path: root/src/Hakyll
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Hakyll')
3 files changed, 45 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/src/Hakyll/Core/Util/String.hs b/src/Hakyll/Core/Util/String.hs
index d9ec91c..b46f7b8 100644
--- a/src/Hakyll/Core/Util/String.hs
+++ b/src/Hakyll/Core/Util/String.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- | Miscellaneous string manipulation functions.
module Hakyll.Core.Util.String
( trim
, replaceAll
@@ -7,21 +7,24 @@ module Hakyll.Core.Util.String
, needlePrefix
) where
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~~))
-- | Trim a string (drop spaces, tabs and newlines at both sides).
trim :: String -> String
trim = reverse . trim' . reverse . trim'
trim' = dropWhile isSpace
-- | A simple (but inefficient) regex replace funcion
replaceAll :: String -- ^ Pattern
-> (String -> String) -- ^ Replacement (called on capture)
-> String -- ^ Source string
@@ -35,9 +38,10 @@ replaceAll pattern f source = replaceAll' source
(capture, after) = splitAt l tmp
in before ++ f capture ++ replaceAll' after
-- | A simple regex split function. The resulting list will contain no empty
-- strings.
splitAll :: String -- ^ Pattern
-> String -- ^ String to split
-> [String] -- ^ Result
@@ -50,19 +54,24 @@ splitAll pattern = filter (not . null) . splitAll'
in before : splitAll' (drop l tmp)
--- | Find the first instance of needle (must be non-empty) in
--- haystack. We return the prefix of haystack before needle is
--- matched.
+-- | Find the first instance of needle (must be non-empty) in haystack. We
+-- return the prefix of haystack before needle is matched.
-- Examples:
--- needlePrefix "cd" "abcde" = "ab"
--- needlePrefix "ab" "abc" = ""
--- needlePrefix "ab" "xxab" = "xx"
--- needlePrefix "a" "xx" = "xx"
-needlePrefix :: String -> String -> String
-needlePrefix needle haystack = go haystack
+-- > needlePrefix "cd" "abcde" = "ab"
+-- > needlePrefix "ab" "abc" = ""
+-- > needlePrefix "ab" "xxab" = "xx"
+-- > needlePrefix "a" "xx" = "xx"
+needlePrefix :: String -> String -> Maybe String
+needlePrefix needle haystack = go [] haystack
- go [] = []
- go xss@(x:xs) | needle `isPrefixOf` xss = []
- | otherwise = x : go xs
+ go _ [] = Nothing
+ go acc xss@(x:xs)
+ | needle `isPrefixOf` xss = Just $ reverse acc
+ | otherwise = go (x : acc) xs
diff --git a/src/Hakyll/Web/Html.hs b/src/Hakyll/Web/Html.hs
index 58b5c43..3a0aa3b 100644
--- a/src/Hakyll/Web/Html.hs
+++ b/src/Hakyll/Web/Html.hs
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import System.FilePath (joinPath, splitPath,
import Text.Blaze.Html (toHtml)
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String (renderHtml)
import qualified Text.HTML.TagSoup as TS
+import Network.URI (isUnreserved, escapeURIString)
@@ -98,9 +99,18 @@ renderTags' = TS.renderTagsOptions TS.renderOptions
-- Result:
-- > "/foo/bar.html"
+-- This also sanitizes the URL, e.g. converting spaces into '%20'
toUrl :: FilePath -> String
-toUrl ('/' : xs) = '/' : xs
-toUrl url = '/' : url
+toUrl url = case url of
+ ('/' : xs) -> '/' : sanitize xs
+ xs -> '/' : sanitize xs
+ where
+ -- Everything but unreserved characters should be escaped as we are
+ -- sanitising the path therefore reserved characters which have a
+ -- meaning in URI does not appear. Special casing for `/`, because it has
+ -- a special meaning in FilePath as well as in URI.
+ sanitize = escapeURIString (\c -> c == '/' || isUnreserved c)
diff --git a/src/Hakyll/Web/Template/Context.hs b/src/Hakyll/Web/Template/Context.hs
index 3fde93b..ecf769d 100644
--- a/src/Hakyll/Web/Template/Context.hs
+++ b/src/Hakyll/Web/Template/Context.hs
@@ -242,9 +242,13 @@ modificationTimeFieldWith locale key fmt = field key $ \i -> do
teaserField :: String -- ^ Key to use
-> Snapshot -- ^ Snapshot to load
-> Context String -- ^ Resulting context
-teaserField key snapshot = field key $ \item ->
- (needlePrefix teaserSeparator . itemBody) <$>
- loadSnapshot (itemIdentifier item) snapshot
+teaserField key snapshot = field key $ \item -> do
+ body <- itemBody <$> loadSnapshot (itemIdentifier item) snapshot
+ case needlePrefix teaserSeparator body of
+ Nothing -> fail $
+ "Hakyll.Web.Template.Context: no teaser defined for " ++
+ show (itemIdentifier item)
+ Just t -> return t