-- | Representation of a directed graph. In Hakyll, this is used for dependency -- tracking. -- module Hakyll.Core.DirectedGraph ( DirectedGraph , fromList , nodes , neighbours , reverse , filter , reachableNodes ) where import Prelude hiding (reverse, filter) import Data.Monoid (mconcat) import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import Hakyll.Core.DirectedGraph.Internal -- | Construction of directed graphs -- fromList :: Ord a => [(a, Set a)] -- ^ List of (node, reachable neighbours) -> DirectedGraph a -- ^ Resulting directed graph fromList = DirectedGraph . M.fromList . map (\(t, d) -> (t, Node t d)) -- | Get all nodes in the graph -- nodes :: Ord a => DirectedGraph a -- ^ Graph to get the nodes from -> Set a -- ^ All nodes in the graph nodes = M.keysSet . unDirectedGraph -- | Get a set of reachable neighbours from a directed graph -- neighbours :: Ord a => a -- ^ Node to get the neighbours of -> DirectedGraph a -- ^ Graph to search in -> Set a -- ^ Set containing the neighbours neighbours x = fromMaybe S.empty . fmap nodeNeighbours . M.lookup x . unDirectedGraph -- | Reverse a directed graph (i.e. flip all edges) -- reverse :: Ord a => DirectedGraph a -> DirectedGraph a reverse = mconcat . map reverse' . M.toList . unDirectedGraph where reverse' (id', Node _ neighbours') = fromList $ zip (S.toList neighbours') $ repeat $ S.singleton id' -- | Filter a directed graph (i.e. remove nodes based on a predicate) -- filter :: Ord a => (a -> Bool) -- ^ Predicate -> DirectedGraph a -- ^ Graph -> DirectedGraph a -- ^ Resulting graph filter predicate = DirectedGraph . M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> predicate k) . unDirectedGraph -- | Find all reachable nodes from a given node in the directed graph -- reachableNodes :: Ord a => a -> DirectedGraph a -> Set a reachableNodes x graph = reachable (neighbours x graph) (S.singleton x) where reachable next visited | S.null next = visited | otherwise = reachable (sanitize neighbours') (next `S.union` visited) where sanitize = S.filter (`S.notMember` visited) neighbours' = S.unions $ map (flip neighbours graph) $ S.toList $ sanitize next