-- | A module for dealing with @Page@s. This module is mostly internally used. module Text.Hakyll.Internal.Page ( PageSection (..) , readPage , readPageAction ) where import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.Char (isSpace) import Control.Monad.Reader (liftIO) import System.FilePath import Control.Monad.State (State, evalState, get, put) import Text.Hakyll.File import Text.Hakyll.HakyllMonad import Text.Hakyll.HakyllAction import Text.Hakyll.Regex (substituteRegex, matchesRegex) import Text.Hakyll.Util (trim) -- | Page info handle: (key, value, needs rendering) -- data PageSection = PageSection {unPageSection :: [(String, String, Bool)]} deriving (Show) -- | Split a page into sections. -- splitAtDelimiters :: [String] -> State (Maybe String) [[String]] splitAtDelimiters [] = return [] splitAtDelimiters ls@(x:xs) = do delimiter <- get if not (isDelimiter delimiter x) then return [ls] else do let proper = takeWhile (== '-') x (content, rest) = break (isDelimiter $ Just proper) xs put $ Just proper rest' <- splitAtDelimiters rest return $ (x : content) : rest' where isDelimiter old = case old of Nothing -> isPossibleDelimiter (Just d) -> (== d) . takeWhile (== '-') -- | Check if the given string is a metadata delimiter. isPossibleDelimiter :: String -> Bool isPossibleDelimiter = isPrefixOf "---" -- | Read one section of a page. -- readSection :: Bool -- ^ If this section is the first section in the page. -> [String] -- ^ Lines in the section. -> PageSection -- ^ Key-values extracted. readSection _ [] = PageSection [] readSection isFirst ls | not isDelimiter' = body ls | isNamedDelimiter = PageSection $ readSectionMetaData ls | isFirst = PageSection $ readSimpleMetaData (drop 1 ls) | otherwise = body (drop 1 ls) where isDelimiter' = isPossibleDelimiter (head ls) isNamedDelimiter = head ls `matchesRegex` "^----* *[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*" body ls' = PageSection [("body", unlines ls', True)] readSimpleMetaData = map readPair . filter (not . all isSpace) readPair = trimPair . break (== ':') trimPair (key, value) = (trim key, trim (drop 1 value), False) readSectionMetaData [] = [] readSectionMetaData (header:value) = let key = substituteRegex "[^a-zA-Z0-9]" "" header in [(key, unlines value, True)] -- | Read a page from a file. Metadata is supported. -- readPage :: FilePath -> Hakyll [PageSection] readPage path = do let sectionFunctions = map readSection $ True : repeat False -- Read file. contents <- liftIO $ readFile path url <- toUrl path let sections = evalState (splitAtDelimiters $ lines contents) Nothing sectionsData = zipWith ($) sectionFunctions sections return $ PageSection [ ("url", url, False) , ("path", path, False) ] : category : sectionsData where category = let dirs = splitDirectories $ takeDirectory path in PageSection [("category", last dirs, False) | not (null dirs)] -- | Read a page from a file. Metadata is supported. -- readPageAction :: FilePath -> HakyllAction () [PageSection] readPageAction path = HakyllAction { actionDependencies = [path] , actionUrl = Left $ toUrl path , actionFunction = const $ readPage path }