-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Hakyll.Web.CompressCss.Tests ( tests ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.Char (toUpper) import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup) import Test.HUnit (assert, (@=?)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Hakyll.Web.CompressCss import TestSuite.Util -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tests :: Test tests = testGroup "Hakyll.Web.CompressCss.Tests" $ concat [ fromAssertions "compressCss" [ -- compress whitespace " something something " @=? compressCss " something \n\t\r something " -- do not compress whitespace in constants , "abc \" \t\n\r \" xyz" @=? compressCss "abc \" \t\n\r \" xyz" , "abc ' \t\n\r ' xyz" @=? compressCss "abc ' \t\n\r ' xyz" -- strip comments , "before after" @=? compressCss "before /* abc { } ;; \n\t\r */ after" -- don't strip comments inside constants , "before \"/* abc { } ;; \n\t\r */\" after" @=? compressCss "before \"/* abc { } ;; \n\t\r */\" after" -- compress separators , "}" @=? compressCss "; }" , "{};" @=? compressCss " { } ; " -- compress whitespace even after this curly brace , "}" @=? compressCss "; } " -- but do not compress separators inside of constants , "\" { } ; \"" @=? compressCss "\" { } ; \"" -- don't compress separators at the start or end of constants , "\" }\"" @=? compressCss "\" }\"" , "\"{ \"" @=? compressCss "\"{ \"" -- don't get irritated by the wrong constant terminator , "\" ' \"" @=? compressCss "\" ' \"" , "' \" '" @=? compressCss "' \" '" -- don't compress whitespace around separators in constants in the middle of a string , "abc '{ '" @=? compressCss "abc '{ '" , "abc \"{ \"" @=? compressCss "abc \"{ \"" -- compress whitespace after colons , "abc:xyz" @=? compressCss "abc : xyz" -- compress multiple semicolons , ";" @=? compressCss ";;;;;;;" ] ]