path: root/examples/tagblog
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/tagblog')
-rw-r--r--examples/tagblog/templates/index.html (renamed from examples/tagblog/index.html)8
12 files changed, 163 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/examples/tagblog/hakyll.hs b/examples/tagblog/hakyll.hs
index a81c280..447f232 100644
--- a/examples/tagblog/hakyll.hs
+++ b/examples/tagblog/hakyll.hs
@@ -1,71 +1,104 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
-import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
-import Text.Hakyll (hakyll)
-import Text.Hakyll.Render
-import Text.Hakyll.Tags (readTagMap, renderTagCloud, renderTagLinks, withTagMap)
-import Text.Hakyll.Feed (FeedConfiguration (..), renderRss)
-import Text.Hakyll.File (getRecursiveContents, directory, removeSpaces)
-import Text.Hakyll.CreateContext (createPage, createCustomPage, createListing)
-import Text.Hakyll.ContextManipulations (renderDate, copyValue)
-import Data.List (sort)
-import Data.Map (toList)
-import Control.Monad (forM_, liftM)
-import Data.Either (Either(..))
+import Prelude hiding (id)
+import Control.Arrow ((>>>), (***), arr)
+import Control.Category (id)
+import Control.Monad (forM_)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Monoid (mempty, mconcat)
-main = hakyll "" $ do
- -- Static directory.
- directory css "css"
+import Hakyll
- -- Find all post paths.
- postPaths <- liftM (reverse . sort) $ getRecursiveContents "posts"
- let renderablePosts = map ((>>> postManipulation) . createPage) postPaths
+main :: IO ()
+main = hakyll $ do
+ -- Compress CSS
+ route "css/*" idRoute
+ compile "css/*" compressCssCompiler
- -- Read tag map.
- let tagMap = readTagMap "postTags" postPaths
+ -- Render posts
+ route "posts/*" $ setExtension ".html"
+ compile "posts/*" $
+ pageCompiler
+ >>> arr (renderDateField "date" "%B %e, %Y" "Date unknown")
+ >>> renderTagsField "prettytags" (fromCaptureString "tags/*")
+ >>> applyTemplateCompiler "templates/post.html"
+ >>> applyTemplateCompiler "templates/default.html"
+ >>> relativizeUrlsCompiler
- -- Render all posts list.
- renderPostList "posts.html" "All posts" renderablePosts
+ -- Render posts list
+ route "posts.html" $ idRoute
+ create "posts.html" $
+ constA mempty
+ >>> arr (setField "title" "All posts")
+ >>> requireAllA "posts/*" addPostList
+ >>> applyTemplateCompiler "templates/posts.html"
+ >>> applyTemplateCompiler "templates/default.html"
+ >>> relativizeUrlsCompiler
- -- Render post list per tag
- let renderListForTag tag posts =
- renderPostList (tagToUrl tag) ("Posts tagged " ++ tag)
- (map (>>> postManipulation) posts)
- withTagMap tagMap renderListForTag
+ -- Index
+ route "index.html" $ idRoute
+ create "index.html" $
+ constA mempty
+ >>> arr (setField "title" "Home")
+ >>> requireA "tags" (setFieldA "tagcloud" (renderTagCloud'))
+ >>> requireAllA "posts/*" (id *** arr (take 3 . reverse . sortByBaseName) >>> addPostList)
+ >>> applyTemplateCompiler "templates/index.html"
+ >>> applyTemplateCompiler "templates/default.html"
+ >>> relativizeUrlsCompiler
- -- Render index, including recent posts.
- let tagCloud = tagMap >>> renderTagCloud tagToUrl 100 200
- index = createListing "index.html"
- ["templates/postitem.html"]
- (take 3 renderablePosts)
- [ ("title", Left "Home")
- , ("tagcloud", Right tagCloud)
- ]
- renderChain ["index.html", "templates/default.html"] index
+ -- Tags
+ create "tags" $
+ requireAll "posts/*" (\_ ps -> readTags ps :: Tags String)
- -- Render all posts.
- forM_ renderablePosts $ renderChain [ "templates/post.html"
- , "templates/default.html"
- ]
+ -- Add a tag list compiler for every tag
+ route "tags/*" $ setExtension ".html"
+ metaCompile $ require_ "tags"
+ >>> arr (M.toList . tagsMap)
+ >>> arr (map (\(t, p) -> (tagIdentifier t, makeTagList t p)))
- -- Render rss feed
- renderRss myFeedConfiguration $
- map (>>> copyValue "body" "description") (take 3 renderablePosts)
+ -- Render RSS feed
+ route "rss.xml" $ idRoute
+ create "rss.xml" $
+ requireAll_ "posts/*"
+ >>> renderRss feedConfiguration
+ -- Read templates
+ compile "templates/*" templateCompiler
+ -- End
+ return ()
- postManipulation = renderDate "date" "%B %e, %Y" "Date unknown"
- >>> renderTagLinks tagToUrl
+ renderTagCloud' :: Compiler (Tags String) String
+ renderTagCloud' = renderTagCloud tagIdentifier 100 120
+ tagIdentifier :: String -> Identifier
+ tagIdentifier = fromCaptureString "tags/*"
- tagToUrl tag = "$root/tags/" ++ removeSpaces tag ++ ".html"
+-- | Auxiliary compiler: generate a post list from a list of given posts, and
+-- add it to the current page under @$posts@
+addPostList :: Compiler (Page String, [Page String]) (Page String)
+addPostList = setFieldA "posts" $
+ arr (reverse . sortByBaseName)
+ >>> require "templates/postitem.html" (\p t -> map (applyTemplate t) p)
+ >>> arr mconcat
+ >>> arr pageBody
- renderPostList url title posts = do
- let list = createListing url ["templates/postitem.html"]
- posts [("title", Left title)]
- renderChain ["posts.html", "templates/default.html"] list
+makeTagList :: String
+ -> [Page String]
+ -> Compiler () (Page String)
+makeTagList tag posts =
+ constA (mempty, posts)
+ >>> addPostList
+ >>> arr (setField "title" ("Posts tagged &#8216;" ++ tag ++ "&#8217;"))
+ >>> applyTemplateCompiler "templates/posts.html"
+ >>> applyTemplateCompiler "templates/default.html"
-myFeedConfiguration = FeedConfiguration
- { feedUrl = "rss.xml"
- , feedTitle = "SimpleBlog RSS feed."
+feedConfiguration :: FeedConfiguration
+feedConfiguration = FeedConfiguration
+ { feedTitle = "SimpleBlog RSS feed."
, feedDescription = "A simple demo of an RSS feed created with Hakyll."
, feedAuthorName = "Jasper Van der Jeugt"
+ , feedRoot = ""
diff --git a/examples/tagblog/posts.html b/examples/tagblog/posts.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ee2ed78..0000000
--- a/examples/tagblog/posts.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- $body
diff --git a/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-11-05-a-first-post.markdown b/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-11-05-a-first-post.markdown
index c010832..13d39f6 100644
--- a/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-11-05-a-first-post.markdown
+++ b/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-11-05-a-first-post.markdown
@@ -2,20 +2,21 @@
title: A first post
author: Julius Caesar
tags: caesar, random crap
+description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pretium leo
-adipiscing lectus iaculis lobortis. Vivamus scelerisque velit dignissim metus
-gravida sit amet dapibus ligula tempor. Quisque sit amet viverra nunc.
-Suspendisse cursus elementum ante, ut venenatis nisi dictum eu. Nulla diam
-ligula, eleifend in varius quis, malesuada a nibh. Vivamus consequat
-pellentesque erat non blandit. Nunc sit amet eros vel massa semper ullamcorper
-quis iaculis magna. Vestibulum ullamcorper urna sit amet est elementum
-pulvinar. Vestibulum consequat lacus ac quam hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent
-bibendum vehicula diam, nec sagittis risus tempus a. Nulla quis odio sit amet
-odio vehicula cursus ut id odio. Curabitur semper magna euismod magna mollis
-venenatis. Nunc eget eleifend velit. Mauris sed posuere sem. Fusce id nunc
-nisi, a aliquam orci. Suspendisse laoreet justo non enim laoreet eget consequat
-velit porttitor. Aenean faucibus sodales metus at tincidunt. Donec vestibulum
-leo pulvinar erat auctor ac ultrices massa euismod. Phasellus blandit cursus
-magna, eget lacinia mi lobortis sed. Suspendisse ultricies enim ligula, vel
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pretium leo
+adipiscing lectus iaculis lobortis. Vivamus scelerisque velit dignissim metus
+gravida sit amet dapibus ligula tempor. Quisque sit amet viverra nunc.
+Suspendisse cursus elementum ante, ut venenatis nisi dictum eu. Nulla diam
+ligula, eleifend in varius quis, malesuada a nibh. Vivamus consequat
+pellentesque erat non blandit. Nunc sit amet eros vel massa semper ullamcorper
+quis iaculis magna. Vestibulum ullamcorper urna sit amet est elementum
+pulvinar. Vestibulum consequat lacus ac quam hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent
+bibendum vehicula diam, nec sagittis risus tempus a. Nulla quis odio sit amet
+odio vehicula cursus ut id odio. Curabitur semper magna euismod magna mollis
+venenatis. Nunc eget eleifend velit. Mauris sed posuere sem. Fusce id nunc
+nisi, a aliquam orci. Suspendisse laoreet justo non enim laoreet eget consequat
+velit porttitor. Aenean faucibus sodales metus at tincidunt. Donec vestibulum
+leo pulvinar erat auctor ac ultrices massa euismod. Phasellus blandit cursus
+magna, eget lacinia mi lobortis sed. Suspendisse ultricies enim ligula, vel
scelerisque mauris.
diff --git a/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-11-10-another-post.markdown b/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-11-10-another-post.markdown
index a79ca88..4f0b62b 100644
--- a/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-11-10-another-post.markdown
+++ b/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-11-10-another-post.markdown
@@ -2,14 +2,15 @@
title: Another post
author: Marcus Tullius Cicero
tags: cicero, random crap
+description: Vestibulum in ultrices urna.
-Vestibulum in ultrices urna. Etiam tempor enim dui, nec malesuada elit. Donec
-tempor ligula et quam volutpat quis fermentum eros congue. Sed ut pulvinar sem.
-Sed aliquam ipsum id purus sollicitudin vulputate. Cras et mauris dui, vel
-hendrerit leo. Ut metus ipsum, fermentum ac malesuada id, tempus pharetra quam.
-Donec diam felis, consequat ac scelerisque cursus, gravida non lectus. Sed
-faucibus elit dapibus diam elementum id varius nisi tristique. Proin consequat
-faucibus neque in aliquam. Vestibulum ligula odio, pulvinar vel hendrerit
-vitae, egestas ut nibh. Praesent ut velit elit, in consequat dolor. Praesent
-sem enim, commodo in gravida sed, adipiscing vel eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
+Vestibulum in ultrices urna. Etiam tempor enim dui, nec malesuada elit. Donec
+tempor ligula et quam volutpat quis fermentum eros congue. Sed ut pulvinar sem.
+Sed aliquam ipsum id purus sollicitudin vulputate. Cras et mauris dui, vel
+hendrerit leo. Ut metus ipsum, fermentum ac malesuada id, tempus pharetra quam.
+Donec diam felis, consequat ac scelerisque cursus, gravida non lectus. Sed
+faucibus elit dapibus diam elementum id varius nisi tristique. Proin consequat
+faucibus neque in aliquam. Vestibulum ligula odio, pulvinar vel hendrerit
+vitae, egestas ut nibh. Praesent ut velit elit, in consequat dolor. Praesent
+sem enim, commodo in gravida sed, adipiscing vel eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non aliquam nunc.
diff --git a/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-11-28-a-third-post.markdown b/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-11-28-a-third-post.markdown
index a3e99aa..f696620 100644
--- a/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-11-28-a-third-post.markdown
+++ b/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-11-28-a-third-post.markdown
@@ -2,18 +2,19 @@
title: A third post
author: Publius Ovidius Naso
tags: epic fail, ovidius
+description: Pellentesque tempor blandit elit, vel ultricies arcu congue egestas.
-Pellentesque tempor blandit elit, vel ultricies arcu congue egestas. Fusce
-vitae rutrum nisl. Fusce id mauris libero, a venenatis tellus. Fusce iaculis,
-lorem et ornare molestie, mauris risus mollis nisi, non fermentum lacus lacus
-sit amet ipsum. Praesent lobortis ullamcorper dolor, eget convallis ligula
-dignissim a. Suspendisse nulla nisi, congue et pharetra vel, convallis non
-libero. Ut a nulla ipsum. Phasellus cursus velit id neque viverra ut
-pellentesque justo posuere. Curabitur laoreet enim et velit tempor consectetur.
-Donec eu pretium urna. Suspendisse vitae nisi at metus vestibulum aliquam in
-sit amet nisl. Donec convallis lacinia odio, vestibulum molestie nunc feugiat
-a. Suspendisse vehicula, sapien id aliquet consectetur, sem sapien ullamcorper
-arcu, scelerisque porttitor elit ipsum posuere ligula. Nulla at velit eu metus
-tincidunt auctor ut sit amet enim. Donec placerat dapibus nisi id facilisis.
-Maecenas pellentesque pulvinar auctor. Curabitur gravida quam sit amet purus
+Pellentesque tempor blandit elit, vel ultricies arcu congue egestas. Fusce
+vitae rutrum nisl. Fusce id mauris libero, a venenatis tellus. Fusce iaculis,
+lorem et ornare molestie, mauris risus mollis nisi, non fermentum lacus lacus
+sit amet ipsum. Praesent lobortis ullamcorper dolor, eget convallis ligula
+dignissim a. Suspendisse nulla nisi, congue et pharetra vel, convallis non
+libero. Ut a nulla ipsum. Phasellus cursus velit id neque viverra ut
+pellentesque justo posuere. Curabitur laoreet enim et velit tempor consectetur.
+Donec eu pretium urna. Suspendisse vitae nisi at metus vestibulum aliquam in
+sit amet nisl. Donec convallis lacinia odio, vestibulum molestie nunc feugiat
+a. Suspendisse vehicula, sapien id aliquet consectetur, sem sapien ullamcorper
+arcu, scelerisque porttitor elit ipsum posuere ligula. Nulla at velit eu metus
+tincidunt auctor ut sit amet enim. Donec placerat dapibus nisi id facilisis.
+Maecenas pellentesque pulvinar auctor. Curabitur gravida quam sit amet purus
consectetur blandit.
diff --git a/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-12-04-this-blog-aint-dead.markdown b/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-12-04-this-blog-aint-dead.markdown
index bdaa87f..11ec505 100644
--- a/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-12-04-this-blog-aint-dead.markdown
+++ b/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-12-04-this-blog-aint-dead.markdown
@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
title: This blog ain't dead
author: Marcus Antonius
tags: epic fail, antonius
+description: Etiam non felis aliquet tellus dictum vestibulum.
-Etiam non felis aliquet tellus dictum vestibulum. Aliquam accumsan mauris non
-lacus ultricies nec lacinia enim rhoncus. Curabitur vel tortor massa, elementum
-tincidunt elit. Maecenas venenatis luctus arcu ut ullamcorper. Donec interdum
-dolor eu enim tristique vel vehicula risus mollis. Nunc nec tortor quam. Nulla
-a mauris arcu. Phasellus venenatis tortor vel odio tincidunt consequat. Integer
-venenatis nibh vitae lectus laoreet eu feugiat nunc pretium. Integer nec turpis
+Etiam non felis aliquet tellus dictum vestibulum. Aliquam accumsan mauris non
+lacus ultricies nec lacinia enim rhoncus. Curabitur vel tortor massa, elementum
+tincidunt elit. Maecenas venenatis luctus arcu ut ullamcorper. Donec interdum
+dolor eu enim tristique vel vehicula risus mollis. Nunc nec tortor quam. Nulla
+a mauris arcu. Phasellus venenatis tortor vel odio tincidunt consequat. Integer
+venenatis nibh vitae lectus laoreet eu feugiat nunc pretium. Integer nec turpis
metus, in fermentum lorem.
diff --git a/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-12-23-almost-christmas.markdown b/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-12-23-almost-christmas.markdown
index 2e16426..aa7e473 100644
--- a/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-12-23-almost-christmas.markdown
+++ b/examples/tagblog/posts/2009-12-23-almost-christmas.markdown
@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
title: Almost Christmas!
author: Publius Vergilius Maro
tags: christmas, random crap
+description: Morbi tincidunt eleifend ante, eu gravida ante rutrum vel.
-Morbi tincidunt eleifend ante, eu gravida ante rutrum vel. Nunc bibendum nulla
-tellus, eget egestas sapien. Nam rhoncus interdum libero, eget congue orci
-imperdiet eu. Quisque pellentesque fringilla urna, ac venenatis ante ultricies
-et. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames
-ac turpis egestas. Mauris eleifend sagittis ultrices. Quisque ultrices accumsan
-nisl, sed pellentesque metus porta vitae. Nulla facilisi. In et nibh tincidunt
-mi volutpat pellentesque vitae nec sapien. Integer massa ipsum, pellentesque in
+Morbi tincidunt eleifend ante, eu gravida ante rutrum vel. Nunc bibendum nulla
+tellus, eget egestas sapien. Nam rhoncus interdum libero, eget congue orci
+imperdiet eu. Quisque pellentesque fringilla urna, ac venenatis ante ultricies
+et. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames
+ac turpis egestas. Mauris eleifend sagittis ultrices. Quisque ultrices accumsan
+nisl, sed pellentesque metus porta vitae. Nulla facilisi. In et nibh tincidunt
+mi volutpat pellentesque vitae nec sapien. Integer massa ipsum, pellentesque in
elementum at, cursus sit amet diam.
diff --git a/examples/tagblog/templates/default.html b/examples/tagblog/templates/default.html
index 049a37a..0537065 100644
--- a/examples/tagblog/templates/default.html
+++ b/examples/tagblog/templates/default.html
@@ -4,20 +4,20 @@
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
- <title>SimpleBlog - $title</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$root/css/default.css" />
+ <title>SimpleBlog - $title$</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/default.css" />
<link rel="alternate"
- href="" />
+ href="/rss.xml" />
- <h1>SimpleBlog - $title</h1>
+ <h1>SimpleBlog - $title$</h1>
<div id="navigation">
- <a href="$root/index.html">Home</a>
- <a href="$root/posts.html">All posts</a>
+ <a href="/">Home</a>
+ <a href="/posts.html">All posts</a>
- $body
+ $body$
diff --git a/examples/tagblog/index.html b/examples/tagblog/templates/index.html
index 4cade0f..7152d02 100644
--- a/examples/tagblog/index.html
+++ b/examples/tagblog/templates/index.html
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
<div id="posts">
<h1>Recent posts</h1>
- $body
+ $posts$
- <a href="$root/posts.html">All posts...</a>
+ <p><a href="/posts.html">All posts&hellip;</a></p>
+ <h1>Tags</h1>
- $tagcloud
+ $tagcloud$
diff --git a/examples/tagblog/templates/post.html b/examples/tagblog/templates/post.html
index 8ecb87d..3c47f1b 100644
--- a/examples/tagblog/templates/post.html
+++ b/examples/tagblog/templates/post.html
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-by <em>$author</em> on <strong>$date</strong>
-<div>Tagged as: $tags.</div>
+by <em>$author$</em> on <strong>$date$</strong>
+<div>Tagged as: $prettytags$.</div>
diff --git a/examples/tagblog/templates/postitem.html b/examples/tagblog/templates/postitem.html
index 0e62418..ccbb58e 100644
--- a/examples/tagblog/templates/postitem.html
+++ b/examples/tagblog/templates/postitem.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- <a href="$root/$url">$title</a>
- - <em>$date</em> - by <em>$author</em>
+ <a href="$url$">$title$</a>
+ - <em>$date$</em> - by <em>$author$</em>
diff --git a/examples/tagblog/templates/posts.html b/examples/tagblog/templates/posts.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..758c670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/tagblog/templates/posts.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ $posts$