-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A Compiler that supports unix filters. module Hakyll.Core.UnixFilter ( unixFilter , unixFilterLBS ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import System.IO (Handle, hClose, hGetContents, hPutStr, hSetEncoding, localeEncoding) import System.Posix.IO (closeFd, createPipe, dupTo, fdToHandle, stdInput, stdOutput) import System.Posix.Process (executeFile, forkProcess) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Hakyll.Core.Compiler -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Use a unix filter as compiler. For example, we could use the 'rev' program -- as a compiler. -- -- > rev :: Compiler String -- > rev = getResourceString >>= withItemBody (unixFilter "rev" []) -- -- A more realistic example: one can use this to call, for example, the sass -- compiler on CSS files. More information about sass can be found here: -- -- -- -- The code is fairly straightforward, given that we use @.scss@ for sass: -- -- > match "style.scss" $ do -- > route $ setExtension "css" -- > compile $ getResourceString >>= -- > withItemBody (unixFilter "sass" ["-s", "--scss"]) >>= -- > return . fmap compressCss unixFilter :: String -- ^ Program name -> [String] -- ^ Program args -> String -- ^ Program input -> Compiler String -- ^ Program output unixFilter = unixFilterWith writer reader where writer handle input = do hSetEncoding handle localeEncoding hPutStr handle input reader handle = do hSetEncoding handle localeEncoding hGetContents handle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Variant of 'unixFilter' that should be used for binary files -- -- > match "music.wav" $ do -- > route $ setExtension "ogg" -- > compile $ getResourceLBS >>= withItemBody (unixFilter "oggenc" ["-"]) unixFilterLBS :: String -- ^ Program name -> [String] -- ^ Program args -> ByteString -- ^ Program input -> Compiler ByteString -- ^ Program output unixFilterLBS = unixFilterWith LB.hPutStr LB.hGetContents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Overloaded compiler unixFilterWith :: (Handle -> i -> IO ()) -- ^ Writer -> (Handle -> IO o) -- ^ Reader -> String -- ^ Program name -> [String] -- ^ Program args -> i -- ^ Program input -> Compiler o -- ^ Program output unixFilterWith writer reader programName args input = do debugCompiler ("Executing external program " ++ programName) unsafeCompiler $ unixFilterIO writer reader programName args input -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Internally used function unixFilterIO :: (Handle -> i -> IO ()) -> (Handle -> IO o) -> String -> [String] -> i -> IO o unixFilterIO writer reader programName args input = do -- Create pipes (stdinRead, stdinWrite) <- createPipe (stdoutRead, stdoutWrite) <- createPipe -- Fork the child _ <- forkProcess $ do -- Copy our pipes over the regular stdin/stdout _ <- dupTo stdinRead stdInput _ <- dupTo stdoutWrite stdOutput -- Close the now unneeded file descriptors in the child mapM_ closeFd [stdinWrite, stdoutRead, stdinRead, stdoutWrite] -- Execute the program _ <- executeFile programName True args Nothing return () -- On the parent side, close the client-side FDs. mapM_ closeFd [stdinRead, stdoutWrite] -- Write the input to the child pipe _ <- forkIO $ do stdinWriteHandle <- fdToHandle stdinWrite writer stdinWriteHandle input hClose stdinWriteHandle -- Receive the output from the child stdoutReadHandle <- fdToHandle stdoutRead reader stdoutReadHandle