-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Hakyll.Core.Runtime ( run ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Monad (filterM) import Control.Monad.Error (ErrorT, runErrorT, throwError) import Control.Monad.Reader (ask) import Control.Monad.RWS (RWST, runRWST) import Control.Monad.State (get, modify) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Monoid (mempty) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as S import System.Exit (ExitCode (..), exitWith) import System.FilePath (()) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Require import Hakyll.Core.Configuration import Hakyll.Core.Dependencies import Hakyll.Core.Identifier import Hakyll.Core.Item import Hakyll.Core.Item.SomeItem import Hakyll.Core.Logger (Logger) import qualified Hakyll.Core.Logger as Logger import Hakyll.Core.Provider import Hakyll.Core.Routes import Hakyll.Core.Rules.Internal import Hakyll.Core.Store (Store) import qualified Hakyll.Core.Store as Store import Hakyll.Core.Util.File import Hakyll.Core.Writable -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- run :: Configuration -> Rules a -> IO RuleSet run config rules = do -- Initialization logger <- Logger.new (verbosity config) putStrLn Logger.header logger "Initialising..." Logger.message logger "Creating store..." store <- Store.new (inMemoryCache config) $ storeDirectory config Logger.message logger "Creating provider..." provider <- newProvider store (ignoreFile config) $ providerDirectory config Logger.message logger "Running rules..." ruleSet <- runRules rules provider -- Get old facts mOldFacts <- Store.get store factsKey let (oldFacts) = case mOldFacts of Store.Found f -> f _ -> mempty -- Build runtime read/state let compilers = rulesCompilers ruleSet read' = RuntimeRead { runtimeConfiguration = config , runtimeLogger = logger , runtimeProvider = provider , runtimeStore = store , runtimeRoutes = rulesRoutes ruleSet , runtimeUniverse = compilers } state = RuntimeState { runtimeDone = S.empty , runtimeTodo = M.empty , runtimeFacts = oldFacts } -- Run the program and fetch the resulting state result <- runErrorT $ runRWST build read' state case result of Left e -> do Logger.error logger e Logger.flush logger exitWith $ ExitFailure 1 Right (_, s, _) -> do Store.set store factsKey $ runtimeFacts s Logger.flush logger return ruleSet where factsKey = ["Hakyll.Core.Runtime.run", "facts"] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data RuntimeRead = RuntimeRead { runtimeConfiguration :: Configuration , runtimeLogger :: Logger , runtimeProvider :: Provider , runtimeStore :: Store , runtimeRoutes :: Routes , runtimeUniverse :: [(Identifier, Compiler SomeItem)] } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data RuntimeState = RuntimeState { runtimeDone :: Set Identifier , runtimeTodo :: Map Identifier (Compiler SomeItem) , runtimeFacts :: DependencyFacts } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Runtime a = RWST RuntimeRead () RuntimeState (ErrorT String IO) a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- build :: Runtime () build = do logger <- runtimeLogger <$> ask Logger.header logger "Checking for out-of-date items" scheduleOutOfDate Logger.header logger "Compiling" pickAndChase Logger.header logger "Success" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- scheduleOutOfDate :: Runtime () scheduleOutOfDate = do logger <- runtimeLogger <$> ask provider <- runtimeProvider <$> ask universe <- runtimeUniverse <$> ask facts <- runtimeFacts <$> get todo <- runtimeTodo <$> get let identifiers = map fst universe modified <- fmap S.fromList $ flip filterM identifiers $ liftIO . resourceModified provider let (ood, facts', msgs) = outOfDate identifiers modified facts todo' = M.fromList [(id', c) | (id', c) <- universe, id' `S.member` ood] -- Print messages mapM_ (Logger.debug logger) msgs -- Update facts and todo items modify $ \s -> s { runtimeDone = runtimeDone s `S.union` (S.fromList identifiers `S.difference` ood) , runtimeTodo = todo `M.union` todo' , runtimeFacts = facts' } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pickAndChase :: Runtime () pickAndChase = do todo <- runtimeTodo <$> get case M.minViewWithKey todo of Nothing -> return () Just ((id', _), _) -> do chase [] id' pickAndChase -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- chase :: [Identifier] -> Identifier -> Runtime () chase trail id' | id' `elem` trail = return () -- Cycle detected! | otherwise = do logger <- runtimeLogger <$> ask todo <- runtimeTodo <$> get provider <- runtimeProvider <$> ask universe <- runtimeUniverse <$> ask routes <- runtimeRoutes <$> ask store <- runtimeStore <$> ask config <- runtimeConfiguration <$> ask let compiler = todo M.! id' read' = CompilerRead { compilerUnderlying = id' , compilerProvider = provider , compilerUniverse = map fst universe , compilerRoutes = routes , compilerStore = store , compilerLogger = logger } result <- liftIO $ runCompiler compiler read' case result of -- Rethrow error CompilerError e -> throwError e -- Huge success CompilerDone (SomeItem item) cwrite -> do -- TODO: Sanity check on itemIdentifier? let body = itemBody item facts = compilerDependencies cwrite cacheHits | compilerCacheHits cwrite <= 0 = "updated" | otherwise = "cached " -- Print some info Logger.message logger $ cacheHits ++ " " ++ show id' -- Write if necessary case runRoutes routes id' of Nothing -> return () Just url -> do let path = destinationDirectory config url liftIO $ makeDirectories path liftIO $ write path item Logger.debug logger $ "Routed to " ++ path -- Save! (For require) liftIO $ save store id' body -- Update state modify $ \s -> s { runtimeDone = S.insert id' (runtimeDone s) , runtimeTodo = M.delete id' (runtimeTodo s) , runtimeFacts = M.insert id' facts (runtimeFacts s) } -- Try something else first CompilerRequire dep c -> do -- Update the compiler so we don't execute it twice depDone <- (dep `S.member`) . runtimeDone <$> get modify $ \s -> s { runtimeTodo = M.insert id' (if depDone then c else compilerResult result) (runtimeTodo s) } -- If the required item is already compiled, continue, or, start -- chasing that if depDone then chase trail id' else chase (id' : trail) dep