-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Hakyll.Web.Template.Context ( Context (..) , mapContext , field , constField , functionField , defaultContext , bodyField , metadataField , urlField , pathField , titleField , dateField , dateFieldWith , getItemUTC , modificationTimeField , modificationTimeFieldWith , missingField ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..), (<$>)) import Control.Monad (msum) import Data.List (intercalate) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..)) import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (..)) import Data.Time.Format (formatTime, parseTime) import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, takeFileName) import System.Locale (TimeLocale, defaultTimeLocale) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Hakyll.Core.Compiler import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal import Hakyll.Core.Identifier import Hakyll.Core.Item import Hakyll.Core.Metadata import Hakyll.Core.Provider import Hakyll.Core.Util.String (splitAll) import Hakyll.Web.Html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype Context a = Context { unContext :: String -> Item a -> Compiler String } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Monoid (Context a) where mempty = missingField mappend (Context f) (Context g) = Context $ \k i -> f k i <|> g k i -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mapContext :: (String -> String) -> Context a -> Context a mapContext f (Context g) = Context $ \k i -> f <$> g k i -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- field :: String -> (Item a -> Compiler String) -> Context a field key value = Context $ \k i -> if k == key then value i else empty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constField :: String -> String -> Context a constField key = field key . const . return -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- functionField :: String -> ([String] -> Item a -> Compiler String) -> Context a functionField name value = Context $ \k i -> case words k of [] -> empty (n : args) | n == name -> value args i | otherwise -> empty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- defaultContext :: Context String defaultContext = bodyField "body" `mappend` metadataField `mappend` urlField "url" `mappend` pathField "path" `mappend` titleField "title" `mappend` missingField -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bodyField :: String -> Context String bodyField key = field key $ return . itemBody -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Map any field to its metadata value, if present metadataField :: Context String metadataField = Context $ \k i -> do value <- getMetadataField (itemIdentifier i) k maybe empty return value -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Absolute url to the resulting item urlField :: String -> Context a urlField key = field key $ fmap (maybe empty toUrl) . getRoute . itemIdentifier -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Filepath of the underlying file of the item pathField :: String -> Context a pathField key = field key $ return . toFilePath . itemIdentifier -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | This title field takes the basename of the underlying file by default titleField :: String -> Context a titleField key = mapContext takeBaseName $ pathField key -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | When the metadata has a field called @published@ in one of the -- following formats then this function can render the date. -- -- * @Mon, 06 Sep 2010 00:01:00 +0000@ -- -- * @Mon, 06 Sep 2010 00:01:00 UTC@ -- -- * @Mon, 06 Sep 2010 00:01:00@ -- -- * @2010-09-06T00:01:00+0000@ -- -- * @2010-09-06T00:01:00Z@ -- -- * @2010-09-06T00:01:00@ -- -- * @2010-09-06 00:01:00+0000@ -- -- * @2010-09-06 00:01:00@ -- -- * @September 06, 2010 00:01 AM@ -- -- Following date-only formats are supported too (@00:00:00@ for time is -- assumed) -- -- * @2010-09-06@ -- -- * @September 06, 2010@ -- -- Alternatively, when the metadata has a field called @path@ in a -- @folder/yyyy-mm-dd-title.extension@ format (the convention for pages) -- and no @published@ metadata field set, this function can render -- the date. dateField :: String -- ^ Key in which the rendered date should be placed -> String -- ^ Format to use on the date -> Context a -- ^ Resulting context dateField = dateFieldWith defaultTimeLocale -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | This is an extended version of 'dateField' that allows you to -- specify a time locale that is used for outputting the date. For more -- details, see 'dateField'. dateFieldWith :: TimeLocale -- ^ Output time locale -> String -- ^ Destination key -> String -- ^ Format to use on the date -> Context a -- ^ Resulting context dateFieldWith locale key format = field key $ \i -> do time <- getItemUTC locale $ itemIdentifier i return $ formatTime locale format time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Parser to try to extract and parse the time from the @published@ -- field or from the filename. See 'dateField' for more information. -- Exported for user convenience. getItemUTC :: MonadMetadata m => TimeLocale -- ^ Output time locale -> Identifier -- ^ Input page -> m UTCTime -- ^ Parsed UTCTime getItemUTC locale id' = do metadata <- getMetadata id' let tryField k fmt = M.lookup k metadata >>= parseTime' fmt fn = takeFileName $ toFilePath id' maybe empty' return $ msum $ [tryField "published" fmt | fmt <- formats] ++ [tryField "date" fmt | fmt <- formats] ++ [parseTime' "%Y-%m-%d" $ intercalate "-" $ take 3 $ splitAll "-" fn] where empty' = fail $ "Hakyll.Web.Template.Context.getItemUTC: " ++ "could not parse time for " ++ show id' parseTime' = parseTime locale formats = [ "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z" , "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z" , "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%Z" , "%Y-%m-%d" , "%B %e, %Y %l:%M %p" , "%B %e, %Y" ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- modificationTimeField :: String -- ^ Key -> String -- ^ Format -> Context a -- ^ Resuting context modificationTimeField = modificationTimeFieldWith defaultTimeLocale -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- modificationTimeFieldWith :: TimeLocale -- ^ Time output locale -> String -- ^ Key -> String -- ^ Format -> Context a -- ^ Resulting context modificationTimeFieldWith locale key fmt = field key $ \i -> do provider <- compilerProvider <$> compilerAsk let mtime = resourceModificationTime provider $ itemIdentifier i return $ formatTime locale fmt mtime -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- missingField :: Context a missingField = Context $ \k i -> fail $ "Missing field $" ++ k ++ "$ in context for item " ++ show (itemIdentifier i)