-- | A page is a key-value mapping, representing a page on your site -- -- A page is an important concept in Hakyll. It is a key-value mapping, and has -- one field with an arbitrary type. A 'Page' thus consists of -- -- * metadata (of the type @Map String String@); -- -- * the actual value (of the type @a@). -- -- Usually, the value will be a 'String' as well, and the value will be the body -- of the page. -- -- However, this is certainly no restriction. For example, @Page ByteString@ -- could be used to represent a binary item (e.g. an image) and some metadata. -- -- Pages can be constructed using Haskell, but they are usually parsed from a -- file. The file format for pages is pretty straightforward. -- -- > This is a simple page -- > consisting of two lines. -- -- This is a valid page with two lines. If we load this in Hakyll, there would -- be no metadata, and the body would be the given text. Let's look at a page -- with some metadata: -- -- > --- -- > title: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland -- > author: Lewis Caroll -- > year: 1865 -- > --- -- > -- > Chapter I -- > ========= -- > -- > Down the Rabbit-Hole -- > -------------------- -- > -- > Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, -- > and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her -- > sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, "and -- > what is the use of a book," thought Alice "without pictures or -- > conversation?" -- > -- > ... -- -- As you can see, we construct a metadata header in Hakyll using @---@. Then, -- we simply list all @key: value@ pairs, and end with @---@ again. This page -- contains three metadata fields and a body. The body is given in markdown -- format, which can be easily rendered to HTML by Hakyll, using pandoc. -- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Hakyll.Web.Page ( Page (..) , fromBody , fromMap , toMap , readPageCompiler , pageCompiler , pageCompilerWith , pageCompilerWithPandoc , pageCompilerWithFields , addDefaultFields ) where import Prelude hiding (id) import Control.Category (id) import Control.Arrow (arr, (>>^), (&&&), (>>>)) import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, takeDirectory) import qualified Data.Map as M import Text.Pandoc (Pandoc, ParserState, WriterOptions) import Hakyll.Core.Identifier import Hakyll.Core.Compiler import Hakyll.Web.Page.Internal import Hakyll.Web.Page.Read import Hakyll.Web.Page.Metadata import Hakyll.Web.Pandoc import Hakyll.Web.Template import Hakyll.Web.Urls -- | Create a page from a body, without metadata -- fromBody :: a -> Page a fromBody = Page M.empty -- | Read a page (do not render it) -- readPageCompiler :: Compiler () (Page String) readPageCompiler = getResourceString >>^ readPage -- | Read a page, add default fields, substitute fields and render using pandoc -- pageCompiler :: Compiler () (Page String) pageCompiler = pageCompilerWith defaultHakyllParserState defaultHakyllWriterOptions -- | A version of 'pageCompiler' which allows you to specify your own pandoc -- options -- pageCompilerWith :: ParserState -> WriterOptions -> Compiler () (Page String) pageCompilerWith state options = pageCompilerWithPandoc state options id -- | An extension of 'pageCompilerWith' which allows you to specify a custom -- pandoc transformer for the content -- pageCompilerWithPandoc :: ParserState -> WriterOptions -> (Pandoc -> Pandoc) -> Compiler () (Page String) pageCompilerWithPandoc state options f = cached cacheName $ readPageCompiler >>> addDefaultFields >>> arr applySelf >>> pageReadPandocWith state >>> arr (fmap (writePandocWith options . f)) where cacheName = "Hakyll.Web.Page.pageCompilerWithPandoc" -- | This is another, even more advanced version of 'pageCompilerWithPandoc'. -- This function allows you to provide an arrow which is applied before the -- fields in a page are rendered. This means you can use this extra customizable -- stage to add custom fields which are inserted in the page. -- pageCompilerWithFields :: ParserState -> WriterOptions -> (Pandoc -> Pandoc) -> Compiler (Page String) (Page String) -> Compiler () (Page String) pageCompilerWithFields state options f g = readPageCompiler >>> addDefaultFields >>> g >>> arr applySelf >>> pageReadPandocWith state >>> arr (fmap (writePandocWith options . f)) -- | Add a number of default metadata fields to a page. These fields include: -- -- * @$url$@ -- -- * @$category$@ -- -- * @$title$@ -- -- * @$path$@ -- addDefaultFields :: Compiler (Page a) (Page a) addDefaultFields = (getRoute &&& id >>^ uncurry addRoute) >>> (getIdentifier &&& id >>^ uncurry addIdentifier) where -- Add root and url, based on route addRoute Nothing = id addRoute (Just r) = trySetField "url" (toUrl r) -- Add title and category, based on identifier addIdentifier i = trySetField "title" (takeBaseName p) . trySetField "category" (takeBaseName $ takeDirectory p) . trySetField "path" p where p = toFilePath i