-- | Implements a basic static file server for previewing options -- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Hakyll.Network.Server ( staticServer ) where import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String import System.FilePath (()) import System.Directory (doesFileExist) import qualified Data.ByteString as SB import Snap.Util.FileServe (fileServeSingle) import Snap.Types (Snap, rqURI, getRequest, writeBS) import Snap.Http.Server ( httpServe, setAccessLog, setErrorLog, addListen , ConfigListen (..), emptyConfig ) import Hakyll.Web.Util.String (replaceAll) -- | The first file in the list that actually exists is returned -- findFile :: [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath) findFile [] = return Nothing findFile (x : xs) = do exists <- doesFileExist x if exists then return (Just x) else findFile xs -- | Serve a given directory -- static :: FilePath -- ^ Directory to serve -> (FilePath -> IO ()) -- ^ Pre-serve hook -> Snap () static directory preServe = do -- Obtain the path uri <- rqURI <$> getRequest let filePath = replaceAll "\\?$" (const "") -- Remove trailing ? $ replaceAll "#[^#]*$" (const "") -- Remove #section $ replaceAll "^/" (const "") -- Remove leading / $ decode $ SB.unpack uri -- Try to find the requested file r <- liftIO $ findFile $ map (directory ) $ [ filePath , filePath "index.htm" , filePath "index.html" ] case r of -- Not found, error Nothing -> writeBS "Not found" -- Found, serve Just f -> do liftIO $ preServe f fileServeSingle f -- | Main method, runs a static server in the given directory -- staticServer :: FilePath -- ^ Directory to serve -> (FilePath -> IO ()) -- ^ Pre-serve hook -> Int -- ^ Port to listen on -> IO () -- ^ Blocks forever staticServer directory preServe port = httpServe config $ static directory preServe where -- Snap server config config = addListen (ListenHttp "" port) $ setAccessLog Nothing $ setErrorLog Nothing $ emptyConfig