-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A Module that allows easy rendering of RSS feeds. -- -- The main rendering functions (@renderRss@, @renderAtom@) all assume that -- you pass the list of items so that the most recent entry in the feed is the -- first item in the list. -- -- Also note that the context should have (at least) the following fields to -- produce a correct feed: -- -- - @$title$@: Title of the item -- -- - @$description$@: Description to appear in the feed -- -- - @$url$@: URL to the item - this is usually set automatically. -- -- In addition, the posts should be named according to the rules for -- 'Hakyll.Web.Template.Context.dateField' module Hakyll.Web.Feed ( FeedConfiguration (..) , renderRss , renderAtom ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Hakyll.Core.Compiler import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal import Hakyll.Core.Item import Hakyll.Web.Template import Hakyll.Web.Template.Context import Hakyll.Web.Template.List -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Paths_hakyll -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | This is a data structure to keep the configuration of a feed. data FeedConfiguration = FeedConfiguration { -- | Title of the feed. feedTitle :: String , -- | Description of the feed. feedDescription :: String , -- | Name of the feed author. feedAuthorName :: String , -- | Email of the feed author. feedAuthorEmail :: String , -- | Absolute root URL of the feed site (e.g. @http://jaspervdj.be@) feedRoot :: String } deriving (Show, Eq) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Abstract function to render any feed. renderFeed :: FilePath -- ^ Feed template -> FilePath -- ^ Item template -> FeedConfiguration -- ^ Feed configuration -> Context String -- ^ Context for the items -> [Item String] -- ^ Input items -> Compiler (Item String) -- ^ Resulting item renderFeed feedPath itemPath config itemContext items = do feedTpl <- loadTemplate feedPath itemTpl <- loadTemplate itemPath body <- makeItem =<< applyTemplateList itemTpl itemContext' items applyTemplate feedTpl feedContext body where -- Auxiliary: load a template from a datafile loadTemplate path = do file <- compilerUnsafeIO $ getDataFileName path unsafeReadTemplateFile file itemContext' = mconcat [ itemContext , constField "root" (feedRoot config) , constField "authorName" (feedAuthorName config) , constField "authorEmail" (feedAuthorEmail config) ] feedContext = mconcat [ bodyField "body" , constField "title" (feedTitle config) , constField "description" (feedDescription config) , constField "authorName" (feedAuthorName config) , constField "authorEmail" (feedAuthorEmail config) , constField "root" (feedRoot config) , urlField "url" , updatedField , missingField ] -- Take the first "updated" field from all items -- this should be the most -- recent. updatedField = field "updated" $ \_ -> case items of [] -> return "Unknown" (x : _) -> unContext itemContext' "updated" [] x >>= \cf -> case cf of ListField _ _ -> fail "Hakyll.Web.Feed.renderFeed: Internal error" StringField s -> return s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Render an RSS feed with a number of items. renderRss :: FeedConfiguration -- ^ Feed configuration -> Context String -- ^ Item context -> [Item String] -- ^ Feed items -> Compiler (Item String) -- ^ Resulting feed renderRss config context = renderFeed "templates/rss.xml" "templates/rss-item.xml" config (makeItemContext "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S UT" context) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Render an Atom feed with a number of items. renderAtom :: FeedConfiguration -- ^ Feed configuration -> Context String -- ^ Item context -> [Item String] -- ^ Feed items -> Compiler (Item String) -- ^ Resulting feed renderAtom config context = renderFeed "templates/atom.xml" "templates/atom-item.xml" config (makeItemContext "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" context) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Copies @$updated$@ from @$published$@ if it is not already set. makeItemContext :: String -> Context a -> Context a makeItemContext fmt context = mconcat [dateField "published" fmt, context, dateField "updated" fmt]