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diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc.hs
index 5f04de4..372465b 100644
--- a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc.hs
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ module Hakyll.Web.Pandoc
, writePandocWith
, renderPandoc
, renderPandocWith
+ , renderPandocWithTransform
+ , renderPandocWithTransformM
-- * Derived compilers
, pandocCompiler
@@ -104,6 +106,32 @@ renderPandocWith ropt wopt item =
+-- | An extension of `renderPandocWith`, which allows you to specify a custom
+-- Pandoc transformation on the input `Item`.
+-- Useful if you want to do your own transformations before running
+-- custom Pandoc transformations, e.g. using a `funcField` to transform raw content.
+renderPandocWithTransform :: ReaderOptions -> WriterOptions
+ -> (Pandoc -> Pandoc)
+ -> Item String
+ -> Compiler (Item String)
+renderPandocWithTransform ropt wopt f =
+ renderPandocWithTransformM ropt wopt (return . f)
+-- | Similar to `renderPandocWithTransform`, but the Pandoc transformation is
+-- monadic. This is useful when you want the pandoc
+-- transformation to use the `Compiler` information such as routes,
+-- metadata, etc. along with your own transformations beforehand.
+renderPandocWithTransformM :: ReaderOptions -> WriterOptions
+ -> (Pandoc -> Compiler Pandoc)
+ -> Item String
+ -> Compiler (Item String)
+renderPandocWithTransformM ropt wopt f i =
+ writePandocWith wopt <$> (traverse f =<< readPandocWith ropt i)
-- | Read a page render using pandoc
pandocCompiler :: Compiler (Item String)
pandocCompiler =
@@ -137,9 +165,8 @@ pandocCompilerWithTransform ropt wopt f =
pandocCompilerWithTransformM :: ReaderOptions -> WriterOptions
-> (Pandoc -> Compiler Pandoc)
-> Compiler (Item String)
-pandocCompilerWithTransformM ropt wopt f =
- writePandocWith wopt <$>
- (traverse f =<< readPandocWith ropt =<< getResourceBody)
+pandocCompilerWithTransformM ropt wopt f =
+ getResourceBody >>= renderPandocWithTransformM ropt wopt f