-- | A module that exports a simple regex interface. This code is mostly copied -- from the regex-compat package at hackage. I decided to write this module -- because I want to abstract the regex package used. module Text.Hakyll.Regex ( splitRegex , substituteRegex , matchesRegex ) where import Text.Regex.TDFA -- | Match a regular expression against a string, returning more information -- about the match. matchRegexAll :: Regex -> String -> Maybe (String, String, String, [String]) matchRegexAll p str = matchM p str -- | Replaces every occurance of the given regexp with the replacement string. subRegex :: Regex -- ^ Search pattern -> String -- ^ Input string -> String -- ^ Replacement text -> String -- ^ Output string subRegex _ "" _ = "" subRegex regexp inp replacement = let -- bre matches a backslash then capture either a backslash or some digits bre = makeRegex "\\\\(\\\\|[0-9]+)" lookup' _ [] _ = [] lookup' [] _ _ = [] lookup' match' repl groups = case matchRegexAll bre repl of Nothing -> repl Just (lead, _, trail, bgroups) -> let newval = if (head bgroups) == "\\" then "\\" else let index :: Int index = (read (head bgroups)) - 1 in if index == -1 then match' else groups !! index in lead ++ newval ++ lookup' match' trail groups in case matchRegexAll regexp inp of Nothing -> inp Just (lead, match', trail, groups) -> lead ++ lookup' match' replacement groups ++ (subRegex regexp trail replacement) -- | Splits a string based on a regular expression. The regular expression -- should identify one delimiter. splitRegex' :: Regex -> String -> [String] splitRegex' _ [] = [] splitRegex' delim strIn = loop strIn where loop str = case matchOnceText delim str of Nothing -> [str] Just (firstline, _, remainder) -> if null remainder then [firstline,""] else firstline : loop remainder -- | Split a list at a certain element. splitRegex :: String -> String -> [String] splitRegex pattern = filter (not . null) . splitRegex' (makeRegex pattern) -- | Substitute a regex. Simplified interface. This function performs a global -- substitution. substituteRegex :: String -- ^ Pattern to replace (regex). -> String -- ^ Replacement string. -> String -- ^ Input string. -> String -- ^ Result. substituteRegex pattern replacement string = subRegex (makeRegex pattern) string replacement -- | Simple regex matching. matchesRegex :: String -> String -> Bool matchesRegex string pattern = string =~ pattern