-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Main ( main ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Arrow (first) import Control.Monad (forM, forM_) import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isNumber) import Data.List (foldl', intercalate, isPrefixOf) import Data.Version (Version (..)) import System.Directory (canonicalizePath, copyFile, doesFileExist, setPermissions, getPermissions, writable) import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName) import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.FilePath (splitDirectories, ()) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Hakyll.Core.Util.File import Paths_hakyll -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Prelude -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = do progName <- getProgName args <- getArgs srcDir <- getDataFileName "example" files <- getRecursiveContents (const $ return False) srcDir case args of -- When the argument begins with hyphens, it's more likely that the user -- intends to attempt some arguments like ("--help", "-h", "--version", etc.) -- rather than create directory with that name. -- If dstDir begins with hyphens, the guard will prevent it from creating -- directory with that name so we can fall to the second alternative -- which prints a usage info for user. [dstDir] | not ("-" `isPrefixOf` dstDir) -> createFiles False srcDir files dstDir ["-f", dstDir] -> createFiles True srcDir files dstDir _ -> do putStrLn $ "Usage: " ++ progName ++ " [-f] " exitFailure where createFiles force srcDir files dstDir = do name <- makeName dstDir let cabalPath = dstDir name ++ ".cabal" diff <- if force then return [] else existingFiles dstDir (cabalPath : files) case diff of [] -> do forM_ files $ \file -> do let dst = dstDir file src = srcDir file putStrLn $ "Creating " ++ dst makeDirectories dst copyFile src dst -- On some systems, the source folder may be readonly, -- and copyFile will therefore create a readonly project... p <- getPermissions dst setPermissions dst (p {writable = True}) putStrLn $ "Creating " ++ cabalPath createCabal cabalPath name fs -> do putStrLn $ "The following files will be overwritten:" mapM_ putStrLn fs putStrLn $ "Use -f to overwrite them" exitFailure existingFiles :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath] existingFiles dstDir files = fmap concat $ forM files $ \file -> do let dst = dstDir file exists <- doesFileExist dst return $ if exists then [dst] else [] -- | Figure out a good cabal package name from the given (existing) directory -- name makeName :: FilePath -> IO String makeName dstDir = do canonical <- canonicalizePath dstDir return $ case safeLast (splitDirectories canonical) of Nothing -> fallbackName Just "/" -> fallbackName Just x -> repair (fallbackName ++) id x where -- Package name repair code comes from -- cabal-install.Distribution.Client.Init.Heuristics repair invalid valid x = case dropWhile (not . isAlphaNum) x of "" -> repairComponent "" x' -> let (c, r) = first repairComponent $ break (not . isAlphaNum) x' in c ++ repairRest r where repairComponent c | all isNumber c = invalid c | otherwise = valid c repairRest = repair id ('-' :) fallbackName = "site" safeLast = foldl' (\_ x -> Just x) Nothing createCabal :: FilePath -> String -> IO () createCabal path name = writeFile path $ unlines [ "name: " ++ name , "version:" , "build-type: Simple" , "cabal-version: >= 1.10" , "" , "executable site" , " main-is: site.hs" , " build-depends: base == 4.*" , " , hakyll == " ++ version' ++ ".*" , " ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N" , " default-language: Haskell2010" ] where -- Major hakyll version version' = intercalate "." . take 2 . map show $ versionBranch version