-- | A Compiler manages targets and dependencies between targets. -- {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} module Hakyll.Core.Compiler ( Compiler , runCompiler , getIdentifier , getRoute , getResourceString , fromDependency , require_ , require , requireA , requireAll_ , requireAll , requireAllA , cached , unsafeCompiler ) where import Prelude hiding ((.), id) import Control.Arrow ((>>>), (&&&), arr) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Monad.Reader (ask) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Control.Category (Category, (.), id) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Binary (Binary) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Hakyll.Core.Identifier import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern import Hakyll.Core.CompiledItem import Hakyll.Core.Writable import Hakyll.Core.ResourceProvider import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal import Hakyll.Core.Store import Hakyll.Core.Rules -- | Run a compiler, yielding the resulting target and it's dependencies. This -- version of 'runCompilerJob' also stores the result -- runCompiler :: Compiler () CompileRule -- ^ Compiler to run -> Identifier -- ^ Target identifier -> ResourceProvider -- ^ Resource provider -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Route -> Store -- ^ Store -> Bool -- ^ Was the resource modified? -> IO CompileRule -- ^ Resulting item runCompiler compiler identifier provider route' store modified = do -- Run the compiler job result <- runCompilerJob compiler identifier provider route' store modified -- Inspect the result case result of -- In case we compiled an item, we will store a copy in the cache first, -- before we return control. This makes sure the compiled item can later -- be accessed by e.g. require. CompileRule (CompiledItem x) -> storeSet store "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.runCompiler" identifier x -- Otherwise, we do nothing here _ -> return () return result -- | Get the identifier of the item that is currently being compiled -- getIdentifier :: Compiler a Identifier getIdentifier = fromJob $ const $ CompilerM $ compilerIdentifier <$> ask -- | Get the route we are using for this item -- getRoute :: Compiler a (Maybe FilePath) getRoute = fromJob $ const $ CompilerM $ compilerRoute <$> ask -- | Get the resource we are compiling as a string -- getResourceString :: Compiler a String getResourceString = getIdentifier >>> getResourceString' where getResourceString' = fromJob $ \id' -> CompilerM $ do provider <- compilerResourceProvider <$> ask liftIO $ resourceString provider id' -- | Auxiliary: get a dependency -- getDependency :: (Binary a, Writable a, Typeable a) => Identifier -> CompilerM a getDependency identifier = CompilerM $ do store <- compilerStore <$> ask fmap (fromMaybe error') $ liftIO $ storeGet store "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.runCompiler" identifier where error' = error $ "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.getDependency: " ++ show identifier ++ " not found in the cache, the cache might be corrupted or" ++ " the item you are referring to might not exist" -- | Variant of 'require' which drops the current value -- require_ :: (Binary a, Typeable a, Writable a) => Identifier -> Compiler b a require_ identifier = fromDependency identifier >>> fromJob (const $ getDependency identifier) -- | Require another target. Using this function ensures automatic handling of -- dependencies -- require :: (Binary a, Typeable a, Writable a) => Identifier -> (b -> a -> c) -> Compiler b c require identifier = requireA identifier . arr . uncurry -- | Arrow-based variant of 'require' -- requireA :: (Binary a, Typeable a, Writable a) => Identifier -> Compiler (b, a) c -> Compiler b c requireA identifier = (id &&& require_ identifier >>>) -- | Variant of 'requireAll' which drops the current value -- requireAll_ :: (Binary a, Typeable a, Writable a) => Pattern -> Compiler b [a] requireAll_ pattern = fromDependencies getDeps >>> fromJob requireAll_' where getDeps = matches pattern . resourceList requireAll_' = const $ CompilerM $ do deps <- getDeps . compilerResourceProvider <$> ask mapM (unCompilerM . getDependency) deps -- | Require a number of targets. Using this function ensures automatic handling -- of dependencies -- requireAll :: (Binary a, Typeable a, Writable a) => Pattern -> (b -> [a] -> c) -> Compiler b c requireAll pattern = requireAllA pattern . arr . uncurry -- | Arrow-based variant of 'requireAll' -- requireAllA :: (Binary a, Typeable a, Writable a) => Pattern -> Compiler (b, [a]) c -> Compiler b c requireAllA pattern = (id &&& requireAll_ pattern >>>) cached :: (Binary a, Typeable a, Writable a) => String -> Compiler () a -> Compiler () a cached name (Compiler d j) = Compiler d $ const $ CompilerM $ do identifier <- compilerIdentifier <$> ask store <- compilerStore <$> ask modified <- compilerResourceModified <$> ask liftIO $ putStrLn $ show identifier ++ ": " ++ if modified then "MODIFIED" else "OK" if modified then do v <- unCompilerM $ j () liftIO $ storeSet store name identifier v return v else do v <- liftIO $ storeGet store name identifier case v of Just v' -> return v' Nothing -> error' where error' = error "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.cached: Cache corrupt!" -- | Create an unsafe compiler from a function in IO -- unsafeCompiler :: (a -> IO b) -- ^ Function to lift -> Compiler a b -- ^ Resulting compiler unsafeCompiler f = fromJob $ CompilerM . liftIO . f