-- | A page is an important concept in Hakyll: it has a body (usually of the -- type 'String') and number of metadata fields. This type is used to represent -- pages on your website. -- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Hakyll.Web.Page ( Page (..) , toMap , pageRead , addDefaultFields ) where import Prelude hiding (id) import Control.Category (id) import Control.Arrow ((>>^), (&&&), (>>>)) import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, takeDirectory) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as M import Hakyll.Core.Identifier import Hakyll.Core.Compiler import Hakyll.Web.Page.Internal import Hakyll.Web.Page.Read import Hakyll.Web.Page.Metadata import Hakyll.Web.Util.String -- | Convert a page to a map. The body will be placed in the @body@ key. -- toMap :: Page String -> Map String String toMap (Page m b) = M.insert "body" b m -- | Read a page (do not render it) -- pageRead :: Compiler a (Page String) pageRead = getResourceString >>^ readPage -- | Add a number of default metadata fields to a page. These fields include: -- -- * @$url@ -- -- * @$category@ -- -- * @$title@ -- -- * @$path@ -- addDefaultFields :: Compiler (Page a) (Page a) addDefaultFields = (getRoute &&& id >>^ uncurry addRoute) >>> (getIdentifier &&& id >>^ uncurry addIdentifier) where -- Add root and url, based on route addRoute Nothing = id addRoute (Just r) = setField "url" (toUrl r) -- Add title and category, based on identifier addIdentifier i = setField "title" (takeBaseName p) . setField "category" (takeBaseName $ takeDirectory p) . setField "path" p where p = toFilePath i