-- | Internal structure of the DirectedGraph type. Not exported outside of the -- library. -- module Hakyll.Core.DirectedGraph.Internal ( Node (..) , DirectedGraph (..) ) where import Prelude hiding (reverse, filter) import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mempty, mappend) import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S -- | A node in the directed graph -- data Node a = Node { nodeTag :: a -- ^ Tag identifying the node , nodeNeighbours :: (Set a) -- ^ Edges starting at this node } deriving (Show) -- | Append two nodes. Useful for joining graphs. -- appendNodes :: Ord a => Node a -> Node a -> Node a appendNodes (Node t1 n1) (Node t2 n2) | t1 /= t2 = error "appendNodes: Appending differently tagged nodes" | otherwise = Node t1 (n1 `S.union` n2) -- | Type used to represent a directed graph -- newtype DirectedGraph a = DirectedGraph {unDirectedGraph :: Map a (Node a)} deriving (Show) -- | Allow users to concatenate different graphs -- instance Ord a => Monoid (DirectedGraph a) where mempty = DirectedGraph M.empty mappend (DirectedGraph m1) (DirectedGraph m2) = DirectedGraph $ M.unionWith appendNodes m1 m2