoot "foo/bar/qux" , ".." @=? toSiteRoot "./foo/bar.html" , ".." @=? toSiteRoot "/foo/./bar.html" ] , fromAssertions "isExternal" [ True @=? isExternal "http://reddit.com" , True @=? isExternal "https://mail.google.com" , True @=? isExternal "//ajax.googleapis.com" , False @=? isExternal "../header.png" , False @=? isExternal "/foo/index.html" ] , fromAssertions "stripTags" [ "foo" @=? stripTags "


" , "foo bar" @=? stripTags "


bar" , "foo" @=? stripTags "

foo" ] ]