path: root/src/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2014-09-08added binary instances for csl and pandoc, fix #174Jan-Philip Loos2-2/+37
2014-08-20Fix compilation errors with pandoc-citeproc 0.4Rickard Nilsson1-1/+1
2013-09-18updated to work with pandoc 1.12Jorge Israel Peña1-9/+6
Pandoc 1.12 decouples citeproc-hs from itself, so there is no longer a Text.Pandoc.Biblio module in Pandoc. Further, citeproc-hs depends on pandoc-types 1.10 but Pandoc 1.12 depends on pandoc-types 1.12. To alleviate these issues, pandoc-citeproc was created which includes a copy of the citeproc-hs source made to be compatible, since the developer of citeproc-hs is apparently MIA. pandoc-citeproc is a separate module that handles the mixture of citeproc-hs and Pandoc. It includes `processCites` in Text.CSL.Pandoc, which is the new name of what used to be `processBiblio` from Text.Pandoc.Biblio Most of these changes are seamless, consisting of simple name changes in both functions and modules. However, a more direct change in the Hakyll API itself is that `readPandocBiblio`'s second parameter, the CSL, is now mandatory, i.e. not of type Maybe. This is to reflect the same change in the underlying processing function from Text.CSL.Pandoc, `processCites`, where the Style argument is now mandatory, and the style is derived from the CSL. See the old function: processBiblio :: Maybe Style -> [Reference] -> Pandoc -> Pandoc Compared to the new one: processCites :: Style -> [Reference] -> Pandoc -> Pandoc Sources: * * Similarly, there is no longer a `readerReferences` field in the reader options structure.
2013-01-28Fix .tex.lhs patch, add some test casesJasper Van der Jeugt1-3/+7
2013-01-28Read second extension to find our inner .lhs formatAlexander Vershilov1-20/+20
.md.lhs -> will be read as markdown + lhs .tex.lhs -> will be read as latex +lhs markdown format is default
2013-01-20Update to use pandoc 1.9Jasper Van der Jeugt1-11/+15
2012-11-18Add Item abstractionJasper Van der Jeugt2-25/+41
2012-11-13WIPJasper Van der Jeugt2-33/+32
2012-11-10Deprecate things, basics now workJasper Van der Jeugt2-14/+35
2012-11-09Remove Resource typeJasper Van der Jeugt1-7/+6
2012-03-29Add textile supportJasper Van der Jeugt1-0/+2
2012-02-06Bump pandoc dependency to 1.9Jasper Van der Jeugt1-2/+2
2012-01-25Fix TagSoup options and bump its dependencyJasper Van der Jeugt1-5/+7
2011-11-22Fix bibliography handlingJasper Van der Jeugt1-20/+36
2011-11-21Add a Pandoc.Biblio moduleJasper Van der Jeugt1-0/+57
2011-03-30Move FileType moduleJasper Van der Jeugt1-0/+55