path: root/src/Hakyll
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1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Hakyll/Web/Paginator.hs b/src/Hakyll/Web/Paginator.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec15256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Hakyll/Web/Paginator.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Hakyll.Web.Paginator
+ ( Paginator(..)
+ , PagState(..)
+ , NavigationLinkType(..)
+ , buildPaginator
+ , buildPaginatorWith
+ , paginatorRules
+ , renderPaginator
+ , renderPaginatorWith
+ , paginatorFields
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad (forM, forM_)
+import Data.List (intercalate, unfoldr)
+import Data.Monoid ((<>))
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Text.Blaze.Html (toHtml, toValue, (!))
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String (renderHtml)
+import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
+import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Core.Rules
+import Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Web.Html
+-- | Data about paginators
+data Paginator = Paginator
+ { pagPages :: M.Map Int [Identifier]
+ , pagPlaces :: M.Map Identifier Int
+ , pagMakeId :: PagState -> Identifier
+ , pagDependency :: Dependency
+ } deriving (Show)
+data PagState = PagState { pagPos :: Int
+ , pagLen :: Int }
+buildPaginatorWith :: MonadMetadata m
+ => Int
+ -> (PagState -> Identifier)
+ -> Pattern
+ -> m Paginator
+buildPaginatorWith n makeId pattern = do
+ -- TODO: there is no sensible order for `ids` here, for now it's random;
+ -- but it should be `resectFirst` order because most recent posts should
+ -- correspond to 1st paginator page and oldest one to last page
+ idents <- getMatches pattern
+ let pages = unfoldr f idents
+ where
+ f [] = Nothing
+ f x = Just $ splitAt n x
+ nPages = length pages
+ pagPages' = zip [1..] pages
+ pagPlaces' = [(ident, idx) | (idx,ids) <- pagPages', ident <- ids] ++
+ [(makeId (PagState i nPages), i) | i <- [1 .. nPages]]
+ return $ Paginator (M.fromList pagPages') (M.fromList pagPlaces') makeId
+ (PatternDependency pattern idents)
+buildPaginator :: MonadMetadata m => Pattern -> m Paginator
+buildPaginator = buildPaginatorWith 5 makeId
+ where
+ makeId (PagState pos n) = fromFilePath $ "index" ++ makeIndex pos n ++ ".html"
+ makeIndex i n = let nils = replicate (length (show n) - length (show i)) '0'
+ in nils ++ show i
+paginatorRules :: Paginator -> (PagState -> Pattern -> Rules ()) -> Rules ()
+paginatorRules paginator rules =
+ forM_ (M.toList $ pagPages paginator) $ \(idx, identifiers) ->
+ let pagState = PagState idx (M.size $ pagPages paginator)
+ in create [pagMakeId paginator pagState] $
+ rulesExtraDependencies [pagDependency paginator] $
+ rules pagState $ fromList identifiers
+data NavigationLinkType = NFirst | NPrev | NNext | NLast
+instance Show NavigationLinkType where
+ show NFirst = "first"
+ show NPrev = "prev"
+ show NNext = "next"
+ show NLast = "last"
+renderPaginatorWith :: (String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String)
+ -- ^ Produce a paginator menu item: url, index of menu element,
+ -- index of current page, amount of pages
+ -> (String -> NavigationLinkType -> Int -> String)
+ -- ^ Produce fast navigation links: url, type of navigation
+ -- element (e.g. last, prev...), index of corresponding page
+ -> ([String] -> String)
+ -- ^ Join items
+ -> Paginator
+ -> PagState
+ -> Compiler String
+renderPaginatorWith makeHtml navigationHtml concatHtml paginator (PagState i n) = do
+ pags' <- forM (M.toList $ pagPages paginator) $ \(idx,_) -> do
+ let pagState = PagState idx (M.size $ pagPages paginator)
+ url <- getRoute $ pagMakeId paginator pagState
+ return (url, idx)
+ let -- Create a link for one item
+ makeHtml' (url, idx) =
+ makeHtml (toUrl $ fromMaybe "/" url) idx i n
+ -- Fast-travel links logic: first, prev, next, last (<< < > >>)
+ navIdxs = [1, max 1 (i-1), min (i+1) n, n]
+ navIds = [NFirst, NPrev, NNext, NLast]
+ navUrls = map (\idx -> toFilePath $ pagMakeId paginator (PagState idx n))
+ navIdxs
+ navHtmlCode = zipWith3 navigationHtml navUrls navIds navIdxs
+ navLefts = if i==1
+ then []
+ else take 2 navHtmlCode
+ navRights= if i==n
+ then []
+ else drop 2 navHtmlCode
+ return $ concatHtml $ navLefts ++ map makeHtml' pags' ++ navRights
+renderPaginator :: Paginator -> PagState -> Compiler String
+renderPaginator =
+ renderPaginatorWith makeHtml navigationHtml concatHtml
+ where
+ navigationHtml url navType _idx =
+ let (caption, alt) = arrow navType
+ in renderHtml $ H.a ! (A.href (toValue url) <>
+ A.title (toValue alt))
+ $ toHtml caption
+ where
+ arrow :: NavigationLinkType -> (String, String)
+ arrow NPrev = ("<" , "prev")
+ arrow NNext = (">" , "next")
+ arrow NFirst = ("<<", "first")
+ arrow NLast = (">>", "last")
+ concatHtml = intercalate " " . filter (not . null)
+ makeHtml url menuItemIdx pageIdx nPages
+ | menuItemIdx == pageIdx = show menuItemIdx
+ | not shouldBeDisplayed = ""
+ | otherwise =
+ let caption = show menuItemIdx
+ in renderHtml $ H.a ! (A.href (toValue url) <>
+ A.title (toValue caption))
+ $ toHtml caption
+ where
+ shouldBeDisplayed =
+ let leg = 2
+ width = 1 + 2*leg
+ in abs (menuItemIdx - pageIdx) <= leg
+ || pageIdx - leg <= 0 && menuItemIdx - width <= 0
+ || pageIdx + leg >= nPages && menuItemIdx + width >= nPages
+paginatorField :: Paginator -> String -> NavigationLinkType -> Context a
+paginatorField pag fieldName arrowType = field fieldName $ \item -> do
+ let identifier = itemIdentifier item
+ nPages = M.size (pagPages pag)
+ neededPage NNext pos | pos+1 > nPages = Nothing
+ neededPage NNext pos = Just (pos + 1)
+ neededPage NPrev pos | pos-1 < 1 = Nothing
+ neededPage NPrev pos = Just (pos - 1)
+ neededPage NFirst pos | pos == 1 = Nothing
+ neededPage NFirst _ = Just 1
+ neededPage NLast pos | pos == nPages = Nothing
+ neededPage NLast _ = Just nPages
+ case M.lookup identifier (pagPlaces pag) of
+ Nothing -> error $ printf "Hakyll.Web.Paginator: there is no page %s in paginator map."
+ (show identifier)
+ Just pos -> case neededPage arrowType pos of
+ Nothing -> fail $ printf "There is no %s page for page %s in position %s."
+ (show arrowType) (show identifier) (show pos)
+ Just pos' -> do
+ let nextId = pagMakeId pag (PagState pos' nPages)
+ mroute <- getRoute nextId
+ case mroute of
+ Nothing -> error $ printf "Hakyll.Web.Paginator: unable to get route of identifier %s."
+ (show nextId)
+ Just rt -> return $ toUrl rt
+paginatorFields :: Paginator -> Context a
+paginatorFields pag = paginatorField pag "firstPage" NFirst
+ <> paginatorField pag "prevPage" NPrev
+ <> paginatorField pag "nextPage" NNext
+ <> paginatorField pag "lastPage" NLast
+ \ No newline at end of file